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1、七年级英语上册Starter Unit2 SA知识点1.Keep tidy! 保持整洁!【用法详解】(1)Keep (动词) “保持;保留;持续;使.保持某种状态;饲养”常见搭配:keep + 形容词 “保持.”Keep sb./sth.+ 形容词 “使某人/某物保持某种状态”Keep doing sth. “一直做某事”Eg: Please keep calm. 请保持冷静。Please keep promise. 请信守诺言。Please keep the dictionary well. 请好好保存这本词典。Please keep the room clean. 请保持房间干净。My g

2、randmother keeps some chicken in her yard. 我奶奶在庭院里养了一些鸡。Mr.Wang keeps working day and night. 王先生没日没夜的工作。(2)Tidy (形容词) “整洁的;井井有条的”,其反义词为untidy(不整洁的;乱的),此时可以作定语修饰名词。Tidy也可以作动词, 译为“整理;清洁”常见搭配:tidy .up 整理Eg: He is a tidy man. 他是一个爱整洁的人。Be sure to tidy it up before going out. 确保出去之前整理好它。【即学即用】( B )1.Plea

3、se keep _ hard, you must get good grades.A.study B.studying C.to study D.to studying( D )2.We should _ the place before we move in.A.Tidy in B.tidy out C.tidy away D.tidy up2.What do you have in your schoolbag? 你的书包里有什么?【用法详解】(1)该句为特殊疑问句,用来询问对方有什么。其答语常为“I have.”注意:当主语是第三人称单数时,需要用助动词does,回答时需用have的三单

4、形式has.Eg: - What do you have in your hand? 你手里有什么?- I have an eraser. 我有一块橡皮。- What does she have in her pencil - box? 她的铅笔盒里有什么?- She has three pencils. 她有三支铅笔。(2)Have (动词) “有;进行;吃;喝;上课;”常见搭配:have breakfast 吃早饭Have a trip 进行旅游Have some milk 喝些牛奶Have an English lesson 上英语课Eg: I have a new dictionary

5、. 我有一本新词典。【知识拓展】特殊疑问句的构成常为:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句?Eg: What do you have for breakfast? 你早饭吃了什么?【即学即用】( D )1.- What _ she have in your schoolbag?- She _ an English book.A.do; have B.do; has C.does; have D.does; has3.I have a cap. 我有一个帽子。【知识拓展】cap与hat的区别:Cap常指刚好能罩住头,并没有帽檐或有帽舌的鸭舌帽Hat常指帽子的总称,尤指四周带沿的帽子,要比cap更大。4.I

6、 have a bottle. 我有一个瓶子。【知识拓展】Bottle (名词) “瓶子”;同时也可作量词来表示不可数名词的量注意:在作量词时,复数须将量词变为复数Eg:The bottle is very clean. 这个瓶子很干净。A bottle of water 一瓶水Three bottles of water 三瓶水【即学即用】( A )1.He is so thirsty (渴的) that he drank _ .A.two bottles of water B.two bottle of waters C.two bottles of waters D.two bottle

7、 of water5.An eraser 一块橡皮【用法详解】eraser译为“橡皮”,为可数名词,其复数形式为erasers。因eraser为元音音素开头,故需用不定冠词an.【知识拓展】a/ an/ the/零冠词区别:(1)a/an 为不定冠词,不定冠词用来泛指,表示数量“一”。(2)a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;an用于以元音音素开头的单词前注意:看发音音素,而不是首字母。Eg: a boy 一个男孩; a banana 一根香蕉;a university 一所大学An apple 一颗苹果; an hour 一个小时(3)the为定冠词,用来特指上文提到的人或物,也可指说话双方都知道

8、的人或物,亦可指世界上独一无二的事物。Eg: the Earth 地球; the girl in red 穿红色衣服的女孩;I have a new book, the book is in my schoolbag. 我有一本新书,这本书在书包里。(4)零冠词即“不填”;常常用在国家、地名、人名等专有名词,节日、季节、月份、星期、一日三餐、球类运动、学科等名词前。Eg: Have breakfast 吃早饭;play football 踢足球; China 中国;in summer 在夏天【即学即用】( C )1.There is _ apple, _ banana in the baske

9、t.A.an; an B.a; an C.an; a D.a; a( D )2. Amy is _ English girl.A.a B.the C./ D.an( C )3.This is _ pen, and that is _ apple.A.a; a B.an; an C.a; an D.an; a用适当的冠词填写下列各题1._/_ China is _an_ old country with _a_ long history.2.You missed _a_ “u” and _an_ “s” in this word.3.She often goes to school by _/_

10、 bus.4.I am going to have _a_ picnic on _/_ Sunday.5.I have _an_ apple for _/_ dinner.6.Keys 钥匙【用法详解】key译为“钥匙”,为可数名词,其复数形式为keys.常见搭配:a set of keys 一串钥匙Eg: There is a set of keys on the desk. 书桌上有一串钥匙。【知识拓展】key还可译为“答案;键”,也可作形容词,译为“关键的”Eg: the key to the question 问题的答案;Piano keys 钢琴键Key words 关键词【即学即用

