1、Lecture Two Linguistic features of legal texts法律语言特点vR BC2020/12/111法律语言的篇章结构特点法律语言的篇章结构特点Structural features of legal texts法律语言的用词特点法律语言的用词特点Lexical features of legal language法律语言分类法律语言分类Classification of legal languagePractice Teaching Contents法律语言的句法特点法律语言的句法特点Syntactic features of legal language
2、2020/12/112一、法律语言分类一、法律语言分类Classification of legal language法律语言Legal/statutory language立法语言Legislative language司法语言Judicial language法律科学语言Language of legal science程序立法语言实体立法语言司法文书语言笔录语言司法谈话问话语言法庭演讲语言法庭辩论语言法学著述语言法学论文语言法律史语言法律哲学语言2020/12/113二、法律语言的用词特点二、法律语言的用词特点Lexical features of legal languagev法律语言
3、特点:词语的专业性、句法结构的模式性、表达方式的特定性、语体风格的庄严性v1.法律专业术语v仅用于法律领域,词义单一,表达准确,不含感情色彩。vE.g.法人、自然人、正当防卫、民事行为能力、当事人、过错责任、过失责任、不作为vDefendant(被告),plaintiff(原告),serial killer(系列命案凶手),homicide(杀人犯),affray(在公共场所斗殴罪),bigamy(重婚罪)2020/12/114v送达v传票v撤诉v一审v判决v上诉v终审v侵权v损害赔偿v过失责任v过错责任v连带责任v共同责任vFree on boardvBill of lading vLett
4、er of credit vDocuments against acceptancevClaimvForce majeurevArbitrationServiceSummonsDismissal of action(trial of)first instanceJudgmentAppealFinal judgmentTortDamagesNegligence liabilityFault liabilityJoint and several liabilityJoint liability船上交货提单信用证承兑交单索赔不可抗力仲裁2020/12/115v2.普通词汇转化为法律专业词汇v由普通词
5、汇转化而来,在法律语境中具有专业含义vE.g.He was awarded$500 damages for the injury he suffered in the accident.v (1)The testator died without issue.v (2)The parties could not agree on the issue.v (3)The passport was issued by the Liverpool office.v (4)Parties must wait for process to issue from the court.2020/12/116v
6、ConsiderationvActionvServicevNegligencevLimitationvOffervAcceptancevMinorvInstrumentvPreservationvExecutevDocumentaryvPrejudicevConclusionvNegotiationvAvoid对价诉讼送达过失时效要约承诺(承兑)未成年人法律文件保全签署跟单损害订立议付撤销2020/12/117v日常英语词汇vBeforevAftervBeginvAccording tovIfvObeyvAsk forvThinkvForvBy 3.正式词汇正式词汇法律英语词汇Prior to
7、Subsequent toCommenceIn accordance with,pursuant toWhere,provided thatComplyPrayDeem,holdFor the purpose ofBy virtue of2020/12/118v4.古旧词vAforesaidvForthwithvHere words:hereafter,hereby,herein,hereinafter,hereinbefore,hereof,heretofore,hereunder,herewithvWithout let or hinderancevSaidvPursuant tovSuc
8、hvThence,thenceforthvThere words:thereabout,thereafter,thereat,thereby,therefor,therefore,therein,thereon,thereto,theretofore,thereunto(相当于in the document/place referred to),thereunder,thereupon,therewithvWhere words:whereas(相当于given the fact that),whereat,whereby,whereofvWitness(以签名或宣誓方式作证时,如 In wi
9、tness whereof,.特此证明)2020/12/119 Ad hocvAlibivBona fidevVersusvForce majeurevAlienvAssignsvColorvCurtesyvDowervDemisevDemurvFeevLachesvLienvMalfeasancevordainvRecordvRemisevResiduevSuitvSuffervTortvSpecialtyvPurviewvstyle专门的辩解真诚的,善意的对抗不可抗力转让代理人,受让人,受托人托辞,借口鳏夫对亡妻的遗产受益权亡夫遗产遗赠抗辩,反对继承的不动产行使权力的疏忽、懈怠留置权;抵押
10、权渎职,滥用职权任命,委任诉讼记录让与剩余财产诉讼允许侵权盖印合同(契约)法规条文;条款部分称谓5.外来词2020/12/1110v6.并用近义词v为确保准确性和严密性,避免歧义,法律语言中常并列使用近义词。v求同型:vNull and void 无效;terms and conditions 条款;provisions and stipulations 规定v求异型:vObligation and liability 义务和责任;interpretation and construction 理解和解释 2020/12/1111v7.规约性情态动词vShall 在法律文件中表示义务,否定形式
11、表禁止vThe Licensee shall retain recordings of good quality of all its works for such a period as specified by the Licensing Authority and shall submit them to the Licensing Authority for examination on demand.v持证人须在发证当局指明的期间内,为其全部作品保存质量良好的录制品,并且在发证当局提出要求时,须将该等录制品呈交发证当局审查vThe arbitral tribunal shall st
12、ate the reasons upon which the award is based.v仲裁庭应当阐明裁决所依据的理由。vThis Convention shall not affect,or be incompatible with,the application of any international convention or national law relating to the regulation and control of transport operations.v本公约不得影响任何有关运输业务管理的国际公约或国家法律的适用。2020/12/1112vMay表示权利
13、,其否定形式译为“不得”,语气弱于shall notvA contract may be modified or terminated by the mere agreement of the parties.v只要当事人达成协议,合同可以予以变更或修改。vThe death penalty may not in any event be passed on a person under 18 years of age,nor on an expectant mother.v无论在任何情况下,均不得判处未满18岁者或孕妇死刑。2020/12/1113三、法律语言的句法特点法律语言的句法特点Sy
14、ntactic features of legal languagev1.陈述句为基本句型vE.g.纳税人销售货物或者应税劳务,应当向索取增值税发票的购买方开具增值税专用发票,并在增值税专用发票上分别注明销售额和销售税项。(中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例第21条)vA contract is an exchange of promises between two or more parties to do or refrain from doing an act which is enforceable in a court of law.(The Contract Law of the Uni
15、ted States of America)2020/12/1114v2.简单短句和复杂长句结合使用v法律语言具有高度概括性,在句法上表现为简短句的频繁使用。vE.g.中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。(中华人民共和国宪法总纲第二条)vThe citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.(The Constitution of the United States of America,Article IV,Section 2
