人教版七年级英语上册Unit 4 单元测试卷(Word版含答案).docx

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1、人教版七年级英语上册Unit 4 单元测试卷Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Listening test part(略)Written test part(共80分).单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. Look! Your smart watch is _ the bed.A. onB. atC. in D. under( )17. Betty, who are _ in the picture?My cousins. And _ mother is my aunt.A. they; they B. th

2、ey; theirC. their; their D. their; they( )18. Jeff, is that red jacket _?No, it isnt. _ is brown.A. Jenny; Her B. Jenny; HersC. Jennys; Her D. Jennys; Hers( )19. Emma _ Ava are English girls, but Mia _.A. and; is B. and; isntC. but; isD. but; isnt( )20. In the _ are 45 sets of tables and chairs.A. c

3、up B. notebookC. room D. schoolbag( )21. Henrys sofa isnt _ his pencil box, cup and jacket are all on it.A. tidy B. blueC. goodD. welcome( )22. Chaoyang Middle School is a nice school.I _ it. My brother Peter is a teacher there.A. spellB. know C. have D. say( )23. Are the keys in this bag yours?_. M

4、ine are in that bag.A. Yes, it is B. No, it isntC. Yes, they are D. No, they arent( )24. _ is your bookDog Man?You can see it on the sofa.A. How B. WhatC. Where D. What number( )25. _, Dale. You must meet Ms. Li at 8:30, and its 8:10 now!OK, Mom.A. Come onB. Good afternoonC. Thank you D. Nice to mee

5、t you.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Eliza builds a tree house (搭建一个树屋). She calls her26, “I build a tree house. Come and play with me!”Later, Pete, Josh and Amelia come and27the tree house.“Wow, the tree house looks nice. But28small,” Pete says.“Youre right, Pete. What

6、 about building another (另外的)29rooms next to the tree house?” Eliza asks.Josh says, “Great! We can read (阅读) books in the30room.”“In the next room, we can build some31and then sleep (睡觉) on them. And32can we do in the last one?” Amelia asks.“We can have a33in the last room, and play computer games t

7、here,” Eliza says.“Nice! I can34you to build tables, chairs, beds and .” Pete says.“Thank you,35dear friends. Lets build now!” Eliza says.With the friends help, Elizas tree house is big and beautiful now. They have a party in it happily.( )26. A. parentsB. cousinsC. teachersD. friends( )27. A. call

8、B. seeC. lose D. ask( )28. A. its B. shesC. hes D. Im( )29. A. five B. fourC. three D. two( )30. A. first B. nextC. middle D. last( )31. A. phones B. schoolsC. beds D. classrooms( )32. A. who B. whatC. how D. what color( )33. A. watch B. cardC. photo D. computer( )34. A. excuse B. findC. help D. mee

9、t( )35. A. my B. yourC. his D. her.情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Good morning, Grandma.B: Morning, Kendy. (36)_A: Your ring? (37)_B: But now it isnt in it.A: (38)_B: No, it isnt.A: Let me see. (39)_B: Haha! Thanks, dear. (40)_A: Theyre on your head, Grandma.B: Oh, how forgetful (健

10、忘的) I am!A. Is it on the table?B. Where is my chair?C. Its always in this box.D. Come and find my ring.E. Oh, its under your quilt.F. Is my grandpa in your room?G. What about my glasses (眼镜)?.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AMy name is Alan. This is my desk. It is blue. My pencil box is on it. It is green. My schoo

11、lbag is under it.-I am Lily. This is a bookcase. It is brown. Many (许多) books are in it. They are my mothers. My brothers model plane is in it, too. Whats on it? Its my fathers black watch.-I am Cindy. This is my bed. It is white. A red quilt is on it. Under it, you can find a tape player. It is my

12、grandpas.-My name is Bob. This is a yellow chair. Oh! A set of keys is under it. It is my sisters. Who is on it? Haha . He is our dog, Eric!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )41. What color is Alans desk?A. Green. B. Blue.C. Red. D. White.( )42. The black watch is _.A. Lilys sistersB. Lilys brothersC. Lilys fathersD.

13、Lilys mothers( )43. Where is the tape player?A. On the chair.B. Under the bed.C. Under the desk.D. In the bookcase.( )44. What is Bobs sisters?A.B.C.D.( )45. Who is Eric?A. Bobs dog.B. Cindys dog.C. Bobs brother.D. Cindys brother.BBens blog (博客)Hello, friends! My name is Ben and Im 7. I have a big f

14、amily. They are my grandparents, my parents, my two sisters, my brother and I. I live in a big house with my parents, sisters and brother. My grandparents dont live with us. They live next to my school.All of us like animals. Today is Sunday. We want to go to the zoo.Robert is my dad. Hes 43 and he

15、loves elephants. Lucy is my mom. Shes 39 and she loves giraffes (长颈鹿).Anna and Kim are my sisters. Anna is 9 and Kim is 13. Their favorite animals are monkeys. They think monkeys are cute. My brother Max is 5 and his favorite animals are tigers.My grandma Betty is 74 and my grandpa George is 82. The

16、y love pandas best. I love pandas, too. I thinktheyare cute.30100根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )46. Ben lives with _ people in his house.A. eightB. sevenC. sixD. five( )47. Where does Ben want to go today?A. To the zoo.B. To his friends house.C. To his school.D. To his grandparents house.( )48. Max is Roberts _.A.

