1、真题全套中兴培训认证NO1 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answerOSI参考模型中,从下而上,第三层为( )1网络层2数据链路层3物理层4传输层NO2 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer下面属于物理层的设备是1网桥2网关3中继器4以太网交换机NO3 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer用来检查到一台主机的网络层是否连通命令是( )1PING2TRACERT3TELNET4IPCONFIGNO4 (2 Point) Please choose the c
2、orrect answerOSI参考模型是哪一个国际标准化组织提出的?1ISO2ITU3IEEE4ANSINO5 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answerZXR10-T64E/T128系列路由器中的UPC板是( )1路由协议处理和操纵模块2交换模块3接口卡4接口卡处理模块NO6 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer10.0.0.129/26主机地址所在网段的广播地址是110.0.0.128210.0.0.255310.0.0.191410.0.0.192NO7 (2 Point) Please choo
3、se the correct answer10.1.0.1/17 的广播地址是110.1.128.255210.1.63.255310.1.127.255410.1.126.255NO8 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer下列哪些是MAC地址1192.201.63.251219-22-01-63-2530000.1234.FEG400-00-12-34-FE-AANO9 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer2826E交换机支持的MTU值最大是多少11472215043153641632NO10 (
4、2 Point) Please choose the correct answerOSI参考模型中,从下而上,第二层为( )1网络层2数据链路层3物理层4传输层NO11 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer某公司申请到一个C类IP地址,需要分配给8个子公司,最大的一个子公司有14台运算机,每个子公司在一个网段中,则子网掩码应设为1255.255.255.02255.255.255.1283255.255.255.2404255.255.255.224NO12 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer配置
5、T64E时,通过串口线连接 ( )板的com口1UPC2SFC3NPCI4BICNO13 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer主机地址123.200.8.68/28的网段地址是1123.200.8.021231.200.8.323123.200.8.644123.200.8.655123.200.8.31NO14 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer关于不同VLAN之间的通信的说法正确的是1一个二层交换机被划分为两个VLAN,这两个VLAN之间是能够通信的2一个三层交换机被划分为两个VLAN,两个V
6、LAN之间要通信,必须给这两个VLAN配置IP地址3关于三层交换机,分别连接两个不同VLAN的主机的ARP表中有对方IP地址与MAC地址的映射表项,如此这两台主机才能够通信4不同VLAN之间通过路由器通信,路由器在那个地点所起的作用只是转发数据报NO15 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answerZXR10-28xx表示_ _类型的以太网交换机。1接入交换机、二层FE交换机2接入交换机、二层FE交换机,FE上行3接入交换机、二层FE交换机,GE上行4汇聚交换机、三层FE交换机,GE上行(二层半)NO16 (2 Point) Please choose
7、the correct answerZXR10-26xx表示_ _类型的以太网交换机。1接入交换机、二层FE交换机2接入交换机、二层FE交换机,FE上行3接入交换机、二层FE交换机,GE上行4汇聚交换机、三层FE交换机,GE上行(二层半)NO17 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answerZXR10-39xx表示_ _类型的以太网交换机。1接入交换机、二层FE交换机,FE上行2汇聚交换机、三层GE交换机,全部GE接口3汇聚交换机、三层FE交换机,GE上行4汇聚交换机、二层GE交换机,全部GE接口NO18 (2 Point) Please choose
8、the correct answer中兴通讯的哪一款路由器获得了国家科技进步二等奖1T1282T64E3GER4GAR(GAR接入路由器的四个型号:2604,2608,3608,7208)NO19 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answerGAR不包括下面哪款设备12604236083360447208NO20 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answer中兴通讯的( )获得了信息产业部首张国产高端路由器的进网许可证1GAR2GER3T64E4T128NO21 (2 Point) Please choose th
9、e correct answers关于网络172.168.16.0 MASK,与它相邻的子网是()1172.168.20.02172.168.24.03172.168.32.04172.168.12.0NO22 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answersOSI模型中,传输层的功能有( )1进行流控操纵2提供面向连接与面向非连接的服务3提供可靠或不可靠的服务4在应用主机程序之间建立端到端的连接NO23 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers光模块接口类型有( )1SC接口2MT
10、RJ接口3ST接口4LC接口NO24 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answersUDP协议和TCP协议的共同之处有()1流量操纵2重传机制3校验和4提供目的、源端口号NO25 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers访问操纵列表(ACL)要紧分为( )1标准ACL2简单ACL3扩展ACL4复杂ACLNO26 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answersZXR10 ZSR多业务路由器包括以下系列产品1ZXR10 ZSR18002ZXR10 ZSR28003ZXR10
11、 ZSR38004ZXR10 ZSR4800NO27 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers以下哪些型号的产品属于中兴GAR系列路由器17208236083260843206NO28 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers中兴R10系列路由器产品中定位在骨干层的设备是1T1282T12003T64E4GARNO29 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers中兴通讯目前正在销售的路由器产品包括( )等产品。1T1282T64E3GAR4GERNO30 (2
12、 Point) Please choose the correct answers中兴R10系列路由器产品中定位在接入层的设备是1GAR72082GAR36083GAR26084GAR2604NO31 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answersGAR路由器能够细分为( )三个系列的产品172278336426NO32 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers中兴R10系列路由器产品中定位在汇聚层的设备是1T1282T12003T64E4GERNO33 (2 Point) Please choose the
13、 correct answers以下关于ZXR10 3928描述正确的是1最大支持24个FE2最大支持4个GE3最大支持28个GE4最大支持39个FENO34 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers以下关于ZXR10 3906描述正确的是1最大支持48个FE2最大支持4个GE3最大支持6个GE4最大支持39个FENO35 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers以下关于ZXR10 3952描述正确的是1最大支持48个FE电口2最大支持4个GE3最大支持52个GE4最大支持39个FENO36 (2 Po
