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1、新托福口语Task 3解析之题目中的“不变” 朗阁海外考试研究中心 吴微微新托福口语中的Task 3,这是很多同学既喜欢又害怕做的一个题。经过2个独立题,大家终于不用再纠结15秒钟要快速想话题的环节了。在Task 3 中,大家不需要构思自己的观点,只需根据阅读和听力材料进行话题的概述。但又让大家害怕的是,Task 3 是一个综合题,需要大家结合阅读和听力进行作答。这就涉及到大家的综合听力、阅读和口语能力。阅读材料仅有45秒钟的时间进行阅读。读完很容易出现的情况是忘记阅读内容,或者就是45秒钟的时间内很多同学根本抓不住阅读重点。此外,对于听力内容有些同学也会很紧张。阅读和听力的内容一直在变,应该

2、如何备考第三题,去抓住那些变化的点呢?带着这些疑问,笔者将通过归纳Task 3 的场景,让大家能够提高一个高度,从更本质的方面去看待问题,了解第三题中的不变之处。一、不变之处:考点之话题形式话题介绍首先给大家介绍一下整个话题涉及几个主要部分以及内容,如下表:Task 3话题介绍阅读听力准备回答时间:45s时间:60s时间:30s时间:60s形式:1.校园通知2.学生信件形式:1.男女学生对话:反对或者同意阅读内容整合阅读和听力笔记1.总结阅读部分2.概括主要说话人观点注:校园通知通常有以下形式:announcement / policy / notice / decision / plan学生

3、信件主要包括以下两种: complaint letter / student proposal二、不变之处:考点之话题场景场景归纳Task 3 主要内容出处为校园生活,下面笔者想通过归纳TPO真题给大家分享主要的校园场景话题分类。让大家能够对托福口语中的校园生活场景有进一步的认识。主要归纳为:1. 活动、计划或者课程的取消TPO 2 elimination of bus serviceTPO 3 hot breakfast eliminatedTPO 7 sculpture course will be discontinuedTPO 23 no more international news

4、2. 地点或者人物等要素的改变TPO 5 university dining hall being transformed into the Campus Dining ClubTPO 10 art work being displayed at lobbyTPO 12 changes of college radio stationTPO 17 multi-person study tables being changed into personal cubiclesTPO 18 university choir entering off-campus singing competition

5、TPO 21 weekly newspaper being changed into daily e-mailTPO 22 campus tour guides being changed3. 校园扩建、改善、整修、关闭TPO 11 dormitory renovationTPO 13 new athletic stadium being builtTPO 15 campus running tail being paved with cementTPO 16 improvement of student health serviceTPO 24 close of campus coffee

6、house4. 时间、费用的增加或减少TPO 4 evening computer classes being addedTPO 6 history seminar should be shorterTPO 19 fee increase for recreation center use5. 学习或校园生活环境的改善TPO 8 music coming into cafeteriasTPO 14 students being allowed to eat in the class对于这些场景的归纳,笔者希望真正去考过试的或者在备考托福的考生们回想一下,你们考过的,或者是平时练习的真题是不是基

7、本上不逃脱通知和学生信件这两大类形式以及上述归纳的这五大类场景呢?通过认识Task 3 中这些不变的点,再去做一下这一类题,考生们会不会发现并不是每次都让大家特别措手不及呢?是否会觉得更容易上手了呢?了解场景后,笔者将分别从阅读和听力两个方面给大家介绍Task 3 的答题要点。阅读要点对于阅读,主要想从两个方面来谈论,即:阅读中的笔记应该重点记什么,以及答题要点。下面主要以TPO中的话题来给大家进行分析。1. 笔记重点以下,主要按照文章发展给大家介绍我们笔记中所要记的重点。首先,我们要做的是快速根据导语确认话题形式announcement还是letter from student。大家可以用简

8、单的大写字母A和L各表示通知和学生信件。阅读文章出现后,首先要关注的是Title,很多情况下我们能够从题目中读出文章的主旨何在。如:TPO 2 elimination of bus serviceTPO 3 hot breakfast eliminatedTPO 7 sculpture course will be discontinuedTPO 23 no more international news当然也会有情况我们不理解题目或者想更多的了解话题的主旨,大家可以扫读阅读中的第一和第二句话,通常我们能从中得到有关话题的更具体的信息。1)以下话题中,我们很难根据题目去进行话题主旨了解。前两句

