
上传人(卖家):淡淡的紫竹语嫣 文档编号:615102 上传时间:2020-07-04 格式:DOCX 页数:20 大小:32.81KB
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1、 五年级下英语期末复习五年级下英语期末复习 班级 姓名 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. Are you (take) any medicine? Yes, I am. 2. The (child) are talking to their teacher. 3. Jim_ ( live) in China. 4. This is Tom _ (speak). 5. School _ (be) over. 6. Look! The boy(catch) crickets under the tree. 7. They like(watch) football games. 8. Listen

2、to the teacher_ (careful) in class. 9. The girl often _ (draw) pictures in the garden. 10. How_ your father_ (spend)_ (he) weekends? 11. Jims parents often _ (watch) TV on Sundays. 12. Helen likes _ (make) clothes. 13. The children _ (clean) the classroom now. 14. The boy usually _ (catch) insects i

3、n the park. 15. Lets do some _ (exercise). 16. Jim can _ (skate) well. 17. Yang Ling and I _ (be) from China. 18. _ (be) there a dog and two cats under the tree? 19. The girl in red dances _ (beautiful). 20. Bens brothers want _ (buy) some interesting picture books. 21. Bees likes _ (carry) things.

4、22. The children _ _ (sit) quietly now. 23. The boy usually _ (catch) insects in the park. 24. Yang Ling and I _ (be) from China. 25. The girl in red dances _ (beautiful). 26. Mr. White would like _ _ (visit) Shanghai 27._ (do) Wang Bing usually_ _ (surf) the Internet? Yes, he _ (do). 28 My parents

5、_ _ (get ) up at 6:30, my sister _ (get ) up at 6:40. 29.Childrens Day is _(come), our parents would like _(buy) things for _ (we). 30 .Look, the boys _ _ _ (play) football in the playground. And the girls_ (run). Its time to (do) sport . 31. Mike _ _ (have) a Chinese lesson now. 32. I have seven _

6、(lesson) every day. 33. Su Yang calls _ (she) after breakfast. 34. Yang Ling _(have) got a stomachache. 35. What subjects _ he _(have) at school? 36.Who _ (want) _ (play) basketball with us? 37. Its time _ (have) lunch. Lets _ (go) now. 38. your parents (read) newspapers every day? 39. They need (bu

7、y) some fruit. 40. The bird in the picture(have) nine heads and one neck. 41. Mr Ma is giving (order). 42. Its six thirty. Its time (get) up. 43. Look! The children (make) model planes in the classroom. 44.How _(be) you? I _ (be) not bad. Thank you. 45.What _ Miss Li usually_ (do)? She usually _ (wa

8、tch) TV in the evening. 46.Mr Green likes _ (take) photos. 47. Mary is a _singer. She sings very _. (good) 48. David is from _. So his _ is good. (England) 49.Helen can play _(piano). 50.You should take some _(medicine) after lunch. 51. Helen(play) the piano very well. 52. She(make) a model plane no

9、w. 53. WhatNancy usually (do) after school? 54.My sister likes (dance) . 55. How _(be) your mother? 56. _ she _ (do) her homework at home ? Yes, she is. 57. Helen likes playing _. (piano) 58. Tom (like cook) very much. 59.My mother usually _ (go)shopping on Saturday. 60.Would you please show _ (we)

10、your stamps? 五下期末练习单项选择 1. ( ) He often _ to school at seven. A. go B. is going C. goes 2. ( ) Look, she _ the violin. A. is playing B. plays C. are playing 3. ( ) The girl often _TV in the evening. A. watch B. watching C. watches 4. ( ) There _ some water in the bottle. A. is B. are C. isnt 5. ( )

11、_ they go home on foot? A. Does B. Are C. Do 6. ( ) Why _you so sad? A. are B. do C. dont 7. ( ) What _ you _now? A. do ; do B. are ; do C. are ; doing 8. ( ) Bobby wants _ his bike to Sam. A. showing B. to show C. showing 9. ( ) Turn right _ the traffic lights. A. on B. in C. at 10. ( ) Lets _the f

