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1、(教研室)江苏省淮安市淮安区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 一、阅读理解Great Libraries for Kids in Los AngelesBuena Vista Branch Library Phone: 818-238-5600 Hours: Mondays-Thursdays: 10 am-9 pm Fridays & Saturdays: 10 am-6 pm Sundays: 1 pm-5 pm The childrens room at the library hosts baby and toddler (学步的幼儿) story times

2、andexcitinglya “sensory story time” designed especially for children with special needs. Plus, their computers have educational computer games, a great tool for kids who need help with learning. Los Angeles Central Library Phone: 213-228-7000 Hours: Mondays-Thursdays: 10 am-8 pm Fridays & Saturd

3、ays: 9:30 am-5:30 pm Sundays: 1 pm-5 pm This LA landmark is a must-visit for any local, especially those who have kids. The library offers outstanding features, such as a new theater, murals (壁画) showing Californias history, regular craft (手工艺) and story times, and a STEM (Science, Technology, Engin

4、eering, and Mathematics) class for kids. Beverly Hills Public Library Phone: 310-285-1000 Hours: Mondays-Thursdays: 9:30 am-9:30 pm Fridays & Saturdays: 10 am-6 pm Sundays: 12 pm-6 pm With a redesigned childrens area that they somehow keep white, the Beverly Hills Public Library welcomes childre

5、n to regular story times and special events. Also attached to the librarya coffee and fudge (软糖) shop! Pico Rivera Library Phone: 562-942-7394 Hours: Mondays & Sundays: Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays: 12 pm-8 pm Thursdays-Saturdays: 10 am-6 pm Besides the usual books and story times, the libra

6、rys free events for kids include great options for all ages. Fun events currently happening include a teen comic book club, a parent-child workshop, and an ancient Egyptian art activity.1In which library can one enjoy wall paintings about Californias history?ABuena Vista Branch Library.BLos Angeles

7、Central Library.CBeverly Hills Public Library.DPico Rivera Library.2Which number should one call if his kid wants to join a teen comic book club?A818-238-5600.B213-228-7000.C310-285-1000.D562-942-7394.3What do the four libraries have in common?AThey have coffee bars.BThey offer story times.CThey are

8、 closed on Sundays.DThey are for disabled children.20-year-old Edgar McGregor decided to visit his local park, Eaton Canyon, day in and day out to pick up as much litter as he could fit in two buckets (提桶). Now, over 589 days and 19,000 Twitter followers later, he is more passionate (热爱的) than ever

9、about his task to save the planet! Edgar found out that Los Angeles would be the host of the 2028 Summer Olympic Games. Knowing the state of the national forest at the time, he feared that its grounds that were full of litter would make the city a “global embarrassment,” so he decided to make cleani

10、ng it up his new passion project. As time went on, he began documenting his progress on Twitter. Soon, he began encouraging others to start park cleanup projects of their own. As part of southern Californias Angeles National Forest, Eaton Canyon can see quite a bit of daily foot traffic. On one part

11、icularly busy day, Edgar spent five hours picking up litter and came away with over 1,000 pounds of rubbish. Rain or shine, Edgar headed over to carry out his task. He worked through conditions like snowstorms, a record heat wave, and even a forest fire on the opposite side of the park. The more he

12、did, the more treasures he discovered. In addition to a lot of old iPhones and cans, Edgar collected enough recyclables to earn around 30 dollars every few weeks, which he would donate to nonprofits. Recently, Edgar began noticing that the top-littered areas in his park were becoming few and far bet

13、ween. At one point, he spent four hours moving around the park and only returned with two buckets. Edgar plans to return to Eaton Canyon two or three times a week to keep up with the maintenance, but he is excited to start expanding his reach to new locations. Though he realizes this doesnt mean his

14、 journey is complete, he is excited to have already achieved so much!4Why is the 2028 Summer Olympic Games mentioned?ATo describe what made Edgar famous.BTo explain why Edgar loved Los Angeles.CTo introduce what inspired Edgar to start his project.DTo discuss why Edgar started exploring the national