9、话给了我们足够的具体信息去了解话题主旨。Campus Dining Club AnnouncedStarting this year, the university dining hall will be transformed into the Campus Dining Club for one week at the end of each semester. During the last week of each semester, the dining hall will feature special meals prepared by the universitys culin

10、ary arts students. (TPO5)通过红色字体,我们可以很快得出,The announcement is about to transform the university dining hall into the campus dining club.2)很多同学其实可以从题目去了解话题的主旨,学校要铺跑道。University Should Pave Running TrailsThe university has about three miles of unpaved dirt running trails that pass through the forest ne

11、ar campus. I think these trails should be paved with cement. (TPO15)铺什么,怎么铺这些我们都不得而知,从开始的第二个句子中,大家就可以很好的了解,学校是想铺水泥跑道。The running trails in the university will be paced with cement.其次,大家需要找出的是校园通知或者是学生信件的缘由,为什么要出这样的通知或者写信给学校,一定存在一定的理由。通常在Task 3 中有2个理由。很多时候,我们可以通过英文表达中的逻辑词汇找到这两个点的topic sentence。Univer

12、sity Should Allow Eating in ClassCurrently, there is a university-wide policy that prohibits eating in the classroom. I disagree with this policy. I think students should be allowed to eat in class. This change would be good for two reasons. For one thing, students were permitted to eat, they would

13、be able to concentrate better, because students often get hungry during long classes, and hunger makes it difficult to concentrate. Also, if food were allowed in classrooms, it would be possible for us to have in-class parties on the last day of classwith snack foods and beveragesto celebrate the en

14、d of each semester. (TPO 14)通过扫读逻辑词汇,大家很快就能找到此次信件的理由:Reason 1: It enables students to have better concentration in the class.Reason 2: It is possible for students to have an in-class party at the end of the semester.会有这样一种情况,学校会引用某些教授或者领导的原话去表达。看到文章中大量的引号,那理由必定会出现在领导话语中,大家不妨从这方面入手找找。Fee Increase for

15、 Recreation Center UseThe university administration today announced a $25 increase in the student fee for using the campus recreation center. The higher fee, which all students are required to pay, will provide funds to upgrade the facility and provide newer, more modern exercise equipment at the ce

16、nter. “We expect the improvements to increase student use of the facility,” explained David Smith, director of the student activities office. Mr. Smith also noted that the decision was approved because “We feel that $25 is a reasonable increase that will be affordable for individual students.” (TPO

17、19)开始两个句子讲明主题后,我们发现后面大量引号,那大家就不要看引号之外去记录说话人的姓名或者其它信息了,主要去理解并且记录话语信息。Reason 1: It is assumed that students will use the improved facility more frequently.Reason 2: It is reasonable to charge an extra $25 by the students, and they can afford it.2. 阅读答题要点阅读文章的答题要点也就是要求大家能够整合以上两个笔记过程,即主旨和2个理由。同样我们选择以上的T

18、PO 19 来进行整合:It is announced by the university administration that students are supposed to charge an extra $25 by using the upgraded facility in the recreation center. It is assumed that students will use the improved facility more frequently. Whats more, they consider that it is reasonable to charg

19、e an extra $25 by the students, which is affordable for them.除了理由的整合之外,大家千万不能忘了两点之间逻辑词的呈现。这样的表达会让大家的结构更加清晰。听力要点1. 笔记重点根据听力的形式,也就是男女学生对话这样一种形式,我们可以进行分类笔记,即:把纸张对折,左边可以写上F,右边可以写上M,分别表示女学生female和男学生male。首先,对话开始,我们的第一要务就是去抓住主要说话人(Major speakers),找出他们说话人的观点。很多时候大家可以根据说话人的语音语调去判断,当然也可以直接从语言入手。积极的观点,大家通常能听到

