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1、八年级英语下册短语Module 141.taste sweet 尝起来甜2.smell sour 闻起来酸3.feel soft 感觉柔软4.look strong 看起来强壮5.try sth. 尝试某物6.on top 在顶端7.Im afraid 我恐怕8.a bit sour 有点酸9.be done 做完10.have a try 试一下11.in the middle  在中间12.make an apple pie  做苹果派13.have a sweet tooth 喜欢甜食14.lucky day 幸运日15.thank you for doing sth

2、.感谢做某事16.hear from sb. 收到某人来信17.cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事18.arrive at/in 到达19.wear glasses 戴眼镜20.each other 互相21.just like 就像22.as well 也;还;又23.be proud of= take pride in.以为傲24.be good at 擅长25.in a few days 几天后26.feel nervous  感到紧张27.be excited about sth.对某事感到兴奋Module 21.enter a competition &

3、nbsp;参加比赛2.win a prize 赢得奖品3.the first prize 一等奖4.go on doing sth. 继续做某事5.cant afford 负担不起6.good luck 好运7.stop doing sth.  停止做某事8.thats a pity 真遗憾9.think about 觉得10.make up 编写11.invite sb. to do sth.  邀请某人做某事12.a fifteen-year-old boy 一个十五岁的男孩13.at the moment  此刻14.one of the biggest +

4、 名词最大的之一15.move to 搬到16.work for 为工作17.send sb. to do sth.派遣某人去某事18.the Robinsons罗宾逊一家人19.have been to  去过某地(回来了)have gone to去了某地(没回来)have been in.呆在某地20.be different from不同于21.find it hard to do sth. 发现做某事很难22.so far  到目前为止23.count down 倒数24.mix with把和混合在一起25.lack of  缺乏26.the rest o

5、f 剩余的Module 31.be up to do sth. 正在做某事2.make a model  做模型3.no problem 没问题4.the latest news  新闻5.no one 没有人6.far away from 离远7.in order to 为了8.get information on  得到关于的信息9.go online  上网10.search for information搜索信息11.on the earth  在地球上12.hundreds of millions of数亿的13.any other

6、planets 其他星球14.go around 围绕着15.none of 没有16.be called 被叫做17.billions of 十亿的18.in the universe  在宇宙中19.have to 不得不20.it is impossible to do sth.做某事是不可能的21.far enough to do sth.足够远做某事22.in space  在太空中municate with与某人交流Module 41.see the doctor 看医生2.have a headache  头疼3.how long have you

7、been like this  你这样多久了4.since Friday  从星期五5.catch a cold 感冒6.I dont think so.我不这样认为。7.take ones temperature 量体温8.theres no fever 不发烧9.do some exercise  做锻炼10.be harmful to 对有害11.Its no serious. 不严重12.such as 例如13.three times a day  一天三次14.look after 照顾15.feel awful 感觉不好16.by doin

8、g sth.  通过做某事17.take a dog for a walk 遛狗18.decide to do sth. 决定做某事19.the member of 成员20.feel fit 感觉健康21.take part in 参加22.in excellent condition健康状况良好23.for the last few years在最近几年里24.feel sleepy  感到困倦25.since then  从那时起26.with a smile on ones face面带微笑27.all over  全身28.in the pas

9、t  过去Module 51.Its time to do sth.做某事的时候到了2.why dont we do sth.为什么不做某事3.through the sky  穿过云层4.fight sb. 和某人打架5.climb up 爬6.someone like sb.  像某人一样7.keep doing sth.  一直做某事8.cant help doing sth.禁不住做某事9.both of them 他们两个10.win the hearts of sb.赢得某人的心11.lead a group of带领一队12.against

10、 sb.  发对某人13.make a mess  搞得一团糟14.expect to do sth. 期待做某事15.ever since 自从以来16.work for 为工作17.ones sixtieth birthday某人六十岁生日18.ones own 某人自己的19.as well as 也;和;又e out 出版Module 61.tidy up  打扫2.take up 占据3.somewhere to sit down坐的地方4.a bit of 有点5.on the shelf 在架子上6.have a look  看7.so m

