话题写作高分句 2.pdf

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1、上一次总结的话题写作高分句受到了广泛关注, 小编加油鼓劲又整理了新的 一波,希望同学们看过之后能有所收获。 话题六话题六 家人、朋友与周围的人家人、朋友与周围的人 1. 任 何 人 , 无 论 他 是 官 员 还 是 公 交 车 司 机 , 都 应 受 到 同 样 的 尊 重 。 (whether . or .; equally) (12 福建单选改) Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be equally respected. 2. 我们拥有的朋友越多,获得的快乐也就越多。(the more . the mor

2、e) (14 全国短文改错改) The more friends we have, the more pleasure we can gain / get. 3. 无论我们多忙,都该抽时间陪陪父母。(让步状语从句;spare, accompany) However busy we may be, we should spare some time to accompany our parents. 4. 出生在一个有三个哥哥的家庭里, 大卫从小就被培养重视分享的意识。 (过 去分词作状语;bring up; value) (11 福建单选改) Born into a family with t

3、hree brothers, David was brought up to value the sense of sharing. 5. 我父母已经结婚 20 年了,但他们从没有吵过一次架。(倒装句) My parents have been married for 20 years but never once have they quarreled with each other. 话题七话题七 社交礼仪社交礼仪 1. 应该鼓励孩子们养成良好的习惯并且守规矩。(被动句;behave) (11 浙江 书面表达改) Children should be encouraged to devel

4、op / form good habits and behave themselves. 2. 认真倾听可以显示尊重、促进理解、改善人际关系。(promote) (08 江苏 书面表达改) Good listening can show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. 3. 当你直视他人时,他们会觉得你 (很) 欣赏他们正在讲的话。(宾语从句; appreciate) (15 安徽任务阅读) When you look people in the eye, they feel you

5、 appreciate what they are saying. 4. 为某人的健康或者成功祝酒时,我们总会碰杯 (clink)。(when + 现在分词 短语) We will clink glasses when drinking to someones health or success. 5. 我要向你道歉 我恐怕误拆了你的信。(apology) (11 陕西单词拼写) I have an apology to make to you / I have to make an apology to you Im afraid I opened your letter by mistak

6、e. 6. 你不该打断会议来告诉我那件事,你本可以会后告诉我。(虚拟语气; interrupt) (14 湖北完成句子) You shouldnt / oughtnt to have interrupted the meeting to tell me that; you could have come to tell me afterwards. 话题八话题八 学校生活学校生活 ( (一一) ) 1. 此课程旨在使学生能胜任护理工作。(be designed to, equip . for) The course is designed to equip students for a car

7、eer in nursing. 2. 应该鼓励学生将课堂上所学的知识运用到实践中。(被动句) Students should be encouraged to apply what they have learned in class to practice. 3. 自从她出国深造后就不再和我们联系了。(no longer) (11 上海句子翻译) No longer has she / She has no longer kept in touch with us since she went abroad for further education / study. 4. 不管就业形势如何

8、严峻,对优秀大学毕业生总是有需求的。(让步状语从 句;top, in demand) However / No matter how serious the employment situation is, top graduates from universities will always be in demand. 5. 尽管对破旧的校园和设备简陋的教室感到失望, 但我发现老师们很有耐心 也很体贴。(as, shabby) (12 湖北书面表达改) Disappointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly equipped cl

9、assroom, I found the teachers patient and considerate. 6. 这个学生没有请假就离校三天。(leave, absent) (12 湖北完成句子改) The student was absent from school for three days without asking for leave (first). 话题九话题九 学校生活学校生活 ( (二二) ) 1. 通过不断努力,我在学习上取得了平稳进步。(constant) Through my constant efforts, I have made steady progress

10、 in my studies. 2. 下个月就该交论文了, 一周七天我都在工作, (而且) 常常到深夜。 (due) (14 浙江单选改) The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days a week, often long into the night. 3. 为解决我所面对的问题,我通常选择参考相关的学习资料或网页。 (relevant) To solve the problems (which / that) Im faced with, I usually choose to refer to relevant lear

11、ning materials or web pages. 4. 我决定专注 (学习) 英语并且最终我的努力取得了成功。(pay off) (14 山东 书面表达改) I decided to concentrate on my English and finally my efforts / hard work paid off. 或 I decided to focus my mind / attention on my English and finally my efforts / hard work paid off. 5. 最有益于我们工作的,不是我们做了多少事,而是在所做的事情中我

12、们倾 注了多少爱。(强调句;benefit) (11 陕西单选改) It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do that benefits our work most. 话题十话题十 语言学习语言学习 1. 为了取得更好的成绩,你应该在考试前再复习一下我们学过的所有内容。 (11 四川单选改) To get a better grade, you should go over everything that we have learned / covered before the test. 2. 他法语学

13、得很好,在明年学校组织的法国之旅中将会派上用场。(非限制 性定语从句;grasp / knowledge) He has a good grasp / knowledge of French, which will be useful for the school trip to France next year. 3. 有这么多的单词和短语我能理解,但不能准确使用。(定语从句) There are / were so many words and phrases that I can / could understand but cant / couldnt use accurately.