20、这样的话语:I think it is a good idea.I really like it.I think it will work.消极的观点,通常大家能听到的是:They are making a mistake.I dont think what she proposes will do much good.I think it is a terrible idea.No, actually, I do not think it is a good idea.I do not think it is gonna work.I do not like the idea.I (tota

21、lly) disagree.Are they serious?(质疑的语调)I just upset about the article I read this morning.判断说话人的观点,大家通常可以用符号进行表示,积极观点可以在说话人旁边打,消极观点则。其次是记录主要说话人的观点。在这里,很多学生会感到相当的害怕,就怕一走神什么都没听到,或者什么也听不懂。最纠结的是没有选项可以选择,必须要把内容说出来。这就是大家为什么会觉得口语中的听力要比真正的听力简单的多,但又觉得口语中的听力更难的原因。其实,大家要自信起来,我们听到的听力文章,对于看过阅读文章的我们来说,并不是一篇全新的听力。阅

22、读和听力之间是存在一定的关系的。根据主要说话人的态度,听阅主要存在两种相关关系。1)积极观点:正相关以TPO 19 为例Fee Increase for Recreation Center UseThe university administration today announced a $25 increase in the student fee for using the campus recreation center. The higher fee, which all students are required to pay, will provide funds to upgr

23、ade the facility and provide newer, more modern exercise equipment at the center. “We expect the improvements to increase student use of the facility,” explained David Smith, director of the student activities office. Mr. Smith also noted that the decision was approved because “We feel that $25 is a

24、 reasonable increase that will be affordable for individual students.” (TPO 19)Reason 1: It is assumed that students will use the improved facility more frequently.Reason 2: It is reasonable to charge an extra $25 by the students, and they can afford it.主要说话人为男学生,他表示同意话题的内容。因此,我们可以判断,接下去他的观点将会更加去加强阅

25、读中的两个点,即:增加学生使用率和增加费用的合理性。会有一些具体的事实或者例子来加强观点。2)消极观点:负相关以TPO 14 为例University Should Allow Eating in ClassCurrently, there is a university-wide policy that prohibits eating in the classroom. I disagree with this policy. I think students should be allowed to eat in class. This change would be good for

26、two reasons. For one thing, students were permitted to eat, they would be able to concentrate better, because students often get hungry during long classes, and hunger makes it difficult to concentrate. Also, if food were allowed in classrooms, it would be possible for us to have in-class parties on

27、 the last day of classwith snack foods and beveragesto celebrate the end of each semester. (TPO 14)Reason 1: It enables students to have better concentration in the class.Reason 2: It is possible for students to have an in-class party at the end of the semester.主要说话人为女学生,表现为:反对信件内容。因此,会话中,女学生表达观点时,主

28、要会从能够在上课更专心和期末办聚会两个点来否定信件内容。会用一些事实或者论据来表现她的反对理由。因此,我们可以发现说话人的观点会紧扣话题观点来发表。阅读结束后呈现给我们的并不是完全新的听力内容。2. 语言组织在听力中,很多学生会重复或过度使用某些词汇,如agree, disagree, think等。以下主要给大家提供的是一些此类词汇的同义转换,可以让大家的句型和用词更加丰富。认为:consider / suppose / in my opinion / from my point of view可能:probably / perhaps / tend to / be likely to同意:

29、agree / be in favor of / hold a positive attitude 不同意:totally disagree / oppose to / hold a negative attitude3. 听力答题要点听力中,我们要回答的点是:主要说话人的话题观点,以及对应话题的正相关或者负相关的内容,同样以主题句和观点的方式进行描述。综合TPO 14 的听力,我们可以这样进行回答:The female student totally disagrees with the proposal. Firstly, she considers that even though ea

30、ting snacks help some of the students to focus on the class, not all the students in the class can have good concentration. The reason is they will be distracted by the noise like eating crisps or biting fruit. In addition, the end of the semester is, actually, of great importance to the students. They are supposed to use the period of time to review what they have learned and try their best to get a good performance in the examination.通过上面的介绍,希望大家会对新托福第三题有进一步的了解,包括题型和话题场景这些不变的方面。还有针对在每个题目中的阅读和听力中变化的点,以及大家应该从哪些方面入手去找。希望这些观点的归纳和总结会对大家回答托福口语第三题有一定的帮助。


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