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1、 高考冲刺卷高考冲刺卷(四四) 第一部分 听力(略) 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 21.I dont know the thing,as you see, she has been under a lot of pressure at work. A.where B.which C.that D.what 答案 C 解析 句意为:如你所知,我不了解她工作中承受着很大的压力这个情况。分析句子结构可知, as you see 在此作

2、插入语,空处引导同位语从句,解释说明 the thing 的具体内容,从句中不缺少成分且 意义完整,故选 C。 22.Throughout Southeast Asia,many countries are spending billions of dollars upgrading airports or building new ones to an increasing number of tourists. A.exploit B.accommodate C.guarantee D.accelerate 答案 B 解析 句意为:在整个东南亚,许多国家正在花费数十亿美元升级机场或建造新机

3、场,以容纳越 来越多的游客。accommodate 容纳,为提供空间,符合语境。exploit 开发,开采;guarantee 保证; accelerate 加速。 23.Stan Lee,who co-created the Marvel Universe and many of its most popular superheroes, _ on November 12,2018 at the age of 95. A.had died B.has died C.dies D.died 答案 D 解析 句意为: 漫威宇宙及其中许多很受欢迎的超级英雄的创造者之一斯坦 李于 2018 年 11

4、 月 12 日去世,享年 95 岁。根据句意和句中的时间状语“on November 12, 2018 ”可知,此处描述的是过去 的事实,故用一般过去时。 24.“The US and China will never really understand each other we study their language and culture and share experiences that build a foundation for dialogue,” said Susan Jain from the UCLA Confucius Institute. A.when B.unle

5、ss C.since D.though 答案 B 解析 句意为:“除非我们学习他们的语言和文化,并分享为对话奠定基础的经历,否则美国和 中国将永远不会真正地相互理解。 ”来自加州大学洛杉矶分校孔子学院的 Susan Jain 说。 分析句子结构 可知,空处在此引导条件状语从句,表示“除非”,应用 unless。 25.The major reason why I plan to buy a house in Singapore is that I can have a _ residence permit to occasionally oversee my childrens educati

6、on in the city. A.temporary B.selective C.regular D.confidential 答案 A 解析 句意为:我计划在新加坡购买一座房子的主要原因就是能有一个暂住证以便偶尔去监管我 孩子在那个城市的教育(状况)。temporary 临时的,符合语境。selective 选择性的;regular 常规的; confidential 机密的,保密的。 26.One of Chinas top universities,Peking University,will establish a new campus in Changping District a

7、rtificial intelligence research. A.having focused on B.to be focused on C.focusing on D.focused on 答案 C 解析 句意为:中国顶尖大学之一北京大学,将在昌平区建立一个专注于人工智能研究的新 的校园。根据句意和分析句子结构可知,此处考查非谓语动词短语作定语,又因 focus on 与 a new campus 构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故选 C。A 项 having focused on 表示动作先于谓语动词的动作发生, 不符合句意。 27.She applied to some really goo

8、d schools,but with her grades,Im afraid she wont . A.get ahead B.get behind C.get in D.get off 答案 C 解析 句意为: 她申请了一些非常好的学校, 但是由于她的成绩, 我担心她不会被录取。 get ahead(工 作上)取得成功,出人头地;get behind 落后;get in 被录取;get off 离开,动身。故选 C。 28.As is required in the instructions, not until the correct password can you access th

9、e app on your computer. A.enters B.is to enter C.will be entered D.has been entered 答案 D 解析 句意为: 按照说明书上的要求, 你只有输入了正确的密码才能进入电脑上的应用程序。 enter 与 password 之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;此处陈述客观事实且 enter 所表示的动作发生在 access 所表示的动作之前,应用现在完成时。故选 D。 29.The second Wuzhen Contemporary Art Exhibition to be opened next March will f

10、eature the works of 45 artists from 21 countries, are active in the international contemporary art world. A.who B.whom C.which D.what 答案 A 解析 句意为:将于明年 3 月开幕的第二届乌镇当代艺术邀请展将展出来自 21 个国家的 45 位艺 术家的作品,他们活跃于国际当代艺术界。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导定语从句,且在从句中 作主语,先行词是 artists,指人,应用 who。 30. the differences between the Chines

11、e and French kids, I think the biggest is that they have a tennis culture and they really understand the game. A.As to B.Due to C.Instead of D.Regardless of 答案 A 解析 句意为:谈及中国球童和法国球童的差异,我认为最大的差异在于他们有网球文化,而且 他们真正懂得这项运动。as to 关于,至于,符合语境。due to 因为;instead of 而不是;regardless of 不 管,不顾。 31.The significance

