初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 1 A new start单词详细讲解(2024秋).doc

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1、七年级英语上册Unit 1单词详细讲解complete /kmplit/ v. 使完整三单形式completes过去式completed现在分词completing常用搭配complete a task (完成任务)complete the form (填写表格)complete the project (完成项目)例句She completed the assignment on time. (她按时完成了作业。)without /wat/ prep. 缺乏;没有常用搭配without a doubt (毫无疑问)without delay (立即)without permission (未

2、经许可)例句He went out without his wallet. (他出门时没带钱包。)sentence / sentns / n. 句子复数形式sentences常用搭配complete sentence (完整的句子)simple sentence (简单句)compound sentence (复合句)例句Write a complete sentence for each word. (为每个单词写一个完整的句子。)mistake /mstek/ n.错误复数形式mistakes常用搭配make a mistake (犯错误)correct a mistake (纠正错误)l

3、earn from mistakes (从错误中学习)例句Everyone makes mistakes. (每个人都会犯错误。)polite /plat/ adj. 有礼貌的,客气的副词形式politely常用搭配polite behavior (有礼貌的行为)polite expression (礼貌的表达)be polite to someone (对某人有礼貌)例句Its important to be polite to others. (对别人有礼貌是很重要的。)mind /mand/ n. 头脑;思想,思维复数形式minds常用搭配change ones mind (改变主意)o

4、pen mind (开放的心态)peace of mind (宁静的心境)例句She has a brilliant mind. (她有一个聪明的头脑。)hers /hz/ pron. 她的常用搭配a friend of hers (她的一个朋友)that book is hers (那本书是她的)the choice is hers (选择权在她手上)例句The decision is hers. (决定权在她手上。)dry /dra/ adj. 干的,干燥的副词形式dryly常用搭配dry weather (干燥的天气)dry clothes (干的衣服)dry skin (干燥的皮肤)例

5、句The weather is very dry today. (今天的天气非常干燥。)meaning /min/ n. 意义;意思;含义复数形式meanings常用搭配meaning of life (生命的意义)true meaning (真正的含义)hidden meaning (隐藏的意义)例句What is the meaning of this word? (这个词是什么意思?)fact /fkt/ n. 事实;真相复数形式facts常用搭配in fact (事实上)fact sheet (情况说明书)face the facts (面对事实)例句In fact, he is ri

6、ght. (事实上,他是对的。)important /mptnt/ adj. 重要的,重大的副词形式importantly常用搭配important decision (重要决定)important person (重要人物)important role (重要角色)例句Education is very important. (教育非常重要。)remember /rmemb/ v. 记住,记得三单形式remembers过去式remembered现在分词remembering常用搭配remember to do something (记得做某事)remember doing something

7、 (记得做过某事)remember someone (记住某人)remember an event (记住一件事)例句Please remember to lock the door. (请记得锁门。)really /rli/ adv. 很,十分常用搭配really good (真的很好)really like (真的喜欢)really appreciate (非常感谢)例句I really enjoyed the movie. (我真的很喜欢这部电影。)choose /tuz/ v. 挑选,选择;选取三单形式chooses过去式chose现在分词choosing常用搭配choose a ca

8、reer (选择职业)choose wisely (明智地选择)choose a gift (挑选礼物)例句You can choose any book you like. (你可以选择任何你喜欢的书。)main /men/ adj.(同类中)最大的,最重要的常用搭配main idea (主要思想)main character (主要角色)main reason (主要原因)例句The main problem is lack of resources. (主要问题是缺乏资源。)expression /kspre()n/ n. 词;词组;措辞复数形式expressions常用搭配facial

9、 expression (面部表情)common expression (常见表达)idiomatic expression (习惯用语)例句Her facial expressions showed her feelings. (她的面部表情显示了她的情感。)point /pnt/ v. 指;用(手指)指三单形式points过去式pointed现在分词pointing常用搭配point out (指出)point to (指向)point at (指着)例句She pointed out the mistake in my report. (她指出了我报告中的错误。)praise /prez

