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1、Unit 5What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section B 2a2eSeptember 3 Parade was held in Tiananmen Square on September 3th,2015.I remember:I was at school.I was having lunch with my workmates.When I saw this,I felt very proud.Because Chinese soldiers are so cool and China has become stronger a

2、nd stronger.Spring Festival Gala was held in Beijing .I remember:I was at home.I was watching TV with my family.When I saw this,I felt excited but a little sad,Because I was one year older.2bLook at the pictures and title in the passage.What do you think the passage is about?Do You Remember What You

3、 Were Doing?Reading Tip (阅读技巧(阅读技巧1):题目和图片对理解全文很有用题目和图片对理解全文很有用。title(标题)(标题)Task 1段落段落n.n.A.The passage will talk about the future events.B.The passage will talk about the present(现在的)现在的)events.C.The passage will talk about the past(过去的(过去的)events.Look at the pictures and title in the passage.What

4、 do you think the passage is about?Do You Remember What You Were Doing?Reading Tip (阅读技巧(阅读技巧1):题目和图片对理解全文很有用题目和图片对理解全文很有用。Martin Luther KingThe World Trade Centertitle(标题)(标题)Task 1马丁马丁路德路德金(金(Martin Luther King,1929年年1月月15日日1968年年4月月4日),日),著名的美国民权运动领袖。著名的美国民权运动领袖。19631963年,马丁年,马丁路德路德金晋见金晋见了肯尼迪总统,要

5、求通过新的了肯尼迪总统,要求通过新的民权法,给黑人以平等的权利民权法,给黑人以平等的权利。19631963年年8 8月月2828日,在林肯纪日,在林肯纪念堂前,发表了念堂前,发表了我有一个梦我有一个梦想想的演说。的演说。19641964年度诺贝尔年度诺贝尔和平奖的获得者。和平奖的获得者。19681968年年4 4月月,马丁,马丁路德路德金前往孟菲斯金前往孟菲斯市,领导工人罢工后,被人刺市,领导工人罢工后,被人刺杀,时年杀,时年3939岁。岁。世界贸易中心世界贸易中心(World Trade CenterWorld Trade Center)简称简称“世贸中世贸中心心”,是一个由两座并立的塔式摩

6、天楼,是一个由两座并立的塔式摩天楼(被称作被称作“双子塔双子塔”)、四座办公楼和一座旅馆组成的建筑、四座办公楼和一座旅馆组成的建筑群,主体于群,主体于19731973年建成使用,曾以世界最高的双年建成使用,曾以世界最高的双子塔闻名于世,是子塔闻名于世,是美国纽约的地标之一。美国纽约的地标之一。Do you know the“911”event that shocked the world(震惊世界震惊世界)?Event about Dr.Martin Luther KingEvent about the World Trade CenterParagraph 1Paragraph 2Parag

7、raph 3Paragraph 4Reading Tip 2(阅读技巧(阅读技巧2):读全文之前先读每一段的首句读全文之前先读每一段的首句。Task 2Skimming:Read the passage,Match each paragraph with its main idea.(段落)(段落)The first sentences The first sentences may give you great may give you great helphelpRead the passage quickly and answer the question.1.Martin Luther

8、 King_on_2b2b2.The World Trade Center in New York _on_was killedwas taken down by terrorists.What are the two events?When did they happen?拆除拆除.恐怖分子恐怖分子April 4,1968September 11,2001Read Para1,finish the tasks.(读第读第1段段,完成任完成任务型阅读。)务型阅读。)_1.Everyone in American remembers who killed Dr.King.(T or F)任务一,

9、任务一,according to the passage,write T or F F Some people may not remember2.Not everyone will remember who killed him,but they can remember what they were doing when they heard that he got killed.任务二,任务二,find out the sentence with similar meaning(从文中从文中找出同义句找出同义句)Although some people may not remember

10、who killed him,they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.Read Para2,finish the tasks.(读第读第2段段,完成任完成任务型阅读。)务型阅读。)1.What was Robert and his parents doing when Luther Martin King was killed?They were eating dinner in the kitchen.3.We finished the rest of our dinner in silence.剩下的剩下的沉默

11、沉默n.n.我们沉默地吃完了剩下的晚饭我们沉默地吃完了剩下的晚饭任务二,任务二,Translate the sentence.(翻译句子)翻译句子)任务一,任务一,Answer the questions2.How did they feel when they heard the news?They were_ _.completely shocked.彻底地彻底地adv.震惊的震惊的adj.E Event Date Place Peoples activities Peoples feelings The world trade center was taken down by terro

12、rists.On September 11,2001In New YorkKate was working in her office near the two towers.She was so scared that she could hardly think clearly after that.(翻译翻译)1.Read Para3 and Para4,complete the form.(读3-4段,完成表格。)塔楼塔楼n.她太害怕了,以至于事后几乎无法清晰地思考。她太害怕了,以至于事后几乎无法清晰地思考。日期日期n n.2b2bListen to the tape and foll

