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1、天津市武清区河西务中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Tina, I have a piece of good news to tell you. I have won first prize in the speech contest._! You deserve it.ACome onBCongratulations.CTake it easyDBest wishes2I would appreciate_ if you could help me out when I am in trouble.AthatBoneCitDt

2、his3The wrong you have done to him is terrible, for which, in my opinion, you should _to him.AblameBapologizeCappreciateDremind4We regret _ you that the book you need is not available at the moment in this library.Ahaving toldBtellingCto tellDto have told5Would you please_ that book on the floor?OK!

3、Apick upBmake upCtake upDturn up6_ China has made advances in 5G technology, there is still a long way to go for its popularity.AIfBBecauseCSinceDWhile7People speak highly of the teacher _ has saved many pupils from danger.AwhichBwhoCwhomDas8On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, _

4、 about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.Ahaving causedBcausingCcausedDto be causing9I dont figure out why Jackson _ the job offer. After all, he has been out of work for a year.Aturned downBput downCturned upDput up10My sister _ described the beautiful mountains and rivers in her home town so that many

5、of her classmates wanted to visit the town.ArarelyBvividlyCcruellyDfortunately11The Science Museum, _ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of Londons tourist attractions.AwhichBwhatCthatDwhere12The president of America and Canada hold regular meeting, _ they can discuss ways to strengt

6、hen security cooperation between two countries.AwhichBwhyCwhatDwhere13The recent field research_the mystery of the Sanxingdui ancient tombs.Areached out toBaccounted forCthrew light onDbenefited from14I_ go to a summer camp during the summer vacation, but I am not sure.AmightBcanCmustDneed15 Smoking

7、 should be banned in public _. It is harmful to both the smokers and non-smokers .AId like toBIts my pleasureCIm with you on thatDIts up to you二、完形填空Ill never forget May 12. 2008. We were having classes at Beichuan Middle School, Sichuan Province, when a huge 16 hit the area. At about 2:28 pm, our 1

8、7 , Mr. Wang, was teaching us singing on the fourth floor of the Teaching Building. 18 we felt the building shaking violently. It was an earthquake! Our building starting to 19 . It was too late to rush out to the 20 . We were told to hide under the desks. 21 later, the whole building fell down. We

9、were 22 and couldnt move a little at all. No one could really imagine at that split second, how much pain we had 23 or how desperate( 绝望) we felt as we waited to be 24 . I heard Mr Wang calling our names again and againHours later, some people came to rescue and 25 of us were saved luckily. Later, I

10、 26 this huge earthquake scaled 8.0 magnitude. It hit several provinces including Sichuan, Gansu and Shanxi. So far it has 27 more than 80,000 and injured 360,000. My hometownBeichuan was 28 the worst-hit areas. Our school, which was 29 filled with vigor (活力) and laughter, was a dead valley. World a

11、fter such a(n) 30 could appear nothing but empty and pointless. So many peoples lives were taken away, so much 31 was done and the whole city was 32 . Beichuan has become a history. Now, some of my classmates and I were 33 to study in a middle school in Jiangsu Province. I still 34 dreaming and stil

12、l strive for a better future: to make our homes beautiful yet 35 . May victims rest in peace. May survivors live to be stronger.16ArainBearthquakeCsnowDrock17AclassmateBparentCfriendDteacher18AFinallyBLuckilyCSuddenlyDActually19AfallBstandCrunDwalk20AhomeBdesksCclassroomDoutdoors21AMinutesBWeeksCHou

13、rsDDays22AtrappedBstayedCplayedDpacked23AlivedBsufferedCenjoyedDescaped24AignoredBrecoveredCrescuedDremembered25AallBsomeCnoneDeach26Afound outBadded upCcame upDset down27AdevotedBhelpedCkilledDconcerned28AoutsideBwithCbetweenDamong29AnowBonceCthenDnever30AattitudeBtroubleCdisasterDexperience31Alife

14、BdamageChurtDitem32Ain ruinsBdug outCas usualDset up33AjudgedBpersuadedCjoinedDorganized34Akeep onBgive inCcare aboutDgo through35ApeacefulBsafeCgratefulDactive三、阅读选择Letter ADear Rose,I like your programs very much. Im now writing to ask you something about American social customs. My American frien

15、ds want me to join them in their dinner party. I am very happy and have decided to go, but Im a little worried about it, too.The social customs in my country are very different from here, so Im afraid of making mistakes. Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrived on time o

16、r a little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that Im thankful for their kindness?Wang LinLetter BDear Wang Lin,Its a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle

17、of wine if you know that your friend drink it.You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Dont get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them.Try to be free at the dinner table. If you dont know about choosing the right fork or knife,

18、 just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you.If you like the food, say so. Of course, youll thank them for the meal and for their kindness. Its also a good idea to send a thank-you card the day after.Rose36Wang Lin wants to _.Amak

19、e friends with RoseBknow some social customs for a dinner partyCmake her friends happyDgive her friends a surprise37Rose is most possibly _.Aa good housewifeBa member of the dinner partyCa TV hostessDa friend of Wang Lins38If youre asked to a dinner party but not sure about what to bring as a presen

20、t, its good to bring _.Asome fruitBa bottle of wineCsome flowersDa knife and fork39Which of the following is NOT good for joining in a dinner party?AGet there 15 minutes earlierBMake yourself at homeCFollow others to use forks and knivesDThank your friends for the meal40From the letters weve learned