15、 forest.5Which of the following can best describe Edgar?ADetermined and caring.BCreative and influential.CTalented and productive.DAdventurous and sociable.6What is Edgars next plan?AEncouraging others to join in his cleanup.BMaking a journey to clean Eaton Canyon.CCleaning up other parts of the nat

16、ional forest.DReturning to the parks he has already cleaned.7What is the text mainly about?AA hero for the environment.BA way of dealing with litter.CA local development project.DA huge personal achievement.Ive bought many things without thinking too much in my life, but the first one that I found u

17、neasy was a pair of Nike VaporMax shoes. It was in July 2018, and I was mindlessly tapping through Instagram updates while waiting for friends. Thats where I saw the advertisement for the shoes. The order took maybe 15 seconds. Almost as soon as Id paid, I quickly shook off the excitement that had b

18、riefly overtaken me, $190 poorer but with one pair of shoes on their way to my apartment. I had completed some version of the online checkout process a million times before, but never could I remember it being quite so thoughtless. That experience wasnt the result of any just-to-the-market technolog

19、y. Instead, a handful of small changes to online shopping had grown into something meaningful: Advertisers were collecting stores of personal information with which to target their advertising. Retailers (零售商) were offering free shipping and free returns on everything buy now, decide later. The wide

20、spread use of online payment shortcuts such as Apple Pay was making it unnecessary to create a new account. “Buy now, pay later” services were beginning to appear at more retailers to soften the blow of spending. In the consumer system, friction refers to anything that slows down a potential buyer o

21、n the path toward completing a buying journey. About 70 percent of online shopping carts (购物车) are left unfinished without a sale, which suggests that potential buyers can easily derail their plans to buy. Sometimes, the realization that youll need to get up and get your wallet is enough to prevent

22、you from ending up with a new T-shirt. When buying something feels like making a real choice, you have more opportunities to slow down and consider whether it might be the wrong one. Even with the smoothest shopping experience, theres still the risk of waste, of future inconvenience, of money lost i

23、n the fine print. Frictionless shopping might be convenient, in a sense, but its a bad system for making good decisions.8What happened after the author paid for the pair of Nike shoes?AHe felt a bit regretful.BHe decided to live a healthy life.CHe became very picky about shoes.DHe shared his excitem

24、ent with his friends.9What aspect of online shopping is mainly stressed in paragraph 3?AIts variety.BIts convenience.CIts personalization.DIts competitive pricing.10What does the underlined word “derail” in paragraph 4 mean?AMake.BShow.CDiscuss.DStop.11What advice does the author probably give in th

25、e last paragraph?AShop online to save time.BOnly shop online for future use.CSave money by shopping online.DThink twice before shopping online.Last week, United Nations Secretary-General Antnio Guterres coined a new term. The time of global warming has ended, he announced, and the time of “global bo

26、iling” has arrived. You can see why he said it. July was the hottest month on record globally. High temperatures and serious wildfires have swept across the Northern Hemisphere. Oceanic heatwaves are damaging the worlds third-largest coral reef, off Florida. And as the levels of greenhouse gases con

27、tinue to increase, it means many even hotter summers lie ahead. But critics have strongly disagreed with the phrase. At one level, “global boiling” is clearly an overstatement, but “global warming” is now far too weak a description. Many climate scientists have pushed for the term “global heating” t

28、o be used in preference. Similarly, phrases such as “climate crisis” havent received enough attention. Thats because many of us still feel we havent seen this crisis with our own eyes. But that is changing. In the past few years, extreme weather and related events have struck many countries. Austral

29、ias Black Summer brought wildfires that burned an area the size of the United Kingdom. Germany suffered serious flooding in 2021. The 2022 flood in Pakistan flooded large parts of the country. China has seen both droughts and floods. Terrible droughts have hit the Horn of Africa for many years. Indi

30、a has stopped rice exports due to damage from heavy rain. Critics of climate action often complain about what they see as the overuse of “crisis talk”. If everything is a crisis, nothing is a crisis. When Guterres uses deeply impactful phrases, hes not inviting us to imagine a Hollywood-style disast

31、er. What hes hoping is to make people listen and act now we can see what climate change looks like. Are there better phrases to describe this? Possibly. Take the challenge yourself: can you think up a brief, correct phrase to cover worsening local- and regional-scale (区域级的) droughts, fires, typhoons

