2025届高考英语一轮复习写作素材积累之新能源推广 词汇句型清单.docx

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1、2025届高考英语写作素材积累之新能源推广 词汇句型清单一、词汇1. 新能源:new energy / renewable energy sources2. 太阳能:solar energy3. 风能:wind energy4. 水能:hydro energy5. 生物能:bioenergy6. 潮汐能:tidal energy7. 推广:promote / popularize8. 可持续的:sustainable9. 清洁能源:clean energy10. 减少碳排放:reduce carbon emissions11. 能源危机:energy crisis12. 环保的:environ

2、mentally friendly13. 太阳能板:solar panel14. 风力发电机:wind turbine15. 水电站:hydroelectric power station16. 提高能源效率:improve energy efficiency17. 发展新能源:develop new energy18. 绿色能源:green energy19. 能源转型:energy transition20. 节能减排:energy conservation and emission reduction二、短语1. 依赖传统能源:rely on traditional energy sou

3、rces2. 对环境友好:be friendly to the environment3. 采取措施:take measures4. 增加新能源的使用:increase the use of new energy5. 投资于新能源:invest in new energy6. 促进可持续发展:promote sustainable development7. 减少对化石燃料的依赖:reduce the dependence on fossil fuels8. 开发新能源技术:develop new energy technologies9. 实现能源多元化:achieve energy div

4、ersification10. 响应环保号召:respond to the call for environmental protection三、句子1. New energy, such as solar energy, wind energy, and hydro energy, is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives.(新能源,如太阳能、风能和水能,在我们的日常生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。)2. The promotion of new energy is crucial for reducing car

5、bon emissions and achieving sustainable development.(推广新能源对于减少碳排放和实现可持续发展至关重要。)3. We should actively support the development and application of new energy to protect our environment.(我们应该积极支持新能源的开发和应用,以保护我们的环境。)4. Solar panels can convert sunlight into electricity, which is a clean and renewable ene

6、rgy source.(太阳能电池板可以将阳光转化为电能,这是一种清洁可再生的能源。)5. Wind turbines generate electricity by harnessing the power of the wind, which is abundant and free.(风力涡轮机通过利用风能发电,风能丰富且免费。)6. Hydroelectric power stations use the energy of flowing water to produce electricity, which is a reliable and sustainable source

7、of energy.(水电站利用流动水的能量发电,这是一种可靠且可持续的能源。)7. The government is taking various measures to promote the use of new energy, such as providing subsidies and incentives.(政府正在采取各种措施来推广新能源的使用,如提供补贴和激励措施。)8. Investing in new energy not only benefits the environment but also creates job opportunities and promo

8、tes economic growth.(投资新能源不仅有益于环境,还创造就业机会并促进经济增长。)9. We need to raise public awareness of the importance of new energy and encourage more people to use it.(我们需要提高公众对新能源重要性的认识,并鼓励更多人使用它。)10. With the continuous development of new energy technologies, the cost of new energy is gradually decreasing, ma

9、king it more accessible to the public.(随着新能源技术的不断发展,新能源的成本逐渐降低,使其更易于公众使用。)四、范文With the rapid development of the global economy, the demand for energy is increasing rapidly. However, the traditional fossil fuels are not only limited but also cause serious environmental problems. Therefore, the promot

10、ion of new energy has become an urgent task for us.New energy refers to the energy that is renewable and environmentally friendly, such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, bioenergy, and tidal energy. These energy sources have the advantages of being clean, abundant, and sustainable, and can

11、 effectively reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and the emission of greenhouse gases.The promotion of new energy requires the joint efforts of the government, enterprises, and individuals. The government should formulate relevant policies and regulations to encourage the development and use of ne

12、w energy. For example, it can provide financial support and tax incentives to enterprises that invest in new energy projects. At the same time, the government should also strengthen the research and development of new energy technologies to improve the efficiency and reliability of new energy.Enterp

13、rises should actively participate in the development and promotion of new energy. They can invest in new energy projects, develop new energy products, and improve the energy efficiency of their production processes. In addition, enterprises should also strengthen the publicity and education of new e

14、nergy to raise the awareness of the public about new energy.Individuals can also play an important role in the promotion of new energy. We can start from our own daily lives, such as using energy-saving appliances, reducing energy consumption, and supporting the use of new energy. For example, we ca

15、n install solar panels on the roofs of our houses to generate electricity, or use electric vehicles instead of gasoline vehicles.In conclusion, the promotion of new energy is of great significance for the sustainable development of our society. We should all actively participate in this process and work together to create a cleaner and more sustainable future.


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