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1、1.Life Experience2.Great Contributions3.Literary Works4.Evaluation contentHe was born in Boston,the youngest son of a poor craftsman on January 17,1706.He had little formal education,but he taught himself by reading widely.At 17,he ran away to Philadelphia to make his own fortune and became a succes

2、sful printer and publisher.At 24,as the owner and the editor of Pennsylvania Gazette,he made the periodical(周刊,杂志)popular.In 1751,he helped to establish an academy that eventually the university of Pennsylvania.In 1748,he began to devoted the rest of life to science,literature,diplomacy.On March 17,

3、1790,he died Life ExperienceWriterStatesmanBusinessmanScientistModel of the American dreamPrinterPhilosopherInventor DiplomatServing god best is to contribute your talent to the people and community1.Poor Richards Almanac穷查理的年历/格言历书 Modeled on farmers annual calendar;Kept publishing for many years;I

4、ncludes many classical sayings:Litery WorksExcerpts/ekseksptpt/from Poor Richards Almanac“A penny saved is a penny earned.”“Early to bed,and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy,and wise.”God helps those who help themselves.Beware of little expenses:a small leak will leak a great ship.Eat to li

5、ve,and not live to eat.Be slow in choosing a friend,slower in changing.省一文等于挣一文;聚沙可以成塔,积水可以成河省一文等于挣一文;聚沙可以成塔,积水可以成河。早睡早起早睡早起,使人健康、富有和聪明使人健康、富有和聪明。天助自助者天助自助者。小小开支不可随意,小小漏洞会沉大船。小小开支不可随意,小小漏洞会沉大船。吃饭是为了活着吃饭是为了活着,活着不是为了吃饭。活着不是为了吃饭。选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 本杰明

6、本杰明富兰克林自传富兰克林自传 It was considered to be the greatest autobiography produced in Colonial America which was published here contained 14 chapters.ContentFour parts written at four different times1st part:1771;a letter to his son;about 80 pages;his life before the age of 252nd part:1784;his life between

7、 the age of 25 and 42;3rd part:1788;his social and scientific life;4th part:1790;his life between his retirement and death;“Thirteen Virtues”(13条美德)1.Temperance:Eat not to dullness;drink not to elevation.节制。食不过饱;饮酒不醉。2.Silence:Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself;avoid trifling conversa

8、tion.缄默。言则于人于己有益,不作无益闲聊。3.Order:Let all your things have their places;let each part of your business have its time.秩序。各样东西放在一定地方;各项日常事务应有一定的处理时间。4.Resolution:Resolve to perform what you ought;perform without fail what you resolve.决断。事情当做必做;既做则坚持到底。5.Frugality:Make no expense but to do good to others

9、 or yourself;i.e.,waste nothing.节俭。花钱须于人于己有益,即不浪费。6.Industry:Lose no time;be always employed in something useful;cut off all unnecessary actions.勤勉。不浪费时间;每时每刻做有用之事,戒除一切不必要的行动。7.Sincerity:Use no hurtful deceit;think innocently and justly;and,if you speak,speak accordingly.诚恳。不欺骗人;思想纯洁公正;说话也应诚实。8.Just

10、ice:Wrong none by doing injuries,or omitting the benefits that are your duty.正直。不做不利他人之事,切勿忘记履行对人有益的义务而伤害他人。9.Moderation:Avoid extremes;forbear resenting injuries,so much as you think they deserve.中庸。勿走极端;受到应有的处罚,应当加以容忍。10.Cleanliness:Tolerate no unclearness in body,clothes,or habitation.整洁。身体、衣服和住所

11、应力求清洁。11.Tranquility:Be not disturbed at trifles,or at accidents common or unavoidable.平静。勿因琐事或普通而不可避免的事件而烦恼。12.Chastity:Rarely use venery but for health or offspring,never to dullness,weakness,or the injury of your own or anothers peace or reputation.节欲。除了为了健康或生育后代起见,不常举行房事,切戒房事过度,伤害身体或损害你自己或他人的安宁或

12、名誉13.Humility:Imitate Jesus and Socrates.谦逊。效法耶稣和苏格拉底。why is his Autobiography important?1)It is the first of its kind in American literature.2)It is a puritan document.3)It is the illustration of American dream.4)It is the best example of plain style.Comments on Autobiography1)Autobiography realist

13、ically described the life of Franklin whose rags-to-riches experiences became the prototype of many Americans dream of success.2)The prototype characterized by self-culture,self-improvement,self-reliance,self-cultivation,faith in the progress of society and the ideals of the future,practical and opt

14、imistic attitude toward life,and final success have been inspiring generations of Americans.3)It shows that Franklin was spokesman for the new order of 18-century Enlightenment that man is basically good and free by nature,endowed with certain inalienable rights of liberty and the pursuit of happine

15、ss.It celebrates the fulfillment of the American dream.EvaluationHe is a typical American,model of the self-made man,a cultural hero whose life exemplified the American dream of the poor boy who made good.He stressed the importance of working hard to make money,happiness depending in the first place on economic success and optimistically believed that every American could do so.He was convinced that no man could be virtuous or happy unless he did his best to improve the life of his society and his own life.


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