12、loor. A. sweeping B. sweep C. to sweep 11. ( ) Nancy _ Mike _ help. A. ask ; to B. asks ; for C. asks to ;for 12. ( ) How _ he _ home? A. do ;get to B. does ; get to C. does; get 13. ( ) -Whats wrong with_? -He has a toothache. A. his B. Liu Tao C. he 14. ( ) -Whens your birthday? -Its _ the 8th of

13、June. A. on B. in C. at 五下英语期末练习五下英语期末练习首字母填空首字母填空 1、My p_ and I l_ in a new house. I_ n_ a b_ park . We l_ the house very m_ .There are two b_ , a s_ , a sitting-room a_ a k_ in it .There is a d_ in my room . T_a chair i_ f_ o_the desk .There is a computer in my study. N_ the c_there a_ some s_ b_.

14、I l_ r_. 2、There a_ t_ p_ in my f_ ,my p_ and I .My f_ is a t_.H_ t_P_. My m_ is a n_. S_works i_a big h_.We h_ a big h_ . There a _ three b_ in o_house. T_ a c_ in my bedroom. I a_ p_computer g_ there. And t_ m_ books in the bookcase. I l_my b_v_ m_. 3、It i_ nine thirty o_Sunday m_. Mikes family a_

15、 all at h_ .His f_ is p_ chess w_ his g_. His mother is w_ clothes .H_ grandmother is w_ T_ in the l_ r_ .His s_is l_ to music in h_ b_.She l_m_.Theres a cat in h_ bed. I_ n_is Jane.I_s_ M_ is d_ his h_. 4 、 Alice is an E_ g_ . S_ is b_.S_h_a l_ b_ ,Tony .Tony l_ p_ with t_ cars. T_ m_ toy c_in h_ro

16、om. Some are o_ . Alice d_ h_a_cars,but she has s_p_dolls.T_ dolls a_ very c_ . Alice l_ them very m_ . 五下期末复习五下期末复习句子翻译句子翻译 1.你什么时候吃晚饭? 我晚上 7 点吃晚饭。 2.你什么时候起床? 我通常中午 12 点起床。 3.周末你做什么? 通常我看电视和购物。有时我去看望我的祖父母。 4.我经常踢足球。 5.你在干什么? 我正在洗碗。 6.我在看书。 7.爷爷正在写信。哥哥正在做作业。妈妈正在厨房做晚饭。 8.他正在书房写一封电子邮件。 9.它在做什么? 它在吃香蕉。

17、 10.她在做什么? 她在跳跃。 11.他在做什么? 他在跑。 12.他们在做什么? 他们在游泳。 13.那些熊猫在做什么? 他们在爬树。 14.Mike 正在做什么? 他正在听音乐。 15.你的爸爸正在做什么? 他正在打扫房间。 16.你们正在吃中饭吗? 不,不是。 17它们正在吃蜂蜜吗?是的。 18. 他正在走象棋吗?是的。 五年级下册英语口语测试卷(五年级下册英语口语测试卷(A) 一、读短语(5 分) 1. in January/February 在一月/二月 2.at this festival 在这个节日 3. get together with their family 和他们的家

18、人在一起 4. eat dumplings 吃饺子 5.watch dragon boat races看龙舟赛 8.eat moon cakes and fruit 吃月饼和水果 6. in some places 在一些地方 7. look at the moon at night 在夜晚看月亮 9. a festival for old people 老人们的一个节日 10. climb mountains 爬山 二、读句子(10 分) 1.The Spring Festival is in January or February.春节在一月或二月。 2.The Dragon Boat F

19、estival is in May or June.端午节在五月或六月。 3.The Mid-autumn Festival is in September or October.中秋节在九 月或十月。 4.The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November.重阳节在十 月或十一月。 5.People also call it Chinese New Year.人们也称作中国新年。 三、读课文(5 分) Unit7 Story time 五年级下册英语口语测试卷(五年级下册英语口语测试卷(B) 一、读短语(5 分) 1.on the elev