12、of dreams,indeed,cannot be overlooked.Dreams help set goals,otherwise, life direction. A.loses B.has lost C.had lost D.would lose 答案 D 解析 句意为:梦想的意义确实不容忽视。梦想有助于设定目标,否则,生活就会失去方向。 otherwise 表示“否则,要不然(指如果某事没有发生,就会发生另一事)”,故此处需用虚拟语气。根 据句意可知,此处表示与将来事实相反的情况,主句用 would do 的形式。故选 D。 32.She was when she was rel

13、iably informed that the magazine would print the story she wrote. A.on cloud nine B.on the ball C.in the red D.in the air 答案 A 解析 句意为:当她得到可靠消息说她写的故事将被刊登在杂志上时,她非常高兴。on cloud nine 非常高兴,符合语境。on the ball 机警,敏锐;in the red 负债;in the air 在传播中。 33.The company is developing technical standards charging netwo

14、rks nationwide to make them smart,efficient and flexible. A.to be improving B.improving C.improved D.to improve 答案 D 解析 句意为:该公司正在提升技术标准,以改进全国的充电网络,使其智能、高效和灵活。根 据句意和分析句子结构可知,此处用不定式作目的状语,且不强调动作正在进行。故选 D。 34.Small as our house was,my parents gave me the most important gift of all,an of love. A.alternat

15、ive B.accumulation C.abundance D.assumption 答案 C 解析 句意为:虽然我们的房子小,但是我的父母给了我最重要的礼物满满的爱。abundance 大量,充裕,符合语境。alternative 可供选择的事物;accumulation 积累,积聚;assumption 假设。 35.As far as Im concerned,I think football is the best sport in the world. .I love basketball the most. A.I cant agree more B.I beg to diffe

16、r C.You said it D.You made it 答案 B 解析 句意为:就我而言,我认为足球是世界上最好的运动。很抱歉,我不敢苟同。我 最喜欢篮球。I beg to differ 很抱歉,我不敢苟同,符合语境。I cant agree more 完全赞成;you said it 说得对;you made it 你做到了。 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 People shall always unite as one big family in face of d

17、isasters.When Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, Readers Digest wrote about impressive rescues.The spirit of serving can be incredibly 36 .Here is a story from Annalysa Longworth,a survivor of Hurricane Maria,in her own 37 . “The total 36 hours of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico was 38 the scariest event we

18、ve ever gone through.Our house sits on the northwest coast of Rincon.In the 39 ,over 100 mph winds changed direction causing a great amount of water flooding our 40 .The only place thats dry and safe was our kitchen floor,where we were 41 to ride out the rest of the storm.It has been 50 days since t

19、he 42 , and we are still without power and water.During our regular afternoon showers,we are glad to 43 rainwater but are quickly reminded of the people living without roofs,and how 44 it must be for them.Our emotions are consistently in a state of 45 . Recently,our good friends told us about a vide

20、o interview they were doing with Watts of Love,a solar light company.The company generously gave us a headlamp for our personal 46 and a box with 50 headlamps to distribute throughout our town.Rincon was completely blacked out so making a simple walk through a parking lot to our car is 47 .We used t

21、o rush to get things done before 48 ,but now I continue daily chores in the dark.What 49 our lives most was being able to share this gift with others.We 50 the lamps house by house to the people in the mountains who needed them most,as even batteries and candles are 51 there.Even though 52 have come

22、 slowly,people have been out of work and cant afford to 53 their electric bill.Ill always be 54 to Watts of Love for allowing us to pay it forward and be witnesses to the smiles that 55 can bring.” 语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。讲述了飓风过后,一家名叫 Watts of Love 的公司为受灾群 众送去了光明。 36.A.moving B.terrifying C.universal D.necessa

23、ry 答案 A 解析 moving 动人的;terrifying 令人害怕的;universal 普遍的;necessary 必要的。服务的精神令 人极为感动。故选 A。 37.A.methods B.words C.opinions D.editions 答案 B 解析 method 方式;word 话语;opinion 意见;edition 版本。下面是飓风玛利亚的幸存者安娜丽 莎用自己的话说的一个故事。故选 B。 38.A.undoubtedly B.uncertainly C.unsteadily D.unluckily 答案 A 解析 undoubtedly 毋庸置疑地;uncert