10、/ v. (尤指公开地)称赞,赞扬,表扬三单形式praises过去式praised现在分词praising常用搭配praise highly (高度赞扬)deserve praise (值得表扬)full of praise (充满赞美)例句The teacher praised the student for his hard work. (老师表扬了学生的努力。)other / adj. 其余的,另外的常用搭配other people (其他人)other side (另一边)other things (其他事情)例句There are no other options available

11、. (没有其他可选项了。)grammar /grm/ n. 语法复数形式grammars常用搭配grammar rules (语法规则)grammar book (语法书)grammar test (语法测试)例句Understanding grammar is essential for learning a new language. (理解语法对于学习新语言是必不可少的。)rule /rul/ n. 规则,定律复数形式rules常用搭配follow the rules (遵守规则)break the rules (违反规则)set the rules (制定规则)例句You must f

12、ollow the rules at all times. (你必须一直遵守规则。)circle /skl/ v. 在上画圈;圈出三单形式circles过去式circled现在分词circling常用搭配circle the answer (圈出答案)circle the date (圈出日期)circle around (绕转圈)例句Please circle the correct answer. (请圈出正确答案。)mine /man/ pron. 我的常用搭配a friend of mine (我的一个朋友)that book is mine (那本书是我的)the choice is

13、 mine (选择权在我手上)例句This car is mine. (这辆车是我的。)diary /dari/ n. 日记,日志,日记簿复数形式diaries常用搭配keep a diary (写日记)personal diary (个人日记)secret diary (秘密日记)例句She writes in her diary every night. (她每晚都写日记。)bell /bel/ n. 铃;电铃复数形式bells常用搭配door bell (门铃)school bell (学校的铃声)church bell (教堂的钟声)例句The school bell rang at

14、8 oclock. (学校的铃声在8点响了。)ring /r/ v.(钟、铃)鸣响三单形式rings过去式rang现在分词ringing常用搭配ring the bell (按铃)phone rings (电话响了)ring loudly (响亮地响)例句The phone rang just as I was leaving. (就在我要离开的时候电话响了。)into /nt/ prep. 进入,到里面常用搭配go into (进入),look into (调查),come into (进入)例句 He went into the building. (他进入了那栋建筑。)ourselves

15、 /aselvz/ pron. 我们自己常用搭配by ourselves (独自),help ourselves (自助),enjoy ourselves (尽情享受)例句 We did it all by ourselves. (我们全都是靠自己完成的。)silly /sli/ adj. 可笑的,荒唐的副词sillily常用搭配look silly (看起来傻),feel silly (感到傻),act silly (举止荒唐)例句 He made a silly mistake. (他犯了一个愚蠢的错误。)sir /s/ n. 老师(中小学生对男教师的称呼)复数sirs常用搭配 Yes,

16、sir! (是的,先生!), No, sir! (不,先生!), Excuse me, sir (打扰一下,先生)例句 Good morning, Sir. (早上好,先生。)just /dst/ adv. 正好,恰好常用搭配just now (刚才),just in time (正好赶上),just because (只是因为)例句 I just finished my homework. (我刚刚做完作业。)smile /smal/ n. 微笑,笑容复数smiles常用搭配with a smile (带着微笑),give a smile (露出微笑),smile at (对微笑)例句 Sh

17、e greeted me with a smile. (她带着微笑迎接我。)lucky /lki/ adj. 运气好的,幸运的副词luckily常用搭配lucky to do (幸运地做某事),lucky number (幸运数字),lucky day (幸运日)例句 I was lucky to find my keys. (我很幸运找到了我的钥匙。)until /ntl/ prep. 直到为止常用搭配wait until (等到),until recently (直到最近),not until (直到才)例句 Wait here until I come back. (在这里等我回来。)h

18、appen /hpn/ v. (尤指意外地)发生三单形式happens,过去式happened,现在分词happening常用搭配happen to (发生在),happen suddenly (突然发生),make something happen (使某事发生)例句 What happened to you? (你发生了什么事?)during /djr/ prep. 在期间常用搭配during the day (在白天),during the meeting (在会议期间),during the trip (在旅行期间)例句 I fell asleep during the movie.

