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1、Module 1 外外研研版版 20202020五年级英语上册优质课件五年级英语上册优质课件 Unit1 Unit2 Unit1 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳 转到相应章节内容,方便使用。转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 外研版外研版英语英语六年级上册六年级上册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 1 Unit 1 Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. 第一课时 Guess:Whats this? Its the Great Wall. This is the Great Wall. Its ver

2、y beautiful. Its long and old. And we love it all. Listen and chant. Watch and listen. This is the Great Wall. Its very beautiful. Its long and old. And we love it all. Listen and chant with it. This is the Great Wall. Its very beautiful. Its long and old. And we love it all. Lets chant together. Pr

3、eview. 1. Is the Great Wall beautiful? 2. How long is the Great Wall? 3. How big is New York? 4. How big is Beijing? (的) 一张长城的图片 a picture the Great Wall of Its a picture of the GreatWall. Its a picture of Beijing. Its a picture of New York. the door of the classroom 教室的门教室的门 of的用法小结的用法小结 表示“的”。 表示“

4、在.之中的;的成员”。 This is a map of China. 例 Of all the students in this class, Lingling is the best. 例 表示“属于(某物);(某事)部分的”。 惯用表达法 the top of the mountain (山顶) 例 a glass of water(一杯水) a pair of.(一双) a kind of.(一种) a piece of.(一张/片 ) a lot of(许多) 例 of的用法小结的用法小结 How long is the pencil? long how long (多长) how

5、long的用法的用法 how long是疑问短语,用来提问长度,意思是“多长”。 “How long + be动词 + 主语?”句型用于对物体的长度进行提问。 how long还可以用来提问时间,意为“多长时间”。 How long is the Changjiang River? 例 How long did you stay in Beijing? 例 有关how的短语: how old 多大年龄 how big 多大 how many 多少(后接可数名词复数形式) how much 多少(用于询问价钱或不可数名词的量) how often 每隔多久 how far 多远 how heav

6、y 多重 how tall 多高 Talk more about the Great Wall. The Great Wall is beautiful. The Great Wall is famous. The Great Wall is old. The Great Wall is long. Talk more about the Great Wall. How long is the Great Wall? 长城又称万里长城,是我国古代的军事性工程。长城修筑 的历史可上溯到西周时期,著名的典故“烽火戏诸候”就 源于此。春秋战国时期列国争霸,互相防守,长城修筑进 入第一个高潮,但此时修

7、筑的长度都比较短。秦灭六国统 一天下后,秦始皇连接和修缮战国长城,始有万里长城之称。 明朝是最后一个大修长城的朝代,今天人们所看到的长城 多是此时修筑的。根据文物和测绘部门的全国性长城资源 调查结果,明长城总长度为8851.8千米,秦汉及早期长城 超过1万千米,总长超过2.1万千米。 Talk more about the Great Wall. How long is the Great Wall? Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. I have known David for more than 20 years. (我认识戴维已

8、经20多年了。) Kate was more than a teacher. (凯特不仅仅是一位老师。) We were more than happy to hear that news. (听到那个消息我们分外高兴。) 例 more than + 数词 名词 形容词 以上,不止,多于 不只是 很,非常 英语中数字的表达英语中数字的表达 百 hundred 千 thousand 百万 million 100 one hundred 1000 one thousand 10,000 = 10个“千” ten thousand 100,000 = 100个“千” one hundred thou

9、sand 10,000,000 = 10个“百万” ten million 例 kilo(千) + metre(米) = kilometre(千米) 合成词 postcard everywhere some(一些) + thing(事情) = something(某事) 地图地图 国家国家 This is a map of China. a map 地图 bag 包 cat 猫 Can you tell me something about Beijing? Beijing is the capital of China. Beijing has got about twenty millio

10、n people. How big is Beijing? 北京 This is a map of the US. America How big is New York? New York It has got more than eight million people. 数词的用法数词的用法 thousand、hundred、million、billion(十亿)等数词在构成 具体的数时不用复数形式。 只有表示“大概的数”时才用复数形式。 常用搭配为“thousands/ hundreds/ millions of+名词复数”。 three thousand(三千) two hundre

11、d(两百) ten million(一千万) 例 There are thousands of students on the playground. 例 1. fifty thousand 2. eight million 3. two hundred and eighty 4. nine thousand and six hundred 5. twenty-five thousand Practise. 翻译下列数字。 五万五万 八百万八百万 二百八十二百八十 九千六百九千六百 两万五千两万五千 1.朗读并背诵本节课学习的单词。 2.朗读并背诵活动一的韵诗。 3.预习活动二的课文。 Hom

12、ework 第二课时 This is the Great Wall. Its very beautiful. Its long and old. And we love it all. Daming is in New York with his cousin Simon. Now he is talking about Beijing and New York with Simon. Listen, read and act out. Watch and listen. Daming is visiting the US. Hes in New York with his cousin Si

