人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 9 期末复习课件 (共16张ppt).pptx

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1、What does he look like ? 期末复习:Unit 9 卷的 直的 高的 中等的 瘦的 重的 今晚 小的 一点儿 可以 电影院 眼镜 以后 英俊的 演员 女演员 人 圆脸 眼 嘴 耳朵 鼻子 金黄的 歌手 美术师 curly straight tall medium thin heavy tonight little a little may cinema glasses later handsome actor actress person round face eye mouth ear nose blonde singer artist 罪犯 犯罪 放 每一个 方式,路

2、线 描述 不同地 另一个 结尾 最后 真的 牛仔裤 criminal crime put-putting each way; by the way describe differently -different another end in the end real-really jeans 谁能一口气背出来整个单元的单词 一. describe a person: 什么人:person-singer; artist; actor; actress 长什么:head-round face: ear-eye-nose-mouth 二. 怎么描述: 1. height身高:tall, short,

3、 of medium height 2. build: heavy=fat; thin; of medium build 3. hair: short curly blonde hair; long straight black hair 4. 其他:glasses; jeans; really handsome 三、crime: criminalputeach wayanother(地雷)in the enddescribe differently 单词用法 1. _(最后), each of them _(buy) a bag. But they each _(have) one. 2.

4、another: 又一个;另一个;the other(两个中去掉一个的另一个),others别 的(some.others.一些另一些)指去掉一部分剩余的一些; the others去掉一部分以后剩余的全部 We like oranges and I want to eat _ one. But there are two left. One is yellow, _ is green. Some people are swimming, _ are dancing. There are 30 students in the class. Twenty of them are boys, _

5、are girls. 3. way: the way to去的路;on the way to/on ones way to去的路上;on my way home在我回家的路上;by the way顺便说一下;in the way of妨碍;in ones way挡了某人的道 I dont know _ the hospital. _(在我去学校的路上), I am meeting you. _(顺便说一下), dont stand _(挡了我的道). have buys In the end/At last another the other others the others the way

6、 toOn my way to school By the way in my way 4. a little: a little; little; a little =kind of: a little; little后接不可数名词;little, a little表示肯定 There is _ milk in the cup. Could you get me some? I have _ money and I can buy it. 5. That pair of glasses _(be) cheap. That girl is good-looking _ long black h

7、air. My sister likes drawing. She wants to be an _. 6. Im _(不同)from you. I can make food _(不同地). There is no _(不同) between you and me. the same as和相同 7. crime; criminal: That is a _. He steals many things. Many people see the _. We must think out an _ to stop the _. 8. The mountain is too _.(high) I

8、ts _ is about 2000 meters. little a little iswith artist differentdifferently difference criminalcrime ideacrimes high height She is thin. She is heavy. medium build. He is of build 体型;身材 What does he/she look like? short straight He has _hair(短发). He has _ hair(直发). He has _ _hair (短直发) . short str

9、aight stret Hair What does he look like? She has _ hair(直发). She has _hair(卷发). She has _ _hair (长卷发). long curly long curly Hair What does she look like? What does she_ _? She is _and _(又瘦 又高). She has _ _ hair (长卷发). long curly look like thin Look and say! tall _?What does he look like He has _ _

10、hair (短直发). short straight He is _and _ (又重又矮). heavy Look and say! short =He is heavy and short with short straight hair. Whats he like?He is friendly. 背一背2d 1. Are youtonight? Ilate. My friend., too. Just meetfirst. 2. He hasand wears He isnt HesOK, sure. See you 1. Are you going to the movie toni

11、ght? I may be a little late. My friend David is going, too. Just meet him in front of the cinema first. 2. He has brown hair and wears glasses. He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height. OK, sure. See you later then. 背一背Grammar Focus 1. 特殊疑问句: he? tall. she? long 2. Door? They Isor? He isntHes of

12、1. What does he look like? Hes really tall. What does she look like? She has long straight hair. 2. Do they have straight or curly hair? They have curly hair. Is he tall or short? He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height. 1. They tellwhatThen Joeof, and the putand on to find him. 2. He wantspictu

13、reeach, but this jobdifficult. Many peoplethe same waydescribedifferently. 3. In the end, theshort and, and he has 2b课文句子背诵 2b 课文背诵 1. Joeinteresting job. He is-Some peopleand thenJoe. They tellwhat look like. Then drawsof, and put itand on tv 2. He wantsa goodof each, butdifficult. Many people the

14、same way sodescribedifferently. Also, remember “Theof medium and young. He has and big,” says. Another man, “He, and he hasHes . 30. In the end, the real isman, and he has 巩固练习:从短文中找出下列短语和句子,并在下面划横线。 1.一份有趣的工作 2.警察艺术家 3.放在报纸上 4.每一个罪犯 5.相同的方式 6.另一位妇女 7.最后 8.真正的罪犯 put in the newspapers each criminal a

15、nother woman in the end real criminal an interesting job police artist the same way 9.许多人不总是以同样的方式看事物. _ 10. 他们告诉他罪犯长什么样。 _ 11.同样的人他们可能描述不同。 _ They tell him what the criminal looks like. They may describe the same person differently. Many people dont always see things the same way. Try to remember them after class. (课后尽量记住他们哟!)


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