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1、广东省东莞市虎门外语学校2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、语法选择Smith was a landlord (地主). He loved money very much and never 1 anything to anybody. Soon he became rich.One day the weather was fine. There wasnt a cloud in the sky and the sun was very warm. The landlord was walking 2 a river with three of h

2、is friends, when, all of a sudden, he slipped and fell into it. He cried, “Help! Help!” One of his 3 held out his hand and said, “Give me 4 hand and I will pull you out.” The landlords head went under the water and then came up again, but he did not give his hand to his friends. Then 5 of his friend

3、s tried but the same thing happened.Just then a farmer came over and saw all this. He knew the landlord very 6 . He said to the others, “Let me try.” He held out his hand and said to the landlord, “ 7 my hand and I will pull you out.” Hearing this the landlord took the farmers hand, and in 8 minute

4、the farmer pulled the landlord out of the water.All the others got very 9 at this and asked the farmer, “Why did he give his hand to you 10 not to us?” The farmer said, “You dont know your friend very well. When you say give to him, he does nothing, but when you say take, he takes.”1AgiveBgaveCgivin

5、gDgiven2AalongBonCinDat3AfriendBfriendlyCfriendsDfriendship4AyouByourselfCyoursDyour5AotherBanotherCthe otherDothers6AgoodBbadCwellDbetter7ATakeBTo takeCTakingDTaken8A/BaCanDthe9AsurpriseBsurprisingCsurprisinglyDsurprised10AifBorCbutDsoI went to see a film yesterday. It was a 11 one and it made me l

6、augh all the way. In 12 theatre, there were so many people inside. The director of the film was Li An. This one was much 13 than the other films he has directed. I was very happy 14 him at the end of the film. All of us were crying and screaming. We asked for his signature. He made a speech for us,

7、“ 15 you want to make your dreams come true, please work hard instead of 16 in your bed and doing nothing. Just do something you are interested in and you will go on with it for a long time. All this has 17 you get success.” He was right, no one can be successful one night.When you spend much time 1

8、8 your dream, you will get it. I have 19 written my novels for 10 years, but I am not famous now. After listening to Lis speech, I know what I should do now. I will keep 20 my novel. I will try to make my dream come true.11AsurprisedBsurprisingCsurpriseDsurprises12A/BtheChisDa13AinterestingBmore int

9、erestingCinterestedDmore interested14Ato seeBseeCsawDseeing15AButBIfCThoughDAnd16AsleepBsleepsCsleepingDslept17AhelpBhelpedChelpingDhelps18AchasedBchasingCchaseDchases19AalreadyByetCeverDnever20Ato wroteBto writingCto writeDwriting二、完形填空A good book may be our best friend. It is the same today as it

10、always was, and it will 21 change. It is the most patient and cheerful friend. It does not 22 its back upon us when we are sad. It always treats us with the same 23 . It can amuse us and comfort us.People often make friends with the one who is 24 the same book. There is an old proverb (谚语) Love me,

11、love my dog. 25 there is more wisdom in this, “Love me, love my book.” People can think, feel and sympathize (同情) 26 each other by sharing things about their favorite authors. The best books are treasures of good words and golden thoughts. Books 27 us into the best society. They bring us into the wo

12、rld of the greatest minds. We hear what they said and see what they did. We see the world as if they were really 28 . We laugh with them and 29 with them. It seems that we have the same feelings. Their experiences become 30 .The great and good do not die, even in this world. The book is a living voi

13、ce.21AoftenBsometimesCneverDusually22AputBturnCtakeDbring23AkindnessBhateCsadnessDhappiness24Atired ofBinterested inCsurprised atDproud of25AIfBBecauseCButDSo26AwithBonCinDat27AbreakBintroduceCenterDthrow28AdeadBbornCaliveDalone29AplayBcryCworkDtalk30AhersByoursCoursDhis三、阅读单选OUR BUSES CAN MAKE YOUR

14、 HOLIDAYSEast Bus - maybe the best choice on your visit to the famous places of interest in Beijing.Sit back, relax and see all there is to see, with no need to worry about driving, finding a parking place or leaving your car with no one to watch it.We have lots of buses taking you to visit Tananmen

15、 Square, the Fofbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven Park, the Olympic Center and the Great Wall. The whole tour will take you there three days. Chinese & English speaking guides. Booking by photo four days advance(预先). Tour price: ¥580.00 per person( half price for children unde

16、r 1.2m tall), including the ticket price,breakfast and lunch. For more information, please phone Yongan Tourism Company at 010-23368688/23368689. Add: 356 Chaoyang Road, Beijing. Open 7 days a week.8:00-16:0031When they visit the places of interes on an East Bus, the visitor_.Aneed to watch their ca

17、rsBhave to worry about the drivingChave to find places to pasrk their carDcan sit back and relax themslves32From the advertisement, we can see that East Bus is a kind of_.Atourist busBvillage busCairport busDschool bus33_ on ab East Bus can speak two languages.AThe guideBThe driverCThe visitorsDThe

18、children34Children under 1.2m tall need to pay _ for the trip.A230 yuanB290 yuanC320 yuanD460 yuan35which of the following is NOT true?AThe tour price includes six mealsBVisitors can see six places within three days.CVisitors must go to the company to book the tickets.DThe office hour of the company

19、 is eight hours a day.Many children act in TV shows. They work several hours every day, so they can not go to regular school. How do they get an education?In Hollywood, many TV shows are made. About forty teachers give lessons to the children in the shows. They teach wherever their pupils are workin

20、g. The teachers job is very important. They are responsible (负责) for making sure that the children work only the permitted (允许) hours each week. They are also responsible for making sure that children learn the required subjects. They make sure, too, that the children get enough rest and play, along

