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1、International Trade: Theory and Policy 1-1 国际贸易完整教学课件1 Slides prepared by Thomas Bishop Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 Introduction 1-3 Preview What is international economics about? What is international trade about? Why do we study international trade? How do

2、 we study international trade? International finance topics International trade vs. international finance 1-4 I. What Is International Economics About? Nations are more closely linked through trade in goods and services, through flows of money, and through investment than ever before.(随着国际商品和服 务贸易的发

3、展、国际间资金的流动,以及跨国投资的发展,各个 国家之间的经济联系变得更加紧密。) International economics is about how nations interact through trade in goods and services, through flows of money and through investment. 国际经济学研究的是国际商品和服务贸易的发展、国际间资金的 流动,以及跨国投资的发展对各个国家的经济影响。 国际经济学的一般理论包括国际贸易理论和政策、国际金融理论 和国际投资理论等。 1-5 What Is International Ec

4、onomics About? (cont.) International trade as a fraction of the national economy has tripled(番了3倍) for the U.S. in the past 40 years. While both imports and exports have increased, imports have grown more, leading to a large excess of imports over exports which is called as trade deficit (贸易逆差). Que

5、stion: How is the United States able to pay for all those trade deficit? Compared to the U.S., other countries are even more tied to international trade. 1-6 Fig. 1-1: Exports and Imports as a Percentage of U.S. National Income Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis From 1960s to 1980, both export

6、s and imports rose steadily as shares of U.S. income. Since 1980, imports have continued to rise, while exports have fluctuated sharply. 1-7 Fig. 1-2: Exports and Imports as Percentage of National Income in 2005 Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development International trade is eve

7、n more important to most other countries than it is to the United States. 1-8 II. What Is International Trade About? International trade is the international exchange(国际 交换) of goods and services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and dema

8、nd, affect and are affected by global events. There are some types of international trade: Import trade, export trade, transit trade(过境贸易/转口贸易) Visible trade(有形贸易), invisible trade inter-industry trade(产业间贸易) , intra-industry trade(产业内 贸易) 1. What is International Trade 1-9 Basis for Trade(Why Trade

9、 Occurs?) The Mercantilists Views(重商主义) on Trade Trade Based on Absolute Advantage(绝对优势): the Adam Smith Model Trade Based on Comparative Advantage(比较优势): the David Ricardo Model Resource Endowments(资源禀赋) and International Trade: the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition,

10、and International Trade 2. The Theory of International Trade 1-10 Patterns of Trade(Who sells what to whom?) That is, what commodities are traded and which commodities are exported and imported by each nation? Differences in climate and resources can explain why Brazil exports coffee and Australia e

11、xports iron ore. But why does Japan export automobiles, while the U.S. exports aircraft? Differences in labor productivity(劳动生产率) may explain why some countries export certain products. How relative supplies of capital, labor and land are used in the production of different goods and services may al

12、so explain why some countries export certain products. 1-11 Gains from Trade(贸易利得/收益) Several ideas underlie the gains from trade a. When a buyer and a seller engage in a voluntary transaction(自愿参与交易), both receive something that they want and both can be made better off.(国与国之间相互销售自己的产品和劳 务通常总对双方都有利

13、) Norwegian consumers could buy oranges through international trade that they otherwise would have a difficult time producing. The producer of the oranges receives income that it can use to buy the things that it desires. 1-12 Gains from Trade (cont.) b. Trade is predicted to benefit a country by ma

14、king it more efficient when it exports goods which intensively use abundant resources and imports goods which intensively use scarce resources.(如 果一个国家出口密集使用其丰富资源的商品,进口密 集使用其稀缺资源的商品,那么该国会从这种贸易模 式中受益。) c. When countries specialize, they may also be more efficient due to large scale production.(当某些国家

15、实现专业化生产时,他们可以从规模化生产中获得收 益。) 1-13 Gains from Trade (cont.) d. Trade is predicted to benefit countries as a whole in several ways, but trade may harm particular groups (特定集团)within a country. International trade can adversely affect the owners of resources that are used intensively in industries that

