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1、课 题:英语3A教案Unit1Hello第一课时 教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1. 初步感知英语,能听懂、会读、会说交际用语:Hi/Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon. 并理解运用到日常生活中去。2. 能认识课文中的五个人物:Miss Li, Mike, Yang Ling, Su Hai, Liu Tao 和单词class.3. 培养学生能够文明地跟别人打招呼的好习惯。教学重难点1. 能听懂、会读、会说交际用语:Hi/Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon. 并理解运用到日常生活中去。2. 培养学生能够文明地跟别人打

2、招呼的好习惯。课前准备人物卡片,设计一张个人名片教学过程Activity One Warming up1. Sing a song “Hello”Im Claire. Hello, hello.Im Claire. Hello, hello.Hello, hello, hello.2. Introduce myselfT: Hello, class. Im Yu Zhenhua. My English name is Claire. You can call me Miss Yu or Claire. This term Im your new English teacher. Do you

3、like me? Please Say “Hi/Hello” to me.3. Introduce yourselvesS1: Hi/Hello, class. Im Ss: Hi,Activity Two Presentation and practice1. Watch and circleT: Class, you have done a good job. Now lets watch a cartoon, OK? Ss:OK.T: Who are they? Lets watch again and try to circle them. (再看一遍动画,圈出课文里出现的人物图像和名

4、字。) Ss:T: Who are they? S1:T: (一个一个呈现,并引导学生用Hi/Hello和他们打招呼。) Miss Li, Mike, Liu Tao, Su Hai, Yang Ling , class. Lets say “Hi” to them. Ss:2.Play a game “ Quick response”(巩固学习并记住五个人名)3.Read and draw (读一读,并连线)4. Play a game “Look and say”(看时间并说一说)5. Read after the tape (跟读课文,注意语音语调的模仿)6. Play in roles

5、.(分角色扮演,朗读课文)7. Act the dialogue. (表演课文,尝试背诵)Activity Three Consolidation1.Make a dialogue.Hi/Hello,Good morning/Good afternoon, 情境1:早晨在校门口遇见自己的同学或老师,你会怎么说?情境2:下午在公园里遇见你的好朋友,你会怎么打招呼?(学生可以选择一个场景或自创一个场景小组内进行编对话练习)Example:情境1:T: Good morning,Xu Wangyue. S1: Good morning,Miss Yu.2. Enjoy a song “ Good m

6、orning ”.T: Class, today you are excellent. Would you like listen to a song? Ss:OK.Homework1. Read Story time after the tape 2. Recite Story timeMike Miss LiSu HaiLiu TaoYang Ling板书设计 Unit1 Hello A: Hi/Hello, B: Hi/Hello, A: Good morning/afternoon, B: Good morning/afternoon, 教学调整 教学反思: 本单元主要讲授简单的日常交

7、际用语,学生之前已经对“Hi,Hello”比较熟悉,教师可以通过和孩子互相问候和自我介绍来拉近师生间的距离。教学难点在于“Good morning, good afternoon”的学习,以及字母Bb, Dd 的小写字母容易混淆。在这些环节的处理上,教师还需要多细心点,有耐心一点,给予学生纠正错误的时间。课 题:英语3A教案Unit1Hello第二课时教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读句子Hello, Hi, Good morning,Good afternoon,并且在不同的情景中用不同的句子问答。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写以下字母:Aa, Bb, Cc,

8、Dd.3.能熟练演唱歌曲:Good morning 4.培养学生养成良好的书写习惯。教学重难点1.能听懂、会说、会读句子Hello, Hi, Good morning,Good afternoon,并且在不同的情景中用不同的句子问答。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写以下字母:Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd.课前准备字母卡片,PPT 教学过程Activity One Warming up1.GreetingT: Good morning/afternoon,class. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Yu.T: Hello/ Hi, xxx S:Hello/Hi,

9、Miss Yu.教师用Good morning /afternoon/Hello/Hi 和学生大招呼。2.Sing a song “Good morning”T:Now,lets sing a song, Good morning. First, lets listen. Activity Two Presentation and practice1.Review Story timeT:Boys and girls, last class we have learnt some names of new friends. Do you remember?S:T: Look, theyre(呈

10、现人物图片) S:T: Do you remember what they are talking? Lets look at the pictures and try to retell.S:2. Play and sayT: Well done! Now lets play a dice game. When we stop, we should read the sentence in the box.Who can try? S:3. Quick responseT:I have some clocks here. Can you use good morning or good af

11、ternoon to greet with Miss Yu? (学生看钟面并用good morning或者是 good afternoon和老师打招呼。让学生理解:Good morning, 0-12 oclock, Good afternoon, 12-18 oclock .) 7:001:0010:00 13:0014:0017:004. Learn the new letters T: Children, today well make four new friends. Can you read them? S:T: Aa am , Bb Bobby , Cc class, Dd do

12、g S:T: Can you write them? Lets watch a cartoon and try to know how to write.(看字母书写动画,了解字母如何书写。) Now lets try. 大A像山有条路 , 小a像头长小辫。大B像13脸对脸, 小b像勺肚向右。大C像个大月亮, 小c像个小月亮。大D就像半块饼, 小d像勺肚向左。S: (一行写四个,大写字母写在上面两格,小写字母一般写在中间一格。)Activity Three Consolidation1. Listen and respond(1,2题听录音并回答,3,4题看图片说对话。)2. Ticking

13、timeT: Boys and girls, when we meet our friends , we can sayS: Hi/Hello.T: When we meet in the morning, we can sayS: Good morning.T: When we meet in the afternoon, we can sayS: Good afternoon. T:If you can say these four sentences fluently, you can get three stars. If you can say and write the lette

