1、何志鹏吉林大学法学院国际关系中的行为体有哪些?A strict,narrow and somewhat classical definition of International Relations would be that it is:“the study of relationships among the worlds governments”In practice,when talking of International RelationsInternational Relations,we also take into account international dimensio
2、ns of relations of governmentsgovernments with other actorsactors,(not just with each other).These other actors,e.g.international international organizationsorganizations,multinational multinational corporationscorporations&individualsindividuals can also interact with each other in the internationa
3、l sphere,an area shaped not only by the direct political association of government leaders,but also by economic structureseconomic structures,cultureculture,domesticdomestic politicspolitics,&geographicalgeographical&historical historical influencesinfluences.STATE ACTORSSTATE ACTORSGovernmentGovern
4、mentLeadersLeadersBureaucraticBureaucraticOrganizationsOrganizations&Personnel&PersonnelParliamentsParliamentsNON-STATE ACTORSNON-STATE ACTORSSubstateSubstateActorsActorsTransnationalTransnationalActorsActorsNon-governmentalNon-governmentalOrganizationsOrganizations(NGOs)(NGOs)We often talk about st
5、ates taking actions in the international arena.Britain decides to go to war after Argentina occupied the Falklands;China decides to join the WTO;Sweden gives$1 billion in credit to developing countries.etc.Actually,though focusing on the state per se helps simplify things,it overlooks the fact that
6、there are various individuals&groups&organizations that can&do take&implement decisions in the name of the state,including,for example,governments&diplomats,parliamentary committees&assemblies.While a state-centricstate-centric understanding of the international systeminternational system traditiona
7、lly dominated,there is now increased recognition of role of non-state actors in what some refer to as a multi-centric multi-centric international systeminternational system,i.e.one where media companies like CNN or Al Jazeera,&environmental groups such as Greenpeace&the World Wildlife Fund,&terroris
8、t organizations such as Al Qaeda,&transnational or multi-national corporations such as Coca Cola,IBM&Toyota&Unilever,&even influential individuals such as say Bob Geldof,have a big impact.While states may still be the most important actors in IR,they are often strongly limited or influenced in their
9、 actions by a variety of non-state actorsnon-state actorsWe can Identify 3 main categories of non-State Actorson-State Actors in IR:1)Substate Actors1)Substate Actors2)Transnational Actors2)Transnational Actors3)Nongovernmental Organizations3)Nongovernmental OrganizationsSubstate ActorsDefined as:“G
10、roups&interests Groups&interests within states that influence the within states that influence the statestates foreign policy.s foreign policy.”E.g.Greek-American lobby&arms embargo on Turkey in 1975 or TSİAD&Turkeys policy regarding the EU,or Turkish consumers who boycotted Italian products when It
11、aly gave temporary shelter to PKK leader calan.Transnational Actors(i)Defined as:International actors who International actors who“operate across state bordersoperate across state borders”Businesses commonly described as Multinational CorporationsMultinational Corporations(or MNCMNCs s)have become v
12、ery impt.transnational actors that over the past century have had an increasingly large impact on IR.One of earlier famous examples of this is related to the term banana republicbanana republic.The BaNaNa RePuBlic.When we talk of banana banana republicsrepublics we are referring to corruptcorrupt ad
13、ministrations or states,where things are not determined by,&in the interests of the people of the state(or by their representatives),but by external powersexternal powers.This term originates from early C20th&the relationship of the MNC the United Fruit Company with small states in Central America,m
14、any of which were major suppliers of bananas.We now know that it was through the actions of this company that some governments were established to defend the companys interests.In return for the United Fruit Companys support,politicians were basically made dependent.Nongovernmental OrganizationsNong
15、overnmental OrganizationsNongovernmental Organizations(commonly known as NGOsNGOs)can also be important international actors.Such NGOs are private organizations which have membership,collect finances from&take actions in various parts of the world.E.g.Greenpeace,The International Committee of the Re
16、d Cross&Red Crescent,Amnesty International.Intergovernmental OrganizationsIGOIGOs s*are not actually states,but rather organizations with memberships composed of various national governments.No doubt,the most famous is the United NationsUnited Nations(UNUN),but there are thousands of others from OPE
17、COPEC to NATONATO to ASEANASEAN to the EUEU&AUAU to the WTOWTO,&the Black Black Sea Economic Cooperation CouncilSea Economic Cooperation Council.*Together we refer to INGOs(International NGOs)&IGOs as International Organizations,or IOs.Key Concepts in IR中国大阅兵2009年10月1日,中国在北京举行了盛大的阅兵式。请思考:这种阅兵有何国际影响?
