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1、Unit 2Iconic Attractions主题语境:人与自然主题语境:人与自然(旅行与自然旅行与自然)【话题词汇】1.landscape n.风景;景色2.destination n.目的地3.resort n.度假胜地4.jungle n.丛林;密林5.admission n.入场费6.safari n.狩猎7.glacier n.冰川8.diversity n.多样性9.immigration n.移民;移居入境10.historical adj.历史的11.distant adj.遥远的12.breathtaking adj.令人窒息的;叹为观止的13.splendid adj.宏

2、伟的;壮丽的14.available adj.可得到的15.fantastic adj.不可思议的【话题短语】1.a wide range of 各种各样的2.has a population of 有人口3.preferred destinations 首选目的地4.apply for a passport/visa 申请护照/签证5.be home to.是的故乡6.eminent features 典型特征7.to sense the aura of.感受氛围8.a terribly fun place 特别好玩的地方9.have its on and off seasons 有淡季和旺

3、季10.enjoy some local snacks 品当地小吃【话题佳句】1.Wed like to ask your travel agency to arrange for us to take a two days trip.我们希望你们旅行社可以给我们安排一个两天的行程。2.Delighted as I was by the breathtaking scenery in sight,my happiness deepened when I learned that there are several overnight stops for me to stay.尽管我很高兴看眼前

4、这壮丽的风景,但是当我得知有很多酒店可以让我落脚时,我喜不自禁。3.A lot of things are like traveling,and when you make a decision and take the first step,the most difficult part is already done.很多事情就像旅行一样,当你做出决定迈出第一步的时候,最难的部分已经完成了。【话题练习】1.The great traveler of Ming Dynasty,Xu Xiake,was famous both at home and abroad.明朝伟大的旅行家,徐霞客,驰

5、名中外。2.Small town as it is,it is crowded with tourists coming from all over the country all year round.尽管是个小镇,但是全年都挤满了来自全国各地的游客。3.Forests in the northern half of the globe could be growing faster now than they were 200 years ago as a result of climate change.由于气候变化,北半球的森林要比200年前的时候长得更快。.重点单词1_ n.创建;基

6、础;基地2_ adj.政治的3_ adj.位于4_ adj.最著名的;第一的;首要的5_ vt.&vi.跳水;潜水;俯冲6_ n.公共场所;关节adj.联合的;共同的7_ adj.坦率的;简单的8_ n.箭;箭头;9_ n.(法案的)倡议者;赞助者vt.倡议;赞助;主办10_ vt.给命名(或题名);使享有权利foundationpoliticallocatedpremierdivejointstraightforwardarrowsponsorentitle11_ n.自由12_ n.分布;分配;分发13_ adj.暂时的;短暂的14_ n.(声波或电磁波振动的)频率;发生率;重复率15_

7、n.暴力;暴行16_ n.能力;容量17_ n(licence)许可证;执照vt.批准;许可18_ n.一场;一段时间;会议19_ n.监狱;监禁20_ adj.大;宏大的freedomdistributiontemporaryfrequencyviolencecapacitylicensesessionprisongrand.拓展单词1found vt.创立,建立;创办_ n创建;基础;基地_ n创建者;创办者2policy n政策;方针_ n政治,政治学;政治活动;政纲_ adj.政治的3locate vt.&vi.位于;查找的地点;定位;定居_ adj.位于_ n位置;地点4free a

8、dj.自由;免费的_ n自由_ adj.无忧无虑的5distribute vt.分配;散布;分开;把分类_ n经销商;批发商_ n分布;分配;供应_ adj.分配的;分布的;分发的foundationfounderpoliticspoliticallocatedlocationfreedomcarefreedistributordistributiondistributive6frequent adj.频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的_ n频率;频繁_ adv.频繁地,经常地;时常7violent adj.暴力的;猛烈的_ n暴力;暴行_ adv.暴力地;猛烈地8temporary adj.临时的;

9、短暂的_ adv.临时地;短暂地9liberty n自由_ vt.解放;放出;释放_ n释放,解放10prison n监狱;监禁_ n囚犯;犯人frequencyfrequentlyviolenceviolentlytemporarilyliberateliberationprisoner联想拓展-dom表示状态,领域,品质freedom 自由boredom 无聊wisdom 智慧kingdom 王国filmdom 电影界-ent结尾形容词变名词词尾为-ency词语荟萃frequentfrequencyfluentfluencyemergentemergencyurgenturgencyeff

10、icientefficiencyconsistentconsistencysufficientsufficiency.核心短语1_ 首相;总理2_ 高峰季节3_ 少数人(或物);一把4_ 一群5_ 另一方面;然而6_ 原产于;产于的7_ 占上风;取而代之;接管8_ 与自然紧密相连9_ 起作用;扮演角色10_ 主修专业;专业是11_ 正好赶上做12_ 更不用说prime ministerpeak seasona handful ofa flock ofon the other handbe native totake overbe in close contact withplay a part