24、ainly 不确定地;unsteadily 不稳定地;unluckily 不幸地。飓 风玛利亚持续了 36 个小时,这无疑是我们经历过的最可怕的事情。故选 A。 39.A.system B.history C.recovery D.darkness 答案 D 解析 system 系统;history 历史;recovery 恢复;darkness 黑暗。飓风来时,应当是天昏地暗的。 故选 D。 40.A.school B.garden C.house D.studio 答案 C 解析 school 学校;garden 花园;house 房子;studio 工作室。黑暗中,时速超过 100 英里

25、的大风 改变了方向,导致洪水淹没了我们的房子。故选 C。 41.A.requested B.taught C.forced D.expected 答案 C 解析 request 要求;teach 教;force 强迫;expect 期待。唯一干燥和安全的地方是厨房地面,我们 被迫在那里度过了剩下的暴风雨之夜。故选 C。 42.A.performance B.progress C.rescue D.storm 答案 D 解析 performance 表现;progress 进步;rescue 营救;storm 暴风雨。暴风雨已经过去 50 天了,我 们仍然没有水和电。故选 D。 43.A.res

26、earch B.observe C.apply D.collect 答案 D 解析 research 研究;observe 观察;apply 应用;collect 收集。在有规律的午后阵雨时,我们很高 兴地收集雨水,但很快就想起了那些没有屋顶的人。故选 D。 44.A.awful B.punctual C.amazing D.puzzling 答案 A 解析 awful 糟糕的;punctual 守时的;amazing 令人惊讶的;puzzling 令人困惑的。经历暴风雨对 没有屋顶的人家是多么糟糕的事情。故选 A。 45.A.relief B.sympathy C.pleasure D.ca

27、lmness 答案 B 解析 relief 解脱;sympathy 同情;pleasure 快乐;calmness 冷静。我们同情那些没有屋顶的人。 故选 B。 46.A.interest B.purpose C.attempt D.problem 答案 B 解析 interest 乐趣;purpose 目的;attempt 尝试;problem 问题。那家公司慷慨地给了我们一盏供 我们个人使用的大灯和一个装有 50 盏大灯的箱子,让我们在镇上分发。故选 B。 47.A.convenient B.ridiculous C.dangerous D.awkward 答案 C 解析 convenie

28、nt 方便的;ridiculous 滑稽的;dangerous 危险的;awkward 尴尬的。完全停电了, 所以穿过停车场走到我们的车前是危险的。故选 C。 48.A.sunset B.schedule C.deadline D.daybreak 答案 A 解析 sunset 日落;schedule 日程表;deadline 截止日期;daybreak 黎明。过去我们常常赶在日落 前把事情做完,现在天黑后我们还能继续做家务。故选 A。 49.A.ruined B.changed C.proved D.witnessed 答案 B 解析 ruin 毁灭;change 改变;prove 证明;w

29、itness 见证。最能改变我们生活的是与他们分享这份 礼物。故选 B。 50.A.took off B.brought out C.got through D.gave away 答案 D 解析 take off 起飞,脱下;bring out 出版,生产;get through 经历;give away 分发。我们挨家挨 户地把灯发给山区最需要的人,因为那里连电池和蜡烛都很少。故选 D。 51.A.rare B.expensive C.adequate D.equal 答案 A 解析 rare 稀有的;expensive 昂贵的;adequate 充足的;equal 相等的。山区里连电池和

30、蜡烛都很 少。故选 A。 52.A.reports B.survivors C.supplies D.complaints 答案 C 解析 report 报告;survivor 幸存者;supply 供应品;complaint 抱怨。尽管电力供应缓慢,但人们 已经失业,无力承担电费。故选 C。 53.A.imagine B.receive C.choose D.undertake 答案 D 解析 imagine 想象;receive 接收;choose 选择;undertake 承担,从事。人们已经失业,无力承 担电费。故选 D。 54.A.devoted B.familiar C.grate

31、ful D.accustomed 答案 C 解析 devoted 奉献的;familiar 熟悉的;grateful 感激的;accustomed 习惯的。我永远感激 Watts of Love,因为它让我们把爱传出去,让我们见证光明所带来的微笑。故选 C。 55.A.nature B.light C.future D.harvest 答案 B 解析 nature 自然;light 光明;future 未来;harvest 丰收。参见上题解析。故选 B。 第三部分 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选

32、出最佳选项。 A Thank you for agreeing to be a Test Administrator for PISA.The purpose of this manual is to help you to understand how you will assist with the successful implementation of this large-scale student survey. 1.1.What is PISA? PISA stands for the Programme for International Student Assessment,

33、sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD).PISA 2015 is the sixth PISA study that has been conducted since 2000 and involves more than 70 participating countries. PISA has the following characteristics: It is the worlds largest international survey in education. It

