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1、Year of the _ A.bunny B.Rabbit C.hare What is your animal sign?1.a rabbit in the headlights=a rabbit caught in the headlights 2.pull a rabbit out of a hat 3.a happy bunny 4.rabbit on Expressions about the rabbit 1.The Year of the Rabbit 兔年2.The Jade Rabbit 玉兔3.The Easter Bunny 复活节兔子4.the Hare and th

2、e Tortoise 龟兔赛跑5.A sly rabbit has three burrows.狡兔三窟。6.When the hare is caught,the hounds are slaughtered.兔死狗烹to continue talking about something that to continue talking about something that is not interesting to the person you are is not interesting to the person you are talking totalking to没完没了的说

3、;唠叨;喋喋不休没完没了的说;唠叨;喋喋不休Hes alwaysHes always rabbiting on rabbiting on about his stamp about his stamp collection.collection.他总是沒完沒了地总他的集邮。他总是沒完沒了地总他的集邮。Unless someone canUnless someone can pull a rabbit out of pull a rabbit out of their hattheir hat,I just dont see how we can fix,I just dont see how

4、we can fix the issue without starting the whole thing the issue without starting the whole thing over again from scratch.over again from scratch.满江红怒发冲冠,一般认为是宋代抗金名将岳飞的词作。此词上片抒写作者对中原沦陷的悲愤,对前功尽弃的痛惜,表达自己继续努力争取壮年立功的心愿;下片抒写作者对民族敌人的深仇大恨,对祖国统一的殷切愿望,对国家朝廷的赤胆忠心。全词情调激昂、慷慨壮烈,显示出浩然正气和英雄气质,表现了作者报国立功的信心和乐观奋发的精神。从

5、悬崖之上到今年的满江红,从悬崖之上到今年的满江红,“宝刀不老宝刀不老”的张艺谋,证明了的张艺谋,证明了他可以在不同时代的背景里,游刃有余地嵌入一个又一个充满张力的悬他可以在不同时代的背景里,游刃有余地嵌入一个又一个充满张力的悬疑故事。疑故事。Zhang Yimou,one of Chinas most prominent and prolific Zhang Yimou,one of Chinas most prominent and prolific directors,has returned to the fiercely competitive directors,has return

6、ed to the fiercely competitive Spring Festival holidaySpring Festival holiday box office box office with his latest with his latest directorial effort,Full River Red.directorial effort,Full River Red.虽然我们每个人小时候,都在语文课本里背过岳飞的满江虽然我们每个人小时候,都在语文课本里背过岳飞的满江红,但可能很少有人想过,风波亭里到底发生过什么样的悲红,但可能很少有人想过,风波亭里到底发生过什么样

7、的悲壮。壮。The movie isThe movie is name named d after after the ancient Chinese military the ancient Chinese military general Yue Feis most famous poem.general Yue Feis most famous poem.科幻大片流浪地球科幻大片流浪地球2 2跨越跨越4 4年,与观众再度重逢。年,与观众再度重逢。20192019年电影年电影流浪地球成为当年春节档票房冠军。很多观众认为,流浪地流浪地球成为当年春节档票房冠军。很多观众认为,流浪地球开启了中国

8、科幻电影的元年。球开启了中国科幻电影的元年。The Wandering Earth 2,sequel to sci-fi The Wandering Earth 2,sequel to sci-fi blockbusterblockbuster The The Wandering Earth,is currently the Wandering Earth,is currently the most-anticipatedmost-anticipated new new film on Chinese ticketing platform Maoyan.The Wandering film o

9、n Chinese ticketing platform Maoyan.The Wandering Earth topped the rankings during the 2019 Chinese Lunar Earth topped the rankings during the 2019 Chinese Lunar New Year film season.New Year film season.电影无名是导演程耳继罗曼蒂克消亡史后时隔六年的新作,梁朝电影无名是导演程耳继罗曼蒂克消亡史后时隔六年的新作,梁朝伟、王一博将在片中演绎伟、王一博将在片中演绎“无名者的史诗无名者的史诗”。周迅、

10、王传君、黄磊、张婧。周迅、王传君、黄磊、张婧仪、大鹏等也出演此片。该片聚焦波谲云诡的隐蔽战线,讲述地下工作者仪、大鹏等也出演此片。该片聚焦波谲云诡的隐蔽战线,讲述地下工作者们冒着生命危险送出情报,用生命与热血保卫祖国的故事。们冒着生命危险送出情报,用生命与热血保卫祖国的故事。Hidden Blade,Hidden Blade,star starring Hong Kong film veteran Tony Leung,ring Hong Kong film veteran Tony Leung,and Chinese mainland star Wang Yibo is also and C

