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1、九年级(上)英语课堂检测(九年级(上)英语课堂检测(0101) Unit 1 Period 1 Comic strip toB. so ; thatC. too ; toD. such ; that () 9.My physics teacher is _ to spend much time _ things to us. A.Patient enough ; explainB. enough patient ; explaining C.patient enough ; explainingD. enough patient ; explain () 10._ terrible _ me

2、to work without speaking all day long. A.Its ; forB. Its ; ofC. Thats ; forD. Thats ; of 九年级英语课堂检测(九年级英语课堂检测(0202) Unit 1 Period 1Reading I 一、根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示写出单词。 1.Mr. John was a _(天生的) leader. He can organize everything well. 2.This doctor received high _ (赞扬) from his patients 3.Its a great _ (挑战)

3、 for me to be the coach in the Football Club. 4.Have you ever seen the _ (雕塑) of the Statue of Liberty? 5.As a _ (总的) manager, David is always strict with himself. 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Jack is always _ (search) for information on the Internet. 2.Do you think the story _ (it) is very interesting ? 3.E

4、ither you or Amy _ (show) great interest in music. 4.She started _ (work) for a foreign company three years ago. 5.Are you ready to _ (accept) his invitation ? 三、单项选择 A.go on ; soB. give up ; orC. stop ; soD. give in ; or () 2.My room is small, _, its comfortable. A.butB. andC. soD. however () 3.You

5、 have just finished reading the magazine. Did you find _ in it ? A.interesting anythingB. anything interesting C.interesting somethingD. something interesting () 4.-How do you like the two pairs of trousers ? -They dont fit me well. They are _ too long _ too short. A.not only ; but alsoB. both ; and

6、C.neither ; norD. either ; or () 5._ went by , and still no message arrived. A.Day by dayB. Day with dayC. Day after dayD. Day to day 四、根据汉语完成句子 1海伦精彩的演讲已经给全班留下了深刻的印象。 Helen _ the whole class _ her wonderful speech. 2. 生活不像一场赛跑。要么你处于领先地位,要么落后。 Life is like a race. You _. 3. 任何时候,他总是乐于与别人分享最好的艺术。 He

7、is _ his best art _. 4. 三年前,苏海放弃了她的会计的工作。 Three years ago, Su Hai _. 5. 每天接受新的挑战对于年轻人来说是有必要的。 Its necessary for young people _ every day. () 1. You are supposed to _ smoking, _ you will get ill. 九年级英语课堂检测(九年级英语课堂检测(0303) Unit 1 Period 1Reading II Reading 2 一、根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示写出单词。 1. In the USA, New Yo

8、rk is the _ ( 主要的) economic(经济) and trade center. 2. We enjoyed an excellent _ (标准) of living and a fine education. 3. I think we should _ (尊重) Toms wishes. 4. Do you mind doing some _ (额外的) work for the Tree-planting Club ? 5. Sometimes you have to be the _ (先锋). 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Jim is an _ (

9、patient) boy. He cant wait for hours without getting ang ry. 2. David didnt pass the exam because of his _ (care). 3. Doctor Wang often does _ (operate) for about 10 hours a day. 4. Do you know who designed the high-speed railway _ (connect) Nanjing to Wuhan ? 5. An energetic person has lots of _ (e

10、nergetic). 三、单项选择 () 1._ Tom _ Peter is fond of flying kites. A. Not only ; but alsoB. Both ; andC. Either ; norD. Neither ; or () 2.To us, a miss is _ a mile. A. so good asB. as well asC. as good asD. as well so () 3. _a doctor, you should be patient to your patients. A. LikeB. AsC. BecauseD. Since

11、 () 4. He _ all his free time _ the piano. A. spent ; to playing B. devoted ; to play C.spent ; to play D. devoted ; to playing () 5.”Hes willing to help the disabled,” said _ leader. A. the otherB. otherC. anotherD. the others 五、根据汉语完成句子。 1 自从 1991 年以来,陈先生就已经把他大部分的时间奉献给了慈善事业。 Mr. Chen _ charities s

12、ince 1991. 2 众所周知,注意每一个细节是有必要的。 It is well known that _. 3 -吉姆,我发现和杰克逊在一起工作很容易。-我很同意你的说法。 -Jim, I found _ Jackson. -I quite _ you. 4 三年前,杰克买不起一幢带大花园的房子。 Jack _ a house _ a big garden three years ago. 5 你认为你的个性适合一名心脏外科医生吗? Do you think your personality _being a heart surgeon ? 九年级英语课堂检测(九年级英语课堂检测(040

13、4) Unit 1 Period 1Grammar 一、从方框中选择合适的连词完成句子. not onlybut also; or ; bothand ;but ; eitheror ;so ; neithernor ;and ;because 1.A snake bit him _ he went to see a doctor at once. 2.“You cant have them both. You can choose _ the kite _ the teddy bear,” said the mother. 3.We must get up at 6:00 tomorrow

14、morning, _ we wont be late fo r the meeting. 4.As a doctor, carelessness will be a disaster _ to ourselves _ to patients. 5.Tony is only four years old, _he sings very well. 6.You can choose to watch TV at home _ go shopping with me. 7.-Bill, please turn down the music. _ Mon _ Dad are sleeping. -So

15、rry, Ill do it right away. 8._ my father _ my mother is able to drive a car well. _ they are very careless. 二、单项选择 A.butB. andC. soD. or () 2.I got up late this morning _ I missed the early bus. A.becauseB. andC. butD. so () 3.Which do you prefer to use to communicate with your friends, QQ _ MSN ? A

16、.andB. butC. orD. so () 4. Go downstairs, _ stand in line on the playground as soon as possible. A.andB. butC. soD. or () 5. Peter likes pop music, but _ his father _ his mother likes it. A.both ; andB. not only ; but alsoC. neither ; norD. either ; or () 6. Boys and girls, dont waste your time, _ y

17、ou will regret(遗憾) it. AandB. orC. butD. so () 7. _ Jack _ Daniel are patient and hard-working. We all like them very much. A.Either ; orB. Both ; andC. Neither ; norD. Not only ; but also () 8. _ my father _ my mother take good care of me. I love them so much. A.Either ; orB. Both ; andC. Neither ;

18、 norD. Not only ; but also () 9. -Which do you like better, tea or coffee ?- _ is OK. I like milk best. A.BothB. EitherC. NeitherD. All () 10. _ you _ Jack will get this chance, I havent decided it yet. A.Neither ; norB. Both ; andC. Either ; orD. Not only ; but also () 1.The beginning of the movie was boring, _ the end was surprising.


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