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1、雅思小作文概述及范例雅思小作文概述及范例 1.小作文写作概述小作文写作概述雅思考试分移民类(General)和学术类(Academic),两者都包含一篇小作文(task 1),一般用20分钟。根据剑桥雅思考试中心提供的信息,雅思小作文和大作文的评分标准一致,主要有以下四个方面:应题(Task response)协调性和连贯(Coherence and cohesion)词汇量(Lexical resource)语法正确(Grammatical accuracy)学术类和移民类考试的小作文区别主要是:学术类的小作文是图表题,而移民类的小作文是书信。剑桥考试中心没置这两种截然不同的文章考查形式,可


3、文图表作文图表题考查考生的数字分析、总结归纳和对比计算的能力。一般来说,雅思小作文会出现四种图,分别是饼图(pie chart)、线图(line chart)、柱图(bar chart)和表格(table),它们会以单独或者混合的形式出现。读图的时候要注意横向(horizontally)和纵向(vertically)的比较。另外一种图形是流程图(flow chart),一年会出现5次左右,这种图形有特殊的写作思维,需要区别对待。学术类考查图表写作的主要用意在于引起考生对图表和数据分析的注意。参加雅思考试的考生一般都会进入英联邦国家。而在这些国家的大学读书时,不管所读专业是什么,学生时常被要求分


5、了图表作文得分的重点。雅思小作文概述及范例雅思小作文概述及范例 3.图表作文写作步骤图表作文写作步骤图表写作大致可以遵从下面的步骤:图表作文从读题开始,争取迅速了解图所涉及的大致内容。很多考生喜欢先看图表,这是一个错误的习惯,因为不看题目而先看图表其实是在浪费时间。题目中往往包含很多有用的信息(譬如说,图表所涉及的内容和时间),能够给考生提供对图表概念性的理解。在读完题目之后,考生可以开始读图。正确的步骤是先看文字信息,再看数据,这样会对数据有清晰的了解;没有文字信息的图表是没有意义的,因为那只是一大堆数字。图表的文字信息一般包括图表的标题(leading)、标注(label)、度量单位(di

6、mensions,ie,measurement units being used)和注解(annotation)。要弄清楚坐标轴数据所代表的信息(what the numbers refer to),而不是数据本身。有时候有不止一个图表,这时,需要首先判断图之间是否有联系,如果有联系,就一起描述;如果没有联系,就分开描述;如果看不出其中的联系,考生最好也分开描述。如果非常牵强地联系两个图表,那是没有必要的,会造成失分。在开始写作时,面对一堆数据,考生往往觉得无从下手,不知道描述的先后顺序。一般来说,阅读数据可以遵循下面的次序:阅读数据可以遵循下面的次序:雅思小作文概述及范例雅思小作文概述及范例

7、 第二节图表作文第二节图表作文 一般来说,图表小作文可以分为三个部分,分别是介绍段、主体部分和总结段;主体部分一般有两段话。介绍段:介绍段:介绍段要注意改写题目,不要照抄题目。避免照抄题目的方法主要有四种:1)改变题目中关键词词性;2)改变题目中关键词的位置;3)用同义词取代其中某一些词;4)灵活地加入图表中的其他文字信息(譬如说时间、性别、国家等)。例:题目:The graphs below show the enrolments of overseas students and local students in Britains universities 介绍段:The graphs p

8、rovide information about the proportions of overseas students and local students enrolled in Britains universities from 1989 to 1999.大意:下面的图提供关于1989到1999年海外学生和当地学生在英国大学入学率的信息。第二节图表作文第二节图表作文主体部分主体部分(23段段):第一句话总结图中比较显著的趋势或者特征(overall trends or features)(如果有此趋势或者特征的话);其余句子按照第4点中所规定的顺序逐句叙述图表内容。主体部分每一个句子

9、一般有三个组成部分,分别是文字信息、数字信息和比分别是文字信息、数字信息和比较。较。很多考生习惯在作文中把数字逐一读出,这是不好的习惯。事实上,文字信息比数字信息更为重要:文字信息可以让读者清楚了解图表的主要信息,而数据只是起辅助的作用。试比较下面两组句子:The average US family had 4.5 people in 1915,3.3 in 1967 and 2.6 in 2006.改后句子:Average family size in the US has been shrinking,from 3.3 people in 1967 to 2.6 people in 200

