高考应用文及读后续写 讲义-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

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1、感谢信写作思路: 把握感谢信的写作框架。感谢信是在收到别人的邀请、帮助、馈赠或祝贺等时,对收信人表达感谢的一种信件。其写作框架如下:第一段:问候并且说明写信的原因和目的第二段:描述对方帮助自己的过程和对自己的意义第三段:再次表达感谢+有机会回报/祝愿/期待写作结构: 第一段词块1.代表 on behalf of 2.真诚的 sincere/ genuine3.表达convey/ extend/ express/deliver 4.感谢n. appreciation/gratitude/thanks5.感谢v. appreciate 6.感谢的adj. grateful7. 好客 hospita

2、lity 8.慷慨n. generosity 9.慷慨的 generous 10.帮助 help/assistance/favors11.无私的 unselfish/ selfless 12. 由衷的 from the bottom of ones heart 13.表达我真诚的感谢 convey/ extend/ express my sincere/heartfelt gratitude/thanks句型On behalf of my whole family, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude for .我代表我全家对表示真诚的感激。

3、I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance. 我谨借此机会感谢你给予我们的及时帮助和支持。Im writing to extend my earnest gratitude for helping me improve my spoken English.我写这封信是为了表达我对你帮我提高英语口语的谢意。I am much obliged to you for your unselfish assistance during.

4、 非常感谢你在.期间给予我的无私的帮助。第二段词块1.奉献,投入 n. devotion/dedication/commitment 2.努力 outstanding efforts/ contribution3.宽容的:tolerant 大方的: generosity 耐心的patient 4.友好的nice 友善的 kind 友善n. kindness5.体贴的 thoughtful/considerate/caring 6.宝贵的 valuable/priceless/7.难忘的 memorable/unforgettable 8.无保留的帮助unreserved assistance句

5、型Without /But for your help, I would not have made so much progress in my English. 如果没有你的帮助,我的英语就不会有那么大的进步了。Undoubtedly, it was your encouragement and support that lit me up when I was faced with difficulties in English learning.毫无疑问,当我在英语学习上遇到困难的时候,是您的鼓励和支持点燃了我。While I was in England, your help and

6、 kindness made my stay special and enjoyable.当我在英国的时候,你的帮助和善良使我的逗留特别愉快。Memory concerning the unforgettable visit always floods to my mind, making me feel warm and pleased. 关于那次难忘的拜访的记忆总是涌上我的脑海,使我感到温暖和高兴。What impressed us deeply were the delicious local cuisine and the comfortable accommodation well

7、prepared for us. 给我们留下深刻印象的是美味的当地美食和为我们准备的舒适的住宿。Whats more, the activities you organized not only broadened our horizons but promoted our mutual understanding.更重要的是,你组织的活动不仅开阔了我们的视野,也促进了我们的相互了解。第三段:感谢+祝福+来中国玩Words fail to express my gratitude deep in my heart. 无法用言语表达我内心真诚的感谢之情。Nothing will erase ou

8、r wonderful memories, which leaves us ever-lasting memories. 没什么能抹掉我们美好的记忆,我们会永远牢记在心。If there is a chance, Id like to invite you to experience different culture.如果有机会,我想邀请你去中国体验不同的文化。I would appreciate it if you could accept my sincere thanks.如果你能接受我真诚的谢意,我将感激不尽。Please do not hesitate to let me know

9、 if there is anything I could do to pay you back.如果有什么我可以帮助你的,请不要犹豫跟我说。写作模板 Dear _ ,How is everything going?(用于比较熟悉的人之间简单打招呼)I am writing to extend/express/showmy sincere/heartfelt gratitude for _(开头说明感谢对方的原因).But for your assistance in _(对方给予的具体帮助), I would not have _(运用虚拟语气句式表达没有对方帮助时会产生的后果).You h

10、ave given meso much help thatI will never forget. Last month, _(回忆感谢对方做出的细节1-2点). During the _, you gave me generous help and continuous guidance by _. First, you _.Whats more, you _. There is still one thing that I cant forget. That is _. (原因)Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Pl

11、ease accept my gratitude.(结尾再次表达感谢)/I am looking forward to meeting you one day to express my heartfelt thanks for your generous helpface to face.(还可以邀请对方来中国参观)Yours sincerely,Li Ming 假定你是李华,经常帮助你学习英语的朋友Jason即将返回自己的国家。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1.表示感谢;2.回顾他对你的帮助;3.再次感谢,临别祝愿;【参考范文】Dear Jason,Its really hard to s

12、ay goodbye to you!Words fail to convey my endless appreciationto you in this letter, as you have done so much for me.Undoubtedly,it wasyour support and encouragementthat lit me upwhen Iwas confronted withdifficulties in English learning. Whenever you had time, you would help me practice my oral Engl

13、ish. Besides, you also frankly shared your learning experience with me.Your professional guidance fuels my enthusiasm for English and promotes me to regain tremendous confidence. Had it not been foryour assistance, I couldnt have madesuch great progress.Thanks againfor your kind and generous help. W