20、enth of May 在 5 月 11 日 2.Su Yangs birthday 苏阳 的生日 3.on her birthday在她的生日那天 4.eat (some)noodles吃面 条 5.have a big dinner with our parents ans grandparents 和我们的父 母和祖父母吃大餐 6.a birthday cake 一块生日蛋糕 7.have a party 开派对 8.play(some) games 玩游戏 9.play with Kitty the cat 和 凯蒂这只猫玩 10. have a great time 玩得愉快 二、读

21、课文(10 分) Unit8 Story time 三、说对话(5 分) 围绕生日说一段对话,不少于 6 个来回。 五年级下册英语口语测试卷(五年级下册英语口语测试卷(C) 一、读短语(5 分) 1.in the kitchen 在厨房里 2 six oclock in the evening 晚上 6 点 3.at six oclock 在 6 点 e home from a football game 从一 场足球赛回家来 5.cook dinner in the kitchen 在厨房里做晚饭 6.That smells nice. 那闻起来很香。 7.want to do(动词原形)=

22、would like to do 想要干某事 8.cook some tomoto soup 煮些西红柿汤 9.cook meat with potatoes 土豆炖肉 10.I cant wait. 我等不及了。 二、读课文(10 分) Unit6 Story time 三、说一段话(5 分) 围绕你最喜爱的节日说一段话,不少于 8 句 译林英语译林英语 5B 作文专项练习自我检测篇作文专项练习自我检测篇 班级:班级: _ 姓名:姓名: _ 家长签名:家长签名: _ 1. 请你用所学的现在进行时句型描述一下晚上六点你的全家人的活动,不少于 6 句。 It is six oclock in t

23、he evening. My family are at home. Look! _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. 以以“Spring Festival”为题,写一篇短文。提示:新年里,你和你的家人通常做什么事呢?又经常去哪里玩呢?要求:介为题,写一篇短文。提示:新年里,你和你的家人通常做什么事呢?又经常去哪里玩呢?要求:介 绍家庭成员在新年里做的事,以及外出游玩的出行方式,不少于绍家庭成员在新年里做的事,以及外出游玩的出行方式,不少于6句话。句话。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. 今天是 7 月 3 日,是你的朋友 Jim 的生日,你们正在他家里给他过生日。发挥想象 用现在进行时描述他的生日派对的

24、情况。不少于 6 句话 Today is _. Its _ _ _ _ _ 4. 今天是周末,你待在家里,请你介绍一下你全家人的活动,描述一下他们都在做什么。(用 现在进行时)不少于 6 句话。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. 介绍一个对你来说比较重要的日子和你通常在这个日子里做的事情,不少于 6 句话) I have an important day. It is . _ _ _ _ 6. 根据表格写短文。要求语句通顺,书写工整,用上根据表格写短文。要求语句通顺,书写工整,用上 should, 不少于不少于 6 句。句。 Whats wrong with them? David Helen I

25、llnesses headache toothache Advice drink water; have a rest brush ones teeth; not eat sweets _ _ _ _ _ _ 五年级英语单词辨音 找出划线部分读音不同的单词 ( ) 1. A read B. breakfast C. teacher D. peach ( ) 2. A. hear B. here C. bear D. year ( ) 3. A usually B. music C. student D. ruler ( ) 4. . A. April B. apple C. can D. ha

26、ve ( ) 5. A. together B. her C. brother D. mother ( )6. A. game B. parent C. take D. make ( ) 7. A. brother B. mother C. think D. they ( ) 8. A. shopping B. go C. over D. hero ( ) 9. A. fight B. ship C. drive D. ride ( ) 10. A. July B. angry C. January D. February ( ) 11. A. fourth B. fifth C. sixth

27、 D. their ( ) 12. A. get B. next C. cinema D. neck ( ) 13. A. over B. hospital C. shop D. doctor ( ) 14. A. ask B. late C. basket D. father ( ) 15.A. feel B. street C. teeth D. giraffe ( ) 16. A. ship B. shoe C. chair D. shop ( ) 17. A. prince B. fit C. pick D. ride ( ) 18. A. basket B. bad C. have

28、D. taxi ( ) 19. A. so B. come C. go D. metro ( ) 20. A. take B. plane C. sad D. late ( ) 21. A. draw B. tree C. dress D. drink ( ) 22.A. put B. bus C. brush D. mushroom ( ) 23. A. foot B. zoo C. cook D. look ( ) 24. A. ask B. place C. basket D. answer ( ) 25. A. take B. plane C. game D. wash ( ) 26.