11、any 名词复数如此多的8.most of 大多数9.be valuable  有价值10.show sb. sth. 给某人看某物11.seven books of 三本12.asas 像一样13.something important重要的东西14.in ones life 在某人生命里15.grow vegetables  种菜16.look after = take care of照顾17.such as  例如18.make sb. do sth.使某人做某事19.develop interest  培养兴趣20.ask sb. to do s

12、th.要求某人做某事21.encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事e out  出版23.as a result  结果24.free time 空闲时间25.bring sb. pleasure and success带给某人快乐和成功Module 71.prepare for. 为做准备2.make a list of  列的清单3.get ready 把准备好4.sound crazy 听起来疯狂5.at the end of  在末端6.important enough 足够重要7.what else 还有什么8.weigh

13、 too much 太重9.pay for 为付款10.had better (not) do sth.最好(不)做某事11.the total weight 总重量12.by the way  顺便说一句13.forget to do sth.忘记要做某事forget doing sth.忘记做过某事14.write to sb.  给某人写信15.be glad to do sth.高兴做某事16.ask for help 寻求帮助17.offer sb. sth. 提供某人某事18.at the same time  同时19.well trained &n

14、bsp;训练有素20.have a lot of experience经验丰富21.depend on 取决于22.provide sb. with sth.提供某人某物23.make progress  取得进步24.take part in 参加25.form close friendships with sb.与某人建立深厚友谊26.stay in touch with sb.与某人保持联系27.be certain to do sth.必定做某事28.at least 至少29.fill out  填写Module 81.time off 休假2.hear of 听

15、说3.be popular with  受的欢迎4.so that 如此以至于5.hear doing sth.  听见正在做6.can hardly 几乎不能7.be famous for 因而出名8.walk along 沿着走9.cross the bridge  过桥10.climb up the hill 爬山11.point out 指出12.the sights of 的风景13.go for a swim  去游泳14.allow sb. to do sth.  允许某人做某事15.have a picnic 野餐16.its

16、better to do sth. 做某事更好17.at the top of 在顶端e on 加油19.promise to do sth. 答应做某事20.have a wonderful time 玩得高兴21.square kilometre  平方公里22.look like 看起来像23.by a small lake 在小湖旁24.wake sb. up 叫醒某人25.move about  四出走动26.make some noise  制造噪音27.hope to do sth.  希望做某事28.walk down the path

17、 顺路而下29.pull off 把从拉下来30.wish sb. to do sth.  希望某人做某事Module 91.take a message  捎口信2.have a problem with 和某人有问题3.get separated 分开4.stay in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系5.explain to do sth. 解释做某事6.mention sth. to sb. 对某人提及某事7.refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事8.treat sb. as 把某人看作9.feel very sure of onese

18、lf  感到自信10.find out  查清楚;弄明白11.feel lonely  感到孤单12.regret doing sth.  后悔做某事13.be patient with 对有耐心14.explain to sb. 对某人解释15.introduce sb. to sb.  给某人介绍某人16.encourage sb. to do sth.  鼓励某人做某事17.have a fight with sb. 和某人吵架18.no one 没有人19.be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事20.talk t

19、o sb. about sth.  和某人讨论某事21.worry about  担心22.in silence 默默地; 安静地23.turn back 转身24.without a word  一句话不说25.make sb. do sth.  使某人做某事make sb. + adj. 使某人26.hidden treasure  隐藏的宝藏27.change ones life 改变某人生活28.day by day 一天天29.circle of friends 朋友圈30.stick together  团结一起31.be

20、 honest to sb.  对某人诚实Module 101.on air 正在广播2.thank you for doing sth.  感谢某人做某事3.show sb. around 带某人参观4.no problem 没问题e this way 这边请6.be on  (灯等)亮了7.avoid doing sth. 避免做某事8.collect news 收集新闻9.get crazy 让人发狂10.keep doing sth.  一直做某事11.do interviews with sb.  采访某人12.keep quiet 保持安静13.thats the end of 的末端14.look down at sb.  低头看某人15.close to 离近16.it seems that 似乎17.not but 不是而是18.in person 亲自19.part-time job 兼职工作20.ones interest in某人在方面的兴趣21.learn about 了解22.once a week 一周一次23.look out of  向外看24.have for breakfast/lunch/dinner早/午/晚饭吃


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