11、hinese mainland star Wang Yibo is also schedulescheduled to d to premiere during the 2023 Chinese Lunar New Year.The premiere during the 2023 Chinese Lunar New Year.The film tells a story set during the War of Resistance film tells a story set during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression

12、(1931-45).against Japanese Aggression(1931-45).动画电影深海是导演田晓鹏继大圣归来之后,历时动画电影深海是导演田晓鹏继大圣归来之后,历时7 7年筹备制作的又一作品。年筹备制作的又一作品。深海构建了一个不同于以往的全新海底世界,讲述了一名少女在神秘海底世界追寻深海构建了一个不同于以往的全新海底世界,讲述了一名少女在神秘海底世界追寻探索,邂逅一段独特生命旅程的故事。在奇幻冒险的外壳下,深海承载的是对于生探索,邂逅一段独特生命旅程的故事。在奇幻冒险的外壳下,深海承载的是对于生命的探讨。为打造命的探讨。为打造“前所未见前所未见”的大银幕奇观,主创耗时两年开

13、创性研发粒子水墨动画,的大银幕奇观,主创耗时两年开创性研发粒子水墨动画,实现中国水墨画与主流三维技术的结合。实现中国水墨画与主流三维技术的结合。Deep Sea,a Chinese animation feature,will also be released Deep Sea,a Chinese animation feature,will also be released during the Chinese Lunar New Year.The director,Tian Xiaopeng,during the Chinese Lunar New Year.The director,Ti

14、an Xiaopeng,is known for his 2015 animated blockbuster is known for his 2015 animated blockbuster Monkey King:Hero is Monkey King:Hero is BackBack,which grossed 955 million yuan.Tian said in an interview,which grossed 955 million yuan.Tian said in an interview that he had spent seven years making De

15、ep Sea.that he had spent seven years making Deep Sea.Set underwater,it tells the story of a girls journey exploring Set underwater,it tells the story of a girls journey exploring the mysterious sea world.The team spent two years on the mysterious sea world.The team spent two years on groundbreaking

16、groundbreaking research developing particle ink animation to research developing particle ink animation to realize the combination of traditional Chinese ink painting and realize the combination of traditional Chinese ink painting and 3D technology.3D technology.This movieThis movie is based on is b

17、ased on a true story and is adapted from a true story and is adapted from the 2021 TV Series called Ping Pong.The movie willthe 2021 TV Series called Ping Pong.The movie will center on center on the Chinese national ping-pong teams the Chinese national ping-pong teams victory in 1995.victory in 1995

18、.这部电影基于一个真实的故事,改编自这部电影基于一个真实的故事,改编自20212021年的电视剧乒乓。年的电视剧乒乓。这部电影将以这部电影将以19951995年中国国家乒乓球队的胜利为中心。年中国国家乒乓球队的胜利为中心。Actor/filmmaker Deng Chao directs and stars in Ping-Pong Actor/filmmaker Deng Chao directs and stars in Ping-Pong of China,an of China,an upcomingupcoming sports drama that will also star s

19、ports drama that will also star Wu Jing.Wu Jing.演员演员/电影制作人邓超导演并主演了中国乒乓之绝地反击,这电影制作人邓超导演并主演了中国乒乓之绝地反击,这部即将上映的体育电影的主演还包括吴京。部即将上映的体育电影的主演还包括吴京。在熊出没系列大电影陪伴大家的在熊出没系列大电影陪伴大家的8 8年里,熊强组合上天入地,穿越过去、年里,熊强组合上天入地,穿越过去、触摸未来,和大小朋友们经历了一段段天马行空,脑洞大开的历险。此次触摸未来,和大小朋友们经历了一段段天马行空,脑洞大开的历险。此次熊出没熊出没伴我伴我“熊芯熊芯”以以母爱母爱为主题,讲述了光头强

20、带着熊大熊二前往为主题,讲述了光头强带着熊大熊二前往振兴岛参观机器人研究所,却意外得到了熊妈妈的线索。其背后究竟有着怎振兴岛参观机器人研究所,却意外得到了熊妈妈的线索。其背后究竟有着怎样的故事?敬请期待!样的故事?敬请期待!Boonie Bears:Guardian Code,a film version of the Boonie Boonie Bears:Guardian Code,a film version of the Boonie Bears franchise,is anticipated to beBears franchise,is anticipated to be a h

21、it a hit with Chinese with Chinese children.With the theme of children.With the theme of maternal lovematernal love,the film tells,the film tells the story that how Briar and Bramble find their mother.the story that how Briar and Bramble find their mother.This heartwarming film is sure to make you smile through This heartwarming film is sure to make you smile through the tears.the tears.外刊、杂志、小说外刊、杂志、小说的的广泛阅读广泛阅读 Talkshows TV Series Foreign Movies Newspapers Magazines


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