10、6,compared to 4.5 people in 1915.大意:美国家庭在缩小,和1915年的4.5人相比,从1967年的3.3人降到2006年的2.6人。第二节图表作文第二节图表作文原句(列举数字,缺乏比较)原句(列举数字,缺乏比较)Non-metropolitan counties had a property crime rate of 1,250 per l,00000 people,and metropolitan counties experienced a rate of 2529 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants.改写:文字改写:文字+数

11、字数字+比较比较 The property crime rate in non-metropolitan counties was relatively low,文字信息1250 per 100000 people,less than half the rate in metropolitan counties,2529 数字信息 比较offenses per 100,000 inhabitants).大意:在大城市之外的地方,财产犯罪率相对比较低,10万人中有1250起,比主要城市犯罪率的一半还要低(10万人中有2529起)。总结段总结段(12句话句话):结论段一般总结图中最主要的信息或者是

12、最重要的趋势。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 1.时态时态 A:图表小作文大部分时候使用过去时态,因为出现的数据一般都是以往的统计数据,过去的情形和现在的情形很有可能完全不一样,因此用过去时态比较恰当。例句1 In the 2002 survey,over 75of respondents with annual incomes above$100,000 considered leisure time extremely or very important.在2002年的调查中,年收入超过10万的被访者中有超过75的人觉得休闲时间是极度或者非常重要的。例句2:W

13、hile Motorolas share of the global handset market rose to 20.6from 18.7,Samsung Electronics share fell to 12.2 from 12.5 in 2005 在2005年,当摩托罗拉全球市场份额从18.7升到20.6时,三星电子的份额从12.5跌到12.2。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 B 如果图表里并没有出现任何以往的年度,或者显示这是过去的统计数据,那么用一般现在时比较理想。例句1:Britain produces 3of the worlds carbon

14、dioxides emissions-about the same as India,which has 15 times as many people 英国制造世界上3的二氧化碳排放量,和印度一样,而印度的人口是英国的15倍。例句2:Afro-Americans account for 13of the US population美国黑人占美国人口的13。C 在少数情况下,图表作文会出现预测值,这个时候需要用将来时态;而在使用将来时态的时候,最好避免用will这种词,这样的语气过分肯定。可以用其他的说法替代,譬如be likely to,be predicted/expected to 例句

15、1:The total US greenhouse gas emissions increased by 43from 2000 to 2020 错误:因为针对的时间是2020年,因此应该用将来时态。改正:The total US greenhouse gas emissions are projected to increase by 43from 2000 to 2020 美国温室气体的排放量从2000年到2020年会增加43。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 例句2 The number of people committing violent crime w

16、ill rise by the end of 2012错误:过分肯定,很难说罪犯的数目是否必定土升,这只是一个预测而已。改正:It is predicted that the number of people committing violent crime is likely to rise by the end of 2008据预测,到2008年年底,暴力犯罪的人数有可能上升。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 2.语言语言雅思图表作文需要正式的书面语言,强调客观和准确性。因此,在语言使用方面,要注意减少第一人称的使用,减少非正式的说法。例句1:I believe

17、 that the graph showed a significant decline in the youth smoking rate错误:吸烟率是否下降应该由图表决定,不应该由你是否相信而决定。因此,应该把句子中的I believe that去掉。例句2:The economic development in the first half of the 1980s was fabulous错误:fabulous带有感情色彩,是非正式用语,可以用remarkable、marked这些词代替。例句3:We can see that car ownership surged from jus

18、t under 1 per cent to nearly 3 per cent错误:不要用第一人称we,可以将We can see that改成The chart shows that。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 3.同位语和分词作状语同位语和分词作状语在准备图表作文的过程巾,考生要学习同位语和分词作状语的用法,使句子更加简洁和清楚。例句1:Middle-class families are those families that are earning between$20000 and$50000Middle-class families enjoyed

