高中英语新人教版必修第三册Unit5 一词一句(共73个).doc

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1、高中英语必修三Unit5一词一句1.basis基础;the underlying support or foundation for something; the fundamental principle or groundwork upon which something is based.2.on the basis of根据;based on; according to.3.loan贷款;a sum of money that is borrowed and expected to be paid back with interest.4.take out a loan贷款;to bo

2、rrow money from a bank or other financial institution with the expectation of paying it back with interest.5.plastic塑料;a synthetic material made from various organic polymers that can be molded into shape while soft and then hardened, and is used for a wide range of applications.6.apologise道歉;to exp

3、ress regret for having done or said something wrong; to make an apology.7.ignore忽略;to pay no attention to; to disregard intentionally.8.in return作为回报;as a response or reward for something; in exchange or reciprocation.9.judge法官;a public officer appointed to decide cases in a court of law; a person q

4、ualified to pass a critical judgment or opinion.10.scene场景;the place where an incident or event occurs; a setting for a play, film, or novel.11.narrator讲述者;a person who provides commentary or tells a story, especially in a movie, play, or broadcast.12.narration叙述;the act or process of telling a stor

5、y or describing a series of events; the use of spoken or written commentary to convey a story or description.13.bet赌注;an agreement between two parties in which each agrees to pay a certain amount of money if an uncertain future event occurs or does not occur.14.make a bet打赌;to agree to pay a certain

6、 amount of money if an uncertain future event occurs or does not occur.15.servant仆人;a person who performs duties for others, especially in a household.16.as a matter of fact事实上;in reality; actually.17.by accident偶然地;by chance; without intention.18.sail航行;to travel or move on water using a boat or sh

7、ip with sails.19.spot斑点;a small area of a surface that is different in color, texture, or material from its surroundings; a place or position.20.consulate领事馆;the premises occupied by a consul.21.dare敢;to have the courage to do something; to challenge or defy someone to do something.22.sort种类;a categ

8、ory or class of similar things or people.23.mining采矿;the process or business of extracting minerals from the earth.24.patience耐心;the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.25.to be honest说实话;used to emphasize the sincerity or truthfulness of a

9、 statement.26.ought to应该;used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someones actions.27.be about to do sth即将做某事;to be on the verge of doing something; to be about to do something.28.indicate指示;to point out or show; to suggest as a desirable or necessary course of action.29.bene

10、ath在下面;in or to a lower position than; below.30.postpone推迟;to arrange for something to take place at a later time than originally planned.31.odd奇怪的;strange or unusual; different from what is expected or customary.32.obligation义务;a moral or legal duty to do something.33.intention意图;an aim or plan; a

11、purpose or attitude toward the effect or outcome of something.34.nowhere无处;not in or to any place.35.in case以防万一;as a precautionary measure; in order to be prepared for something that might happen.36.extent程度;the area or range covered by something; the degree or magnitude of something.37.to.extent到程

12、度;to the degree or extent indicated by the specified factor or circumstance.38.opera歌剧;a dramatic work in one or more acts, set to music for singers and instrumentalists.39.musical音乐剧;a play or film in which singing and dancing are an integral part of the story.40.dinosaur恐龙;a prehistoric reptile th

13、at lived millions of years ago, characterized by its large size and thick, scaly skin.41.hug拥抱;to hold someone closely in ones arms as a way of expressing affection or comfort.42.pursue追求;to follow or chase after; to seek actively or persistently.43.duty职责;a moral or legal obligation; a responsibili

14、ty or task that one is required or expected to perform.44.on duty值班;engaged in or responsible for a particular activity, especially official work, during a specific period.45.hesitate犹豫;to pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness.46.sequence顺序;the order in which things happen or should hap

15、pen; a series of related events or actions.47.eventually最终;in the end; finally.48.tailor裁缝;a person whose occupation is making fitted clothes, especially suits, jackets, and trousers, for individuals.49.clerk职员;a person employed in an office or bank to keep records, accounts, and perform other routi

16、ne tasks.50.manner方式;the way in which something is done or happens; the characteristic behavior or style of an individual or group.51.in a manner以某种方式;in a particular way.52.downstairs楼下;on or to a lower floor or level of a building.53.stair楼梯;a set of steps leading from one floor or level to anothe

17、r in a building.54.aside一边;to one side; out of the way.55.frown皱眉;to furrow ones brow in an expression of disapproval, displeasure, or concentration.56.in that case那么;if that is true; if that is the situation.57.option选择;a thing that is or may be chosen; a choice or alternative.58.broad宽阔的;having a

18、large distance from side to side; wide.59.indeed确实;in truth; in fact; really.60.normal正常的;conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.61.willing愿意的;ready, eager, or prepared to do something.62.be willing to do sth愿意做某事;to be ready or prepared to do something.63.element元素;a component or par

19、t of a whole; a fundamental or essential characteristic.64.plot情节;the main events or structure of a play, novel, movie, or other narrative work.65.ambassador大使;a diplomatic official of the highest rank sent by a country as its official representative to another country.66.upper-class上层社会的;of or rela

20、ting to the social group consisting of the wealthiest and most privileged members of society.67.upper上面的;situated above another part; higher in position.68.the upper class上层社会;the social group consisting of the wealthiest and most privileged members of society.69.maintain保持;to keep in existence or c

21、ontinuance; preserve; retain.70.permission许可;the act of allowing someone to do something; consent or authorization.71.permit许可证;an official document or certificate that allows someone to do something.72.saying谚语;a short, memorable expression that conveys a general truth or principle.73.external外部的;belonging to, situated on, or relating to the outside or outer part; outer.4


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