17、 fatherB. grandfatherC. sonD. brother( )49.划线单词they指代的是_。A. elephantsB. pandasC. tigersD. monkeys( )50. Bens blog is about _.A. his houseB. his familyC. his school daysD. his favorite animalsCToday is Saturday. Next Monday is a big day for Gina. The 6-year-old girl can go to school. Ginas dad wants

18、to buy her some school things (学习用品). Gina and her dad go to a shop.“I want some pencils,” says Gina. From a box, she takes out the pencils. “One, two, three, four, five.” Then Gina sees some beautiful pencil boxes and asks, “Can I have one, Dad?” Dad buys a red pencil box for Gina. Dad also gets fo

19、ur notebooks, three erasers and two rulers for her.“You have a lot of things. Do you want a schoolbag? It canholdthem all,” says Dad.Gina says, “Yes, Dad.”Gina is very happy. She goes to the park with her schoolbag. She meets her friend Linda there. They play for a long time and they decide to go to

20、 school together (一起) on Monday.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )51. Gina can go to school _.A. this SaturdayB. this SundayC. next MondayD. next Friday( )52. What doesnt Gina buy in the shop?A.B.C.D.( )53.划线单词hold的中文意思是“_”。A.容纳B.控制C.装饰D.举起( )54.可放入“ ”处的句子是_。A. You, too.B. Thank you.C. Are you OK?D. Youre welcome.( )

21、55. What can we learn from the passage (文章)?A. Linda is 6 years old.B. Gina likes her red schoolbag.C. Gina is happy to go to school.D. Linda buys some school things, too.词汇运用(每小题0.5分,共5分)A)根据语境及所给汉语提示,写出所缺单词。56.The food _(模型) look like real (真实的) ones.57. Ann lost four _(磁带) in the library.58. Lily

22、 looks nice in the blue _(帽子).59.Vera likes music, and you can find CDs _(到处) in her room.60.I can see grey hair (灰白头发) on my parents _(头).B)根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,注意形式变化。clock, think, always, bookcase, we61. I _ a good book is like a good friend.62.Ms. Green is _ English teacher, and she is good to us.

23、63.200 books about China are in these two _.64. _ can tell us the time.65. Leo is _ the first to come to school.完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。66. Tom的爸爸是老师,他的妈妈也是。Toms father is a teacher, _ _ _ _, too.67. Sally,你爷爷奶奶的收音机在那个盒子下面吗?Sally, _ _ _ _ under that box?68.妈妈,我哥哥的笔记本在哪里?_ _ _ _, Mo

24、m?69.讲桌上有一些棒球。_ _ _ _ are some baseballs.70.她的学生卡不在她的书包里。Her ID card _ _ _ _.书面表达(10分)假如你是某国际中学的李乐,今天中午你因参加学校棒球队集训无法回宿舍取东西,你想拜托你的舍友Ben中午回宿舍时帮你带上,但他现在恰巧不在教室。请你根据下表所提供的信息用英语给他写一个便条,告知他物品的位置。物品位置手表在床上词典在书柜里钥匙在书桌上英语笔记本在书桌上地图在英语笔记本下面要求:不少于5句话。便条的格式和开头已给出,不计入总句数。Dear Ben,Can you help me bring (带来) some th

25、ings? _Li Le附加题 (共10分)Ho Pe-sun is a woman from Taiwan, China. Now, she lives in Pingtan, Fujian. She has a school there. The school is for children under 3. Its name is “Go Aims.” The school is beautiful. There are many colors on the school playground: green, blue, red, yellow and white.Ho loves ch

26、ildren. She is a very good teacher. She reads books and plays games with the children. She teaches (教) them in interesting ways. She teaches them about the world map. She takes the children to supermarkets to learn about vegetables.Hos school is very popular (受欢迎的).Many parents want their children t

27、o study there.Ho likes Pingtan very much. She wants to live there for a long time. “I have a lot of friends in Pingtan. They make me feel at home,” Ho says.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。1. Where is Ho from?_2. Who can go to Hos school?_3. How are Hos teaching ways?_4.What does the underlined sentence (划线句子) show?_

28、5. Is Pingtan a good place to live for Ho?_参考答案Listening test part(略). 16-20 DBDBC 21-25 ABDCA. 26-30 DBACA 31-35 CBDCA. 36-40 DCAEG. 41-45 BCBDA 46-50 DACBB 51-55 CBABC. 56. models 57. tapes 58. hat 59. everywhere60. heads61. think 62. our 63. bookcases64. Clocks 65. always. 66. and his mother is67

29、. is your grandparents radio68. Wheres my brothers notebook69. On the teachers desk70. isnt in her schoolbag.One possible version:Dear Ben,Can you help me bring (带来) some things?They are my watch, dictionary, keys, English notebook and map. My watch is on the bed. My dictionary is in the bookcase. My keys and English notebook are on the desk. And you can see the map under the English notebook. Thanks for your help.Li Le附加题1. She is from Taiwan, China.2. Children under 3. 3. They are interesting.4. It shows Hos school is very popular.5. Yes, it is.第 12 页 共 12 页


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