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2、也可表示鲁莽clever:机灵的,聪明的(正面),但也可能表示狡猾demanding:苛刻的greedy:贪婪的inconsiderate:不顾及别人的narrow-minded:心胸狭窄的selfish:自私的skeptical:多疑的stubborn:顽固的,固执的【句子运用实例】1.Despite facing numerous challenges, he never lost his courage and persevered until he achieved his goal.尽管面临众多挑战,他从未失去勇气,坚持不懈,直到达成目标。2.Her creativity and i

3、magination knew no bounds, constantly pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible.她的创造力和想象力无边无际,不断突破人们认为可能性的界限。3.His selfishness and indifference to others feelings made him isolated and lonely.他的自私和对他人感受的冷漠使他变得孤立无援,感到孤独。4.She was so stubborn and biased in her opinions that she refused to li

4、sten to anyone elses perspective.她如此固执己见,偏见深重,以至于拒绝听取任何人的不同观点。5.He lay awake all night, torn between his desire for success and the fear of failure.他整夜未眠,内心在渴望成功和对失败的恐惧之间挣扎。6.Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she burst into tears, finally letting go of all the pent-up sadness.她再也无法抑制自己的情绪,终

5、于放声大哭,释放了长久以来压抑的悲伤。7.She is an independent woman who always stands on her own feet.她是一个独立的女性,总是自立自强。8.He devoted his life to helping others, never asking for anything in return.他把一生都奉献给了帮助他人,从不求回报。9.His intelligence and industrious nature made him a standout in his field.他的智慧和勤奋使他在该领域脱颖而出。10.She was

6、 not only capable but also diligent, always striving for perfection.她不仅有能力,而且勤奋,总是追求完美。11.His honesty and integrity are the qualities that I admire most about him.他的诚实和正直是我最钦佩他的品质。12.She never lies and always speaks the truth, even when its difficult.她从不撒谎,总是说真话,即使这很困难。13.He is a team player who is

7、always willing to lend a helping hand.他是一个团队合作者,总是乐于助人。14.Their cooperative spirit made the project a success.他们的合作精神使项目取得了成功。二、喜乐【必背单词】形容词:happy, glad, pleased, delighted, cheerful, blissful, overjoyed, ecstatic, lighthearted, enjoyable, pleasant副词:happily, merrily, gladly, joyfully, cheerfully名词:p

8、leasure, delight, enjoyment, joy, happiness, gaiety【高级词块】to ones delight/joy/entertainment 令某人开心的是be seized by joy/be overcome with happiness 非常高兴be wild with joy/delight 欣喜若狂dance for/with joy 高兴地雀跃in a good mood 心情很好in cheerful/high spirits 心情愉快be delighted at 对很高兴be joyful over/about 因而高兴on the t

9、op of the world 心满意足brighten ones heart 使某人心情愉快be as sweet as honey 像蜜一样甜be all smiles 非常高兴be tickled pink 非常高兴grin from ear to ear 满面笑容roar with laughter 放声大笑in fits of giggles 咯咯地笑sbs face lights up 喜形于色,光彩照人,面露喜色in seventh heaven 极为高兴beam with pleasure 喜不自胜float on air 洋洋得意【句子赏析】1.The smile on he

10、r face shone like a diamond.她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。2.A ripple of excitement ran through them.一阵兴奋的情绪传遍了他们的全身。3.Laughter lingered around the room.笑声在房间里萦绕。4.His eyes twinkled with pleasure.他的眼睛闪烁着快乐。5.A wild gaiety took hold of her.她欣喜若狂。6.I was wild with joy.我欣喜若狂。7.She wore a shining smile on her face.她脸上

11、带着灿烂的笑容。8.Her smile lit up the whole room.她的笑容照亮了整个房间。9.She shed tears of joy.她高兴得流下了眼泪。10.Her flushed face was shining with excitement.她激动得满脸通红。11.Joy welled up inside her.她心中涌起喜悦。12.He soon returned, his whole face beaming with delight.他很快就回来了,高兴得满脸通红。13.A boy with a cheery face bounded into the r

12、oom, laughing.一个兴高采烈的男孩笑着蹦蹦跳跳地进了房间。14.An expression of intense joy illuminated the old mans eyes.老人眼神中闪烁着欣喜的光芒。15.A delicious sweetness welled up in her heart.一阵甜蜜之情涌上她的心头。16.During the camping trip, we were all in high spirits.野营途中,我们的情绪都很高。17.His face broadened out into a grin.他咧开嘴笑了起来。18.She is i

13、n seventh heaven when she met him.她见到他时异常兴奋。19.All her heart went up in flames of joy.她心花怒放。20.He stood by the door, with joy beaming from his eyes.他站在门边,眼睛里放出喜悦的光彩。21.Her heart leapt with joy.她的心欢喜雀跃。22.I felt a keen sense of joy which I had never experienced before.我感受到一种从未有的强烈的快乐。23.When the moth

14、er kissed the baby on the cheek, his eyes danced with joy and sweetness.当妈妈亲吻宝贝的脸颊时,他的眼睛里荡漾着开心与甜蜜。【素材运用】运用必背单词、高级词块,把下面的语篇补充完整。Learning the childrens idea, Mrs.Meredith was so 1. (非常高兴的)that she smiled brightly.Then, the children got down to preparing popcorn 2.(高兴地).With a basket of popcorn, they l

15、eft for Bernardshome3. (高兴地) to share with Bernard the good plan.Hearing what they said, Bernard 4. (高兴地跳了起来), with tears filling his eyes.At the sight of the basket of popcorn, his parents were also 5. (非常高兴).Later, Bernardwent to the market.6. (令他非常高兴的是), the popcorn was so tasty that it soon sold out.Bernardthenreturnedback home, his whole face7. (高兴得满脸通红).8. (笑声在他们家里萦绕).1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._【参考答案】1.overjoyed2.cheerfully3.joyfully4.danced with joy5.seized with greatjoy6.Much to his delight7.beaming with delight8.Laughter lingered around their home4


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