32、 and floods; damage to crops and food safety; water shortages; existential threats to coral reefs and low-lying communities? You can see how hard it is.12What made Guterres use the phrase “global boiling”?AThe reviews from critics.BThe new scientific findings.CThe present serious situation.DThe futu

33、re course of climate change.13Why did such phrases as “climate crisis” fail to attract our attention?ANone of these phrases reflect the truth.BFewer crises have happened in recent years.CMany phrases havent been mentioned publicly.DCertain climate disasters havent happened to us.14What does the auth

34、or try to say by using “But that is changing”?ABut climate crises are worsening.BBut several crises will be solved.CBut people will face food shortages.DBut people are taking effective measures.15What does the author think of Guterres saying “global boiling”?AIt is beyond reality.BIt is just to scar

35、e people.CIt is reasonably acceptable.DIt is just to comfort the publicConfidence is a quality that can be highly beneficial in life. You may believe that confidence is something people are born with, and you either have it or you dont. 16 Self-confidence is something you can develop. According to P

36、sychology Today, confidence can be nurtured (培养), and it is possible to build it and let it grow at any given time in your life. It is true that some people have an easier time with this than others, but dont let that discourage you. 17 So where do you start? You start, according to a blog on Psych

37、Central, with self-acceptance. Being honest with yourself and practicing self-love and self-acceptance is what it is all about. There is nothing to achieve from pretending and there are no easy paths to success. 18 The good news is that its up to you. Sit with yourself, meditate and journal (冥想和记日记)

38、. Think about your strengths and weaknesses, who you are and who you arent. Get to know yourself better. And be kind to yourself, like you would be kind to others. 19 You may even start to notice a change in how you connect with others. Because someone who is at peace with themselves and has confide

39、nce, according to Inc Magazine, is able to have compassion (同情) towards others. Sometimes when working towards a goal, getting some additional help can play an important role. 20 People that know you well and are there for you can be helpful when you need a reminder of who you are and how unique, sp

40、ecial and loved you are. Remember that building confidence is a journey. There isnt necessarily a destination or an end goal. Accept yourself and be proud of who you are.AThis needs lots of practices.BThats not necessarily true.CYou should let go of perfection.DThese practices can be beneficial.EYou

41、 can benefit from talking to others.FIts a muscle that can be strengthened and worked on.GIts about where you came from and how far youve come.二、完形填空Last Sunday, Jake Snelling and his friends went up to the mountains to do some exploring. Feeling quite proud of their achievement, they decided to 21

42、themselves. They went to a local restaurant and 22 some dishes. The food was delicious, and everything seemed perfect until 23 struck. Jake failed to chew his food properly, and something just got 24 he couldnt breathe at all. Unaware that something was 25 , his friends continued to chat and laugh w

43、hile Jake struggled to 26 . When they noticed his 27 behavior, they thought he had indigestion (消化不良). They attempted to help by patting (拍打) his back but it wasnt 28 . At that time, waiter Sheakh Nazmul Hasan Rifat spotted the group and sprang into action to 29 Jake. Rifat performed the Heimlich ma

44、neuver (海姆立克急救法) to free the food he was choking on. Rifat was 30 and focused on the task at hand. And then, Jakes airway cleared and he started to breathe. The whole restaurant gave Rifat a big 31 .Jake hugged Rifat and 32 him. Rifat said his father had done the same thing with him when he was a ch

45、ild, so he 33 knew what to do. Despite the event, Jake was not put off the rest of his 34 . He went back for a bit more of it. He also left a 35 , although Rifat was unwilling to accept it.21AtreatBtrustCtestDteach22AmadeBbrokeCwashedDordered23ArealityBdisasterCchallengeDfailure24AstuckBlostCmissedD


47、rdly34AtaskBactionCmealDtrip35AgapBtipCmessageDmark三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。There is always new knowledge to acquire and new skills to develop in our lives, so 36 is vital to remain lifelong learners in a rapidly 37 (change) world. As you progress through life, you may study and work in new environments. Consequently, you will be exposed 38 many new ideas, 39 (belief), practices and learning experiences. Furthermore, the production of knowledge is bound 40 (grow) rapidly


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