13、ow it.Match the words with the Chinese meanings 1.passage 2.pupil pletely 4.in silence 5.recently 6.take down 7 date 8.tower 9.truth 拆除,往下拽拆除,往下拽沉默沉默最近,不久前最近,不久前日子日子塔楼塔楼事实,实情事实,实情学生学生段落段落完全地,彻底地完全地,彻底地Martin Luther KingWhen happenedWhat was.doingThe World Trade CenterWhere happenedWhat eventHow didf

14、eelWhen happenedWhere happenedWhat was.doingHow didfeelWhat eventReading Tip 3:Mind map(思维导图思维导图)can help us consolidate(巩固巩固)our reading.。was killed On April 4,1968.In AmericaRobert was eating.was completely shocked.was taken downSeptember11,2001.In New YorkKate was working.was so sared that.2c.Let

15、s see how much you remember about the events in the passage.Then retell the text with your own words.Martin Luther KingThe World Trade Centerwas killed On April 4,1968.In America was eating.was completely shocked.was taken downSeptember11,2001.In New York was working.was so sared that.Useful express

16、ionsPeople often remember what they were doing whenonin.At that time,was.When heard the news,was sothatEvent:Wu Dajing won the gold medal(金牌)金牌)Where:in the Pingchang Winter Olympics.(平昌冬平昌冬奥会奥会)When:On February 23rd,2018What.doing?Feelings:.No wars!No terrorism!Remember And value(珍惜)(珍惜)everything

17、we have owned.(拥有的)(拥有的)必做必做:Complete the writing in 3b Complete the writing in 3b and and self check 1,2self check 1,2.选做选做:Write another passage to introduce an event and tell me ntroduce an event and tell me your feelings.your feelings.Robert Allen is now over 50,but he was a school pupil at that

18、 time.“I was at home with my parents,”Robert remembers.“We were eating dinner in the kitchen when when heard the news on the radio.The news reporter said,“Dr.King died just 10 minutes ago.My parents were completely shocked!My parents did not tald after that,and we finished the rest of our dinner in

19、silence.back 7.the rest of 剩下的剩下的 e.g.The rest of the students are from England.剩下的学生来自于英格兰。剩下的学生来自于英格兰。e.g.The rest of the paper is used for drawing.剩下的纸是用来画画的。剩下的纸是用来画画的。8.in silence 安静地安静地e.g.They just sit there in silence.他们只是很安静地坐在那里。他们只是很安静地坐在那里。9.silent(adj.)安静的安静的e.g.Please keep silent.请保持安静

20、。请保持安静。2.Read paragraph 3and 4,complete the passage.(读(读第第3和和4段,完成句子)段,完成句子)Kate Smith _ in her office when the World Trade Center _ by terrorists.She never forgot the date-_.She was so _ that she could _ think _ after that.was workingwas taken down scaredhardlyclearlySeptember 11,2001What was the e

21、vent?When did it happen?Where did it happen?What was Robert Allen doing?How did his parents feel?1.Read Para1 and Para2,complete the form.(读(读1-2段,完成表格。)段,完成表格。)On April 4,1968.In AmericaHe was eating dinner with his parents.They were completely shocked.Dr.Martin Luther King was killed.彻底地彻底地adv.惊愕的

22、惊愕的adj.The World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists.On September 11,2001 People _ at first.When they _,they _ they _after that.Event 2DateFeelingdidnt believerealized that it was truewere so scared that could hardly think clearly Martin Luther King Try to complete the passage.Dr.M

23、artin Luther King,Jr.was in _(A.America or B.England).He was a _(A.black or B.white)man.He was one of the most famous_ of the American civil rights movement(民权运动民权运动)。He won the Nobel _Prize in 1964.Kings most influential and well-known speech is the I Have A _ speech.But he was killed in _.leadersp

24、eaceDream1968A:When was Dr.King killed?B:A:Where did it happen?B:A:What was Robert Allen doing whenB:A:How did feel about thatB:.Choice 2 According to the passage,use the information to make conversationsMemory challenge A:When was Dr.King killed?B:A:Where did it happen?B:A:What was Robert Allen doi

25、ng whenB:A:How did feel about that?.Choice 2 According to the passage,make conversationsChoice 1 Retell the events about Martin or the World Trade CenterMartin Luther KingWhat eventWhen happenedWhere happenedWhat was.doingHow didfeelThe 29th Olympic Games was held in Beijing on August 8th,2008.I rem

26、ember:I was at home.I was watching TV with my parents.When I saw this,I felt very proud.Because China held such a great opening.3.September 11,2001-the date alone means something to most people in the US.Even the date-September 11,2001-has meaning to most Americans.对对有意义有意义任务二,Find out the sentence

27、with similar meaning to the one below.(找出(找出3 小题的同义句)小题的同义句)日期日期n.n.Have meaning to的意思是的意思是_Where was Kate working at that time?任务三,任务三,Read Para3 and Para4,answer the question(读(读3-4段,回答问题。)段,回答问题。)She was working in her office near the two towers.Did she believe her friend at first?No,she didnt.How did she feel?She was so scared that she could hardly think clearly after that.have trouble doing sth.做某事有麻烦做某事有麻烦have trouble thinking我太害怕了,以至于事后几乎无法清晰地思考。我太害怕了,以至于事后几乎无法清晰地思考。塔楼塔楼n.


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