11、】1.There are five _keys_ (key) in my bag.7.常见颜色汇总【用法详解】表示颜色的词即可作形容词也可作名词 Eg: This is a green apple. 这是一个绿色的苹果。(形容词)Green is a peaceful colour. 绿色是和平的颜色。(名词)【知识拓展】Orange作形容词时译为“橘色的;桔色的”;作名词时译为“桔色”或“桔子”,其复数形式为oranges.Eg: This eraser is orange. 这个橡皮是橘色的。This is an orange. 这是一个桔子。【即学即用】( C )1.They are _

12、.Their colours are _.A.orange; orange B.oranges; orange C.oranges; orange D.oranges; oranges8.What colour is the cap? 帽子是什么颜色?【用法详解】(1)What color 为特殊疑问词组,用来询问物体的颜色,结构常常为“What colour + be动词 + 主语?”其同义句表达为:What is the colour of .?注意:该句式中的be动词要随着主语发生变化,单数时用is,复数时用are.其答语为:Its/ Theyre + 颜色?Eg:- What colo

13、r is the bag? = What is the colour of the bag? “这个包是什么颜色?”- Its blue. “它是蓝色的。”- What colour are the flowers? = What is the colour of the flowers? “这些花是什么颜色?”- They are red. “它们是红色的。”(2)切记:颜色前面无冠词, 但当形容词用来修饰名词时,可以加冠词。Eg: Its a blue bag.“它是一个蓝色的包。”(3)如果有多种颜色,则在两个颜色之间用and连接Eg:- What colour are the clot

14、hes? 衣服是什么颜色的?- They are white and blue. 他们是白蓝相间的。【知识拓展】colour (名词) “颜色” 也可以写成”color”colour (动词) “给.涂色” 结构为“colour + 物体 + 颜色”Eg: The color of the bag is blue. Color the kite yellow. “把这个风筝涂成黄色。”【即学即用】( B )1.- _?- Theyre blue.A.Whats your name B.What colour are your books C.How are you D.What colour

15、is your cap( D )2.- _ is your eraser?-Its _ black.A.Whats colour; a B.Whats colour; / C.What colour; a D.What colour; /3.The ruler is yellow.(就划线部分提问)_What_ _colour_ is the ruler?4.那是一个红色的书包。That is _a_ _red_ _schoolbag_.5.熊猫是黑白相间的。(翻译句子)Pandas are _black_ _and_ _white_.9.Teng Feis schoolbag is blue

16、. 腾飞的书包是蓝色的。【用法解析】名词所有格我们常用“名词+s”的结构来表示名词所有格,表示“某人的”;但如果名词是以s结尾,则用“名词+”的结构表示。名词所有格通常用在名词前作定语,或位于系动词后作表语。Eg: They are Peters trousers.= These trousers are Peters. 它们是皮特的裤子。These are students desks. 这些是学生的书桌。【知识拓展】(一) s所有格形式:用来表示有生命的名词(1)一般情况为:名词 + sEg:Bettys pen 贝蒂的钢笔(2)若某单词是以s结尾,则只需在词尾加 即可Eg: Hans b

17、ook 汉斯的书(3)表示几个人共同拥有时,在最后一个名词后加s,且其后名词用单数;Eg: Lily and Lucys room 丽丽和露西共同的房间(4)表示每个人各自拥有时,在每个名词后加s,且其后名词用复数;Eg: Mikes and Tonys desks 麦克和约翰各自的书桌(5)表示时间、距离、国家等的名词,单数加s ; 复数加Eg: five minutes walk 步行五分钟的路程Chinas development 中国的发展(6)表示“家”、“店铺”、“办公室”等处所时,由“名词 + s”所有格所修饰的名词house、shop、office常被省略Eg: at my m

18、others (home) 在我妈妈家at the doctors (office) 在医生的诊所(7)基数词 + 连字符 + 可数名词单数,一般作定语修饰名词,它相当于“基数词 + 名词所有格”Eg: a two-day holiday = a two days holiday 两天的假期(二)Of所有格:用来表示无生命的名词(1)“ of + 名词 的所有格形式主要用于表示无生命力名词的所属关系。Eg: a map of China 中国地图The name of this village 这个村庄的名字(2)of所有格也可用于人或有生命的东西,表示所属关系,特别是当这些所有者有较长的定语

19、时。Eg: the name of the brave young man 这个勇敢的年轻人的名字(3)表示某物的一部分或抽象概念。Eg: the top of the house 房屋的顶部(4)有的名词所有格可以用两种方法表示。Eg: a photo of my family = my familys photo 我的全家福【即学即用】( B )1.My _ job is a writer.A.mother B.mothers C.mothers D.mothers( D )2.That is _room.A.Lily and Lucy B.Lilys and Lucys C.Lilys