14、int) Please choose the correct answers以下哪些型号的产品属于三层交换机13906239523392842818SNO37 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers以下产品中单台设备能够提供48个FE电口的设备有13906239523392843206NO38 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answersZXR10 T64G支持的路由协议有( )1OSPF2IS-IS3BGP44RIPNO39 (2 Point) Please choose the correct ans
15、wersT64G路由交换机中,主控板与业务单板的组合方式包括11+621+532+442+5NO40 (2 Point) Please choose the correct answers以下属于中兴SOHO系列交换机的是110XX系列215xx系列329xx系列426xx系列NO41 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrong2826E系列交换机和2826S系列交换机一样,都支持802.1P的QOS。 Both the
16、2826E series switches and 2826S series switches support QoS of the 802.1P1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO42 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrongT64E从网络启动后能够把内存中的版本拷贝到FLASH中 After starting the network, the T64E is able to copy the version from
17、 the memory to FLASH.1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO43 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrong28系列交换机是低端二层交换机,不具备任何三层功能。 The 28 series switch is a low-end L2 switch without any L3 functions.1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO44 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for
18、true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrong2826S和2826E之间是能够在一起做集群治理的。 Cluster management can be implemented at the same time between the 2826S and the 2826E.1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO45 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the
19、statement is wrongIP地址255.255.255.255能够分配给一台主机作为该主机的IP地址。1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO46 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrongZXR10交换机支持实现虚拟局域网(VLAN)来进一步划分广播域 The ZXR10 switch supports implementation of the virtual LAN (VLAN) to further div
20、ide the broadcast domain.1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO47 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrong2826E、2826S和3906之间是能够在一起做集群治理的。 The 2826E, 2826S and 3906 can conduct cluster management together.1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO48 (1 Point) Please fill in “1
21、” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrong运算机网卡的MAC地址是IETF统一给各个厂家分配的,全球唯独 The MAC address of the computer network card is allocated by IETF to each manufacturer and globally unique.1 是(Yes)0 否(No) IEEENO49 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement
22、is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrong生成树算法(Spanning Tree Algorithm) 通过将导致循环连接的端口设置为堵塞状态, 来保证网络拓扑中没有环路存在 The spanning tree algorithm (STA) guarantees the network topology free from loops by blocking the port that cause cyclic connection.1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO50 (1 Point) Please fill in “1
23、” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrong2826E对链路聚合均支持动态模式LACP和静态模式TRUNK。 The 2826E supports both the dynamic mode LACP and static mode TRUNK of link aggregation.1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO51 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for
24、false if the statement is wrongGER不支持交流220V供电。1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO52 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrong中兴R10 GAR系列路由器产品要紧定位在汇聚层。1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO53 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for fa
25、lse if the statement is wrongGAR7208能够支持交换主控的冗余。1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO54 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrongGAR路由器能够细分为(72、36、26)三个系列的产品1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO55 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” f
26、or false if the statement is wrongZXR10 T128要紧定位在网络的核心层1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO56 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrongZXR10 3906最大支持48个FE口和4个GE口1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO57 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and
27、“0” for false if the statement is wrongZXR10 26系列交换机差不多上二层交换机。1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO58 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrongZXR10 3206S最大支持6个FE口。1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO59 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrongZXR10 39系列交换机差不多上三层交换机1 是(Yes)0 否(No) NO60 (1 Point) Please fill in “1” for true if the statement is right, and “0” for false if the statement is wrong中兴数据产品ZXR10中,后缀为FI的型号表示该机型是全光口型号1 是(Yes)0 否(No)