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1、同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,考试加油考试加油!奥利给奥利给结束语结束语Unit 6Be a Champion!Lesson 33 .根据汉语提示写出以下单词或短语根据汉语提示写出以下单词或短语1.运动员运动员n._2.竞争竞争;比赛比赛 v._其名词形式是其名词形式是_3.结婚的结婚的;已婚的已婚的 adj._其动词形式是其动词形式是_4.主办主办;主持主持(活动活动)v.

2、主人主人n._athletecompetecompetitionmarriedmarryhost5.惊奇的惊奇的;惊讶的惊讶的adj._,其动词形式是其动词形式是_使惊奇使惊奇;使惊诧使惊诧”;_是形容词是形容词,意为令人惊意为令人惊讶的讶的”6.精神精神;心灵心灵n._7.代表代表;象征象征v._8.每四年每四年_ 9.说得好说得好_ amazedamazeamazingspiritrepresentevery four yearsgood point10.与与竞争竞争;対抗対抗_ 11.惊讶于惊讶于_ 12.发生发生;举行举行_ 13.查明查明;查出查出_ 14.让某人做某事让某人做某事_

3、 compete againstbe amazed at.take placefind outhave sb.do sth.根据汉语提示完成以下句子根据汉语提示完成以下句子1.昨天我要求你们做一些关于奥运会历史的调查。昨天我要求你们做一些关于奥运会历史的调查。Yesterday I _ _ _ _some research on the history of the Olympics.2.有人查明古代奥运会是在哪儿开始有人查明古代奥运会是在哪儿开始(举办举办)的吗的吗?Did anyone _ _where the ancient Olympics began?asked you to dof

4、ind out3.但是但是,那些第一次的奥林匹克运动会与今天的很差别。那些第一次的奥林匹克运动会与今天的很差别。But those first Olympics _very _ _todays.4.现在男性和女性都能参加奥运会现在男性和女性都能参加奥运会!Now _men _women can _ _ _the Olympics!weredifferent frombothandtake part in5.他们也代表他们国家的最高水平。他们也代表他们国家的最高水平。They also represent their countries _ _ _level.6.比赛的一件事不会变比赛的一件事不

5、会变那就是运动员公平竞争的精那就是运动员公平竞争的精神。神。One thing has not changed about the games athletes compete _ _ _ _ _ _.at the highestin a spirit of fair play.Read the dialogue and answer the questions1.How did Wang Mei search the information about the Olympics?_ 2.What are the differences between the ancient and mode

6、rn Olympics?_ On the Internet.Women couldnt take part in the ancient games.3.What do athletes compete for?_For their countries.要点要点1 find out 查明查明,查出查出 Step 1难点难点探探find out与与find/look for 的区别是什么的区别是什么?Step 2语境语境悟悟*Did anyone find out when the Olympics began?有人查明奥林匹克运动会是什么时候开始的吗有人查明奥林匹克运动会是什么时候开始的吗?(

7、P86)*We found her keys.我们找到了她的钥匙。我们找到了她的钥匙。Step 3知识知识得得 find out,find,look for寻找寻找”各差别各差别词汇词汇含义及用法含义及用法find out意为意为“查出查出;获知获知;弄清楚弄清楚”,强调经强调经过研究、调查而得过研究、调查而得find意为意为“找到找到;发现发现”,强调找的结果强调找的结果look for意为意为“寻找寻找”,强调找的动作和过程强调找的动作和过程What are you doing?你在干什么你在干什么?Im looking for my catMimi.我正在找我的我正在找我的猫猫咪咪。咪咪

8、。Step 4考点考点练练()(2019南京中考南京中考)Tina comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture and _which university is the best for her to attend.世纪金榜导世纪金榜导学号学号 A.put outB.stay outC.find outD.run outC用用find out,find,look for的适当形式填空的适当形式填空a.I cant _my English textbook.Is it possible that you left it at hom

9、e?b.Can you help me _what time the plane will take off?c.Mom,I _my computer around the house,but I didnt _it.findfind outlooked forfind要点要点2 competev.竞争竞争;比赛比赛 Step 1难点难点探探compete后可接哪些介词后可接哪些介词,其用法有什么差别其用法有什么差别?Step 2语境语境悟悟*The ancient Greeks wanted to have the best athletes compete against each oth

10、er.古希腊人想让最优秀的运动员彼此竞争。古希腊人想让最优秀的运动员彼此竞争。(P86)*Several companies are competing for the contract.几家公司正为这一项合同互相竞争。几家公司正为这一项合同互相竞争。*We can compete with/against the best teams.我们能与最好的队伍竞争。我们能与最好的队伍竞争。*Hes hoping to compete in the London marathon.他期盼着能参加伦敦马拉松比赛。他期盼着能参加伦敦马拉松比赛。Step 3知识知识得得 compete的相关短语的相关短语