17、七十一条)2020/12/1116vNo person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress,or elector of President and Vice-President,or hold any office,civil or military,under the United States,or under any State,who,having previously taken an oath,as a member of Congress,or as an officer of the United States,or
18、 as a member of any State legislature,or as an executive or judicial officer of any State,to support the Constitution of the United States,shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same,or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.(The Constitution of the United States of America
19、,Amendment 14)2020/12/1117v3.“的”字结构的规范运用v“的”字结构,省略作为逻辑主语的行为者,一般在句中充当主语。突出法律语言的庄重、简洁、严谨,同时体现出程式化特点。汉语法律文书中主语使用“动宾+的”结构。vE.g.对于扣押的物品、文件、邮件、电报,或者冻结的存款、汇款,经查明确实与案件无关的,应当在3日以内解除扣押、冻结,退还原主或者原邮电机关。(中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法第一百一十八条)v“的”字结构构成的词组常用作主语,表示假定的条件,通常前置。vE.g.以营利为目的,制作、贩卖淫书、淫画的,处3年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,可以并处罚金。(中华人民共和国刑法
20、第一百七十条)2020/12/1118v此种结构标准英文表述是any person who does.,shall be guilty of an offence/commit an offence;我国英文版刑法大量使用Whoever does sth.is to be sentenced to X years of fixed-term imprisonment,life imprisonment,or death.vE.g.Article 115.Whoever sets fire,breaches dikes,causes explosions,and spreads poison;e
21、mploys other dangerous means that lead to serious injuries or death;or causes public or private property major losses is to be sentenced to not less than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment,life imprisonment,or death.Whoever commits the crimes in the preceding paragraph negligently is to be sentence
22、d to not less than three years to not more than seven years of fixed-term imprisonment;or not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment;or not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment,or criminal detention,when circumstances are relatively minor.v第一百一十五条 放火、决水、爆炸、投毒或者以其它危险方法致人重伤、死亡或者使
23、公私财产遭受重大损失的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑。过失犯前款罪的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑;情节较轻的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。2020/12/1119v4.语句形式的模式化v法律句式都有较为固定的形式,体现在立法、司法和法律实践领域。v汉语立法语言中常见:“.有权.”、“禁止.”、“有.自由”v被告人王某,男,现年30岁,汉族,北京丰台区人,住北京丰台区丰台路211号,于2001年3月1日取保候审。vThis contract is made and entered into between Party A(the buyer,holder of American ID c
24、ard 123456)and Party B(The seller)on _ and has the following terms:.2020/12/1120v5.复合句的使用v为准确表达复杂的逻辑关系,汉英法律语言大量使用复合句。v正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任,但是应当减轻或者免除处罚。对正在进行行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其它严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪,采取防卫行为,造成不法侵害人伤亡的,不属于防卫过当,不负刑事责任。中华人民共和国刑法第二十条vIf any Bill shall not be returned by the President within
25、 ten Days(Sundays excepted)after it shall have been presented to him,the same shall be a law,in like manners as if he had signed it,unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return,in which Case it shall not be a Law.(The Constitution of the United States of America,Article I,Section 7)20
26、20/12/1121v6.被动句的使用v法律文件中被动句的使用在于表述动作本身,突出动作的承受者而不是动作的执行者,并客观地对有关事项进行描述规定。体现法律语言庄严、客观、公正的文体特点。vE.g.民族自治地方的自治机关有管理地方财政的自治权。凡是依照国家财政体制属于民族自治地方的财政收入,都应当有民族自治地方的自治机关自主地安排使用。(中华人民共和国宪法第一百一十七条)v译:The organs of self-government of the national autonomous areas have the power of autonomy in administering the
27、 finances of their areas.All revenues accruing to the national autonomous areas under the financial system of the state shall be managed and used independently by the organs of self-government of those areas.vRepresentatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be
28、 included within this union,according to their respective numbers,which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons,including those bound to service for a term of years,and excluding Indians not taxed,three fifths of all other Persons.(The Constitution of the United States of A
29、merica,Article I,Section2)2020/12/1122v7.名词化结构的使用v由其它此类形成名词或由底层小句得出名词短语,可扩大信息含量,使行文流畅、简洁,表达客观、精确。vE.g.国家保护社会主义的公共财产。禁止任何组织或者个人用任何手段侵占或者破坏国家和集体的财产。v译:The State protects socialist public property.Appropriation or damaging of State or collective property by any organization or individual by whatever means is prohibited.vThe obligation under Articles 3 and 4 do not apply to procedures provided in multilateral agreements ocncluded under the auspices of WIPO relating to the acquisition or maintenance of intellectual property rights.2020/12/1123PPT教学课件谢 谢 观 看Thank You For Watching24