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1、当初听这首当初听这首Because of you以为只以为只是讲爱情的英文歌,现在才发现原是讲爱情的英文歌,现在才发现原来这首歌有这么深的内涵。凯莉在来这首歌有这么深的内涵。凯莉在6岁岁时,亲眼目睹了父母结束了时,亲眼目睹了父母结束了17年的婚年的婚姻;而凯莉的父母早在离婚之前,就姻;而凯莉的父母早在离婚之前,就因为感情不和而经常发生激烈的争吵,因为感情不和而经常发生激烈的争吵,使得凯莉的童年生活一团糟。凯莉有使得凯莉的童年生活一团糟。凯莉有一个朋友,跟她一样有一个不幸的家一个朋友,跟她一样有一个不幸的家庭。在凯莉庭。在凯莉16岁的一天,她跟这位朋友促膝长谈了一晚。回到家里,岁的一天,她跟这位

2、朋友促膝长谈了一晚。回到家里,她写下了这首歌的草稿。她写下了这首歌的草稿。When I listened to the song called Because of you by Kelly Clarkson,I thought it was just a love song,and now I find that this song is so deep.Kylie,who was 6 years old,witnessed the end of his 17 years of marriage,and Kylies parents had a terrible quarrel with h

3、is parents before the divorce,making Kylies childhood a mess.Kylie has a friend,and she has an unhappy family.In the 16 year old Kylie one day,she told a friend a long night.Back home,she wrote down the draft of the song.歌曲歌曲MV:是根据凯莉:是根据凯莉克莱森自己的亲身经历改编而成的。克莱森自己的亲身经历改编而成的。MV的开头,女主人的开头,女主人公与丈夫在家中吵架;公与丈

4、夫在家中吵架;Song MV:according to Kelly Claesons own personal experience to adapt and become.At the beginning of the MV,the heroine and her husband at home quarrel;而后,丈夫拿起全家福准备砸掉;这时,时间静止了,这让女主角想到了自己童而后,丈夫拿起全家福准备砸掉;这时,时间静止了,这让女主角想到了自己童年的遭遇。年的遭遇。then husband picked up the family ready to drop off.At this ti

5、me,the rest of the time,which makes the heroine thought of his own childhood experience.于是,场景转换到了过去,女主人公穿越回到了她父母吵架的那个时间,于是,场景转换到了过去,女主人公穿越回到了她父母吵架的那个时间,并遇到了当时还是个小女孩的自己,并遇到了当时还是个小女孩的自己,So,the scene is converted to the past,the heroine of the past through the back of her parents quarrel that time,and

6、met a little girl at that time,并同她一同看着冷漠的父母,而父母也因为感情不和而经常激烈吵架,并同她一同看着冷漠的父母,而父母也因为感情不和而经常激烈吵架,小时候的女主人公变成了父母战争的牺牲品。小时候的女主人公变成了父母战争的牺牲品。and the same as she looked indifferent parents,but parents also because of emotional discord and often fierce fight,the young woman became the victim of the war.忽然,场景又

7、回到了现实,女主人公猛然从回忆中醒来,她看着丈夫,轻轻的从忽然,场景又回到了现实,女主人公猛然从回忆中醒来,她看着丈夫,轻轻的从丈夫的手中拿下差点被摔碎的全家福照片,时间也在此时恢复原样,女主人公与丈夫的手中拿下差点被摔碎的全家福照片,时间也在此时恢复原样,女主人公与丈夫抱在一起。丈夫抱在一起。Suddenly,the scene back to the reality,the heroine suddenly wake up from memory,she looked at her husband,gently from the hands of her husband won almos

8、t fell broken family photo time at this time restored to their original,the heroine and her husband hold together.然而,当他们拥抱在一起的时候呀,忽然看到了躲在在门后偷看的女儿,于是女然而,当他们拥抱在一起的时候呀,忽然看到了躲在在门后偷看的女儿,于是女主人公与丈夫一同朝女儿走来,开心的抱在一起。主人公与丈夫一同朝女儿走来,开心的抱在一起。However,when they embrace together,suddenly saw the daughter,who was hid

9、ing behind the door,the hero of Yu Shinv and her husband together toward the daughter,happy to embrace together.Because of You不仅是情感的表达,不仅是情感的表达,更是一种呼声,具有积极的社会意义。更是一种呼声,具有积极的社会意义。Because of You,not only is the expression of emotion,but also a kind of voice,which has positive social significance.就像周杰伦

10、的那首就像周杰伦的那首爸,我回来了爸,我回来了,让许,让许多人都明白,家庭冲突最大的受害者,往往多人都明白,家庭冲突最大的受害者,往往不是冲突的双方,而是无辜的孩子。不是冲突的双方,而是无辜的孩子。Like Jay Chous Dad,I come back,so that many people are aware that the biggest victims of family conflict,is often not the conflict between the two sides,but innocent children.MVI will not make the same

11、 mistakes that you did 我不会犯你犯过的错误 I will not let myself 我不会让我自己 Cause my heart so much misery 导致我的心情如此苦恼 I will not break the way you did,我不会破坏你的方式 You fell so hard 你坚强的倒下 I ve learned the hard way 我已经学会那条艰辛的道路 To never let it get that far 去不让它永远都到那里为止Because of you 因为你 I never stray too far from th

12、e sidewalk 我从来不远离人行道 Because of you 因为你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会在安全的地方玩耍所以就不会受伤 Because of you 因为你 I find it hard to trust not only me,but everyone around me 我发现很难去相信自己以及所有在我身边的人 Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕 I lose my way 我迷失方向 And it s not too long before you

13、 point it out 在你指出问题的不久前 I cannot cry 我不能哭 Because you know that s weakness in your eyes 因为你知道我的弱点 I m forced to fake 我被迫去伪装 A smile,a laugh everyday of my life 微笑.大笑,在我的生命当中的每一天My heart cant possibly break 我的心不可能碎 When it wasnt even whole to start with 甚至当它一开始就不是完整的 Because of you 因为你 I never stray

14、 too far from the sidewalk 我从来不远离人行道 Because of you 因为你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会在安全的地方玩耍所以就不会受伤 Because of you 因为你 I find it hard to trust not only me,but everyone around me 我发现很难去相信自己以及所有在我身边的人 Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕 I watched you die 我看着你死去 I heard you

15、 cry every night in your sleep 我听见过你每天晚上在床上哭泣 I was so young 我当时太小 You should have known better than to lean on me 你应该知道一些比依靠我更好的办法 You never thought of anyone else 你从来没有考虑过别人的感受 You just saw your pain 你只看见自己的伤痛 And now I cry in the middle of the night 现在我在深夜里哭泣 For the same damn thing 也是为了同样谴责的事 Be

16、cause of you 因为你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我从来不远离人行道 Because of you 因为你I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会在安全的地方玩耍所以就不会受伤 Because of you 因为你 Because of you 因为你 I try my hardest just to forget everything 我尽我最大努力去忘记所有事 Because of you 因为你 I don t know how to let anyone else in 我不知道如何容纳任何人 Because of you 因为你 I m ashamed of my life because it s empty 我为我的生活感到羞耻 因为它是空的 Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕 Because of you Because of you/10/2915.


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