尊重老师教师节快乐 ppt课件 2024秋高一主题班会.pptx

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1、尊 重 老 师,教 师 节 快 乐主题班会目录01关于教师节A b o u t T e a c h e r s D a y02学习有关教师节的英语L e a r n E n g l i s h a b o u t Te a c h e r s D a y03我们的老师Our Teachers04我们怎样尊重老师H o w W e R e s p e c t T e a c h e r s关于教师节A b o u t T e a c h e r s D a yTell me about what you know about Teachers Day说说你所知道教师节关于教师节A b o u t

2、 T e a c h e r s D a y古代的教师节T e a c h e r s D a y i n a n c i e n t t i m e sIn Chinas splendid history of thousands of years,Shi has always been respected在 中 国 几 千 年 的 灿 烂 历 史 中,“师”总 是 受 人 尊 敬 的In ancient times,Teachers Day was taken on the 27th day of the eighth lunar month every year古 代 的 教 师 节 取

3、 于 每 年 农 历 八 月 二 十 七 日This day is the date of the birth of the sage Confucius这 一 天 是 圣 人 孔 子 出 生 的 日 期教师节的演变T h e e v o l u t i o n o f T e a c h e r s D a yMay 1 is Teachers Day5月1日为教师节May 6 is Teachers Day6月6日为教师节August 27 is Teachers Day8月27日为教师节September 10 is Teachers Day9月10日为教师节现在的教师节日期The cu

4、rrent date of T e a c h e r s D a y每 年 的 9月10日September 10 every year不同的庆祝方式D i f f e r e n t w a y s t o c e l e b r a t eSince Teachers Day is not a traditional Chinese festival,there will be different celebrations in various places every year,and there is no unified and fixed form由于教师节并不是中国的传统节日,

5、所以每年各地都会有不同的庆祝活动,没有统一、固定的形式Cabaret performances for teachers为教师献上歌舞表演Visit and condolences to teacher representatives走访、慰问教师代表不同的庆祝方式D i f f e r e n t w a y s t o c e l e b r a t eWrite down the words and wishes you want to say to the teacher on a handwritten newspaper or greeting card把你想对老师说的话和祝福写在

6、手抄报或贺卡上Send the teacher a beautiful flower送老师一支美丽的花学习有关教师节的英语Learn English about Teachers Day教师节词语学习Teachers Day related words learningTeachers Day教师节Happy Teachers Day教师节教师节相关句子学习Teachers Day related sentence learningHave a Happy Teachers Day祝您有个愉快的教师节Happy Teachers Day教师节快乐On Teachers Day在教师节那天Cel

7、ebrate Teachers Day庆祝教师节教师节相关句子学习Teachers Day related sentence learningTeachers are celebrating Teachers Day with their classmates老师们正在和同学们庆祝教师节We celebrate Teachers Day on September 10 every year我们在每年9月10日庆祝教师节教师节相关句子学习Teachers Day related sentence learningHappy Teachers D a y,d e a r teachers!亲爱的老

8、师们,教师节快乐!We send our best wishes to t e a c h e r s o n Teachers Day我们在教师节给老师送上美好的祝福Tomorrow is Teachers Day明天就是教师节Teachers Day f a l l s i n September教师节在九月教师节相关句子学习Teachers Day related sentence learning教师节到了,向你的老师说声节日快乐吧Teachers Day is here,say Happy Holidays to your teachers祝天下所有的老师教师节快乐Happy Tea

9、chers Day to all teachers in the world我们的老师O u r T e a c h e r s每天早晨Every morningThe teacher would stand at the entrance of the school to welcome us into the campus老师会站在校门口迎接我们进校园每天上午Every morningThe teacher will teach us,teach us knowledge,teach us to sing and dance老师会给我们授课,讲知识,教我们唱歌跳舞每天中午Every noo

10、nGive us lunch,and after eating,coax us to take a nap给我们发放午饭,吃完饭哄我们睡午觉每天下午E v e r y a f t e r n o o nThe teacher will do favorite games and sports with us老师会和我们一起做喜欢的游戏和运动临近放学S c h o o l i s a p p r o a c h i n gThe teacher helped us pack our school bags and led us to the school gate to wait for our

11、 parents to pick us up from school老师帮我们收拾好书包,带领我们到校门口等待家长来接我们放学我们怎样尊敬老师H o w We R e s p e c t Te a c h e r s我们怎样尊重老师How We Respect TeachersBe polite to the teacher,say hello when you see the teacher,and say goodbye to the teacher when you leave要对老师有礼貌,见到老师要问好,离开时要和老师说再见我们怎样尊重老师How We Respect TeachersListen to the teacher and do what the teacher asks听老师的话,按照老师的要求做我们怎样尊重老师How We Respect TeachersFinally,we wish the teachers:Happy Teachers Day最后,我们一起祝老师们:教师节快乐!


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