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1、2024届大湾区二模英语试卷评讲应用文写作+续写小作文正值你校社团招新,学校英文报发起“My Club”主题征文活动。请你写一篇短文投稿,介绍并推荐你参加的一个社团。注意:(1)写作词数应为80个左右;(2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。My Club 答案My Club The Debate Club has been a vital part of my school life,offering a platform to explore and appreciate the art of debate.If you are interested in improving your

2、critical thinking and public speaking skills,I heartily recommend joining this club.Through weekly meetings and competitions,we learn how to construct persuasive arguments,express our opinions clearly,and think independently.Not only have I improved my communication skills,but I have also made frien

3、ds through this club.Joining the Debate Club is one of the best decisions Ive made in school,and I encourage you to give it a try as well!批判性思维 我衷心建议构建有说服力的论点考场优秀句子1.通过亲身体验/动手体验,学生们可以领略/品味中国文化的魅力。Students can savor the glamour of Chinese culture via the hands-on experiences.2.如果我是你,我会毫不犹豫地加入这个俱乐部。(i

4、f虚拟条件句省略和倒装)Were I you,I would join the club without hesitation.3.在这个过程中,我可以感受到与我的中国的联系,并获得强烈的文化认同感。During the process,I can feel connected to my chinese roots and gain a strong sense of cultural identity.4.历史悠久的英语辩论俱乐部拥有丰富的辩论赛,一定会让你感受到一种肃然起敬的氛围。English Debating Club,boasting a long history,has abun

5、dant debating competitions,which will definitely expose you to an awestruck atmosphere.5.你将有机会与他人交流,用智慧和清晰的表达来捍卫你的舞台。You will be blessed with the opportunity to communicate with others and defend your stage with wisdom and clear clarification.6.我的社团是如此有意义和有益,不仅可以培养我的批判性思维,还可以磨练我的英语口语技能,点燃我对英语的热情。So

6、meaningful and rewarding is my club that not only can I cultivate my critical thinking,but also I can hone my oral English skills and ignite my enthusiasm for English.7.每个星期天都能见证到高水平成员之间的比赛。Every Sunday witnesses the competitions among high level members.4.历史8.它不仅能提高你的智力,还能帮助缓解学业压力。Not only does it

7、boost your intelligence,but also it can help relieve academic pressure.My club My favorite club is debate club,where we can explore a diverse range of topics every Thursday afternoon,ranging from environmental issues to technologys impact on society.The reason why I am keen on it are as follows.Firs

8、t and foremost,not only can I sharpen my critical thinking,but also I can foster speaking skills in public while getting my viewpoints across.Additionally,Its exhilarating to construct arguments and defend them against other debaters,which spurs me to conduct thorough research.Last but not least,wha

9、t benefits me most is that the debate club can empower me to be more open-minded,as hearing diverse perspectives has broadened my understanding of complex issues.In conclusion,being part of the debate club is not just about winning arguments but about learning to communicate effectively and respectf

10、ully,contributing significantly to my personal growth and confidence.If you are passionate about it,dont hesitate to join us!I am fully convinced that the club will add colors to your campus life.以探讨各种各样的话题磨练我的批判性思维在公共场合的演讲技巧 在我说清楚自己观点的时候很高兴 能构建论点 并为其辩护这促使我进行彻底的研究 让我收获最大的是 让我变得思想更开放 扩大我对复杂问题的理解不是为了赢

11、得辩论,而是这对我的个人成长和自信有很大的帮助增添色彩别犹豫,加入我们吧!下水作文考场学生优秀作文作为一种不可或缺的途径灌输文化精神手工艺延续工匠精神建立与学校成立之初为.敞开大门更吸引的是正是非物质文化遗产的传承人来到我们学校 改成 hands-on突出改成freshmenn.出现,到来参与 志愿者俱乐部自发传递善意高度赞扬无私援助在困境中的人提供足够多的机会 让你在力所能及的范围内施与善行本质培养社会责任感多层次 内容广泛 气氛和谐 精神振奋 值得成为你的首选爱好者最佳的解锁隐藏知识磨练社交技能点燃学生热情开始一段有意义且愉快的旅程由.组成以浓厚的氛围和有趣的活动为特色,一直以来都能使每个

12、成员参与一周一次的文学沙龙启发性的见解朗诵课使.更了解/熟悉 增长见闻的 建设性的指导 关于 文学鉴赏使成为 接触到新发现的文学世界渴望你的参与优秀表达笔记1.instill cultural spirit to.2.carry forward the spirit of handicraftsmanship3.opens its door to4.the inheritor of the intangible heritage5.within your reach6.cultivate/foster your responsibility for the society7.multi-lev

13、el,wide-ranging activities8.harmonious atmosphere9.deserves to be your top preferences10.get immersed in reading11.embark on a rewarding and enjoyable journey12.feature.以.为特色13.never fail to14.acquaint sb.with.15.enlightening insight 16.informative17.thought-provoking 发人深省的;引人深思的18.expose.to.19.newf

14、ound adj.新得到的 She savoured her newfound freedom.她体味到了她新获得的自由。His friends have a newfound sense of patriotism.他的朋友们有一种新萌生的爱国主义意识。读后续写After a busy week,Emily and her parents decided to go on a mountain picnic.They longed to fully experience natures beauty and enjoy quality family time.Little did they