19、the greatest increase in standard of living.The increase was as high as 13 per cent错因:非常繁琐;families出现三次,而increase出现两次。改正:Middle-class families,earning between$20,000 and$50,000,enjoyed the greatest increase in standard of living,a 13 per cent rise.大意:收入在2万到5万之间的中产家庭,在生活标准中获得最大的增长,增长幅度为13。Notebooks r

20、epresented the fastest-growing segment of the worldwide PC market.And they accounted for 40of all PC units sold in 2004It was up from 18in 2003错因:繁琐;出现了代词they指代notebooks,然后又出现代词it指代40。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 改正:Notebooks represented the fastest-growing segment of the worldwide PC market,accou

21、nting for 40of all PC units sold in 2004,compared with 18 in 2003.大意:和2003年的18ff日比,笔记本电脑代表着世界个人电脑市场增长最快的一个部分,占2004年所有售出电脑的40。例句3:Young populations had a high-than-average smoking rate,who were followed by the mid-aged.错因:繁琐;小作文当注意减少使用“who are”这种从句结构,应使用分词结构,或在后面直接加名词或者数词作同位语,这样更为简洁。改正:Young populati

22、ons had a high-than-average smoking rate,followed by the mid-aged过去分词大意:年轻人的吸烟率要比平均人口高,其次是中年人。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 4语法错误语法错误在图表作文中,考生要注意以下一些常见的语法问题:A不及物动词没有被动语态不及物动词没有被动语态例句1:The weight of the service sector in GDP was dropped from 80 per cent in 1980 to over 70 per cent in 1990错因:drop应用主动

23、;在小作文中,表示上升和下降的单词一般都是不及物动词,没有被动,譬如说increase,surge,climb,jump,leap,decrease,slide,slip,dip,plummet等等。改正:The weight of the service sector in GDP dropped from 80 per cent in 1 980 to over 70 percent in 1990大意:服务行业在国民生产总值的比重从1980年的80T降到1990年的超过70。例句2:Following the decrease for five years or more,prices

24、were rebounded to the highest level in2000错因:rebound在本句中为不及物动词,应该用主动。改正:Following the decrease for five years or more,prices rebounded to the highest level in 2000大意:在下降了五年甚至更长的时间之后,价格在2000年反弹到历史最高。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 例句3:The spending on the entertainment market was totaled 5 billion in 1

25、994-95,more than double the previous year,compared with an estimated 4.8 billion in 1992-93错因:total在这里是不及物动词,不能用被动。改正:The spending on the entertainment market totaled 5 billion in 1994-95,more than double the previous year,compared with an estimated 4.8 billion in 1992-93大意:和1992-1993年所估计的4.8亿相比,娱乐市

26、场上的投资额在1994-1995年里总值达到5亿,比之前那一年的两倍还要多。例句4:The proportion of employees who work part-time was leveled out at around 24during the 1990s after the steep rises from 1985 to 1990.错因:level outoff是不及物动词词组,应该用主动,没有被动。改正:The proportion of employees who work part-time leveled out at around 24during the1 990s

27、after the steep rises from 1 985 to 1 990.大意:在1985到1990年的显著增长之后,兼职人员的人数比例在20世纪90年代一直维持在24左右的水平。例句5:The difference between visits to and from the UK had been narrowed to slightly more than 2.3 million by 1990.图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 错因:narrow在这里是不及物动词,应该用主动,表示“变窄”。改正:The difference between vis

28、its to and from the UK had narrowed to slightly more than 2.3 million by 1 990大意:到1990年,出入英国的人数差距已经缩窄到略多于230万人。B副词的位置副词的位置例句l:The number of obese people in the UK dramatically increased in at least ten years错因:副词的位置;在小作文中,修饰上升下降的副词一般放在动词的后面;类似的副词有dramatically,substantially,steadily,considerably,sign

29、ificantly,sharply,steeply,moderately,slightly等。改正:The number of obese people in the UK increased dramatically in at least ten years大意:英国患肥胖症的人数急剧上升超过十年。例句2:The illiteracy rate slightly dropped to 2.3,but it was still the third highest ever recorded图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 改正:There were 1 00,00