14、4. 我们靠课堂上学到的东西不太可能通过考试。(on the basis of) We are not likely to pass the exam on the basis of what weve picked up / learned during the classes. 5. 如果他以前花更多的时间练习说英语,那现在就能说得更好了。(if 虚拟 条件句) If he had spent more time practising speaking English before, he would be able to speak it much better now. 话题十一话题十

15、一 工作与职业工作与职业 ( (一一) ) 1. 毫无疑问,这位候选人符合该职位的要求。(there is no doubt that; meet the requirements) There is no doubt that the candidate meets the requirements for this position / post. 2. 虽然很累,但是我不后悔志愿帮助残疾儿童。(as) Tired as I was, I didnt regret volunteering to help the disabled children. 3. 常言道,不要以貌取人。(judg

16、e) (13 全国单选改) You cant judge a book by its cover, as the old saying goes. 或 You cant judge by appearances, as the old saying goes. 4. 直到大学毕业,我才决定成为一名程序设计师。 (not . until .) I didnt make up my mind to become a program designer until I graduated from university. 5. 护士们不仅要求涨工资,还要求减少工作时间。(倒装句;not only bu

17、t also ) (14 全国单选改) Not only do the nurses want a pay increase, but also they want reduced working hours. 6. 警察在我们的社会中起着极其重要的作用。(play a vital role) The police play a vital role in our society. 话题十二话题十二 工作与职业工作与职业 ( (二二) ) 1. 我期待您的答复。 (11 辽宁书面表达改) Im looking forward to your reply. 2. 我的工作包括招聘与培训新员工。(

18、involve) My work involves employing and training new employees / staff. 3. 有相关 (岗位) 工作经验的求职者优先。(relevant, prefer) Applicants with relevant work experience are preferred. 4. 说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重要。(attach) (人教U5) To be honest / frank, a lot of people attach great importance to fame and fortune / becoming

19、rich and famous. 5. 正是他手写的求职信使其从众多的求职者中脱颖而出。(强调句) It was his handwritten application letter that made him stand out from a large number of applicants / candidates. 6. 吉米 (Jimmy) 一到就发现排了一条长队的申请者等着面试。 (13 山东阅 读) Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applicants (were) waiting to be interviewed. 话题十三

20、话题十三 工作与职业工作与职业 ( (三三) ) 1. 他有潜力成为世界级的音乐家。(potential) He has the potential to become a world-class musician. 2. 很多难题亟待解决,新升职的经理正面临巨大挑战。(with 复合结构) With so many difficult problems to settle / handle / deal with, the newly-promoted manager is facing a great challenge. 3. 毫无疑问这是你获得工作技能、提高能力的绝佳机会。(同位语从句

21、) There is no doubt that this is an ideal / perfect / golden opportunity for you to acquire work skills and improve your ability. 4. 尽管我被提升为经理了,我感觉我没有做好承担新责任的准备。(让步状 语从句) Although I have been promoted to manager, I dont feel ready to undertake / take on new responsibilities. 5. 周日是我们不必工作的一天, 是我们全身心地

22、投入去享受并庆祝美好事物 的时刻。 (定语从句;be supposed to, devote oneself to) (08 湖北阅读改) Sunday is a day when we are not supposed to work, a time when we devote ourselves to enjoying and celebrating what is beautiful. 6. 我认为不管发生什么,我们必须保持冷静并找出解决问题的方法。(宾语 从句;find a solution to) (09 湖南书面表达改) I think / find that whatever

23、/ no matter what happens, we must keep calm and find a solution to the problem. 话题十四话题十四 问题与冲突问题与冲突 1. 我想分享我解决难题的方法. (approach) (11 安徽书面表达改) Id like to share my approach to difficulties. 2. 我们应该学会多沟通并设身处地为他人着想。(place / position) We should learn to communicate more and put ourselves in others place /

24、 position. 3. 有困难请向警察求助。(祈使句;turn to) (08 上海句子翻译) Please turn to the police for help when (you are) in trouble. 4. 父母的言行对孩子的一生都有影响。(what 引导主语从句;effect / influence) What parents say and do has a life-long effect / influence on their children. 5. 要避免此类冲突, 我认为双方保持冷静很有必要。 (it作形式宾语;consider) To avoid suc

25、h conflicts, I consider it necessary for both sides to keep / stay calm. 6. 从某种程度上讲,是你的消极态度造成了外语学习上的困难。(强调句; attitude) To a (certain) degree / To some extent, its your negative attitude that causes difficulties in learning a foreign language. 7. 在老师的帮助下,我学会了如何分析并解决问题。(settle) With the help of my tea

26、cher, I have learned how to analyse and settle problems. 8. 就我们班而言,急需解决的问题是有些学生上课偷偷玩手机。(现在分词 作定语;表语从句;resolve) (15 广东书面表达改) As for our class, the problem requiring to be resolved urgently is that some students play cell phones secretly in class. 话题十五话题十五 成功与失败成功与失败 1. 我们应该下苦功夫通过学习来提高自己。 (take pains

27、to) (15 福建书面表达 改) We should take pains to improve ourselves through learning. 2. 一想到没卖完所有报纸,乔治 (George) 就觉得沮丧。(sink, failure) (15 湖 北完形改) Georges heart sank as he thought of / at the thought of his failure to sell all his papers. 3. 不到万不得已不要承认失败。(not . until .) Dont admit defeat until you really hav

28、e to. 4. 是勇气和决心而不是运气保证了他的成功。(强调句;guarantee) It was not luck but courage and determination that guaranteed his success. 5. 她奋斗了十年来取得成功。(不定式作目的状语;struggle) She struggled for ten years to achieve success. 6. 要克服如此多的问题需要极大的勇气。(it 作形式主语;take) It takes great courage to overcome so many problems. 7. 他们决心不惜

29、任何代价也要坚持并实现他们的梦想。(cost, stick to) They were determined to stick to and realise / fulfil / achieve their dream at all costs / at any cost. 8. 可能要很多年你的努力才会有回报。(it is / was . before) It may be many years before your hard work pays off / is rewarded. 注:注:本文 英 文 关 键 词 均 出 自 维 克 多英语高考英语总复习 全效新 方 略词汇 学 习 必 备


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