初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 2More than fun单词讲解(2024秋).doc

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1、七年级英语上册Unit2单词讲解1.Rock music 摇滚乐知识拓展其它音乐类型Blues 蓝调;Classical music 古典音乐; Country music 乡村音乐;Jazz 爵士;Pop music 流行乐;Electronic music 电子乐; Hip - Hop 说唱2.As (介词) 像;如同;当作;作为Eg: He works as a reporter. 他作为记者工作。He was dressed as a tree. 他打扮得像一棵树。As (副词) 跟.一样地;同样地;例如Eg: Im as tall as him. 我和他一样高。As (连词) 当.时

2、候;随着Eg: You ought to do as Paul tells you. 你应该照保罗吩咐的做。As she was leaving the room she remembered that book. 她离开房间时想起了那本书。3.Electric (形容词) 用电的;电动的 - electricity (名词) 电常见搭配electric toothbrushes 电动牙刷Electric stove 电炉子Eg: This electric stove consumes electricity. 这个电炉子费电。4.Guitar (名词) 吉他常见搭配play the(ele

3、ctric) guitar 弹(电)吉他知识拓展其它乐器:Piano 钢琴; drum 鼓; violin 小提琴; erhu 二胡; flute 长笛Eg: He plays the guitar very well. 他弹吉他弹得非常好。5.Online (副词) 在网上常见搭配online shopping 网上购物Study online 线上学习Be online 上网Eg: I always buy books online. 我总是在网上买书。6.Fun (名词) “乐趣;快乐”(形容词) “有趣的”常见搭配have fun = have a good time = enjoy

4、oneself 玩得高兴,过得愉快Eg: We had fun at the party last night. = We had a good time at the party last night.= We enjoyed ourselves at the party last night. 我们昨天在派对上玩得很开心。7.Moment (名词) 某一时刻常见搭配at the moment 此刻 (为现在进行时标志词)Eg: They are playing football at the moment. 此刻他们正在踢足球。8.Sound (名词) 声音; (动词) 听起来常见搭配th

5、e sound of . .的声音知识拓展sound, voice与noise区别:sound指自然界中所有的声音Voice指人说话的声音或悦耳的鸟叫Noise指让人不舒服的噪音Eg: sound of music 音乐之声That sounds great. 听起来不错。The girls voice is sweet. 这个女孩的声音很甜美。Dont make noise, please. 请不要制造噪音。9.Different (形容词) 不同的 - difference (名词) 不同的常见搭配be different from. 与.的不同Eg: This book is diffe

6、rent from that one. 这本说和那本书不同。10.Suddenly (副词) 突然 - sudden (形容词) 突然的注意:suddenly常常位于句首,修饰整个句子Eg: Suddenly, the car appeared at the corner. 突然,那辆小汽车出现在角落。11.hit (动词) “(使)碰撞” 强调击中某人某个部位hit (名词) “突然意识到;打;命中;轰动一时的人或事;风靡一时的作品”常见搭配an idea suddenly hits me 我突然想到一个主意hit sb. in(软部位)/ on(硬部位) the + 身体部位 make a

7、 hit (with sb.) “大获成功;很受(某人)欢迎”Eg: It hit me that I had a choice. 我突然意识到我可以有所选择。She hit the boy on his head. 她打了那个男孩的头。 The book is hit in the last century. 这本书在上个世纪轰动一时。The film makes a hit with young people. 这部电影很受年轻人欢迎。12.Check (动词) 检查;查看常见搭配check in 托运;登记Check out 结账离开Eg: Ill check this letter f

8、or you, if you want. 你要是愿意,我会给你查查这封信的。13.Rush (动词) 冲;奔;催促 (名词) 匆忙常见搭配rush out of 从冲出来Rush into 冲进.rush hour 高峰期Eg: The girl rushed out of the room happily. 这个女孩快乐地从房间冲出来。14.Practice (名词) 练习 (动词) 练习 注意:作动词时也可写作practise常见搭配practice doing sth. 练习做某事Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。Eg: She practices playing

9、 the piano every day. 她每天练习弹钢琴。15.Nod (动词) 点头常见搭配nod ones head 点头16.Everybody (代词) 每个人;人人该词为不定代词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数Eg: Everybody knows her. 每个人都认识她。17.Feeling (名词) “感觉” - Feel (动词) “感觉”Eg: strong feeling 强烈的感觉18.Directly (副词) 直接地;不久;立即;正好地- direct (形容词) 直接的 (动词) 指导;管理;引路常见搭配Not directly 不直接Eg: She looked

10、directly at us. 她正视着我们。19.Describe (动词) 描述;形容 - description (名词) 描述常见搭配describe sb./ sth. as . 把.称为.Eg: She described the view as breathtaking. 她形容那个景色令人叹为观止。Describe actions to show the feeling 描述行为来表达感想20.Action (名词) 行为;行动派生词:act (动词) 行动; active (形容词) 积极的;actor (名词) 男演员常见搭配in action 在运转; out of ac

11、tion 停止运转Eg: We may have to take military action. 我们可能不得不采取军事行动。 21.Group (名词) 组;团队;群体常见搭配 a group of . 一组/群.In groups 分组Eg: The students work in groups on this problems. 学生们分组研究这个问题。22.Member (名词) 成员;会员常见搭配 a member of . .的一员Eg: She is a member of basketball team. 她是足球队的一员。23.Form (名词) 形式;种类;表格 (动词