18、这种阅兵代表了中国对于国际关系的何种理解?安全第一 周边安全不保障 世界和平有隐患实力决定地位 落后就挨打 弱小就被欺负这种认识与和谐世界的主张是否合拍?Despite some recent striking successes in international cooperation,present international patterns do not yet adequately protect the vital needs and fundamental interests of all nations and peoples in the global community.T
19、he standard of national interestThe primary role of powerSome,such as R.L.Holmes,maintain that the nation-state system itself is the major contributing factor in contemporary wars国家利益国家利益是主权国家制定和推行对外政策的依据,是对外活动的目的利益相同:合作的基础利益相悖:摩擦和冲突国家力量国家力量亦称综合国力。是主权国家赖以生存和发展的基础,是捍卫本国利益的能力,是衡量一个国家在国际社会中地位、作用的重要尺度二者
20、的变化决定国际关系变化发展无政府状态 治国方略中的权势与原则 政治现实主义的六项原则 政治如会,被人性法则统治 以权力或实力为出发点定义的利益概念是基础 被定义为权力的利益概念放之四海而皆准,但其解释可变 政治行为中道德重要性 拒绝以通用的道德法则来判断某一具体国家的道德诉求 政治现实主义对政治事务的鲜明的学术和道德态度都无可否认无政府的解释 世界政治的无政府结构 无政府与权势斗争 无政府乃各国所为世界政治中合作的条件康德、自由遗产和对外事务联盟:制衡与搭车外交的未来国际法的用途和局限相互依赖与国际体制的效能联合国与国际安全Can one be completely independent,a
21、utonomous,and self-sufficient?No,we are all interdependentForeign Policy:States conduct to promote goals of Security,Stability,and ProsperityGenerally constructed by elites out of the public eye.What is the(dis)advantage of this?Do not have the benefit of public feedback but often dont want to tip o
22、ur hat to others Equilibrium/Balance of Power 均衡/权力平衡Cooperation/Multilateralism 合作/多边主义 Dominance and Dependence 主导地位与依赖War 战争Equilibrium or Balance of Power between two or more statesMost cooperative multilateral relations are informalAre many types of formal cooperationDiplomacy-contact by skille
23、d mediatorsTreaties and Alliances-contracts between one or more nationsInternational Law-is a world court in the Hague but many nations dont accept such a threat to sovereigntyInter-Government Organizations(IGOs)Colonialism:Military,Economic,and Political DominationNeo-Colonialism:Transnational glob
24、alization of Culture/Institutions(McWorld)IMF/World Bank:Tell countries that want loans to change economic policies国际关系观察、思考、讨论的范围是什么?We refer to key topics studied in international relations as its“issue issue areasareas”.The importance of an issue area can vary over time depending upon development
25、s,but we can give the Arab-Israeli Conflict,Regional Integration,Terrorism&Climate Change as examples which are prominent.Globalization:World Merchandise Exports,1953200201000200030004000500060007000195319631973198319952002Source:World trade Organization,International Trade Statistics,2003,www.wto.o
26、rgGlobal Threat Nuclear proliferation in other parts of the world Increase in the lethality of terrorism Emergence of militant Islam Global Poverty and Disease Ecological problems:population,ozone deterioration,global warming,etc.Global Concern Alarming increase in civil wars based on ethnicity,reli
27、gion,and tribe and clan loyaltiesGlobal Resolution国际关系学中的新议题 主权问题:A challenge to sovereignty 国家属性的变化与新的安全挑战 Political instability Environmental degradation The plight of labor 性别问题IR is closely related to political sciencepolitical science,(in fact sometimes,esp.in the USA,it is considered a subfiel
28、d of political science),&as such it is concerned with international politicsinternational politics,i.e.“the the decisions of governments concerning their decisions of governments concerning their actions towards other governmentsactions towards other governments”.However,the boundaries of the field
29、of IR are somewhat uncertain&it can be considered in some respects an interdisciplinaryinterdisciplinary field which relates international politics to other fields,such as history,economics&sociology.We can also try to determine the limitsof IR by outlining the subfieldssubfields it includes.We can
31、y study of IR has focused on the central questions of war&peace(Why is there war?How can peaceful relations among states be established?Does a balance-of-power help prevent war?How do arms races develop?etc.).We call the subfield focusing on such issues that of International SecurityInternational Se
32、curity.By the 1970s the growing role of economics in IR was increasingly recognized.A 2nd major subfield of IR developed&gained importance under the name of International International Political EconomyPolitical Economy(or,IPEIPE).This subfield focused on the political relevance of trade&financial i
33、nteractions among states for IR.Today the close association between these two main subfields is commonly recognized.Not then just government leaders&ministers who shape international affairs.E.g.,each time you buy a product,(e.g.is it Japanese,American,French?Is it environmentally friendly?),you wil
34、l be having an impact on IR;or,when you vote in domestic elections,(e.g.for a pro-or anti-EU party),you will be having an impact on IR.The inverse is also increasingly true!I.e.developments in IR also impact our daily lives(e.g.A major war in the Middle East could lead to an increase in fuel prices,leaving us less income to spend on entertainment,or making us more likely to walk or use public transport).