11、:短语短语含义及用法含义及用法例句例句compete against表示表示“和和竞争竞争”,后接后接竞争对象竞争对象Our teachers alwaysencourage us to compete against each other.老师总是鼓励我们老师总是鼓励我们互相竞争。互相竞争。短语短语含义及用法含义及用法例句例句compete for表示表示“为为而竞争而竞争/比赛比赛”,后接表示比赛、后接表示比赛、奖品等名词奖品等名词The two teams compete for the championship.这两这两支队伍争夺冠军。支队伍争夺冠军。compete in表示表示“在在

12、方面竞争方面竞争”Jim will compete in the long jump.吉姆吉姆要参加跳远比赛。要参加跳远比赛。Step 4考点考点练练()Which team will you compete _at the basketball game?世纪金榜导学号世纪金榜导学号 The Orange Team.A.againstB.toC.byD.in AI always _(与与竞争竞争)him in English.Athletes _(为为而竞争而竞争)pete againstcompete for同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信

13、成功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,考试加油考试加油!奥利给奥利给结束语结束语Unit 7Will people have robots单元同步阅读训练单元同步阅读训练(一)完形填空。(一)完形填空。Many people are interested in talking about life in the future.Some people _1_ that life in the future will be easier and more comfor

14、table.But others believe that it will be worse and more difficult.As for me,I _2_ the idea of the first team.First,as for education,people will have _3_ education.This is because of technology(科技科技).Ebooks will replace(取代取代)common books,robots will replace teachers,and students will not have to go t

15、o school every day.They will _4_ at home through online teaching and will find learning more interesting.Second,peoples _5_ will improve.Technology will also play a very important role.New medicine will help people get better quickly.Robots will help doctors and sometimes replace _6_.Also,doctors wi

16、ll be able to cure more diseases(治愈更多疾病治愈更多疾病),_7_ people will live longer.Third,housing problems will end.People will build houses under the sea.Also,some people will live _8_ the moon.Then everyone will have a place to live.Fourth,hunger will stop all over the world.People will grow crops(庄稼庄稼)eve

17、rywhere _9_ on the top of buildings.Now what about you?_10_ do you think life in the future will be like?decideCthink Dpromisecare aboutCbring out Dwrite downshorterCworse Dbettershop Cstudy Dplayluck Cgrades DhealthCADCDher Cthem Dusso Cor Diffor Cwith Dthrough even Cstill DneverWhy CWhen DWhereCBA

18、BA(二)阅读理解。(二)阅读理解。The year is 2045.A group of robots compete in the World Cup.Robots?Is that possible?Many scientists believe it can happen.After all(毕竟毕竟),there are already robots that can play soccer.Of course,todays robots dont just play sports.Early robots could do just simple things,mainly in f

19、actories.Humans operated them.However,todays robots can operate on their own(not completely,of course).Some can only move around a little,like the robots which can sweep the floor,but others such as Honda ASIMO can do much more.He can run,climb,dance,and yes,even play soccer.Then there are robots ma

20、de to be like humans.These robots have faces and can show feelings.Such robots can learn new things,and show us how they feel.ActroidDER is one of them.Scientists are also making robots that look and act like animals.At NASA,scientists are making robot snakes.These snakebots can get into holes.They

21、might one day help scientists look for signs of life on Mars.Other animal robots include the frogbot,which can jump over objects,and the stickybot,which can walk up walls.Theres even a robot called Water Runner that can walk on water.But can a robot soccer team ever play as well as a human team?Many

22、 scientists think so.Anything is possible.One day,they may even be world champions.()11.The underlined word operated”in Paragraph 2 means _ in Chinese.A经营经营 B控制控制 C动手术动手术 D拥有拥有()12.In Paragraph 2,the writer _Apredicts the future of robotsBintroduce some kinds of robotsCdescribes(描述描述)things early ro

23、bots could do Dcompares(比较比较)early robots with todays robotsBB()13.Todays robots can do things except(除了除了)_Abeing real animalsBplaying soccerCshowing their feelingsDlearning new things()14.What can the frogbot do?AIt can walk on water.BIt can walk up walls.CIt can jump over objects.DIt can get into holes.AC()15.The best title of this passage is _ARobots in 2045BWhy we need robotsCThe history of robotsDThe robots are comingD同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,考试加油考试加油!奥利给奥利给结束语结束语


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