16、compete with imports.(与进口产品相竞争的产 业密集使用的要素的所有者会因为贸易而受损) Trade may therefore have effects on the distribution of income within a country, such as workers and the owners of capital, skilled workers and unskilled workers. 1-14 Free Trade vs. Protectionism (How Much Trade?) The main idea of free trade(自由

17、贸易) is that supply and demand factors, operating on a global scale, will ensure that production happens efficiently. Therefore, nothing needs to protect or promote trade and growth because market forces will do so automatically. In contrast, protectionism(贸易保护主义) holds that regulation of internation

18、al trade is important to ensure that markets function properly. Advocates of this theory believe that market inefficiencies may hamper the benefits of international trade and they aim to guide the market accordingly. 1-15 3. The Effects of Government Policies on Trade Policy makers affect the amount

19、 of trade through Tariffs(关税): a tax on imports or exports, Quotas(配额) :a quantity restriction on imports or exports, export subsidies(出口补贴): a payment to producers that export, or through other regulations (ex., product specifications) that exclude foreign products from the market, but still allow

20、domestic products. What are the costs and benefits of these policies? 1-16 III. Why Do We Study International Trade? International trade makes life more beautiful 一个牛肉与土豆的例子。如果世界上只有两个人:养牛的一个牛肉与土豆的例子。如果世界上只有两个人:养牛的 人和种土豆的人。如果两个人“老死不相往来”,那么,人和种土豆的人。如果两个人“老死不相往来”,那么, 在吃了几个月烤牛肉、煮牛肉、炸牛肉和烧牛肉之后,养在吃了几个月烤牛肉、

21、煮牛肉、炸牛肉和烧牛肉之后,养 牛人肯定觉得自己并不怎么惬意;同样,一直吃土豆泥、牛人肯定觉得自己并不怎么惬意;同样,一直吃土豆泥、 炸土豆、烤土豆和用贝壳烘土豆的农民肯定也有同感。如炸土豆、烤土豆和用贝壳烘土豆的农民肯定也有同感。如 果牛肉和土豆之间展开贸易,这时每个人就都可以有汉堡果牛肉和土豆之间展开贸易,这时每个人就都可以有汉堡 包和炸薯条了。包和炸薯条了。 1-17 Why Do We Study International Trade? (cont.) Knowledge on International trade helps consumers consume rationall

22、y. 我们的日常生活被大量国外的消费品所占据,宝洁、沃尔我们的日常生活被大量国外的消费品所占据,宝洁、沃尔 玛、苹果、三星、索尼、微软、戴尔、奔驰、福特等等世玛、苹果、三星、索尼、微软、戴尔、奔驰、福特等等世 界知名品牌产品已经成为我们生活中不可缺少的部分,国界知名品牌产品已经成为我们生活中不可缺少的部分,国 际贸易学相关知识的学习有助于我们正确认识、购买和消际贸易学相关知识的学习有助于我们正确认识、购买和消 费国外产品。费国外产品。 1-18 Why Do We Study International Trade? (cont.) Knowledge on International tra

23、de helps producers organize production effectively. 中国作为世界市场的重要组成部分,承担着世界分工的重中国作为世界市场的重要组成部分,承担着世界分工的重 要角色。在这样的背景之下,生产者在生产决策、销售市要角色。在这样的背景之下,生产者在生产决策、销售市 场、资金运用上都必须考虑世界政治、经济因素,尤其是场、资金运用上都必须考虑世界政治、经济因素,尤其是 出口部门的生产者更需要掌握国际贸易学的相关知识和理出口部门的生产者更需要掌握国际贸易学的相关知识和理 论。论。 1-19 Why Do We Study International Trad

24、e? (cont.) Knowledge on International trade help us to better understand and analyze the economic problems in China and world. 为什么我国的许多产业,屡屡遭受以美国为首的西方大国的为什么我国的许多产业,屡屡遭受以美国为首的西方大国的 反倾销?反倾销? 为什么政府面对我国近几年不断扩大的贸易顺差情况不喜反为什么政府面对我国近几年不断扩大的贸易顺差情况不喜反 忧?忧? 为什么一方面中国与日本在历史问题上不断产生摩擦,而另为什么一方面中国与日本在历史问题上不断产生摩擦,而另

