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1、9A 定语从句复习学案9A 定语从句复习学案 一、定语从句概念:一、定语从句概念: 1、复合句中,修饰主句中某一名词/代词的从句称为定语从句。 2、所修饰名词称为先行词。 3、引导定语从句并在其中充当句子一个成分的词称为关系词。 注意:从句必须紧跟在先行词后。 Can you find out the six defining relative clauses in this letter and underline them? 注意:从句必须紧跟在先行词后。 Can you find out the six defining relative clauses in this letter a

2、nd underline them? Dear mother, Thank you for loving me. I cant find any word that can describe your love. Mothers Day is coming soon. But I dont know what I can do for you. Im busy with the things that every American cares about. So Ive decided to write you a letter. It seems I never write to you b

3、efore. This is the only thing that I can think of. Thank you for teaching me about right and wrong. Thankyou for the happiest time that you have spent with me. Thank you for the first story that youve told to me. Thank you for understanding the people and speeches that come to you. I will always lov

4、e you, mama! Obama 二、 关系代词的用法。 that which who whom 指人指物主语宾语 关系代词 who, which ,that 无单复数,谓语动词与先行词一致。 【趁热打铁】 二、 关系代词的用法。 that which who whom 指人指物主语宾语 关系代词 who, which ,that 无单复数,谓语动词与先行词一致。 【趁热打铁】 ()1. The woman _ is in red is his mother. A. whomB. whoC. whoseD. which 1 ()2. We saw a film _ was about an

5、 old story. A. whenB. whoC. thatD. where ()3. I only eat food _ is healthy. A. thatB. whoC. whereD. whose ()4. I like singers_ different kinds of music. A. who playsB. who playC. who can plays D. whom plays 三、难点讲解三、难点讲解 A)A) 作宾语,常用作宾语,常用 whomwhom B)B) 作宾语,可以省略。作宾语,可以省略。 C)C) 只用只用 thatthat 的情况。的情况。 1

6、. 1.当先行词是当先行词是 all, any, few, little, none, anything, everything, nothing , everybody,all, any, few, little, none, anything, everything, nothing , everybody, nobody, everyone, no onenobody, everyone, no one 或被它们修饰时。或被它们修饰时。 Thats all that I know. Is there anything that I can do for you? He answered

7、few questions that the teacher asked. 2. 2. 当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词( (包括包括 last, nextlast, next 等等) )修饰时修饰时. . That is the most interesting book that I have ever read. The first thing that I should do is to review my lessons. 3. 3. 当先行词有当先行词有 the very, the only, the samethe very, the only, th

8、e same等修饰时。等修饰时。 Thats the only thing that I can do now. These are the very words that Armstrong said. 4. 4. 当主句以当主句以 whowho 或或 whichwhich 开头时,定语从句的关系词用开头时,定语从句的关系词用 that,that, 而不用而不用 whichwhich 或或 who.who. Who is the girl that spoke to you just now? Which is the pen that you lost ? 2 5. 5. 先行词同时包括人

9、或物时,关系词用先行词同时包括人或物时,关系词用 that.that. The man and his dog that I always meet are standing by the gate. 四、巩固提升。四、巩固提升。 . Multiple Choice. Multiple Choice ()1. They want to develop a kind of food _will help dog owners cool down their pets. (2010 常州 ) A. whoB. whatC. whichD. whether ()2. Shirley is the g

10、irl _ taught me how to use Wechat(微信). (2014 黑龙江) A. whomB. whichC. whoD. what ()3. I will never forget the happiest day_ we spent in the old town with the children.(2014 杭州) A. whoB. whomC. thatD. which ()4. I like the writers _are popular among teenagers.(2014 成都) AwhoBwhichCwhomD. what ()5. After

11、 Mandela was free in 1990, he chose to shake hands with the people_ wanted to kill him. (2014 山东) A. whoseB. whichC. /D. who ()6. People _ overweight need more water han thin people. (2014 呼和浩特) Awho is Bwhich areCthat isDwho are . Join the two sentences together. Join the two sentences together. 1.

12、It is a music group . It is very popular among the young people. _ 2.It is a great team. The team has three members. _ 3.These group members are at the age of 15. 3 They are all good at singing and dancing. _ Write an article “ My favourite pop star” with Write an article “ My favourite pop star” wi

13、thsome defining relative clauses in it.some defining relative clauses in it. TFBOYS,目前最受欢迎男子组合之一。组合成员有三人,分别为王俊凯,王源, 易烊千玺,队长为王俊凯是一名高中生。成员平均年龄不到 15 岁,他们擅长唱歌跳 舞。 易烊千玺从小学习各种舞蹈和乐器,还擅长书法并且在校成绩优异。他们的代表 作有魔法城堡Magic Castle, 青春修炼手册Manual of Youth 等。曲风清新、自 然。因为他们突出的表现获得过多项音乐奖项。 2014 年,队长王俊凯和成员王源、易烊千玺还一起倡导和发展关注唇腭裂儿童 ( children with cleft of lip and or palate )的公益活动。得到了很多歌迷的支持。 他们不仅因为他们的音乐才能,还因为他们的公益活动而深受大家的喜爱。 4


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