读后续写之动作描写 汇总 -2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项 ppt课件.pptx

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1、 Continuation WritingVerbs“draw”pictures以动词构建画面宜都一中 李芳芳如何使动作描写更饱满?如何使动作描写更饱满?感知感知:结合语境结合语境,如何优化表达?如何优化表达?1.Because of his lies,she looked at him.Because of his lies,she at him.2.With only twenty seconds left,I ran to the line.With only twenty seconds left,I to the line.3.With only two minutes left,h

2、e ate his meal.With only two minutes left.He up his meal.glaredrush/dashed swallowed general words(笼统词)(笼统词)concrete words(具体词)具体词)walk (蹑手蹑脚地走蹑手蹑脚地走)run (猛冲猛冲)look (瞥见瞥见)(怒视怒视)(凝视凝视)say/talk (闲聊闲聊)(耳语耳语)cry (啜泣啜泣)eat (咬咬)(咀嚼咀嚼)(吞下吞下)tiptoedash/rush glance glarestare chatwhisper weep/sobbite swallow

3、chewSkill 1:Choose Accurate Verbs 用精准动词代替笼统动词用精准动词代替笼统动词 start/begin remeber notice promise see visit get down to doingkeep sth in mindpay attention to/watch out forhave onee wordcatch sight ofpay a visit toSkill 2:Choose proper phrases用恰当短语代替普通动词用恰当短语代替普通动词Row row row your boat,Gently down the stre

4、am,Merrily,merrily,merrily,merrily,Skill 3:添加介词短语添加介词短语/副词修饰动作副词修饰动作 The man let out a scream _,ran away _ and jumped into the well _.这位男子紧张地尖叫,赶紧跑开,勇敢地跳入井中。Practicenervouslyhurriedlybravely注意:生命诚宝贵不盲目下水施救喜 gladly,cheerfully,joyfully,delightedly,excitedly.怒 angrily,fearfully,anxiously.哀 sadly,heart-

5、brokenly,tearfully.惊讶 surprisedly,astonishedly.swiftly,briskly(敏捷地),hurriedly;gently,carefully,strongly,softly,bravely.EmotionMovement拥抱 hug/embrace冲向前跳起来一把抱住思考:Which picture is more vivid?Skill 4:分解动作,形成动作链分解动作,形成动作链 Action chains把动作过程分解成一连串的动作,构造动作链,让你的动作描写既丰富又生动!画面:下车动作拆解:He his luggage,from the

6、chair and then the car excitedly.picked uprosegot off 收拾行李,起身,下车I put on my coat hurriedly,grabbed my bag and rushed to school this morning.我早上匆忙去上学。我早上匆忙去上学。思考:匆忙上学前有哪些动作穿外套抓起书包冲去学校put on my coatgrabbed my bagrushed to school动作链动作链 结构结构1:A,B and C 妈妈抱住孩子妈妈抱住孩子.形成动作链:冲向前 蹲下来 一把抱住She dashed forward,k

7、nelt down and gathered me into her arms.动作链 句型2 Doing/Having done,句子2.同时发生的动作,可以用现在分词作状语表达。我父亲拍拍我的肩膀,鼓励我永远不要放弃我的梦想。My father patted me on the shoulder,encouraging me never to give up my dreams.例1:排了三个小时的队伍,他被告知票被卖完了.Having queued for 3 hours,he was told that the tickets had been sold out.摔门摔门slam th

8、e door手抖手抖转转头头struggle to ones feetthrow oneself into ones arms心心激动得直跳激动得直跳咆哮咆哮用尽全力奔跑用尽全力奔跑run with all ones strengthhowlpound with excitement投入某人的怀抱投入某人的怀抱挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来turn ones head aroundones hands tremble tears well up inside ones eyes 眼含泪水眼含泪水冲进冲进dash intoSkill 5:describe body actions from multi

