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(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》5.2 Signs ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第1页
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(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》5.2 Signs ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第2页
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(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》5.2 Signs ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第3页
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(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》5.2 Signs ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第5页
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1、Signs Unit5 英语牛津深圳版 六年级上册 1.了解Culture time 2.重点句型: What does it mean? It means. 3.ir在单词中的发音。 163文库网 学习目标学习目标 导入新课导入新课 Free talk 1.你会玩掷骰子游戏吗? 2.你认为它有趣吗?为什么? 163文库网 A:What does it mean? B:It means you cant park here. No parking 上节回顾上节回顾 No eating or drinking A:What does it mean? B:It means you cant ea

2、t or drink here. No drinking A:What does it mean? B:It means you cant drink. 163文库网 No smoking A:What does it mean? B:It means you cant smoke. Play a game. Fun time Go straight A:What does it mean? B:It means you can go straight. 163文库网 163文库网 Quite please A:What does it mean? B:It means you should

3、keep quite. No trampling A:What does it mean? B:It means you should keep off the grass. 163文库网 No picking A:What does it mean? B:It means you cant pick the flowers. 163文库网 No littering A:What does it mean? B:It means you cant litter. No parking A:What does it mean? B:It means you cant park here. 你还认

4、识这个游戏中的其他标志吗? Sound time ir bird dirty girl shirt skirt The little bird said to the girl, “Why are you so happy today?” The girl said to the bird, “Because today is my birthday!” 课文展示课文展示 Whats this? It is a bird. bird 鸟 163文库网 They are dirty. dirty 脏的 She is a girl. girl 女孩 163文库网 Whats this? It is

5、 a shirt. shirt 衬衫 Do you know this kind of clothes? It is a skirt. skirt 短裙 /:/ ir 发音方法:和汉语普通话中的 de,了 le,么 me的韵母相似,嘴形扁 平,上下齿微开,舍身平放,舌中部稍稍抬高,不要与之接触口部 肌肉,舌头一定要放松,声音要拉长 常见发/的字母组合:or ear ur skirt shirt girl dirty bird 常见发/:/的字母组合:or ear ur earn nurse Look and read work 163文库网 Culture time metro 地铁 地铁是铁

6、路运输的一种形式,指在地下运行为主的城市轨道交通系统,即 “地下铁道”或“地下铁”(Subway、tube、underground)的简称;许多此类 系统为了配合修筑的环境,并考量建造及营运成本,可能会在城市中心以外地 区转成地面或高架路段。地铁是涵盖了城市地区各种地下与地上的路权专有、 高密度、高运量的城市轨道交通系统(Metro),中国台湾地铁称之为“捷运” In the UK,people call the metro“underground”. In the US,people call the metro“subway”. 163文库网 城市里还有哪些交通工具? 1.了解Cultur

7、e time 2.重点句型: What does it mean? It means. 3.ir在单词中的发音。 163文库网 课堂小结课堂小结 选出最佳答案。 ( )1.What does the sign mean?It means_. A.you can climb the tree B.the tree is tall C. you cant climb the tree D.the tree is dangerous ( )2.What does the sign mean?It means_. A.you can pick the flowers B. the flowers are beautiful C.you can see the flowers D.you cant pick the flowers ( )3.What does the sign mean?It means_. A.you cant park B.you can park C.you can go to the park D.you cant go to the park ( )4.选出划线部分发音不同的一项。 A.dirty B.skirt C.worker D.work 你最喜欢城市里哪些交通工具? 为什么?请写下来。 163文库网 家庭作业家庭作业


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