19、(我在电影期间睡着了。)more /m/ deter. 另外的、更多的常用搭配more than (超过),more or less (或多或少),more importantly (更重要的是)例句 I need more time. (我需要更多时间。)conversation /knvsen/ n. (非正式的)谈话,交谈,会话复数conversations常用搭配have a conversation (进行谈话),start a conversation (开始谈话),conversation with (与的谈话)例句 We had a long conversation abou

20、t our plans. (我们就我们的计划进行了长时间的交谈。)advice /dvas/ n. 意见,建议;忠告,劝告无复数形式(不可数名词)常用搭配give advice (提供建议),follow advice (听从建议),piece of advice (一条建议)例句 She gave me some good advice. (她给了我一些好建议。)task /tsk/ n. 工作,任务复数tasks常用搭配complete a task (完成任务),difficult task (艰难的任务)assign a task (布置任务)例句 I have a lot of ta

21、sks to do today. (我今天有很多任务要做。)project /prdekt/ n.(学校的)课题,研究项目复数projects常用搭配work on a project (从事一个项目),complete a project (完成项目),project proposal (项目提案)例句 Our class is working on a new project. (我们班正在做一个新项目。)journey /dni/ n. 旅行,旅程;历程,过程复数journeys常用搭配long journey (长途旅行),begin a journey (开始旅行),end a jo

22、urney (结束旅行)例句 We had an amazing journey through the mountains. (我们进行了惊人的山中旅行。)of course 当然,自然常用搭配Of course not (当然不是),Of course, I will (当然,我会的),Yes, of course (是的,当然)例句 Of course, you can join us. (当然,你可以加入我们。)together /tge/ adv. 一起,共同,一齐,一块儿常用搭配work together (一起工作),live together (一起生活),come toget

23、her (聚在一起)例句 Lets study together. (让我们一起学习吧。)pool /pul/ n. 水塘,水洼复数pools常用搭配swimming pool (游泳池),pool of water (一滩水),pool party (泳池派对)例句 The children are playing around the pool. (孩子们在水塘边玩耍。)sail /sel/ v. 起航三单形式sails,过去式sailed,现在分词sailing常用搭配sail away (扬帆远航),sail on (继续航行),sail across (航行穿越)例句 They sa

24、iled across the ocean. (他们扬帆穿越了大洋。)away /we/ adv. 朝另一方向常用搭配go away (离开),right away (马上)far away (遥远)例句 He walked away without saying a word. (他一言不发地走开了。)thought /t/ n. 意见,主意,观点复数thoughts常用搭配express a thought (表达意见),deep thought (深思),give a thought (考虑)例句 She shared her thoughts on the topic. (她分享了她对

25、这个话题的看法。)primary /pramri/ adj. 小学教育的,初级教育的副词primarily常用搭配primary education (小学教育),primary school (小学),primary concern (主要关切)例句 He is a primary school teacher. (他是小学教师。)primary school 小学复数primary schools常用搭配attend primary school (上小学),primary school student (小学学生),primary school teacher (小学教师)例句 She

26、started primary school last year. (她去年开始上小学。)protect /prtekt/ v. 保护;防护三单形式protects,过去式protected,现在分词protecting常用搭配protect from (保护免受),protect against (防护),protect the environment (保护环境)例句 We need to protect our natural resources. (我们需要保护我们的自然资源。)wind /wnd/ n. 风复数winds常用搭配strong wind (强风),wind speed (风速),blow in the wind (随风飘动)例句 The wind is blowing hard. (风刮得很大。)wide /wad/ adj. 宽的,宽阔的副词widely常用搭配wide road (宽阔的道路),wide range (广泛的范围),open wide (大开)例句 The river is very wide here. (这条河在这里非常宽。)10


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