2024新外研版七年级上册《英语》Starter 重点短语及话题作文.docx

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1、2014年外研版英语 重要短语总结Starter单词表短语1. 初级中学 junior high2. 信息技术 information technology3. 教学楼 teaching building 4. 食堂 dining hall5. 红领巾 red scarf课内短语p21. 欢迎来到(某地) welcome to.2. 一个新阶段 a new stage3. 学习新科目learn new subjects4. 交朋友 make new friends5. 为.做好准备be ready for (+名词)p36. 铅笔盒pencil case7. 整理书包 pack your sc

2、hoolbag8. 不要忘记去做. dont forget to do.9. 德育与法制moral education and lawp4 10. Sports jacket 运动夹克p511. 设计一件新制服 design a new uniform12. 在.的第一天 on the first day of.p613. 读这一段 read the passage14. 带领某人参观show sb around.15. 三层楼 three floorsp716. 在一楼 on the first floor17. 电脑实验室 computer labs18. 舞厅dance hall 19.

3、 晨练do morning exercise20. 举行体育赛事 hold sports events21. 放学后 after school22. 踢足球play football23. 我最喜欢的地方my favourite placep824. 介绍你自己introduce yourself25. 喜欢做某事likeenjoy doing.26. 暑假summer holiday27. 在海滩上on the beach28. 帮助某人做某事help sb with sth29. 有一点紧张a bit nervous30. 做某事很兴奋be excited to do .p1031.完成笔

4、记 complete the notesp1132.两人对话talk in pairsp1233. 组织一次聚会organize a party 34. 做游戏play games35. 唱歌sing songsp1336. 愿望树 wishing tree37. 谈论talk about38. 把.添加到. add.to.39. 弹钢琴play the piano40. 养宠物have a pet41. 加入课后俱乐部join after-school clubs42. 制定计划make a plan43. 与.分享. share.with.Starter Welcome to junior

5、 high !单元必背话题范文 话题 Organise a party提示:写一篇关于策划一场聚会的作文。* Step1 审题 定文体 : 记叙文 定人称 : 第一人称 定时态 : 一般将来时* Step2 有用的表达Useful expressions (1)Activities活动: playing games、singing songs(2)food & drinks食品饮料:snacks、juice(3)Decorations装饰: balloons、 posters(4)What do you need? 你需要什么?* Step3 成文 I am very excited to p

6、repare for a party. First, I will decide on the theme of the party. Then, I will make a list of the food and drinks. For food, I will prepare some delicious snacks like cookies and chips. And for drinks, I will have juice and soda.Next, I will plan some interesting activities such as playing games l

7、ike charades or musical chairs. It will make the party more lively and fun.After that, I will take care of the decorations. I will put up some colorful balloons and posters to create a cheerful atmosphere.Finally, I will invite my friends and look forward to having a great time together at the party. I believe it will be an unforgettable party.译文:我很高兴能为一个聚会做准备。首先,我将决定这次聚会的主题。然后,我会列出一个食物和饮料的清单。关于食物,我会准备一些美味的零食,比如饼干和薯条。对于饮料,我会喝果汁和苏打水。接下来,我将计划一些有趣的活动,比如玩猜字谜游戏或抢椅子等游戏。这会使聚会更加热闹和有趣。之后,我会负责装饰。我会放一些彩色的气球和海报来营造一种愉快的气氛。最后,我会邀请我的朋友们,期待着在聚会上度过一段美好的时光。我相信这将是一个令人难忘的聚会。


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