30、0 more people working on a fulltime basis in 2004 than in 1 994大意:在2004年,全职工作的人要比1994年多出10万。D主谓不一致主谓不一致例句l:An average of 48,000 books was printed each month,one third of which were fiction错因:主谓不一致;谓语动词应该随an average of后的名词的数而变化。改正:An average of48,000 books were printed each month,one third of which w

31、ere fiction大意:一个月平均有48000本书印刷,三分之一是小说。例句2:Women made up half the workforce,but a mere 1 0 per cent of them was doing administrative work错因:主谓不一致;谓语动词应该随“数词+per cent of后名词或者代词的数变化,在这里是them,因此应将was改为were。改正:Women made up half the workforce,but a mere 1 0 per cent of them were doing administrative work

32、大意:女性占据一半的劳动力,但是她们当中只有10做管理工作。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 例句3:The number of privately registered cars stand at just under 3 million now and is expected to increase by a third by 2010错因:主语是number,谓语动词应该用单数stands。改正:The number of privately reregistered cars stands at just under 3 million now and is

33、 expected to increase by a third by 2010大意:私人注册汽车的数目目前维持在不到300万,而预计到2010年该数目将增长三分之一。E.其他其他例句1:Britains poorest communities were 2.5 times likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than the general population错因:说倍数的时候如果有than,不能忽略比较级more。改正:Britains poorest communities were 2.5 times more likely to develop Ty

34、pe 2 diabetes than the general population大意:英国最穷的社区得2类糖尿病的几率是一般人群的2.5倍。例句2:It is shown in the chart that up to two millions children were orphaned in 2002 in Africa,half a million higher than the 2001S record figure错因:数词million一般不用复数,除非用于短语millions of等时,表示“成千万的”。改正:It is shown in the chart that up t

35、o two million children were orphaned in 2002 in Africa,half a million higher than the 2001s record figure大意:图中显示在2002年,非洲有200万的儿童成为孤儿,比2001年所记录的数据多出50万。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 例句3:The secondary school enrolment rate sank considerably after an increase of 10 per cent during the period from the

36、 mid-1980s and the early 1990s.错因:正确搭配为fromto或者betweenand改正:The secondary school enrolment rate sank considerably after an increase of 1 0 per cent during the period from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s大意:在20世纪80年代中期到90年代初期之间,中学的入学率在上升了10之后呈显著下降趋势。5.用词妥当用词妥当图表作文中经常涉及对上升或者下降的描述。很多考生往往将注意力放在用词的复杂性和多变

37、性上,而忽视了恰当性。考生应该根据图表作文所针对的对象来斟酌用词。如果图表作文针对的是社会问题或者对社会有害的现象,譬如说通货膨胀率、失业率、退学率、温室气体排放量、肥胖症等,描述数据的时候应该避免使用一些比较正面的词(譬如说,important,significant;如果这些数据平稳或者下降,要避免使用stagnant,static等词)例句1:The poverty rate did not show any growth in three years错因:贫困率是不好的数据,这句话的语气好像在强调贫困率不增长是种遗憾。改正:The poverty rate was flat as lo

38、ng as three years贫困率在长达三年的时间里都是持平的。图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 例句2:There was a significant increase in the divorce rate during the period of June,2000 to June,2005.错因:在这里用significant会使人产生一种感觉:离婚率的上升是好事。改正:There was a rapid increase in the divorce rate during the period of June,2000 to June,2005.离

39、婚率在2000年6月到2005年6月之间快速上升。如果图表作文针对的是社会良好的趋势,或者对社会有益的现象,譬如说大学入学率、经济增长率、文化普及率、女性就业率等,描述数据的时候应该争取用一些比较积极的词汇(譬如说remarkably)。例句:Student enrolments have surged to 5 million.错因:surge有“飙升”之意,常形容物价或者犯罪率,而学生入学率增长是好的趋势。改正:Student enrolments have increased significantly to 5 million.学生入学人数显著上升到500万。图表作文需要注意的几个主要