15、know,this outing would be filled with unexpected twists and turns(波折).Arriving at the mountains base,they discovered a house,in front of which Mike and his father had just finished loading a boat onto Mikes truck.Emily approached them and asked for the best picnic spot in the area.Knowing the mounta

16、in well,Mike suggested a location about two hours walk away.“Its worth the effort,”he assured them.Parking their car next to Mikes truck and carrying their picnic supplies,Emily and her parents set off on the winding road.Tall green trees on one side,a flowing stream on the other,the road eventually

17、 led them to a breathtaking clearing dotted with colorful wildflowers.They enjoyed their delicious sandwiches,fruits,and snacks,engaging in pleasant conversations.Just as they finished their meal and settled down to relax,dark clouds unexpectedly rolled in.It looked like rain.Panicked,they hurriedly

18、 set up the tent they had brought.No sooner had they entered than raindrops began pouring on the roof.Heavy rain enveloped the surroundings,making it impossible to see anything.They had no choice but to patiently wait it out.After what felt like a century,the rain ceased.Emily and her parents wasted

19、 no time packing up their belongings,ready to get downhill.However,their excitement turned to worry when they discovered that the small stream they had previously crossed had turned into a wide and impassable river.With no cellphone signal,they were trapped without a means of seeking help.To make ma

20、tters worse,darkness was approaching.Suddenly,they heard the sound of a vehicle from across the river.Emily and her parents boarded the boat.简单的读后续写方法Suddenly,they heard the sound of a vehicle from across the river.What was that vehicle?How did they feel?What did they do to save them?Emily and her p

21、arents boarded the boat.What did they do?How did they feel What did they learn?写4-7句话It was Mike and his father.They knew their new friends were in trouble and came to their rescue.They unloaded the boat on their truck.They crossed the river.It was Mike and his father.They knew their new friends wer

22、e in trouble and came to their rescue.They unloaded the boat on their truck.They crossed the river.强调句:It was Mike and his father that/who came to their rescue.状语:非谓语;形容词;with 结构,独立主格,介词短语Knowing the place well(With a well understanding of the mountain),they even brought a boat to cross the river.Fa

23、miliar with the ever-changing weather in the mountain,they unloaded the boat on the vehicle promptly,which played a imperative role at this critical moment.Despite the thundering clouds and roaring rainstorm,they risked their own lives and paddled towards their new friends.倒装句:Hardly;So that;As;only

24、So strong was the wind that they rowed with all their might to reach the other side of the river.Exhausted as they were,they fought their ways across the river/tried their utmost to paddle across the river.无灵主语:情绪名词;Loud cheers erupted from Emliys family when the boat finally arrived.A surge of grat

25、itude welled up inside them.定语从句:名词性从句:被动语态:等等答案 Suddenly,they heard the sound of a vehicle from across the river.A truck appeared around the bend of the roada sense of relief washed over them as they realized it was Mikes truck.It turned out that Mike had noticed that it was getting dark but Emilys

26、 car was still parked in the open space in front of his house.Thinking of the heavy rain,he suspected something bad might have happened to them.Without delay,Mike and his father jumped into the truck and headed uphill.Nearing the picnic spot,Mike heard the shout for help and,in the next moment,saw E

27、mily and her parents waving their hands desperately on the other side of the river.Mike immediately stopped,and with his fathers help,moved the boat from his truck into the water.Emily and her parents boarded the boat.Safely crossing the river,they returned to the base of the mountain in Mikes truck

28、.Emily and her parents were not only grateful for their safe return,but also for the kindness and assistance they received from Mike and his father.They expressed their heartfelt thanks to Mike and his father for their swift response and invaluable assistance,tears welling up in their eyes.This unfo

29、rgettable experience taught them the power of kindness and inspired them to pay it forward.They also learned a valuable lesson on the importance of being well prepared for exploring nature.No doubt it is a mountain picnic that has left a deep impression on them.山脚下将善良传递出去他们还学到了宝贵的一课,那就是为探索大自然做好充分准备的

30、重要性。无疑是一次山间野餐给他们留下了深刻的印象。转弯处教师下水作文 Suddenly,they heard the sound of a vehicle from across the river.Their hope was lifted and they yelled for help on top of their lungs.“Help!Help!”Emily spared no effort to get noticed by the figures stepping out of the vehicle,waving her arms violently.Luckily,the

31、two figures wasted no time to start a boat down from the vehicle,rushing onto the rough river.With the thundering sound of the engine rolling in,the boat,like a glimmer light in the darkness,sent a wave of comfort and relief to Emily and her parents.Soon,the boat pulling in,the two figures turned ou

32、t to be Mike and his father who asked them to get aboard.Emily and her parents boarded the boat.Filled with gratitude in her tearful eyes,Emily with her parents held Mikes hand tightly,expressing their wholehearted thanks to Mike and his father.Shaking his head,Mike,said with a sense of regret,“Sorr

33、y for the wrong recommendation!”“No!”Emily immediately stopped him but assured him with an encouraging look,“You saved us and our outing!”Then,both Emily and her parents tried to share the fascination of the spectacles they enjoyed,the relaxation and the connection they found among each other.Despite twists and turns,the trip was a truly memorable experience for Emily and her parents


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