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1、Unit2School lifePeriod 2Reading 答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评习题链接1foreign 2French 3During 4offering 678910Among;subjects;French bestLearning foreign languagesDuring this week;more booksNear the end;discuss;in classseems to go faster 课内知识夯实基础5won答 案 呈 现习题链接1to be 2B3the little dog just knows his owner4discussi

2、on题组专训突破考点5D6D答 案 呈 现习题链接1won2foreign3article4baseball678910to stayis talkingto goisto play课后巩固拓展延伸5languages;French11B12B13C14D15D答 案 呈 现习题链接1617181920seems to go more slowlylistening to my problems and offering me helpLearning a foreign languageknew little about Chinesepractises playing the piano

3、hard课后巩固拓展延伸答 案 呈 现习题链接2627282930CDABC课后巩固拓展延伸3132333435BECFG2122232425BDCAB一、根据汉语提示完成句子一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语并背记相应英语词汇词汇1.Every year,many _(外国的)visitors come to my hometown.2.English,Chinese and _(法语)are important working languages of the UN.foreign French 3.【新题】_(在期间)the period of the World War,doct

4、ors and nurses helped a great number of people.4.How about _(自愿给予)some school things to the children from poor areas?5.Who _(赢)the singing competition yesterday?Sorry,I have no idea.During offering won二、根据汉语提示完成句子二、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记英语并背记英语句子句子6.在所有的科目中,我最喜欢法语。_ all my _,I like _.Among subjects French b

5、est7.学习外语是件有趣的事。_ is fun.Learning foreign languages8.在这周期间,我们可以从学校图书馆借到更多的书。_,we can borrow _ from the school library.During this week more books9.临近这周结束,我们在课上和同学们讨论这些书。_ of the week,we _ the books with our classmates _.Near the enddiscussin class10.当我们读有趣的书时,时间似乎过得更快。Time _ when we are reading inte

6、resting books.seems to go faster 1.He seems _(be)kinder to others than to himself.to be 2.Look at the dark clouds,and the wind is blowing strongly.It _ that a big storm is coming.【中考本溪】A.soundsB.seemsC.feelsD.smellsB【点拨】本题考查动词词义的辨析。从上下句的语境和句意可知,回答的是“好像/似乎一场大暴风雨即将来临”。sound 听起来;seem 似乎,好像;feel 摸起来;sme

7、ll 闻起来。B符合句意。故选B。3.这只小狗似乎认识它的主人。It seems that _.the little dog just knows his owner4.The question is a little difficult.Lets have a _(discuss)about it.【中考宿迁】discussion5.They usually do some reading _ their lunch break.A.on B.among C.betweenD.duringD【点拨】本题考查介词。on主要指在某天;among在(三者或三者以上)中;between在两者中;du

8、ring指在某段时间期间。句意为“他们通常在午餐的休息期间看看书”。故选D。6.Shall we stop and wait for others?Sounds good.I think they will catch up _ a few minutes.【中考本溪】A.during B.after C.for D.inD【点拨】for“为,为了”;during“在期间”;in“在之后”;after“在之后”,四个都是介词。因in时间,在之后,表将来,“一会儿之后”可翻译为“in a few minutes”,所以空格处用in。故选D。一、根据句意及汉语提示完成一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子

9、句子1.Who _(赢)the last snooker match between Ding Junhui and Selby?2.Travelling to _(外国的)countries is fun to me.wonforeign3.She read an _(文章)by Lu Xun yesterday.4.Nancy plays _(棒球)after school every Friday.5.There are more than 100 _(语言)in the modern world now._(法语)is one of them.articlebaseballlangua

10、gesFrench二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空填空6.Kitty decided _(stay)at home and do her homework.7.Each of them _(talk)about the trip to the North Hill at the moment.to stayis talking8.Everything seemed _(go)wrong.What a bad day!9.To some boys,playing computer games _(be)fun.10.It is interesting _(play

11、)computer games.to goisto play三、单项选择三、单项选择11.Can I _ your bike?Sure.But you mustnt _ it to others.A.lend;borrow B.borrow;lendC.lend;lend D.borrow;borrowB【点拨】词义辨析法。本题考查borrow和lend的区别。句意为“我可以向你借自行车吗?当然可以,但你不能把它借给别人”。borrow指向某人去借;lend指借给(某人)。故选B。12.Cindy,you sing the English song _ among all the singer

12、s.Congratulations!【中考黔南】A.better B.bestC.beautifully D.most beautifulB【点拨】语法判定法。考查最高级。better是good和well的比较级形式;best是good和well的最高级形式;beautifully美妙地,副词;most beautiful最美妙的,形容词最高级形式。根据句中“among all the singers”可知,这里表示在三者以上的范围中比较,应用最高级,排除A和C,并且结合句子结构,该空修饰动词sing,应用副词形式。故选B。13.Jenny will get up _ than usual i

13、n order to catch the first bus.【中考天津】A.early B.very earlyC.earlier D.earliestC【点拨】根据句中的than可知用比较级。故选C。14.What did they _ the monitor before the class began?A.talk about B.discuss about withC.talk with D.discuss withD【点拨】固定搭配法。本题考查discuss的用法,与某人讨论某事“discuss sth.with sb.”。故选D。15._ your geography book