14、rs, you can get three stars. Judge by yourselves.Homework1. Read and copy the four letters 4 times.2. Sing the song and play the dice game with your friends.板书设计 Unit1 HelloHi/Hello Good morning. 0-12 oclockGood afternoon. 12-18 oclock教学调整 教学反思: 本单时教学重点是会书写字母Aa-Dd,学生对四线三格不是很熟悉,教师需要引导孩子学习字母的书写格式,了解英文

15、字母大小写的书写差异,并能利用小儿歌帮助学生区分b,d的书写。课 题:英语3A教案Unit1Hello第三课时教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1.能听懂、会说、熟练运用日常用语及句型:Hello/Hi, Im/I am. Good morning. Good afternoon.2.能认识Cartoon time中的两个人物:Bobby, Sam.3.能理解并熟读cartoon time ,体会故事中的幽默。4.能够默写四个字母:Aa ,Bb, Cc, Dd.教学重难点1.能听懂、会说、熟练运用日常用语及句型:Hello, Hi, Im/I am. Good morning. Go

16、od afternoon.课前准备PPT, 人物卡片,字母卡片教学过程Activity One Warming up1.Look ,read and rememberT: Good morning,class. S: Good morning, Miss Yu.T: Look at the letters, can you read them? S:2.Dictate the letters.3.Free-talkT: Hi/Hello, S:Hi/Hello,T: Good morning/afternoon. S: Good morning/afternoon.Activity Two P

17、resentation and practice1.Play a game “ Who am I ?”T: Hello, Im Yang Ling. (老师扮演杨玲) S:Hello,Yang Ling.T: Who can act as Mike? S1: Hello, Im Mike.T: 教授Im = I am (分别请学生扮演不同的人物,并练习对话。)T:You did a good job. Now lets play a game: Who am I? (用PPT呈现人物的一部分,让学生猜一猜,我是谁?)S:Hello/Hi, Im T: Hello/Hi, Im 替换练习Im =

18、 I am Hello, I am(游戏规则:例如老师说Im Miss Li.学生就要说 I am Miss Li.反之一样。)2 . Learn Cartoon time(1) Watch and choose.( )Who are they?AMike B. Sam C. Bobby( )What do they say?AHi B. Good morning C. Good afternoon( )Whats the matter with another two little mice?A.Theyre happy. B. Theyre scared. C. They run away

19、.(2) What do you think of Bobby? T: Mouse is afraid of cat. But Bobby is brave. He says “ Hi“ to Sam. Its funny.(3) Read the story(4) Act the story in groups (学生模仿读音,最好再加上动作)Activity Three ConsolidationDo some exercises (完成补充习题上的练习)A Listen and judge先让学生观察四幅图,让学生说说男孩心里想表达的,不要用题目框住了学生的想象能力。B Listen a

20、nd number先让学生观察图片,猜猜每幅图的隐含的关系:Bobby 和Sam 在花坛附近见面,他们会说什么?Homework1.Recite Cartoon time2.Finish the exercises.板书设计 Unit1 HelloHello/Hi, Im Sam kindI am. Bobby brave教学调整 教学反思: 本单时教学重点是学习Cartoon time,这个幽默小故事,不仅要让孩子读懂内容,而且还要让孩子体会老鼠Bobby不害怕猫咪Sam,甚至和他互相自我介绍时,小老鼠的机灵勇敢,小猫咪的憨厚可爱。课 题:英语3A教案Unit1Hello第四课时教材类型:所

21、属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1.能听懂、会说、熟练运用简单的日常用语及句型:Hello/Hi, Im/I am. Good morning. Good afternoon.2.能够背诵Story time 和 Cartoon time 3.能够默写四个字母:Aa ,Bb, Cc, Dd.4.能够对第一单元所学的知识进行恰当的自我评价。教学重难点1.能够背诵Story time 和 Cartoon time 2.能够默写四个字母:Aa ,Bb, Cc, Dd.3.能够对第一单元所学的知识进行恰当的自我评价。课前准备PPT, 人物卡片,字母卡片教学过程Activity One Warming

22、up1. Greeting.T: Good morning/afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Zhang.教师用本单元学的Hello./Hi./Good morning/afternoon.来和学生一个一个打招呼。为了情境的真实性,教师不能随口用Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening.,所以我觉得如果用钟表示最好,或者用不同方向中的太阳和月亮。2. Sing a song “Good morning”Activity Two Presentation and practice1.Qu

23、ick response (复习五个人物名字)T:Lets play a game “Quick response”Ss:2. Review Story timeT:Now, lets read look at the pictures. What are they talking? Do you remember?S: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Lets read together.Ss:.T: Who can recite them?S:3.Act Cartoon time让学生带着头饰来表演,可以鼓励学生用自己的语言来表演,不需要拘泥于书本上的说话顺序。Activ

24、ity Three Consolidation1.完成书本上的Checkout timeT:Sam would like you to help him .Please respondthem as quickly as you can.Lets go.录音文稿:Hello. Hi. Good afternoon.Good morning.2完成补充习题上的练习C Look and respondD Read and chooseE Match and write在做练习的时候,注意多让学生自己去观察题目,让他们自己看图去编故事。在做完每道题目的时候,让学生再跟着录音去读,再次加深对题目的理解,还可以多练习发音。3.自我评价书本Ticking timeHow many stars can you get?How many 和star这两个词组/词学生在二年级学过,所以比较好理解。通过这个环节增加学生学习的积极性,也使评价形式从老师给学生评价这单一形式向多元评价形式转变。Step 3 Homework1.完成背书任务。2.完成所有练习教学调整 教学反思: 本单时教学重点是复习第一单元所学的内容,教师需要检查学生掌握情况,并适当给予指导和讲解。


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