1、高考英语非谓语动词知识讲解一、分词用作形容词1.我喜欢听下雨的声音。I like the sound offallingrain.主动:The rain is falling.2.她说她的心已经碎了。(破碎的心)She says she has got abrokenheart.被动:The heart was broken by sb./sth. doing 主动 VS done 被动1.falling leaves 飘舞的树叶2.a fallen leaf 一片落叶 doing 进行中 VS done 已完成分词可以像形容词一样去使用,含义上也存在一些规则性的内容。分词的含义大致可以分为:
2、完成,主动,被动。a.典型主动/被动的分词1.falling leaves(=leaves that fall)2.a broken heart(= a heart that has been broken)b.过去分词是完成含义a fallen leaf(=a leaf that has fallen)advanced students(=students who have advanced)developed countries(=countries which have developed)a grown-up daughter(=a daughter who has grown up)
3、二、简化版定语从句1.警察一直没能找到在案件中被劫走的现金。The police never found the moneywhich werestolen in the robbery.被动含义The police never foundthe moneystolen in the robbery.2.连接着两个村庄的小路非常窄。The roadwhichconnects two villages is very narrow.主动含义The roadconnecting two villagesis very narrow.3.We saw manyleavesfalling from t
4、he trees.进行含义4.Most of the people invited to the reception were old friends.Most of the peoplewho were invited注意:这里不仅简化了结构,而且还简化了时态概念三、简化版状语从句用现在分词/过去分词,作简化版的状语从句,注意其逻辑关系,动作的先后顺序,主语是否一致。使用分句来体现状语从句的作用,存在一个前提逻辑关系根据当时语境是显而易见的。(一)/注意逻辑关系/1.After Iput down the newspaper, I walked over to the window.Havi
5、ng put down the newspaper, I walked over to the window.2.Because Ifelt tired, I went to bed early.Feeling tired, I went to bed early.3.If I weregiven more time, I would be able to complete it.Given more time, I would be able to complete it.4.Joehurthis legwhenhe wasplaying football.Joe hurt his legp
6、laying football.5.Kate is in the kitchenand she ismaking coffee.Kate is in the kitchenmaking coffee.(二)/注意主语是否一致/1.Afterwehadspent all the money,westarted looking for work.Having spent all the money, we started looking for work.2.Afterall the moneyhad been spent,westarted looking for work.All the mo
7、neyhaving been spent,we started looking for work.(三)/隐藏主语/1.Generallyspeaking,dogsare more faithful than cats.2.Consideringeverything,itwasnt a bad holiday.3.Judgingfrom his expression,heis in a bad mood.延伸阅读有少数的过去分词既可以前置,又可以后置,而且不同位置含义还不一样。比如:a concerned expression忧愁的表情the people concerned有关人士(后置定语)= the people who are/were affectedan involved explanation复杂的解释the people involved有关人士(后置定语)=the people who are/were affectedan adopted child一个被领养的孩子the solution adopted所采取的办法(后置定语)=the solution that is/was chosen2