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1、提示:配详细答案解析,请到 搜索并免费下载! 绝密启用前 江苏省无锡 市 2017 年初中毕业升学考试 英 语 (试卷满分 90 分 ,考试时间 100 分钟 ) 第 卷 (客观题 50 分 ) 一、单项选择 (本大题 共 14 小题;每小题 1 分, 共 14 分 ) 从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个 选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. _ did it take J. K. Rowling to write the Harry Potter series? Over 15 years. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How

2、far ( )2. I don?t care how you do the job. I only care _ it can be done. Just give me a date! A. where B. when C. what D. why ( )3. Tom! You?re no longer a 3-year-old kid. I can cook dinner for you, but don?t expect me to do _ for you. Go and tidy your room! A. everything B. something C. anything D.

3、 nothing ( )4. They promised that they _ me look for my key until it was found. But they soon walked away. A. will help B. have helped C. would help D. had helped ( )5. There?s one taken by the River Seine _ these photos. Can you find it out? A. except B. including C. between D. among ( )6. I?ve jus

4、t received a Wechat message “ttyl”. Do you know _? It stands for “talk to you later”. A. how does it mean B. how it means C. what does it mean D. what it means ( )7. We all have our time machines, don?t we? Those that take us back are memories. And those that carry us _ are dreams. A. behind B. forw

5、ard C. away D. round ( )8. I won?t _ any more of your time. But would you give me a direct “yes” or “no”? A. give up B. take up C. make up D. put up ( )9. How can Julie say bad words about me? I thought we were good friends. Who told you that? Friends need _. A. courage B. distance C. trust D. shame

6、 ( )10. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you _ keep moving. A. can B. must C. can?t D. mustn?t ( )11. Here?s a present for you. Happy birthday, sweetie! Open it. Wow! An iWatch? _! Thank you so much, Dad! A. What a surprise B. What surprise C. What a waste D. What waste ( )12. Th

7、is fruit _ terrible to me, so I?ve never tried it. But my mum loves it. A. tastes B. tasted C. smells D. smelled ( )13. _ Here we are in India. So why not try on the saris, dear? A. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. B. No pain, no gain. C. You?re never too old to learn. D. Practice makes perfect. (

8、 )14. Hey, man! Can you believe that? The Chinese Football Team won the match last night! _ They haven?t won a single match in the past two years. A. No doubt! B. What a pity! C. Guess what? D. Are you joking? 二、完形填空 (本大题 共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分 , 共 10 分 ) 先通读 下面的短文,掌握 其 大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的 最佳选项。

9、 A few years ago the company I work for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. I?ve always loved jogging, so I was really 15 when I found out our flat was next to Central Park. This 16 that every morning I could go for a run before I went to work. Because a lot of people had told me to

10、be 17 of thieves(窃贼 ) in the park. I didn?t usually take anything with me. What could they 18 from me if I didn?t have anything? But one morning my wife asked me to buy some 19 on the way home so I took a $10 note out of my wallet. While I was running through the park, another jogger 20 into me. He

11、said sorry and continued running. I thought it was a bit 21 so I checked my pocket and found that the money was missing. I started to run after him right away. I 22 caught him by his arm. I started shouting and told him to give me the $10. I?m not usually a 23 person but I really got very angry. Thi

12、s seemed to frighten(惊吓 ) him and he quickly put his hand in his pocket and gave me the money. Then he ran away as fast as he could. -在-此-卷-上-答-题-无-效- 毕业学校_ 姓名_ 考生号_ _ _ 英语试卷 第 3 页 (共 12 页 ) 英语试卷 第 4 页 (共 12 页 ) Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening By Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I kno

13、w. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is

14、some mistake. The only other sound?s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got there, I began to tell my wife my story.

15、“You won?t believe what happened to me,” I 24 . She stopped me, “I know. You left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.” ( )15. A. angry B. happy C. guilty D. curious ( )16. A. made B. explained C. meant D. proved ( )17. A. careful B. sure C. proud D. afraid ( )18. A. hide B. borrow C. steal

16、 D. receive ( )19. A. coffee B. milk C. fruit D. bread ( )20. A. bumped B. looked C. turned D. moved ( )21. A. crazy B. natural C. strange D. rude ( )22. A. suddenly B. finally C. politely D. slowly ( )23. A. cold - heart B. warm - heart C. cool - headed D. hot - headed ( )24. A. started B. added C.

17、 insisted D. doubted. 三、阅读理解 (本大题 共 13 小题;每小题 2 分 , 共 26 分 ) 阅读 下面的短文, 然后根据 短文内容, 在每小题 所给的 四个选项 中选出 最佳 选项 。 A ( )25. This is most probably _. A. a play B. a poem C. a story D. a notice ( )26. What season does it describe? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter. ( )27. Which of the following word

18、s rhymes with “though”? A. Snow. B. Near. C. Lake. D. Deep. B The people below all want to find a radio programme they could enjoy listening to this week. There are four radio programmes to choose from. Decide which programme would be the most suitable for the following people. For questions 28 30,

19、mark the correct letter (A D) on your answer sheet ( )28. Nora likes pop music. She wants to listen to a live show, and would also enjoy hearing interviews with some of the pop stars. ( )29. Paul enjoys listening to good modem dramas. He works long hours during the week, so he can only listen to the

20、 radio at weekends. ( )30. Mr. Swift teaches history and likes listening to people talking about his subject. However, he hates shows which invite listeners to phone in. Radio Programmes We Recommend This Week A. History Team This Wednesday, a team tries to prove that people lived in the rocky hills

21、 of their area thousands of years ago. Dr. Clive Sparky describes what they find. Listeners can ring in and ask him questions, and discuss their own interests and discoveries. B. Showtime This is a perfect programme for lovers of new plays and music. On Saturday, listeners have the chance to hear th

22、e prize - winning play Machines. Composer Jack Williams will play his latest piece for classical guitar. C. Before Our Time 提示:配详细答案解析,请到 搜索并免费下载! On Saturday, this weekly programme includes the first part of a documentary series about the discovery of a l5th - century village. Professor John Frost

23、 and his team will talk about what life was like for the villagers. D. Out and About Hear all the latest in the world of pop and rock, including a week of major concerts as they happen every evening, coming direct from Birmingham. After each concert, listeners can also hear singers answering questions about their music. C Delia was a young pianist. Her husband Joe was a talented young painter. They lived in a small flat in New York. Each of them was taking l


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