Unit1 Lesson 1 Lifestyles Grammar 动词不定式(ppt课件)-2023新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、北师大北师大20222022高中英语必修一高中英语必修一Unit1 Lesson 1 LifestylesGrammar:动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式定义:动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式定义:动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式基本结构:基本结构:to(小品词小品词)+do(动词原形动词原形)特点:动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,但是特点:动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,但是有时态和语态的变化有时态和语态的变化。句法功能:可在句子中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语等。句法功能:可在句子中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语等。动词不定式动词不定式做什么成分?做什么成分?1.不定式做主

2、语不定式做主语To enter a good university is our dream.Entering a good university is our dream.Doing?To do?it作形式主语的句型有?作形式主语的句型有?常见的it作形式主语的句型:(1)It+be+形容词+for/of sb+to do sth.(2)It+be+a+名词(pleasure/pity/pleasant thing).to do(3)It takes sb.some time to do sth.(4)!特殊:“疑问词/whether+不定式”作主语/宾语/表语How to achieve

3、our aim is one of the problems(that)we are facing.疑问词:疑问词:what which who when where how例:什么时候离开仍然正在讨论。例:什么时候离开仍然正在讨论。(When to leave)is still under discussion.主语主语a)疑问词疑问词+to doknow learn decide explain advise show tell forget remember wonder +what whichwho when where how 等等+to do练:练:1.I want to figu

4、re out how _(operate)this machine.2.The little boy forgot when _(hand in)his homework.to operateto hand in2.不定式做宾语不定式做宾语2.不定式做宾语不定式做宾语练:练:3.I didnt know _ to do.4.The question is how _(put)the measure into practice.5.He hesitated _(decide)where _(go).whatto putto decideto go2.不定式做宾语不定式做宾语b)及物动词及物动词+

5、动词不定式(做宾语)动词不定式(做宾语)afford aim agree arrange ask decide choose demand determine expect fail happen hesitate learn manage offer plan prepare promise refuse tend wait+to do固定搭配固定搭配练:练:1.I happen _ (know)the answer to the question.2.I am determined _(study)hard so that I can pass the exam.3.I failed _(

6、persuade)him to give up smoking.to knowto studyto persuadec)特殊句型)特殊句型 6123句型句型主语主语+find/feel/think/believe/consider/make+it+adj./n.+to do/doing sth./thatit:形式宾语:形式宾语 to do:真正的宾语。真正的宾语。注注doing:I find it no use/no good/useless/a waste of time doing sth.I found it difficult _(focus)on my subjects.to fo

7、cusc)特殊句型)特殊句型 6123句型句型主语主语+find/feel/think/believe/consider/make+it+adj./n.+to do/doing sth./that练:练:1.The teacher believes it necessary _(read)English loudly in the morning.2.The young lady felt it convenient _(shop)online.3.We think it unbelievable for you _(make)the same mistake.4.The wife made

8、it a rule _(do)some exercise everyday.to readto shopto maketo do3.不定式做表语不定式做表语练:练:1.My target is _(help)you improve your spoken English.2.My dream is _(be)a doctor.3.His expectation is _(go)to a famous university.to helpto beto go4.不定式做状语不定式做状语a)表目的:表目的:to do/in order to do/so as to do练:练:1._(recove

9、r)from the bad cold,he followed the doctors advice strictly.2.He worked hard _(live up to)his parents expectation.3.Students should read various books _(broaden)their horizon.4.I am on a diet _(lose)weight.5._(change)the living conditions,he rebuilt his house.To recoverto live up toto broadento lose

10、To changeb)表出乎意料的结果表出乎意料的结果 only to do:1.He rushed to the train station,only _(find)the train had left.2.He studied hard,only _(find)he had failed to pass the exam.3.I went to the bakery shop,only _(tell)that the bread were sold out.to findto findto be toldtooto:She is too young to carry the box.eno

11、ugh to:She is not old enough to carry the box.sothat :She is so young that she cant carry the box.c)表原因表原因 be+adj.+to do练:练:1.They are surprised _(hear)that they won the game.2.He was happy _(meet)his old friend.3.I am glad _(make)preparations for the party.to hearto meetto make5.不定式做补语不定式做补语 1-4all

