Unit 5 Launching Your Career Period 2 Review Useful Structures (ppt课件)-2024新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、人教选择性必修第四册Unit 5 Review Useful Structures学习目标学习目标12To learn to analyse long sentences To use long sentence knowledge in writing to organize language and enrich sentence patterns目标一:目标一:To learn to analyse long sentencesActivity 1:Work in groups.Observe some sentences of the text,and fill in the blan

2、ks.1.This,however,is not always easy.2.So try a few tests online and start thinking about your future career right now!3.This is because your career is a very important part of who you are.4.The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the participants overall work personality.5.The b

3、est time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school,before you make any choices about your further education.6.The career you have defines your life,and so taking time to think about it is an essential exercise for young people.1.以上句子中,句1为 。2.句2为由and连接的 。3.句3、句4和句5为 ;在

4、句3中,because引导的是 从句,who引导的是 从句,都是名词性从句;在句4中,that引导的是 _ 从句,修饰先行词code;句5中while引导的是表语从句,而before引导的是 从句。4.句6为并列复合句,and连接的是并列句,而you have是 _ 从句,修饰先行词the career,引导词为关系代词,在从句中作宾语,被省略。1.以上句子中,句1为 。2.句2为由and连接的 。3.句3、句4和句5为 ;在句3中,because引导的是 从句,who引导的是 从句,都是名词性从句;在句4中,that引导的是 _从句,修饰先行词code;句5中while引导的是表语从句,而b

5、efore引导的是 从句。4.句6为并列复合句,and连接的是并列句,而you have是_从句,修饰先行词the career,引导词为关系代词,在从句中作宾语,被省略。简单句并列句主从复合句表语宾语定语状语定语that/whichActivity 2:Find the following types of long sentences in the reading text.A compound sentence B complex sentence C compound-complex sentenceSuggested Answers A compound sentence There

6、 are many free tests online,so give one a try.So try a few tests online and start thinking about your future career right now!B complex sentence As an adult,one of the first questions you are asked when meeting someone new is,What do you do?The best time to start thinking about possible careers is w

7、hile your are still at school,before you make any choices about your further education.The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the participants overall work personality.However,it is important to remember that they are only meant for guidance.The secret to a good career is findin

8、g something that you are passionate about.C compound-complex sentence The career you have defines your life,and so taking time to think about it is an essential exercise for young people.Some people know what they want to do from a young age,but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in t

9、heir heads.The results of the test will tell you about your strengths and interests,and some tests also suggest careers that you may be suited to.The career suggestions are also based on your education and experience level,but you can look at higher-level careers as well,which is very useful for hig

10、h school students.For example,you could look at the basic careers to see what work you might like now,and then look at the more advanced careers so you know what you may like to aim for in the future.句子按结构可分为简单句、并列句和复合句。一、简单句(Simple Sentences)简单句是只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成的句子。二、并列句(Compound Sentenc

11、es)(一)并列句的构成包含两个或两个以上主谓结构的句子叫并列句,句与句之间通常用并列连词或分号来连接。(二)并列句的分类1.并列关系and,not only.but also,neither.nor,both.and,not.but。2.转折关系but,yet,whereas,nevertheless(但是;然而)。3.选择关系or,otherwise,or else,either.or。4.因果关系for,so。5.对比关系 while。6.祈使句and/or 简单句,祈使句表示一个条件,and引导的简单句表示一个承接的结果,or引导的简单句表示一个相反的结果,简单句使用一般将来时态。三、

12、复合句(Complex Sentences)(一)主从复合句的结构由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子叫复合句。在复合句中主句是全句的主体,从句是全句的一个成分,不能独立。主句与从句之间用关联词连接起来。此时关联词也叫从属连词,它在主语与从句之间起连接作用。(二)主从复合句的分类根据从句对主句的修饰、限定和补充作用,主从复合句主要分为名词性从句、定语从句和状语从句。四、并列复合句(Compound-Complex Sentences)并列复合句指并列句、复合句混合在一个句子里,英语叫Compound-Complex Sentences。或者说,一个句子里包含着多种关系:既有并列关系,又有

13、复合关系。Long Sentences 长句长句1.英语的长句子之所以长,是因为含有较多较长的修饰成分,或是包含多个并列句或从句。长句子的理解与一般句子相似,主要包含句法结构、语义逻辑和语篇功能三个方面。理解长句的基础是厘清句子的结构层次,熟悉了解英语的基本句型,在此基础上抓住长句子的主干,即句子的主语和谓语,然后在逐层梳理分析长句中的其他成分的层次关系。例如:例如:But by any criteria this work is worth it to us as well,because it shows that we are global citizens interested in