21、 that its very _ to know something about American social customs.AdifficultBfriendlyCenjoyableDhelpfulMobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones during school hours. Mobile phone used among children bas beco

22、me a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phone as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.Mary Bluett, an official, said mobile phone use is a distraction(分心的事)to student during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teac

23、hers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams. She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt get in touch with their children. Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, bu

24、t if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies. Many people say that they understand why parents would want their

25、 children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.41Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones_.Abecause they are studentsBwhen they are freeCwhen they are at schoolDbecause they are children42We

26、 know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from_.Athe makers and sellersBthe passers-by and strangersCtheir parents and friendsDsome mobile phone users43What does the underlined word “cheat” mean in the passage?AChat on line.BPlay games.CTake something away.DUse dishonest methods.44

27、Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt_ during school hours.Ause their mobile phonesBleave their mobile phones at school officeChelp the teachers with their workDget in touch with their children.45The passage tells us that_.Astudents shouldnt have mobile phones at school except for some spec

28、ial reasonsBit is impossible to ban students from using mobile phone at schoolCsome parents felt unhappy because they couldnt use their phones at schoolDparents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hoursEach year, millions of children around the world are unable to go t

29、o school. To draw attention to this widespread problem, the United Nations (UN) is putting education first. Recently, the UN screened a documentary film (纪录片) called Back to School. The film is the second in a series of documentaries for the 12-year project “Time for School”.These films follow seven

30、 children from seven different countries. This 12year project began in 2003, when the children first started school. “This is something we could do to help the education crisis in the world,” said producer and writer Judy Katz. “Documentary filmmakers can get deeply involved in a problem and do some

31、thing about it.”More than 100 million children will never set foot in schools, sixty percent of whom are girls. Cheryl Faye, head of the UN Girls Education Initiative, spoke about the many factors that prevent girls from getting an education. One problem is the long distance many children must trave

32、l to get to school. Also, girls in many cultures are traditionally expected to marry early and work to help their families. “We need to make a special effort for girls,” Faye said.As part of the UNs goals, the organization wants every single child to get at least an elementary education by 2015.Stud

33、ents from Lawrence Middle School in New York were deeply moved after they saw the film. The seventh-grade class is raising money to help build a library on the outskirts (郊区) of Nairobi, Kenya, where Joaba child in the documentary lives. The class teacher, Karen Weiner, and the class are known in th

34、eir school as the “Kenya crew”. All the kids were really happy to support Joab and said they felt great about their fund-raising efforts. Like the seventh-graders at Lawrence Middle School, kids can work together to make a difference in places like Nairobi. By raising money for education, kids can h

35、elp children on the other side of the world have a chance at a better, happier life.46What is the purpose of the UN screening a documentary film Back to School?ATo raise funds for global education.BTo show the achievements which have been made in the past few years.CTo raise public awareness of the

36、need for global education.DTo encourage all the children to come back to school.47Why should special efforts be made for girls?ABecause more than one half of the children who never go to school are girls.BBecause more than 100 million girls will never go to school.CBecause most of the girls are tire

37、d of going to school.DBecause sixty percent of the children in the world are girls.48Which of the following could NOT be the factor that prevents girls from getting an education?ALong distance from school.BHelping work for the family.CEarly marriage.DBeing born weak.49Why are the class teacher, Kare

38、n Weiner, and the class considered as “Kenya crew”?ABecause they all have the same experience as Joab-the Kenya child.BBecause they are the actors in the documentary film Back to School.CBecause they are mostly from Kenya, where the child in the documentary lives.DBecause they are trying their great

39、 efforts to raise money for the education of Kenya children.50What is the last paragraph mainly about?AAmerican middle school students desire to go to Kenya.BThe content of the documentary film Back to School.CAn example of being inspired to take action after seeing the film.DHow students from Lawre

40、nce Middle School raise money for their education.四、其他阅读题型阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。In a recent business magazine article, a president said, laughter in the workplace is a waste of time. This is a place to do business, not to laugh. Some researchers, however, disagree with his words. As scient

41、ists have learned more about the brain, theyve discovered that smiles and laughter stimulate(刺激)the brain, which can help increase happiness and reduce pain.Why do we need laughter in our lives? Laughter is a powerful tool for our health. In a number of studies, that were carried out, it was shown t

42、hat people who are more humorous have stronger immune systems (免疫系统) while people who feel stressed have weaker immune systems. Humor can help make your immune systems stronger. Here are some tips to add more humor to your life: Laugh at yourself. Dont take yourself too seriously. Have a positive at

43、titude towards yourself and your worries will become lighter too. Dont worry when people laugh just appreciate it. Be funny. Look for the humorous side of and otherwise difficult situation. Prepare a first-aid laughter source. This could include books, cartoons, CDs or videos. Write down the amusing

44、 things that happen and save them for a sad day. Be open to silly things. Humor is the child within yourself. Laugh with others for what they do, rather than what they are. Research has shown that laughter is indeed the best medicine, so make time for humor now.51What is the best title for this pass

45、age?(No more than 8 words) 52List two suggestions that might help you add humor to your life according to the passage.(No more than 10 words) 53Find a sentence in the passage which can be replaced by the following one. Scientists have found that smiles and laughter have an effect on the brains, and it can help increase happiness and reduce pain. 54Please explain the underlined word “stressed” in English.(No more than 4 words) 55Accordin


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