25、一方面中日之间又不断加深彼此间的经贸合作?一方面中日之间又不断加深彼此间的经贸合作? 为什么为什么2008年从美国开始的金融危机可以牵连到欧盟、日本、年从美国开始的金融危机可以牵连到欧盟、日本、 韩国、中国等一系列国家和地区,最终引发一场规模巨大的韩国、中国等一系列国家和地区,最终引发一场规模巨大的 国际金融危机?国际金融危机? 1-20 IV. How Do We Study International Trade? Read classic books and literatures on international trade, understand the main idea of t

26、he Great Economists in this field. Mater the analysis methods and tools of international trade. Attach importance to foreign language learning and the relevant professional courses. Pay attention to domestic and world economic dynamics. 1. Some Requirements 2. The Great Economists in the field of In

27、ternational Trade 亚当亚当 斯密斯密(Adam Smith,1723-1790):Absolute Advantage Theory。1776年出版的“An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”国民财富 的性质和原因研究,简称国富论提出了绝对优 势学说。 大卫大卫 李嘉图李嘉图(David Ricardo ,1772-1823): Comparative Advantage Theory。1817年出版政治经 济学及赋税原理(Principles of Political Economy an

28、d Taxation)一书提出了比较优势学说。 1-21 赫克歇尔赫克歇尔(E.F.Heckscher,1879-1952 )和俄林俄林(B. Ohlin,1899-1979)1933年共同提出了要素禀赋理论 (H-O 贸易模型)。他们的代表作是:外贸对收入 分配的影响,区间贸易和国际贸易论。俄林 1977年获得诺贝尔经济学奖。 P.A.萨缪尔森萨缪尔森(Paul Anthony Samuelson,1915- ): 用数学方法证明了要素价格均等化定理、与斯托尔珀 一起提出了Stolper-Samuelson 定理,1970年获得诺贝 尔经济学奖。 W.里昂惕夫里昂惕夫(WLeontief,1

29、906-1999):建立了投 入产出分析模型,提出了里昂惕夫悖论,大大地推动 了国际贸易理论的发展,1973年获诺奖。 P.克鲁格曼克鲁格曼(P. Krugman,1953-)国际贸易新理论的 主要倡导者,2008年获诺奖。 1-22 3. Analysis Tools in Theory and Policy of International Trade Production Possibilities Curve/Frontier Supply Curve and Excess Supply Curve Demand Curve and Excess Demand Curve Produc

30、er Surplus, Consumer Surplus, and Gains from Trade Economies of Scale, Diseconomies of Scale, Constant Returns to Scale Indifference Curve 1-23 4. Analysis Methods in International Trade General Equilibrium Analysis and Partial Equilibrium Analysis(一般均衡 分析和局部均衡分析) Economic Analysis of Politics(政治经 济

31、学分析) 1-24 1-25 V. International Finance Topics Balance of Payments(国际收支) Exchange Rate Determination (汇率的决定) International Policy Coordination (国际政策 协调) The International Capital Market (国际资本 市场) 1-26 VI. International Trade vs. International Finance International trade focuses on transactions of go

32、ods and services(商品和服务交易) across nations. These transactions usually involve a physical movement of goods or a commitment of intangible resources like labor services. International finance focuses on financial or monetary transactions(金融或货币交易) across nations. For example, purchases of U.S. dollars o

33、r financial assets by Europeans. In the real world there is no simple dividing line between trade and money. For example, many monetary events have important consequences for trade. 1-27 Textbook and References Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obsfeld. International Economics: Theory and Policy, eighth edit

34、ion, 清华大学出版社. Dominick Salvatore. International Economics, eighth edition, 清 华大学出版社。 Robert C. Feenstra, Alan M. Taylor. International Trade, first edition, 中国人民大学出版社。 余淼杰:国际贸易学:理论、政策与实证,北京大学出版社, 2013年12月第2次印刷版。 海闻、P 林德特、王新奎:国际贸易,上海人民出版社, 2003年第1版。 1-28 Some Related Websites 中华人民共和国商务部中华人民共和国商务部 中国国

