1、鼠疫鼠疫鼠疫耶尔森菌()鼠疫耶尔森菌()自然疫源自然疫源性疾病性疾病 传播途径:、鼠蚤;、皮肤伤口;、呼吸道飞沫 发病机制:鼠疫耶尔森菌 局部淋巴结:出血坏死性炎症 菌血症 败血症:严重的全身中毒症状 肺组织皮肤基本病理:淋巴管、血管内皮细胞损害 急性出血性坏死性炎症思考题:、鼠疫的病原是什么?有什么特点?、鼠疫在我国传染病防治法上属于哪类传染病?、鼠疫临床上分哪几型?各有什么表现?、鼠疫的诊断依据是什么?、鼠疫病人如何处理及治疗?Plague Plague is an acute,febrile,zoonotic disease caused by infection with Yersin
2、ia pestis.Although human cases are infrequent and are curable with antibiotics,plague is one of the most virulent and potentially lethal bacterial diseases known.The plague bacterium occurs in widely scattered foci in Asia,Africa,and the Americas,where its usual hosts are wild and peridomestic roden
3、ts.It is transmitted to humans typically by flea bite and less commonly by direct contact with infected animal tissues or by airborne droplet.The principal clinical forms of plague are bubonic,septicemic,and pneumonic.Although most cases are now sporadic,occurring singly or in small clusters,the potential for epidemic spread remains.