12、ow challenge consider drive tell encourage find force invite order permit persuade send suppose think+宾语宾语+to do(宾语补足语宾语补足语)练:练:1.The teacher allow students _(have)a discussion during the class.2.I persuaded my father not _(swim)alone in the river.3.I invite Tom _(attend)the meeting.to haveto swimto

13、 attend5.不定式做补语不定式做补语 2-4I make my daughter play the piano.My daughter is made to play the piano(by me).在在一感一感feel,二听二听listen to;hear,三让三让let;make;have,五看五看see;watch;look at;notice;observe;等词后,不定式不加等词后,不定式不加to但是变被动,必须带但是变被动,必须带to不定式的特殊含义不定式的特殊含义/用法用法 3-4forget,remember,regret等等 to dodoing+动作未做动作未做动作

14、已做动作已做练:练:1.Please remember _(lock)the door when you leave.2.I remembered _(do)my homework,so that I went out to play.3.I regretted _(do)it,but I had no choice at that time.4.I will not regret _(tell)her the truth.to lockdoingdoingto tell不定式的特殊含义不定式的特殊含义/用法用法 3-4stop/continueto dodoing+另一件事另一件事同一件事同

15、一件事练:练:1.The dog stopped _(bark),because the baby fell into sleep.2.When I heard mom back home,I stopped _(read)books.3.After a rest,he continues _(read).4.After he finished reading a novel,he continued _(play)games with his friends.barkingto readreadingto play不定式用于不定式用于with复合结构中作宾补复合结构中作宾补 4-4with复

16、合结构:复合结构:with+宾语宾语+宾补宾补e.g.Maia came the classroom,with a book in her hand.He likes sleeping with the window open/closed.With the boy leading the way,I found my house.With the hair cut,he looks more handsome.不定式用于不定式用于with复合结构中作宾补复合结构中作宾补 4-4with复合结构:复合结构:with+宾语宾语+宾补宾补宾补宾补(介短(介短/adj./doing/done/to

17、do)e.g.Maia came the classroom,with a book in her hand.He likes sleeping with the window open/closed.With the boy leading the way,I found my house.With the hair cut,he looks more handsome.不定式用于不定式用于with复合结构中作宾补复合结构中作宾补 4-4with复合结构:复合结构:with+宾语宾语+宾补宾补With much homework to do,I didnt have lunch.With m

18、uch homework to be done,I didnt have lunch.在在with复合结构中,只有复合结构中,只有with sth.to do,没有没有with sth.to be done主动表被动主动表被动主动表被动:主动表被动:1.with sth.to do,2.English is easy to learn.(to be learnt)n.+be+adj.+to do(do 与与n.是动宾关系)是动宾关系)3.There be/have+n.+to do(do 与与n.是动宾关系)是动宾关系)There is nothing to worry about.6.不定式

19、做定语(后置)不定式做定语(后置)1.The weather will keep warm in the days_(come).2.You should take the chance _(get ahead)in your career.to cometo get ahead不定式作定语要后置,往往表示未发生的动作未发生的动作。抽象名词抽象名词(time,way,courage,reason,chance,opportunity,ability等)与不定代词不定代词(something,nothing,little等)的后面常用不定式作定语。6.不定式做定语(后置)不定式做定语(后置)3.

20、He is always the last person _ (leave)the classroom.4.There is nothing _(worry)about.to leave“ThereThere be+be+主语主语+to do+to do”和“have sth.to dohave sth.to do”结构中,不定式作后置定语。中心词是序数词序数词/形容词最高级形容词最高级以及the last/the the last/the only/the nextonly/the next,或被这些词修饰时。to worryHe hopes to be offered a job to d

21、rive for a boss.这句话,不定式就按这句话,不定式就按照定语来翻译:照定语来翻译:“他希望得到一份为老板开车的活儿。他希望得到一份为老板开车的活儿。”to drive for a boss 说明了说明了job 的具体内容,之间存在的具体内容,之间存在“同位关系同位关系”。不定式作定语,可以表示多种修饰关系:以下三句,不定式都是作定不定式作定语,可以表示多种修饰关系:以下三句,不定式都是作定语,但被修饰语和不定式之间的关系却不尽相同。语,但被修饰语和不定式之间的关系却不尽相同。1.同位关系:同位关系:Reading,I think,is the best way to learn