29、 A. birthday B. they C. father D. them ( ) 27. A. shopping B. October C. hero D. orange ( ) 28. A. July B. busy C. beautifully D. city ( ) 29. A. Chinese B. festival C. together D. November ( ) 30. A. January B. February C. by D. angry ( ) 31. A. dumpling B. June C. brush D. understand ( ) 32. A. ta

30、ke B. cake C. place D. dragon ( ) 33. A. old B. mother C. November D. October ( ) 34. A. clean B. headache C. leave D. sweet ( ) 35. A. parent B. pest C. dentist D. bedtime ( ) 36. A. cook B. foot C. bookshop D. zoo ( ) 37. A. brush B. understand C. mushroom D. busy 单词默写单词默写 姓名_ 为什么_ 因为_ 衣服_ 让_ 穿上_

31、合适_ 迟的_ 采摘_ 明白_ 街道_ 在附近_ 城市_ 乘_ 年幼的_ 地铁_ 出租车 _ 飞机_ 火车_ 骑车_ 篮子_ 给看_ 车站_ 搭乘_ 走_ 医院_ 商店_ 书店_ 沿着_ 电影院_ 电影_ 满的_ 结束了_ 感觉_ 应该_ 休息_ 牙疼_ 牙医_ 脖子_ 任何东西_ 擦,洗_ 烧,煮_ 父,母_ 班级_ 种植_ 班级_ 害虫_ 忙碌_ 花园_ 甜的_ 蔬菜_ 在以前_ 闻起来_ 西红柿_ 土豆_ 准备好_ 好吃的_ 赢_ 抓住_ 生气的_ 斑,点_ 节日_ 饺子_ 地方_ 山脉_ 叫作_ 喜爱_ 面包_ 一月_ 二月_ 三月_ 四月_ 五月_ 六月_ 七月_ 八月_ 九月_ 十

32、月_ 十一月_ 十二月_ 生日_ 密码_ 英雄_ 数字_ 开始_ 打架_ 游戏_ 三月_ 戏剧_ 答案_ 5B 句型专项练习句型专项练习 1. I have some nice clothes and shoes. 否定句:I _have _nice clothes _shoes. 2. Nancy goes to school on foot. 对划线部分提问:_Nancy_ to school? 3. I live near my school. 同义句:I dont live _ my school. 4. My sister lives on Moon Street. 对划线部分提问:

33、_ _ _sister _? 5. My father is a taxi driver. 对划线部分提问:_ _ _father_? 6. Bobby is showing Sam his bike. 同义句:Bobby is _ his bike _ Sam. 7. We can walk to the park. 同义句:We can _ the park _. 8. Whats the matter with you? 同义句:Whats_ you? 9. I feel cold. 对划线部分提问:_ _ _feel? 10. Mike has a toothache. 对划线部分提问

34、:_ _ _ Mike? 11. She should have a rest and drink some water. 否定句:She _ have a rest _ drink _. 12. I can eat and drink now. 否定句:I _ eat _ drink now. 13. My mother is cleaning the table. 对划线部分提问:_ _ _ mother _ ? 14. There are some pests on the grapes. 否定句:There _ pests on the grapes. 15. The soup is yummy. 对划线部分提问:_ _ the soup? 16. This ladybird has ten spots. 对划线部分提问:_ _ spots_this ladybird _? 17. The Spring Festival is in January or February. 对划线部分提问: _ _ The Spring Festival? 18. They give their mothers presents


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