14、world stability,and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind.但以任何标准来看,这项工作对我们都是值得的;因为它表明,我们是关注世界稳定的全球公民,我们对他人负有责任,我们为建立人类命运共同体做好了准备。这个长句,第一层从because分开,前面的主句为“主系表”结构,because后面直到句尾是一个“主谓宾”结构的原因状语从句,用来说明“这项工作很有意义”的理由。第二层,原因状语从句内部包含两个由that引导

15、的宾语从句,作show的宾语。第三层,两个that引导的宾语从句是并列关系,也都是“主系表”结构。2.有些长句在语篇中与上下文存在较为紧密的衔接连贯关系,尤其是句中有指代词的时候,除了需要厘清句子的结构层次和语义逻辑之外,有时还需要结合句子所在的上下文,分析明确长句中指代词的具体所指。例如:例如:Koalas spend quite a lot of time eating,sleeping,and hanging onto tree trunks,so interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress.Because of this

16、,the government began to make laws against touching koalas,in the interest of animal protection,as well as public safety.So,if you see one in the wild,you shouldnt approach it to pick it up or even touch it.考拉的大量时间都用于吃、睡和抱着树干,与人类的互动会给它们带来很大的压力。因此,政府已开始制定法律来限制人触摸考拉,这既是为了保护动物也是为了公众安全。所以,如果你在野外看到考拉,不要为

17、了抱它而接近它,甚至不要去触摸它。这段文字由三个句子组成,第一句是个并列句,由so连接,它与第二句话在语义上密切关联。准确理解文中指代词的所指,有助于理解句意。第一句话中的them指代koalas;第二句话中的this回指第一句话所描述的情况;第三句话分别用one和it指代koala,与前两句话相衔接。整段文字简洁、语义连贯。目标二:目标二:To use long sentence knowledge in writing to organize language and enrich sentence patternsActivity 1:Change these simple senten

18、ces into long sentences.Pay attention to the connectors you need to use.1.Career guidance ought to be included at high school.The school should also offer a work experience programme.2.Dreaming to become somebody great is easy.Working to achieve your dream can be quite hard.3.You never know where yo

19、ull be working in the future.Learn as much as possible.Study a foreign language.It is wise to do these things for the sake of your future.4.Social occupations require communicating with people.This often involves helping or providing service to other people.5.AI is developing rapidly.Lawyers,teacher

20、s,librarians,drivers,and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future.Many people believe this to be true.Suggested Answers1.Carer guidance ought to be included at high school,and the school should also offer a work experience programme.2.Dreaming to become somebody great is easy,b

21、ut working to achieve your dream can be quite hard.3.You never know where youll be working in the future,so learn as much as possible and study a foreign language,because it is wise to do these things for the sake of your future.4.Social occupations which often involve helping or providing service,r

22、equire communicating with people.5.Many people believe that since AI is developing rapidly,lawyers,teachers,librarians,drivers,and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future.Activity 2:Complete the sentences using what,which,that,who,and how.Then put the sentences into the correc

23、t order to make a complete passage.Advice on Making a Career Plan _ A The plan will require you to focus on _ you want to do and _ to achieve it._ B A career plan makes you think about your future,including _ careers interest you most and _ skills and trainings you will need to succeed._ C Of course

24、.the CV should be tailored to match the careers in your plan,_ will leave you well prepared to make the most of all opportunities _ become available to you.214whathowwhatwhich/whatwhichwhich/that_ D Finally,for useful information on _ to decide on careers and _ to put in your CV,find some websites _

25、 specialise in career advice or go to someone _ can help._ E Along with your career plan,you should also think about a CV,_ is essential for showing your potential employers your skills and experiences._ F These two things are _ you should start thinking about right now,as they will safeguard your f

26、uture,_ is important to everyone.536howwhatwhich/thatwhowhichwhatwhichActivity 3:Read the two profiles below.Write a paragraph about one of them or any other person you admire.Try to make the sentences work together effectively.Suggested AnswersKarl Marx was born in Germany in 1818 and died in Londo

27、n in 1883.At university he studied law and philosophy,but he wore many hats in his long career:He was a philosopher and thinker,economist,historian,and sociologist.As a revolutionary socialist,he was the creator of Marxism,the founder of international communism,and the co-writer of The Communist Man

28、ifesto.Zhong Yang,who lived from 1964 to 2017,was a botanist.As a professor at Fudan University,he dedicated his life to research on seeds.Travelling to places which no other botanists had ever ben to.he spent years in remote and primitive areas searching for and collecting seeds.学习总结学习总结 Do you know how to analyse long sentences now?


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