14、here tomorrow.Dont leave it at home again._.A.Take;No,I dont B.Take;No,I wont C.Bring;No,I dont D.Bring;No,I wontD【点拨】第一空考查take与bring。take意为“拿走”;bring意为“带来”。故先排除A和B。第二空考查祈使句的回答,应使用一般将来时,故选D。四、根据汉语提示完成句子四、根据汉语提示完成句子16.当我们等人的时候,时间似乎过得更慢。Time _ when we are waiting for others.seems to go more slowly17.感

15、谢你仔细倾听我的问题并主动给予我帮助。Thank you for _.listening to my problems andoffering me help18.学习一门外语是非常重要的。【中考滨州】_ is very important.Learning a foreign language19.在来中国前,约翰几乎不了解中国文化。John _ culture before he came to China.knew little about Chinese20.这位6岁的男孩每次练习弹钢琴都很刻苦。The six-year-old boy _ every time.practises p

16、laying the piano hard五、完形五、完形填空填空 【中考中考云南云南】When I was in Grade 5,I had a fight with a boy named Tony in my class.I have forgotten what the fight was about,but I have never forgotten the _21 I learned that day.21.A.fightB.lessonC.teacherD.classmateB【点拨】fight斗争;lesson教训;teacher老师;classmate同学。根据“.but

17、I learned that day.”可知是,我不会忘记那天学到的教训。故选B。I thought that I was right and he was wrongand Tony just thought that I was wrong and he was right.The teacher,Mrs.Green,decided to teach us a very _22 lesson.Mrs.Green asked us to stand on each side of her desk.In the middle of her desk was a large,round obj

18、ect.22.A.difficult B.boring C.safe D.importantD【点拨】difficult困难的;boring无聊的;safe安全的;important重要的。根据上文“.but I have never forgotten the _ I learned that day.”可知是“重要的”。故选D。I could _23 see that it was black.She asked Tony what _24 the object was.“White,”Tony answered.23.A.loudly B.widely C.clearly D.heavi

19、ly24.A.color B.size C.shape D.timeCA【点拨】23.loudly大声地;widely普遍地;clearly清楚地;heavily大量地。根据下文“I couldnt _ Tony said the object was white,when it was black!”可知,我清楚地看到是黑色的。故选C。【点拨】24.根据后文“White,Tony answered.”可知,老师问托尼物体的颜色。故选A。I couldnt _25 Tony said the object was white,when it was black!Another fight st

20、arted _26 us.This time about the color of the object.25.A.decide B.believe C.doubt D.promise26.A.under B.behind C.between D.besideCB【点拨】25.decide决定;believe相信;doubt怀疑;promise承诺。根据语境可知,我认为是黑色的,但是托尼说是白色的,所以我很难相信。故选B。【点拨】26.根据语境可知,我和托尼之间又开始了一次争吵,应用介词between。故选C。The teacher told me to go and stand where

21、Tony was standing and told him to come and stand where I had been._27 changed places,and now she asked me what the color of the object was.I had to answer,“_28.”27.A.She B.He C.They D.We28.A.White B.Black C.Brown D.PurpleDA【点拨】27.根据上文“The teacher told me to go and stand where Tony was standing and t

22、old him to come and stand where I had been.”可知,我们交换了位置。故选D。【点拨】28.根据语境可知,我和托尼交换位置之后,看到的应该是之前托尼看到的白色。故选A。It was an object with _29 differently colored sides.From Tonys side it was white,_30 from my side it was black.29.A.one B.two C.three D.four30.A.or B.nor C.but D.since BC【点拨】29.根据下文“From Tonys sid

23、e it was white,_ from my side it was black.”可知,这是一个有两个不同颜色的物体,一面白色,一面黑色。故选B。【点拨】30.“托尼这边是白色的”和“我这边是黑色的”之间是转折关系,应用but连接。故选C。六、从方框中选择适当的句子补全短文六、从方框中选择适当的句子补全短文(其中有两项为多余项)【杭州市八年级期中杭州市八年级期中】_31请同学们看请同学们看典中点典中点第第17页短文页短文。B【点拨】根据下文整段的大意可知讲的是仔细的计划时间,故选B恰当。_32E【点拨】根据下文开头第一句:Look around the house for a good

24、study place.及整段的大意可知讲的是找一个好的学习场所。结合选项,故选E。_33C【点拨】根据下文开头第一句:Make full use of class time to listen to everything the teachers say.及整段的大意可知讲的是充分利用课堂时间,故选C。_34F【点拨】根据下文的整体大意可知讲的是当你从学校回到家,复习你的笔记,浏览你的老师第二天将要讨论的重点,阅读那些材料。这将帮助你理解下一节课。如果你经常做这些事情,材料会变得更有意义,你也会记得更久。结合选项,故选F经常在家学习。_35G【点拨】根据下文第一句:The purpose(目的)of tests is to show what you have learned about a subject.考试的目的是展示你对某一学科的了解,以及整段的大意可知讲的是对测试的正确理解,故选G。


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