13、mon. Simon: These postcards are great! Daming: Yes, they are. And look at this one. Its a picture of the Great Wall. Watch and read. Simon: Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? Daming: Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. Simon: Wow! Its really long! Daming: Can you tell me s

14、omething about New York? How big is it? Simon: Its very big. It has got more than eight million people. Daming: That is big. Simon: How big is Beijing? Daming: Beijing has got about twenty million people. Simon: Wow! Thats really big! 1. What is Daming doing? 2. Where are Daming and Simon? 3. How lo

15、ng is the Great Wall? 4. How big is New York? 5. How big is Beijing? 6. Which city is bigger, Beijing or New York? He is visiting the US. They are in New York. Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. It has got more than eight million people. It has got about twenty million people. Beijing is

16、 bigger than New York. Listen and answer. Daming is visiting the US. Hes in New York with his cousin Simon. Simon: These postcards are great! Daming: Yes, they are. And look at this one. Its a picture of the Great Wall. Read in roles. Simon: Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? Daming:

17、 Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. Simon: Wow! Its really long! Daming: Can you tell me something about New York? How big is it? Simon: Its very big. It has got more than eight million people. Daming: That is big. Simon: How big is Bejing? Daming: Beijing has got about twenty million pe

18、ople. Simon: Wow! Thats really big! Listen and say. A: These postcards are great! B: Yes, they are. A: Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? B: Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. Look and read. cat panda zoo library cake elephant dog bird chocolate monkey pear watermelon ice

19、 cream lion school 猜猜我说的是什么。 A: Its an animal. A: Its very big. B: Tell me more about it. B: Tell me more about it./Is it? Practise. 疑问词疑问词how 用于询问天气情况。 句型:How is the weather + 时间/地点状语? 用于询问某人的身体状况。 句型: How + be动词 + 主语? How is the weather in Chengdu? 例 How is your father? 例 疑问词how可以单独使用引导特殊疑问句。 疑问词疑

20、问词how 用于询问动作执行的方式、手段。 句型: How do/does + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他? 用于询问对某人或某事物的看法。 句型: How do you like + 人/事物? 意为“你认为怎么样”。 How do you study English? 例 How do you like this film? 例 疑问词how可以单独使用引导特殊疑问句。 疑问词疑问词how How long可以对物体的长短或时间的长短进行提问。 how old询问年龄。 How long will it take me to get there? 例 How old are you? 例

21、 how还可以和其他一些词连用,构成疑问词组,用来提出不同的问题, how many询问可数名词的数量。 How many books do you have? 例 疑问词疑问词how how much询问不可数名词的数量、物品的价格。 how big询问物体的大小。 How much milk is there in the box? How much are the apples? 例 How big is your house? 例 how还可以和其他一些词连用,构成疑问词组,用来提出不同的问题, 1. is the hamburger? Its three dollars. 2. is

22、 the Great wall? Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. 3. are you? Im fine, thank you. 4. do you go to school every day? I go to school by bike every day. 5. is Beijing? It has got about twenty million people. Practise. 选择合适的疑问词或者疑问词短语填空。 how how much how big how long How much How long How

23、How How big 1. 听并朗读活动二的课文,模仿表演。 2. 背诵活动三的句型。 3. 收集动物图片。用所学句型”Tell me about” 跟同学或朋友进行交流。 Homework 外研版外研版英语英语六年级上册六年级上册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 1 Unit 2 Its in the west. 第一课时 ast outh est N W E S orth 方向标方向标 east 东方,东边 south 南方,南边 west 西方,西边 north 北方,北边 North, north, Beijing is in the north. East, east, Shan

24、ghai is in the east. West, west, Xinjiang is in the west. South, south, Hainan is in the south. Lets chant: These are pictures of the West Lake. Can you tell me something about the West Lake? 杭州杭州 Its in the east of China. Can you tell me something about the West Lake? Its very beautiful. Simon:Wher

25、es the West Lake? Daming:Its in the east of China. Simon:Its very beautiful. Daming:Yes, it is. Look, listen and say. Watch and listen. the West Lake? Its of China. Its very . Yes, it is. Wheres in the east beautiful Listen and fill. 1. Where is the West Lake? 2. Is it beautiful? Its in the east of

26、China. Yes, it is. Listen again and answer. Simon:Wheres the West Lake? Daming:Its in the east of China. Simon:Its very beautiful. Daming:Yes, it is. Listen and read after it. Whats this? Its a map of China. China is a big country. a map 地图 bag 包 cat 猫 c county 国家 cake 蛋糕 cat 猫 Where is ? Its in the

27、 of China. Pair work. 1. Who is he? 2. Where is he ? Hes Simon. Hes in the US. Whats this? Its a map of the US. What a big map of the US! Where is New York? Its in the east. What about San Francisco? Its in the west. What about Houston? Its in the south. New York San Francisco Houston Read and match