12、) 形成;养成常见搭配form the habit of . 养成.的习惯Eg: Do you like the form of learning? 你喜欢这种学习方式吗?Please fill in the blank form. 请填写这个空表格。We should form the habit of reading . 我们应该养成阅读的习惯。24.Tradition (名词) 传统 - traditional (形容词) 传统的常见搭配traditional art 传统艺术Eg: Eating dumplings is a tradition at Spring Festival i

13、n China. 在中国春节吃饺子是一个传统。25.Interest (名词) “兴趣”- interesting (形容词) “令人感兴趣的” (常常用来修饰物)- Interested (形容词) “感到有趣的” (常常用来修饰人)常见搭配take an interest in doing sth.= be interested in doing sth./be interested to do sth. 对做某事感兴趣Eg: Im interested in this interesting book. 我对这本有趣的书感兴趣。Im interested in reading books

14、. = I take an interest in reading books. 我对读书感兴趣。26.Lover (名词) 爱好者 - love (动词) 爱常见搭配love to do sth. 爱做某事Eg: She is a rock music lover. 她是摇滚爱好者。27.Competition (名词) 竞争 - compete (动词) 竞争28.Few 一些;几个知识拓展a few、few、a little与little区别:a few “一些;少许” 后接可数名词复数,表肯定few “几乎没有”后接可数名词复数,表否定a little“一些;少许”后接不可数名词,表肯

15、定little “几乎没有”后接不可数名词,表否定Eg: There are a few apples in fridge, you can eat one. 冰箱里有一点苹果,你可以吃一个。There are few apples in fridge, we should get some. 冰箱里要没有苹果了,我们应该去买一些。 There is a little milk in fridge, you can drink some. 冰箱里有点牛奶,你可以喝一些。 There is little milk in fridge, we should buy some. 冰箱里没有牛奶了,我

16、们应该去买点。29.Same (形容词) 相同的;同一个的 - (反义词)different 不同的常见搭配the same as . 和.一样Eg: Id like one the same as yours. 我要一个和你一样的。30.Social media 社交媒体31.Chance (名词) 机会;可能性后接to do或of的介词短语常见搭配have a chance of doing sth. 有机会做某事have no chance of doing sth. 没有机会做某事 by chance 偶然地;意外地Eg: She has a chance of visiting Be

17、ijing. 她有机会参观北京。32.Note (名词) 笔记;记录常见搭配take some notes 记笔记Eg: We should take some notes carefully in class. 我们应该在课上认真做笔记。33.Example (名词) 例子常见搭配for example 例如Eg: I like fruit, for example, I often eat bananas in the evening. 我喜欢水果,例如,我经常晚上吃香蕉。34.Knowledge (名词) 知识;学问常见搭配get knowledge from . 从.获得知识acqui

18、re knowledge 获取知识Have knowledge 具备知识Eg: He has a wide knowledge of painting. 他在绘画方面知识渊博。35.Awake (形容词) 醒着的 - wake (动词) 醒;醒来常见搭配stay awake 保持清醒Wake sb. up 把某人叫醒Eg: The noise was keeping everyone awake. 吵闹声吵得大家都睡不着。36.Midnight (名词) 午夜常见搭配at midnight 在午夜Eg: She often works at midnight. 她经常在午夜工作。37.Appe

19、ar (动词) 出现 - disappear (动词) 消失38.Heart (名词) 心;心脏常见搭配win ones heart 赢得某人的人At the bottom of ones heart 内心深处Eg: I want to say “thank you” from the bottom of my heart. 我想从心底说声谢谢。39.Tap (动词) 轻拍;轻敲常见搭配tap on the door = knock at/on the door 敲门Eg: He walked over and tapped on the door. 他走过来敲门。40.Shake (动词)

20、摇动常见搭配shake hands with sb. 和某人握手Shake ones head 摇头Eg: We often shake hands with others when we meet at the first time.当我们第一次见面时我们经常握手。41.Bit (副词) 有点儿常见搭配a bit . 有点 (后面加形容词)A bit of . 有点 (后面加不可数名词)Eg: With a bit of luck, well finish on time. 如果我们运气好,就能够按时完成。I feel a bit tired. 我感到有点累。 42.Lonely (形容词)

21、 孤单的;寂寞的知识拓展lonely与alone区别:alone (形容词) “独自的,单独的”作表语 (副词) “单独地;独自地”表示客观一个人,作状语lonely (形容词) 可作表语和定语,表主观上“孤独的;寂寞的”Eg: He lives alone, but he doesnt feel lonely. 他独自一人居住,但是他不感到孤独。43.Magic (形容词) 有魔力的;神奇的 (名词) 魔法 - magician (名词) 魔术师常见搭配magic show 魔术表演Eg: This is a magic place. 这是一个神奇的地方。44.Shelf (名词) 架子 -

22、 (复数形式)shelves45.Leave (动词) 离开;遗落常见搭配leave + 地点 “离开某地” leave for + 地点 “动身前往某事”leave sth. + 地点介词短语 “把某物落在某地” Eg: I will leave Beijing. 我要去北京。I will leave for Beijing. 我动身前往北京。I left my homework at home. 我把作业落在家里了。46.Writing (名词) 文字 - write (动词) 写;写作 - writer (名词) 作家47.Ending (名词) 结局;结尾 - end (名词) 结束常见搭配the ending of . .的末尾Eg: The ending of this movie was very surprising. 电影的结局很令人惊讶。5


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