40、问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 6个人观点个人观点考生要谨记在图表作文当中,不要解释数据(interpret data)或者是给出自己的观点(offer an opinion),也不要尝试提出建议或者是推断现在的发展状况。主要原因是,图表给出的信息一般比较少,不足以提供足够的证据来支持任何判断或臆测。以下是一些例子:例句1:The extension of the UK residents lifespan indicates the improvement in standard of living错误:英国人寿命的延长可能有其他原因,未必一定是生活水平的提高。例句2:As shown

41、in the chart,industrialized countries have been generous in financing tertiary education.Thats why they are economically developed.错误:图表显示工业化国家对大学教育的投资很高,但这未必就是经济发达的原因。例句3:The increased crime rate suggests that we step up efforts to combat crime.错误:犯罪率增长可能有很多原因,未必一定是打击犯罪力度不够,因此,没有必要提出呼吁。图表作文需要注意的几个主

42、要问题图表作文需要注意的几个主要问题 例句4:The survey in 2000 shows that the poverty rate is very likely to remain high up to the present.错误:2000年调查所显示的高贫困率未必代表着现在还有这个问题;2000年的情况只适合2000年,和现在没有联系。四、图表作文注意事项四、图表作文注意事项1.读题读图的顺序:掌握良好的读题读图习惯是图表作文考试时迅速准确答卷的关键。大部分考生在复习备考的时候,将注意力放在数字描述上,到了考场迫不及待地套用句子,结果写得复杂而又不够清晰,很少能够获得好的分数;而掌

43、握好的读图习惯,才可以在变化多端的图表和貌似杂乱无章的数据中迅速找到切入点。2.数字的描述和句子的结构:用恰当和丰富的表达解释数据,将句子写得简洁而不出现语法错误,这些是确保图表作文高分的关键。图表作文经典例句图表作文经典例句 本部分收录经典例句逾120个,并按照用途分类。考生可以根据自己的具体情况增加不同部分的词汇量,并增强对常用描述方法的理解。在此过程中,考生可以尝试将这些单词、词组应用于不同的图表作文,从而加深对不同描述方法的了解。表示表示“上升和下降上升和下降”的说法的说法The proportion of the people who were divorced went up fr

44、om 2.5 in 1981 to 7.5in 1991,rising further to 8 in 2001.The crop yields worldwide in 1990 were 15up on those of 1985.The number of shoppers during the Christmas period plunged by up to 23 per cent since then on.After five years of steady decline,the high-school drop-out rate started to rise.Oil con

45、sumption grew steadily(from 1 980 to 2000,apart from in 1 990,when there was a drop of 5 percent.House prices fell as much as 40 between 1980 and 1985,compared with the period 1986 to 1990,when prices doubled.图表作文经典例句图表作文经典例句 表示表示“上升和下降上升和下降”的说法的说法Arable land was being lost at the rate of over 38 th

46、ousand square miles per year throughout the 1980s.Exports topped at 10 billion in 2006,with those to Asia Pacific in excess of$2 billion.The smoking rate in young girls was on the rise,similar to that among adult women.Motorcycle casualties were in decline,down from a total of 54037 in 1995 to 38,09

47、0 in 2000.Gender equality would lead to 1 3.4 million fewer homeless children,a 13reduction.Inflation is likely to moderate through the early months of 2007.The number of married couples showed a significant decline,accounting for 50.7of the adult population,compared with 68in 1971.图表作文经典例句图表作文经典例句

48、表示表示“占据占据”的说法的说法Volunteers constitute nearly half of the work force of the health care sector.While Asians account for 11per cent of the American population,Hispanics comprise 8 per cent.Women make up 52 per cent of the population of Britain.Landfill is composed of 36municipal waste,24commercial and

49、 industrial waste and 40construction waste.表示表示“倍数倍数”的说法的说法Rent as a percentage of the household expenditure more than doubled between 1974 and 1998,from 5 to 12.Britons were twice as likely to die from heart attacks as Italians and three times as Chinese.Women working as child minders in the under-

50、35 age group in 1 995 were almost twice as many as in 1990.图表作文经典例句图表作文经典例句 Television was twice as popular as washing machine in 1999,with close to 10 per cent of households owning one TV set at home.Young people used the Internet more than three times as often as the general population in 1999.The


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