21、 with their education.Children actors are required to attend classes twenty hours each week. California law says they must be taught from September to June. If they do not make much progress in school, they are not permitted to continue working in TV shows. TV children are usually good pupils, and m

22、ost of their teachers like this special kind of work. Their classes are held in some wonderful places. Sometimes the “classroom” is a Mississippi riverboat, and sometimes it is the inside of a spaceship. Often the pupils become famous TV or movie stars.根据短文内容完成下列问题。36The children actors do not go to

23、 regular school because _.Athey do not get good marksBthere is no school nearbyCthey have to act several hours a dayDthey have to work all day long37The teachers usually hold classes in _.Aa classroom buildingBsome interesting placesCa Mississippi riverboatDa spaceship38The teachers duty is to make

24、sure that the children actors _.Ado not overworkBlearn what they must learnChave enough sleep and playDall the above39The pupils are not allowed to continue working if they _.Ado not act wellBgo to regular schoolCdo not get good marksDcannot become famous stars40Which of the following is not true?AC

25、alifornia law does not allow children to act in TV shows.BMany of the children actors become famous stars.CThe lessons are given by forty teachers.DThe teachers must teach them from September to June.四、阅读匹配配对阅读。 左栏是对五位学生英语技能情况的描述,右栏是马丁英语培训中心七个课程的简介, 请为左栏的每位学生选择一个合适的课程。 41 Ann is a midddle school stu

26、dent. As she is poor in English reading, she hopes to improve her reading ability through training classes. But she is free only on Tuesdays and Thursday. 42 Listening understanding is the biggest problem for Kevin. He often gets low score for listening tests. Now he would like to take a course to d

27、evelop his listening skills on Fridays. 43 Tom is planing to go to a British university. But he has difficulty in communicating with others in English. He wants to improve his spoken English under the guidance of a British teacher. 44 May likes reading English short stories. She wants to translate t

28、hese stories into Chinese and tell them to her classmates. So she hopes to learn translating skills by going to a night class. 45 English is Sarahs favorite subject. She does well in listening, speaking, and reading, but she is weak in writing. She wants to take some lessons so as to write better.AT

29、his course can help you improve your listening skills. You can take Mr. Lins course at Room 407 at night from Monday to Friday. It will surely help you a lot.B Spoken English plays an important part in communication. Miss Chen, an experienced teacher from Singapore, will help you improve your commun

30、icating skills at Room 302.C Reading is a must in English learning . On Mondays and Wednesdays, Mr. Yang will give you his suggestions about how to read more quickly at Room 405.D Writing is the most difficult skill for many students. In Miss Lis writing course, you will learn how to write in a prop

31、er way. The lessons will be given at Room 207 on Saturdays.E. If you are poor in spoken English, why dont you come to the English speaking class given by Mr. Smith from Britain? He will be waiting for you at Room 202 on Wednesdays and Fridays.F. Miss Zhang has some suggestions on how to do better in

32、 reading. If you want to master necessary reading skills, come to Room 308 on Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings.G. Do you find it difficult to translate English into Chinese? We can help you. Come to Mr. Ges translating class at Room 406 on Friday nights.五、短文语境提示填空As time goes by, more and more people

33、 are realizing the importance of sports. People 46 part in different kinds of sports, such as football, basketball, table tennis, swimming and so on. 47 are popular all over the world. Different people like different sports. Some people enjoy 48 basketball or football, especially boys. 49 prefer to

34、take a walk after dinner or run early in the morning. Usually, people live in a hot area like swimming, while those living in 50 cold climate like to skate. People living in the grasslands enjoy riding horses, 51 those living in the desert like to ride camels.Not only men and women but also old and

35、young all over 52 world enjoy playing games, for sports and games help to keep people healthy. Sports also make people wise and 53 peoples characters. 54 , sports can help people make friends and understand each other and live happily.To stay healthy, sports and games are 55 and necessary for all th

36、e people. So lets do more sports together from now on!六、汉译英:整句56我并不在意我的朋友是跟我一样还是不一样。 57我们认为最好的放松方法是通过锻炼。 58百分之十的学生每周至少上网三到四次。 59才艺选秀给人们途径去实现他们的梦想。 60你认为谈话节目怎么样? 七、读写综合A回答问题 Are you nearsighted (近视)? If you are, your parents might have tried to do something to help with it, such as having you see the

37、 doctor and take medicine. Some companies often say that they can reduce or even cure myopia (治愈近视).However, you will no longer see advertisements like this before long. The government has stopped businesses from using words like “recovery” and “myopia cure” in their advertisements because myopia ca

38、nnot be completely cured with medical technology now, Peoples Daily reported.Young people can prevent and control myopia by spending more time outside and less time in front of books or computers. People who have vision problems should go to a hospital and let a doctor decide what to do.More than 45

39、0 million Chinese were suffering from myopia as of June 2018, Xinhua News Agency reported. There are around 30 percent for primary school students, 60 percent for junior high students and 80 percent for senior high students who are nearsighted. This is likely because students spend a lot of time rea

40、ding books and using electronic tools.To reduce myopia among young people, the government made a new plan last August. The plan is to limit (限制) the time children spend in playing computers and new video games, according to China Daily.61What did parents try to do to help with myopia? 62Why has the

41、government banned business from using words like “recovery” and “myopia cure”? 63How can young people prevent and control myopia? 64What is the percentage of senior high students who are nearsighted? 65When did the government make a new plan? B书面表达 66随着社会的发展,环境的破坏变得越来越严重。地球上的资源是有限的,我们需要保护资源。请以“How to protect our environment”为题,写一篇英语短文。 内容包括:1. 简单说明为什么需要保护环境;2. 举例说明如何保护环境,至少三点;3. 呼吁大家行动起来保护环境。 试卷第9页,共9页


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