11、 inmajor inin time to do sth.not to mention联想拓展be adj.to构成的搭配be native to 原产于be similar to 和相似be harmful to 对有害be opposite to 在对面be blind to 视而不见be equal to 和相等;能胜任be familiar to 为所熟知beadj.to构成的搭配be accustomed/used to 习惯于be devoted to 投入于;专心于be opposed to 反对be related to 和有关be addicted to 对上瘾be admi

12、tted to 被录取be sentenced to 判刑.重点句型1介词关系代词引导的定语从句Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground,_ there is an amazing instrument called the didgeridoo.(课本P15)他们大多数的乐器其实就是地上捡的棍子,但在这些乐器中,有一种叫做“迪吉里杜管”的神奇乐器。2It is time for sb.to do sth.对于某人而言到了该做某事的时候了_ goodbye to Australia.

13、(课本P15)到了离开澳大利亚的时候了。among whichIt is almost time for me to say3It is/was said that 主语从句结构_ now nearly half of all Australian citizens were either born overseas or have parents who were born overseas.(课本P15)据说大约有一半的澳大利亚公民要不是出生在国外,就是有父母出生在海外。4状语从句的省略:To play the didgeridoo,you put your mouth on one en

14、d and blow _ your lips.当你演奏迪吉里杜管的时候,把嘴放到管子的一头,然后吹起,同时震动你的嘴唇。It is said thatwhile vibrating高频考点探究.核心词汇1located adj.位于;坐落于【教材原句】Located to the south of the equator,below many other countries on the globe,its often informally referred as“down under”坐落于赤道以南,从地球上看,又在很多国家的下面,所以澳大利亚又有了一个非官方的称号“南方以南”。(P2)(1

15、)located adj.坐落于;位于be located in/at/near 坐落于;位于(2)locate vt.定位;坐落于;位于locate sp.找出的位置(3)location n.位置the location of 的位置【巧学助记】表示“坐落于;位于”的表达sth.sits/stands/lies in/at near.be located in/at/near.be situated in/at/near.There stand/lie/sit.【练透考点】单句语法填空The school is _(locate)opposite to the city hall.One

16、of the advantages of the apartment is its _(locate)【佳句背诵】Hearing that an art exhibition is to be held and that youre collecting recommendations on its location,we all come to life.一得知要举办艺术展,你们就展出场所征集意见,我们都积极活跃起来。locatedlocation2freedom n自由【教材原句】Unfortunately,elephants are endangered in Thailand,but

17、special parks have been set up to protect their safety and freedom.不幸的是,在泰国大象已经濒临灭绝,但幸好建成了一些自然保护区来保护它们的安全和自由。(P6)(1)have the freedom to do sth.有做的自由enjoy freedom 享有自由(2)free adj.自由的;免费的(3)carefree adj.无忧无虑的duty free 免税的freeway 高速公路【巧学助记】“free”短语荟萃 free of charge免费Admission is free.免费入场。set.free 释放fr

18、ee and ease 自由自在duty-free store 免税店be free from/of.不受影响的;没有;摆脱【练透考点】单句语法填空/完成句子Not only have we gained the _ to decide whether to marry or not,but also we are _ to choose our jobs at will.(free)Everything comes with a price:there is _ in the world.(没有免费的午餐)freedomfreeno such thing as a free lunch3st

19、raightforward adj.坦率的;简单的【教材原句】They have a straightforward and free-and-easy attitude towards life,and their friendliness and warmth made me feel at home wherever I went.他们对生活有一个很简单而又自由奔放的态度,他们的热情好客让我无论走到哪里,都有宾至如归的感觉。(P3)(1)far from straightforward 很复杂(2)quite/fairly straightforward 相当简单(3)a straigh

20、tforward man 一个直率的人(4)straightforwardly adj.简单地;坦率地straightforwardness n.坦率【练透考点】单句语法填空/完成句子Cloning plants is quiet straightforward,_ cloning animals is complicated.For those who know little English,travelling abroad is by no means _(一个简单的事儿)【佳句背诵】If you have any further information,just be straight

21、forward and write to me without hesitation.如果有任何进一步的信息,不要犹豫,尽管直接写信给我。whilea straightforward matter4.major adj.主要的;较多的;主修的 vi.vi.主修 n n主修科目;陆军少校【教材原句】However,as I major in social studies,Im more interested in meeting people in Australia and experiencing their culture,food and way of life.然而,由于我主修社会学所