35、际贸易促进委员会中国国际贸易促进委员会 www.ccpit.org 世界贸易组织世界贸易组织 www.wto.org 联合国商品贸易数据库联合国商品贸易数据库 http:/comtrade.un.org/db/dqQuickQuery.aspx 世界银行世界银行 www.worldbank.org 经合发展组织经合发展组织 www.oecd.org 人大经济论坛人大经济论坛http:/bbs.pinggu.org 中国经济学教育科研网中国经济学教育科研网 1-29 Course Evaluation Class attendance 10% Class performance and home

36、work 40% Final test 50% Slides prepared by Thomas Bishop Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. Chapter 2 World Trade: An Overview 2-31 Preview The largest trading partners of the U.S. Gravity model(引力模型): influence of an economys size on trade distance and other factors that in

37、fluent trade Borders and trade agreements(边界和贸易协定) Globalization(全球化): then and now Changing composition of trade(正在演变的贸易模式) Service outsourcing(服务外包) 2-32 Who Trades with Whom(谁和谁贸易)? The largest trading partners of the U.S. The 5 largest trading partners with the U.S. in 2006 were Canada, China, M

38、exico, Japan and Germany. The total value imports from and exports to Canada in 2006 was about $500 billion dollars. The largest(top) 10 trading partners with the U.S. accounted for 68% of the value of U.S. trade in 2006. 2-33 Fig. 2-1: Total U.S. Trade with Major Partners, 2006 Source: U.S. Departm

39、ent of Commerce U.S. trademeasured as the sum of imports and exportsis mostly with 10 major partners. These 10 economies(top 10 trading partners) accounted for 68 percent of the value of U.S. trade in 2006. 2-34 Size Matters: The Gravity Model (规模问题:引力模型) The top 3 trading partners with the U.S. are

40、 Canada, China, Mexico. 3 of the top 10 trading partners with the U.S. in 2006 were also the 3 largest European economies: Germany, UK, and France. Why does the U.S. trade most with these European countries and not other European countries? These countries have the largest gross domestic product (GD

41、P) in Europe(they are the three largest European Economies). 2-35 Fig. 2-2: The Size of European Economies, and the Value of Their Trade with the United States Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, European Commission The scatter of points clustered around the dotted 45-degree line, which means that,

42、 each countrys share of U.S. trade with Europe was roughly equal to that countrys share of European GDP. That is, the value of trade between any two countries is proportional to the two countries GDPs. 分布在45度线周围的散点 表明,美国与欧洲某一国家 之间的贸易规模与两国的经 济规模成正比。 2-36 Size Matters: The Gravity Model (cont.) In fac

43、t, the size of an economy is directly related to the volume of imports and exports. (贸易规模与经济规模直接相关) The trade between any two economies is larger, the larger is either economy. Larger economies produce more goods and services, so they have more to sell in the export market. Larger economies generate

44、 more income from the goods and services sold, so people are able to buy more imports. 2-37 The Gravity Model In its basic form, the gravity model assumes that only size and distance(经济规模和距离) are important for trade in the following way: Tij = A x Yi x Yj /Dij Where Tij is the value of trade between

45、 country i and country j, A is a constant,Yi the GDP of country i,Yj is the GDP of country j,Dij is the distance between country i and country j. The value of trade between any two countries is proportional to the two countries GDPs, and diminishes with the distance between the two countries. 两国之间的贸

46、易规模与经济规模成正比,与两国之间的 距离成反比。 2-38 The Gravity Model (cont.) In a slightly more general form, the gravity model that is commonly estimated is Tij = A x Yia x Yjb /Dijc where a, b, and c are allowed to differ from 1. This equation says that the three things determine the volume of trade between two count

47、ries are the size of the two countries GDPs and the distance between the countries, without specifically as assuming that(放松 了假设) trade is proportional to the two GDPs and inversely proportional to distance. 2-39 The Gravity Model (cont.) Distance(距离) between markets increases costs of transportatio

48、n and services, and therefore the cost of imports and exports. There is a strong negative effect of distance on international trade. Distance may also influence personal contact and communication, which may influence trade. Ex. The United States North American neighbors trade so much with U.S. than its European partners. 2-40 The Gravity Model (cont.) Other things besides size of economy and distance matter for trade: 1. Cultural affinity(文化相似度): if two countries have cultu


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