20、and Lucy D.Lily and Lucys( A )3.There is _ on the wall.A.a map of the world B.a world map C.a worlds map D.the world of a map10.Peters trousers are red. 彼得的裤子是红色的。【用法详解】trousers为名词,常以复数形式出现,指“长裤”;在表达“一条裤子”时,常用a pair of trousers的结构表示。Eg: She wears a pair of trousers today. 她今天穿了一条长裤。注意:(1) trousers作主

21、语时,谓语动词用复数形式。Eg: Bettys trousers are nice. 贝蒂的裤子很好。(2) A pair of trousers 作主语时,谓语动词则用单数形式。Eg: There is a pair of trousers on sale. 有一条裤子在打折。【知识拓展】类似以复数形式出现的名词有:shoes (鞋);socks(袜子);shorts(短裤);glasses(眼镜);scissors(剪刀);chopsticks(筷子)等。【即学即用】( C )1.Your trousers _ on the bed.A.am B.is C.are D.be( B )2.T

22、his pair of shoes _ too expensive (昂贵的).A.am B.is C.are D.be3.我什么都看不清,我可以有一副眼镜好吗?I cant see anything, could I have _a_ _pair_ _of_ _glasses_?11.元音字母a、e、i、o、u在重读开音节中的发音【用法详解】元音字母在重读开音节中的发音与它们本身的发音相同。即Aa : /e/ 如:make ; cake; take; lake; name等Ee: /i:/ 如:he; she; me等Ii: /a/ 如:hi; bike; like; bike; ice等O

23、o: / 如:note; ago; go; rose; close等Uu: /ju:/ 如:use; student等【知识拓展】开音节分两种:一种叫绝对开音节,一种叫相对开音节。(1)绝对开音节:以单个元音字母结尾的音节。如he, no等。(2)相对开音节:单个元音字母后加单个辅音(r除外),再加不发音的字母e构成的音节,即“辅音 + 单个元音 + 单个辅音 + e”的结构。如name、hope等【即学即用】选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项( D )1.A.like B.kite C.fine D.ship( A )2.A.bus B.cute C.use D.student( D )3

24、.A.cake B.lake C.take D.bad( B )4.A.we B.egg C.she D.he( D )5.A.go B.nose C.tone D.shop12.Wake up 叫醒【注意】如果其宾语为代词,需置于wake与up之间。Eg: My mum wakes me up every morning. 每天早上妈妈叫我起床。13.Dont get up too late! 不要起来的太晚!【用法讲解】该句为祈使句的否定形式。祈使句常常表示命令、请求、警告、劝告、建议等。常常省略主语,用谓语动词原形开头;其否定结构是在句首加dont或用“No + 动词ing”形式及“No

25、 + 名词”形式,句末常用句号或感叹号。Eg: Be quiet, please! 请保持安静!Dont be late for school! 上学不要迟到!No smoking! 禁止吸烟!No photos! 禁止拍照!【知识拓展】late在此处为副词,修饰前面动词短语get up;此外late也可为形容词,在句中常作表语。常见搭配:be late for. “迟到”Eg: He went to bed too late last night. 昨晚他睡得太晚了。He was late for school yesterday. 昨天他上学迟到了。【即学即用】( A )1._ make

26、noise (制造噪音) in the library, its too impolite (不礼貌的).A.Dont B.Do C.Does D.Isnt2.王先生昨天上班迟到了。Mr.Wang was _late_ _for_ work yesterday.14.We can fly my kite. 我们可以放我们的风筝。【用法详解】(1)can为情态动词,译为“能;可以;会”;常常用来表示某种能力或请求等。无人称和数的变化。其否定形式在can后加not即可(can not = cant);一般疑问句形式将can提前。Eg: She can speak English very well

27、. 她英语说的很好。- She cant speak English very well. 她英语说的不是很好。- Can she speak English very well? 她英语说的好吗?(2)Fly作动词时译为“飞;飞行”;作名词用时译为“苍蝇”Eg: There is a fly flying over there. 有只苍蝇正在那飞。【知识拓展】Fly在作动词时,常见搭配为“fly to + 地点”,该结构相当于“take a plane to + 地点”或“go to .by plane”译为“坐飞机去某地”Eg: We will fly to Beijing.= We wi

28、ll take a plane to Beijing.= We will go to Beijing by plane.我们将坐飞机去北京。【即学即用】( C )1.He wants to join the Music Club because he _ sing very well.A.do B.does C.can D.cant( A )2.She can _ a bike.A.ride B.to ride C.riding D.to riding3.他们将坐飞机去巴黎。They will _fly_ _to_ Paris.4.The boy can look after himself.(变为否定句)_The boy cant look after himself._5.They can run very fast.(变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_Can they run very fast?_6


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