22、English.我认为,阅读是学习我认为,阅读是学习英语的最好方法。英语的最好方法。What impressed me was their ability to deal with any problem.给我留给我留下深刻印象的是他们处理任何问题的能力。下深刻印象的是他们处理任何问题的能力。“同位关系同位关系”是指不定式说明被修饰词的内容,像是指不定式说明被修饰词的内容,像way,ability,right(权力),(权力),ambition(雄心),(雄心),chance(机会;可能性),(机会;可能性),determination(决心,决定),(决心,决定),favour(善行,恩惠)

23、,(善行,恩惠),honour(荣幸,荣誉),(荣幸,荣誉),intention(打算),(打算),plan(计划)等,经常接不定(计划)等,经常接不定式表示同位关系。式表示同位关系。2.主谓关系:主谓关系:This is the key to open the front door.这是打开前门的钥匙。这是打开前门的钥匙。He is the first man to discover the secret.他是第一个发现秘密的人。他是第一个发现秘密的人。被修饰词和不定式存在被修饰词和不定式存在“主谓关系主谓关系”:the key是是open the front door的逻辑主语。的逻辑主语

24、。the first man是是discover the secret的逻辑主语。的逻辑主语。3.动宾关系:动宾关系:John said he had an important meeting to attend.约翰有一个重要的约翰有一个重要的会议要参加。会议要参加。We only have a small room to live in.我们只有一个小房间住。我们只有一个小房间住。不定式和被修饰语存在不定式和被修饰语存在“动宾关系动宾关系”:an important meeting是是attend的逻辑宾语。的逻辑宾语。a small room是是live in的逻辑宾语。的逻辑宾语。含动

25、词不定式固定句型:含动词不定式固定句型:1.主语主语+be+adj.(表情感表情感)+to do sth.2.too.to do sth.3.enough.to do sth.4.It+be+adj.+for/of sb.+to do sth5.It be time to do sth.6.It be ones turn to do sth.补充:补充:to 的省略情况的省略情况一一.跟在表示跟在表示“除除以外以外”的不定式中(的不定式中(do sth.but/except do sth.)前有前有do的任何形式时的任何形式时(do/did/does),必须省略不定式中的必须省略不定式中的to

26、He did nothing but wait.He had no choices but to wait.一一.跟在表示跟在表示“除除以外以外”的不定式中(的不定式中(do sth.but/except do sth.)前有前有do的任何形式时的任何形式时(do/did/does),必须省略不定式中的必须省略不定式中的toHe did nothing but to wait.He had no choices but to wait.二二.不定式做表语,不定式中的不定式做表语,不定式中的to要保留。但当主语部分有要保留。但当主语部分有do的任何形式时,的任何形式时,to要省略。要省略。My

27、aim is to enter an ideal university.The only thing that I can do now is wait.All that I can do now is study hard.What I can do now is study hard.二二.不定式做表语,不定式中的不定式做表语,不定式中的to要保留。但当主语部分有要保留。但当主语部分有do的任何形式时,的任何形式时,to要省略。要省略。My aim is to enter an ideal university.The only thing that I can do now is to

28、wait.What I can do now is to study hard.动词不定式动词不定式时态时态&语态语态动词不定式的时态动词不定式的时态&语态语态1.Li Yings aim is to do well in every subject.2.When the teacher came in,he pretended to be reading.3.When his mother came in,he pretended to have finished 4.The car to be bought is for his sister.动词不定式的时态动词不定式的时态&语态语态1.

29、Li Yings aim is to do well in every subject.2.When the teacher came in,he pretended to be reading.3.When his mother came in,he pretended to have finished 4.The car to be bought is for his sister.动词不定式的时态动词不定式的时态&语态语态1.Li Yings aim is to do well in every subject.2.When the teacher came in,he pretended to be reading.3.When his mother came in,he pretended to have finished 4.The car to be bought is for his sister.一般时一般时进行时进行时完成时完成时to be done一般时的被动一般时的被动动词不定式的时态与语态动词不定式的时态与语态主动语态主动语态被动语态被动语态一般时一般时to doto be done完成时完成时to have done进行时进行时to be doingThank you.


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