22、以我对澳大利亚人交流,体验他们的文化、饮食和生活方式更感兴趣。(P14)(1)major in 主修专业minor in 辅修专业(2)the majority 大部分;大多数人be in the majority of 占绝大多数(3)the minority 少数派;少数民族minority cultures 少数民族文化【练透考点】单句语法填空Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election by a narrow _(major)After years of hard work,he was finally admitted into Harva

23、rd and became a fulltime student majoring _ law.History has seen the endless productions of Shakespearean plays in every _ language of the world.(主要的)The white are in the _ in Australia while the native people in the _.majorityinmajormajorityminority5sponsor vt.倡议;赞助;主持n.(法案的)倡议者;赞助者Visitors can see

24、 these amazing creatures in their natural domain,and also sponsor an elephant to preserve its health and liberty.游客可以在动物的自然栖息环境中观看这些动物,也可以通过资助的方式保护一头大象的健康和自由。(1)a sponsor of.的赞助商/资助者Olympic sponsors 奥运会赞助商a sponsor of the Olympics 奥运会赞助商(2)sponsor sb.for.因资助某人be sponsored by.被支持/赞助UN-sponsored/gover

25、nment-sponsored 联合国/政府资助的【练透考点】单句语法填空Will you sponsor me _ a charity walk Im doing?句式升级The exhibition which _(sponsor)by the Society of Culture was a success.The exhibition _(sponsor)by the Society of Culture was a success.forwas sponsoredsponsored.核心短语6on the other hand另一方面【教材原句】The influence of As

26、ian culture,on the other hand,led to the introduction of beancurd and Asian herbs,along with Australian versions of foods like the Chinese-inspired dim sim.另一方面,在亚洲文化的影响下,引入了豆腐和香料,以及很多澳大利亚改良的食物,如澳洲点心。(P14)(1)on the other hand 另一方面;然而(however)(2)hand相关短语:on hand 在手边的hands-on 亲身的;亲历的give sb.a hand 帮助某

27、人with ones bare hands 赤手空拳keep ones hand in 经常联系(以免技术生疏)in hand 在手头上;正在进行中【拓展延伸】写作中,列举可以用到的表达:(1)on(the)one hand.;on the other hand.一方面另一方面(却)(2)for one thing.;for another.一则;二则(3)As for.说到(4)When it comes to.当说到/提及(5)with regard to.关于【练透考点】单句语法填空/完成句子When studying,you should always keep a dictionar

28、y _.On the one hand,the game can help to cultivate a sense of responsibility,through the game,both their mental and physical health will get improved.Plans are _ to perform Oz next semester.He forced the door apart _.(赤手空拳)on handOn the other handin handwith his bare hands7come across 偶然遇到【教材原句】If y

29、ou are out camping in Tasmania and come across one,the experience might scare you!如果你在塔斯马尼亚露营,恰巧遇到一只袋獾,这可能会吓你一跳。(P20)【拓展延伸】come 的相关短语:come about发生come across (偶然)遇见come up with 赶上;想出(主意);找出come out 显露;结果是;出版come to 恢复知觉;共计;达到(某种状态)表示“偶然遇到”的短语集萃come across 偶然遇到run across 偶然遇到run into 撞上;偶然遇到meet with

30、 符合;偶然遇到knock into 撞上;偶然遇到【练透考点】选词填空come about;come out;come up with;come to;come acrossOne night,I _ an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi,which changed my mind and inspired me to be a doctor like her.High quality doesnt _ by accident,but instead by investment through hard work.She _ a good

31、idea for increasing sales.His eighth book _ earlier this year and became an instant hit.I never expected those few items to _ so much.came acrosscome aboutcame up withcame outcome to.典型句式精析8Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground,among which there is an amazing i

32、nstrument called the didgeridoo.(课本P15)他们大多数的乐器其实就是地上捡的棍子,但在这些乐器中,有一种叫做“迪吉里杜管”的神奇乐器【典型例句】At the request of some English learners he has published a lot of books,one of which is about English idioms.应一些英语学习者的要求,他出版了许多书,其中一本是关于英语习语的。【句式分析】介词放在关系代词之前,关系代词指人时常用whom,指物时常用which。另外,whose也可以放在介词后,即“介词whose名

33、词”结构。一般来说,确定关系代词前的介词,可以从以下三方面入手:先行词的意义;从句中的动词或形容词与先行词的固定搭配;句子的意思。(1)We live in an age in which more information is available with greater ease than ever before.我们生活在一个信息比以前更容易获得的时代。(与先行词的搭配:in the age)(2)Recently I bought an ancient vase,the price of which(whose price)was very reasonable.最近我买了个古代的花瓶

34、,它的价钱很合理。(3)His head soon appeared out of the window,from where he saw nothing but trees.他的头很快从窗口探了出来,从那里除了树木他什么也看不到。(from where相当于from out of the window,而不是from the window)【语境速测】单句语法填空Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,none of _ has been proved.Material collecti