34、surveys students aged about 15 years. It assesses students preparedness for adult life. Undertaking PISA is important because the results of the test can be used: to indicate how well prepared students in a country/economy are for learning once they leave school; to identify areas for improvement ov

35、er time by schools,education systems,and governments; to allow a comparison of student performance and the learning environment between different countries. 1.2.Components of PISA 2015 1.2.1.Cognitive test 42 students from each school will be randomly sampled to complete a 2-hour computer-based test

36、 consisting of questions in science,mathematics,reading,and Collaborative Problem-solving. 1.2.2.Questionnaires These students will also be asked to complete a 30-minute Student Questionnaire on the computer either directly after the test sections or at a later time. 1.2.3.Financial Literacy assessm

37、ent After the cognitive test and questionnaires,a sub-sample of 1011 students will take a computer-based Financial Literacy(FL) assessment.The 65-minute Financial Literacy assessment tests students knowledge of personal finances and their ability to apply it to their financial problems. 语篇解读 本文是一篇应用

38、文,主要介绍了由经济合作与发展组织OECD赞助的一项 “国际学生评估项目PISA”的特点、构成和用途。 56.According to the manual,each participating student of PISA should . A.be aged more than 15 years old B.be of or above the average level in their classes C.spend 215 minutes for the programme D.carry out all the tasks on the computer 答案 D 解析 细节理解

39、题。根据文章倒数第三段“42 students from each school will be randomly sampled to complete a 2-hour computer-based test.”,倒数第二段“These students will also be asked to complete a 30-minute Student Questionnaire on the computer.”和最后一段第一句可知答案。 57.What can we know about PISA from the passage? A.There will be over seve

40、nty countries participating in the seventh PISA in 2018. B.Top PISA scorers are more likely to succeed in their adult life than lower score owners. C.PISA will compare students personal performance based on their learning environment. D.The FL assessment is specially intended for students who are su

41、ffering financial problems. 答案 B 答案 推理判断题。根据 PISA 特点的第三点“It assesses students preparedness for adult life.”可 知答案。 B The Gilroy Garlic(大蒜) Festival started with a “crazy idea” by Dr.Rudy Melone. In 1978,Melone,the President of Gavilan College in Gilroy,read an article in a newspaper which was about a

42、 small town in France.The town hosted a garlic festival every year and regarded itself as the “Garlic Capital of the World”.He doubted that Gilroys garlic production and processing were far greater.In fact, Christopher Ranch was then the largest shipper of garlic in the world. So Melone set about tr

43、ying to convince Christopher Ranchs owner Don Christopher,to host a garlic festival of their own.At first,the idea seemed crazy.Outside of Italian families,garlic at the time was considered an esoteric material.It wasnt something thought to be normal and it wasnt something you generally shared in po

44、lite company. But Melone had a passion for Gilroy and garlic.He decided to stick to his idea.He and Christopher hired a local cook, Val Filice, to prepare a meal with a few garlicky dishes.They invited local media and food writers as well.The meal was a success,and the city leaders agreed to support

45、 them. The first Gilroy Garlic Festival was held at Bloomfield Ranch in 1979.Rudy Melone served as the president; Don Christopher supplied all the garlic from his; and Val Filice was the head chef.They got about 50 community volunteers to help them and decided to give all the profits back to the com

46、munity.Festival organizers werent sure at first if anyone would come,but were quickly shocked by the number of visitors.Despite all the chaos,the first Gilroy Garlic Festival served over 15,000 guests and produced $19,000 for the local community. To date, the Gilroy Garlic Festival has given the cit

47、y of Gilroy a sense of true community pride as well as worldwide recognition.Not bad for one mans crazy idea! 语篇解读 本文是一篇故事类阅读。本文介绍了基罗尔大蒜节的历史,举行“大蒜节” 最初的想法, 以及第一次“大蒜节”的具体情况, 最后介绍了“大蒜节”给社区带来的好处。 58.What does the underlined word “esoteric” in Paragraph 3 mean? A.Very expensive. B.Very strange. C.Very o

48、rdinary. D.Very popular. 答案 B 解析 词义猜测题。第三段最后一句“It wasnt something thought to be normal and it wasnt something you generally shared in polite company.”是对前一句的进一步解释,大蒜并不是一种寻常食 物,也不是能与别人分享的东西。“不正常,不能分享”,所以说明大蒜是奇怪的东西。故 B 选项正 确。 59.What can we infer about the first Gilroy Garlic Festival? A.Its purpose was to attract city leaders. B.Its organizers were certain that no one would come. C.It benefited the local community a lot.


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