9、-perspectives从头部手部腿部呼吸心跳等多角度描写肢体动作从头部手部腿部呼吸心跳等多角度描写肢体动作紧紧相拥;投入sb.怀抱;挥舞手臂;举手;拍肩膀;摔门;手抖低头;抬头;点头;摇头;转头;陷入沉思;挠头冲向;逃跑;溜进;拖着疲惫的双腿;加快脚步;挣扎着起来;跪下;用尽全力奔跑心情低落;心融化了;心跳的很快;激动得直跳;心痛 hug tightly;throw oneself into ones arms;wave ones arms;raise ones hand;pat sb on the shoulder;slam the door;ones hands tremble low

10、er/bend/raise/nod/shake ones head;turn ones head around;be lost in thought;scratch ones head dash into;flee away;slip into;drag ones legs;quicken ones pace;struggle to ones feet;kneel down;run with all ones strength ones heart sink/melt;beat fast;pound with excitement;ones heart achehug tightly;thro

11、w oneself into ones arms;wave ones arms;raise ones hand;pat sb on the shoulder;slam the door;ones hands trembleraise/lower/bend/nod/shake ones head;turn ones head around;be lost in thought;scratch ones headdash into;flee away;slip into;drag ones legs;quicken ones pace;struggle to ones feet;kneel dow

12、n;run with all ones strengthones heart sink/melt;beat fast;pound with excitement;ones heart acheflash a bright smile;face light up/brighten;joy spread ones face;smile bitterly;joy well up inside ones eyescatch sight of stare at;glare at;glance at;blink;cant take ones eyes off;look into ones eyes;bur

13、st out crying/burst into tears;sob;wipe the tears;hold back ones tears;with tears streaming down the face;tears blur ones vision;tears well up inside ones eyes;whisper;scold;whistle;scream;shout/yell;ask with curiosity;comfort;add;interrupt;howlEncouraged by the teachers words,Tom hesitated to raise

14、 his hand,whispering,“ignore me.”Sentence pattern:1)Done/Doing,句子主干句子主干,doing 2)句子主干句子主干,doing+doing心理肢体语言1.肢体2.面部3.心理 4.语言Skill 6:构造动作面构造动作面 Creating a whole picture他站在空旷的路边,仰望着天空,心理感受着这份珍贵的宁静。动作面 句型1:doing+句子主干+doingStanding beside the empty road,he looked up to the sky,feeling the precious peace.

15、肢体面部花花坐在泳池边,双臂低垂,眺望远方,思考晚上吃什么。肢体肢体面部心理动作面 句型3:with+逻辑主语+非谓.With his arms drooping,Huahua sat beside the pool,wondering what to eat tonight.How to describe an action vividly?Homework【2021 年高考】Pumpkin(南瓜)carving at Halloween is a family tradition.We visit a local farm every October.In the pumpkin fiel

16、d,I compete with my three brothers and sister to seek out the biggest pumpkin.My dad has a rule that we have to carry our pumpkins back home,and as the eldest child I have an advantage-I carried an 85-pounder back last year.This year,it was hard to tell whether my prize or the one chosen by my 14-ye

17、ar-old brother,Jason,was the winner.Unfortunately we forgot to weigh them before taking out their insides,but I was determined to prove my point.All of us were hard at work at the kitchen table,with my mom filming the annual event.Im unsure now why I thought forcing my head inside the pumpkin would

18、settle the matter,but it seemed to make perfect sense at the time.With the pumpkin resting on the table,hole uppermost,I bent over and pressed my head against the opening.At first I got jammed just above my eyes and then,as I went on with my task,unwilling to quit,my nose briefly prevented entry.Fin

19、ally I managed to put my whole head into it,like a cork(软木塞)forced into a bottle.I was able to straighten up with the huge pumpkin resting on my shoulders.My excitement was short-lived.The pumpkin was heavy.“Im going to set it down,now,”I said,and with Jason helping to support its weight,I bent back

20、 over the table to give it somewhere to rest.It was only when I tried to remove my head that I realized getting out was going to be less straightforward than getting in.When I pulled hard,my nose got in the way.I got into a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying

21、to find the right angle,but it was no use.“I cant get it out!”I shouted,my voice sounding unnaturally loud in the enclosed space.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.Para1:I was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer.Para2:The video was posted the Monday before Halloween.Thank you for watching!


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