35、ng took us a whole week,_ we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life.翻译:我们班由52位同学组成,所有人都待人友好,学习刻苦。Our class is made up of 52 students,_.whichduring whichall of whom are friendly and hard-working9To play the didgeridoo,you put your mouth on one end and blow while vib

36、rating your lips.当你演奏迪吉里杜管的时候,把嘴放到管子的一头,然后吹起,同时震动你的嘴唇。(课本P15)【典型例句】While travelling along the way,we can enjoy the beautiful scenery as well as the new looks of the villages and towns.在沿途旅行中,我们能欣赏大自然的美和村庄城镇的新面貌。【句式分析】when,while,though,even if,unless,if,as if等引导的状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致或从句主语为it,并且状语从句谓语中含有be动

37、词,省略从句中的主语和be动词:(1)So while sitting in the classroom and doing my papers,I felt confident and was full of energy.因此,当我坐在教室做试卷时,感到精力旺盛,信心十足。(2)The prize money is too little to afford even half of a living room in Beijing,”Tu Youyou told the journalist jokingly when asked how to spend the prize money.

38、当被问及如何花这笔奖金时,屠呦呦开玩笑地告诉记者,“奖金少,不够在北京买半个客厅”。(3)Unless necessary,youd better not refer to the dictionary.除非有必要,否则你最好不要查词典。【语境速测】单句语法填空She gave me a comforting smile,nodded while _(listen)patiently.When _(wait)for the bus,we talked about how to change the plan.If _(interest)in the Chinese folk art,you c

39、an e-mail me.listeningwaitinginterested.高考能力同步化单句语法填空12020全国卷On certain _(主要的)event days,ie.Australia Day,Anzac Day,sporting and cultural days,special additional services may operate.22019江苏卷Born at an international crane _(found),Emma was raised by human caretakers.32019全国卷The researchers say that

40、the keyboard should be pretty _(直接的)to commercialize and is mostly made of inexpensive,plastic-like parts.42020全国卷Higher-income parents tended to have children play with puzzles more _(frequent),and both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills.52020江苏卷In looking into the sto

41、ries of _(biology)discovery,I also began to find something else,a collection of scientists,usually brilliant,occasionally half-mad,who made the discoveries.majorfoundationstraightforwardfrequentlybiological6The _(major)of people find it quite hard to live on the money they earn because prices hike i

42、n basic goods.7The government will provide _(临时的)accommodation for up to three thousand people.8She _(distribute)the books donated by kind-hearted people to the children.9As far as Im concerned,it does serious harm to childrens character that too much _ is shown on television.Whats worse,_ on TV mak

43、es people behave _.(violent)10Robert dived into his pocket and took out a _(hand)of pennies.majoritytemporarydistributedviolenceviolenceviolentlyhandful.必备知识试题化选词填空in close contact with;be native to;a handful of;take over;play a part in12020全国卷 Heres _ ways that will set you in the right direction.2

44、We sincerely hope that WWF can _ protecting this endangered species.3Fortunately,the instant Mr Smith _ his class,he gave Tom a lot of encouragement and pressed him to take up learning actively and confidently.4Spend a relaxing holiday _ nature,enjoying good food and a great landscape.5Many people c

45、ome to see the unique flower that _ this part of the island.a handful ofplay a part intook overin close contact withis native to.教材语篇高考化语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When travelling in Australia,I kept a blog to record my life there.Before the trip,I had read book about some 1._(icon)sites,suc

46、h as the Sydney Opera House and the Great Ocean Road and animals like the cute koalas and kangaroos.Sydney was my first stop,2._ my friend brought me to my first open-air barbecue and shared so many exotic but yummy meals,3._(make)my first impressions of Australia all about food.My second destinatio

47、n was Katherine,a town where we learnt about the life and customs of the native Australian,Aborigines.Their music,4._(show)the close contact 5._ nature,celebrates the natural world and the spiritual world around them.Among all their musical instruments,most of which are just sticks found on the grou

48、nd,the didgeridoo is quite special.6._(make)from a hollow tree branch,you need to put your mouth on one end and blow 7._ vibrating your lips.A skilled player can play for a long time without stopping 8._(breathe)iconicwheremakingshowingwithMadewhileto breatheAfter being here for a while,my 9._(big)i

49、mpression is the complicated mix of 10._(people)and cultures that make up the nation.As far as I am concerned,what I like most about Australia is the people themselves for their straightforward and free-and-easy attitude to life as well as their friendliness and warmth.When leaving Australia,I had t

50、o admit I agree with the tourism slogan:“There is nothing like Australia.”biggestpeoples2021湖州市高三质量检测阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。The first week of my summer vacation was exciting,and my sense of freedom was so intense that it felt like I had to pack everything into that single week.The next week w


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