28、. Houston New York San Francisco 该句是由what引导的感叹句。它的常见句型为: What fine weather (it is)! 例 What a big map of the US! a/ an + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 what + 形容词 + 复数可数名词 形容词 + 不可数名词 (+主语+谓语)! 英语中还有一个感叹词“how”,它的常见句型为: How clever the boy is! 例 形容词 How + 副词 (+主语+谓语)! 拓展延伸拓展延伸 Practise. 菲菲、朵朵和琪琪外出露营,带了一个指南针,你 能告诉他们指南针上的

29、字母都代表哪些方向吗? N means north. S means . E means . W means . NW means northwest. NE means . SW means . SE means . south east west northeast southwest southeast 1.朗读并背诵本节课学习的单词。 2.朗读并背诵活动一的对话。 3.预习活动二的课文。 4.试着用what写一个感叹句。 Homework 第二课时 North, north, Beijing is in the north. East, east, Shanghai is in the

30、 east. West, west, Xinjiang is in the west. South, south, Hainan is in the south. Lets chant: Free talk. Which city do you know in the US? Tell me more about it. New York Washington D.C. San Francisco Houston Listen and read. Daming:What a big map of the US! Wheres New York? Simon:Its here, in the e

31、ast. Daming:And what about San Francisco? Simon:Its in the west. Daming:And Houston is in the south. Simon:Thats right. Daming:The US is a big country. Simon:Yes, it is. And China is a big country too. New York San Francisco Houston Watch and listen. Wheres New York? Wheres San Francisco? Wheres Hou

32、ston? Its in the east. Its in the west. Its in the south. New York San Francisco Houston Listen and answer. Daming:What a big map of the US! Wheres New York? Simon:Its here, in the east. Daming:And what about San Francisco? Simon:Its in the west. Daming:And Houston is in the south. Simon:Thats right

33、. Daming:The US is a big country. Simon:Yes, it is. And China is a big country too. Listen and read after it. New words. Thats right. I can write a letter in English. 写 right write 正确的 Read in roles according to the following information. New York San Francisco Houston Daming:What a big map of the U

34、S! Wheres New York? Simon:Its here, in the east. Daming:And what about San Francisco? Simon:Its in the west. Daming:And Houston is in the south. Simon:Thats right. Daming:The US is a big country. Simon:Yes, it is. And China is a big country too. Lets act out. A: Where is Shanghai? B: Its in the east

35、 of China. Its in the north of China. Look and write. Then ask and answer. Harbin Shanghai Haikou Its in the south of China. A: Where is Haikou? B: A: Where is Harbin? B: Listen and learn to say. Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. Beijin

36、g has got about twenty million people. Listen to a music. Listen and say. Then chant. In America, there is lots to see. Many different places like New York and Tennessee. Its flag has got fifty stars. Its red, blue and white. You can see it moving every day and every night. Watch and listen. In Amer

37、ica, there is lots to see. Many different places like New York and Tennessee. Its flag has got fifty stars. Its red, blue and white. You can see it moving every day and every night. Listen and chant. In America, there is lots to see. Many different places like New York and Tennessee. Its flag has go

38、t fifty stars. Its red, blue and white. You can see it moving every day and every night. Lets chant together. 猜猜我说的是哪里。 Guess and say. Is it in our town? Yes, it is. Where is it? Its in the north. Can you see a lot of animals there? Yes, I can. Is it the zoo? Yes, it is. 仿照下面的句子写一个你喜欢的城市然后介绍给大家。 Wri

39、te and talk. This is Shanghai. Its in the east of China. It is really big. It has got 描述景点或城市的特征及地理位置描述景点或城市的特征及地理位置 Tell me more about the + 地理名词. How long is it? (告诉我更多关于.的情况。它有多长?) Its more than. long.(它有.长。) can you tell me something about + 地点名词? How big is it? (你能告诉我关于.的情况吗?它有多大?) It has got p

40、eople. (它有人口。) Where is + 地点名词?(.在哪里?) Its in the north/east/south/west of .(它在.的北/东/南/西方。) Its in the north/east/south/west.(它在北/东/南/西方。) A: Where is Beijing? B: Its in the north of China. A: How big is it? B: It has got about 20 million people. Practise. 观察表格,仿照示例进行问答练习。 City Position (位置) Population(人口) Beijing in the north of China about 20 million Shanghai in the east of China about 24 million Guangzhou in the south of China about 14 million A:Where is Shanghai? B: A: B: 1. 朗读活动二的课文。 2. 背过第一模块的单词。 3. 小练笔:My favourite city(我最喜欢的城市) 写作要求:写出自己最喜欢的城市的地理位置和 特征,语句通顺,不少于50词。 Homework


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