14、ish you a good journey and good luck in everything you do.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 人与自我之个人成长【个人成长话题】纵观历年各地高考英语中的读后续写,我们很容易发现,各类动物的出现是体现人与自然主题,引导学生提高生态环保意识的重要手段。人与自我主题,尤其是凸显青少年的自我迷茫、自我学习、自我突破、自我领悟、自我成长的过程。按照情节发展,个人成长类读后续写内容可以分为三个阶段阶段情节发展情绪刻画第一阶段成长前的苦恼负面情绪塑造第二阶段成长中努力+反思第三阶段成长后的升华感悟+感激+升华【六个写作步骤】第一步:提炼六个

15、要素,获取主旨大意读后续写的阅读文本基本上都是记叙文,所以要提炼出六个基本要素:who, where, when, what, why和how。第二步:理清故事脉络,把握情感变化线索是叙事性作品中贯穿整个故事的脉络,所有的情节均围绕文本主要线索展开。记叙文一般有两条故事发展线索:情节(plots)线索和情感(emotions)线索。第三步:分析段落首句,精心设计问题分析续写后所给的两个段首句对提高所写内容和原文的融洽度至关重要。考生可以分析一下所给的两个段首句之间的逻辑关系是顺承关系、转折关系还是因果关系等。第四步:设计结尾情节,拔高价值取向考生必须紧紧围绕故事的发展脉络,展开合理的想象,巧妙


17、期成长的过程埋下伏笔。一、紧张1.My heart beat wildly and my legs trembled. 我的心脏狂跳着,双腿颤抖着。2. My heart beat so violently that I felt like sitting on pins and needles.心跳如此剧烈,我感到如坐针毡。3. I was about to respond when I felt my tongue tied in and palms sweating.我正要回答时,感到舌头被绑住了,手掌开始出汗。二、困惑1.His sudden change in mood comple

18、tely confused me. 他的情绪突然变化完全把我弄糊涂了。2.When I stood on the stage in front of the large audience, my mind went blank.我站在舞台上面对大批观众时,我的头脑一片空白。3.My heart skipped a beat and disbelief washed over me. 我的心为之一颤,充满了怀疑。三、忧虑1.Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.由于担心这次旅行,头几天我心神不宁。2.

19、I was so nervous about the English test that I lay awake half the night, worrying.我对英语考试感到如此紧张,以至于大半夜都睡不着觉,心神不宁。3.On hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldnt help crying bitterly.一听到这个坏消息,她被一股悲伤之情控制,忍不住哭泣。四、孤独1.A wave of loneliness washed over me. 一阵孤独感席卷了我的全身。2. Cold

20、with no hope for warmth, I felt like drowning in a crowd of people.我感到又冷又无取暖的希望,感觉就像被人群淹没一样。五、绝望1.Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.听到这个消息,他非常绝望,把悲伤淹没在酒中。2.He gazed at the confusion around him and was overwhelmed by a feeling of despair.他凝视着周围一片混乱,感到一阵绝望。3. Desper

21、ate and helpless, she knelt down, with tears of regret streaming down her cheeks. 绝望而无助的她跪了下来,悔恨的泪水顺着面颊流了下来。六、疲惫1. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. 我精疲力竭地躺在床上,很快就睡着了。2. She felt exhausted and sat by the stream resting her aching feet.她感到精疲力竭,坐在溪边休息着疼痛的双脚。七、羞愧1. So ashamed was she tha

22、t she could feel the blood rushed to her face. 我感到非常羞愧,甚至能感觉到鲜血涌到脸上。2.She felt so ashamed of her foolish behavior that she could feel her face burning.她为自己的愚蠢行为感到非常羞愧,以至于感到脸红了。第二步:成长中(努力挣扎应对+反思)一、惊讶1. Scared and shocked, she couldnt say a word. 他又害怕又震惊,一句话也说不出来。2.Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Mr

23、s Rossi froze, as if rooted on the ground. 罗西太太惊讶地扬起眉毛,僵住了,仿佛在地上扎了根一样一动不动。二、反思 1.I reflected on my initial doubts and hesitations. 我反思了自己最初的疑虑和犹豫不决。2.“Thats not the right way. Patience, Will, Patience,” a voice echoed in my ears after the boys left.“这不是正确的方式。耐心! 意愿,耐心,”男孩们离开后,一个声音在我耳边回响。三、希望1.A spar

24、k of hope kindled in their hearts. 他们心中燃起了希望的火花。2.Jayce looked up to him, his eyes sparkling with hope and determination. 杰茜抬头看着他,眼睛里闪烁着希望和决心。3.Sometimes, all it takes is someone who believes in us, someone who sees our potential even when we dont see it ourselves.有时候,我们所需要的只是一个相信我们的人,一个看到我们潜力的人,即使我

25、们自己都没有看到。四、喜悦1.A bright smile spread across her face. 她脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。2. He was in high spirits, and felt like being on top of the world.他情绪高涨,感觉自己好像站在了世界之巅。3. She laughed, her eyes twinkling with excitement. 她笑了起来,她的眼睛因兴奋而闪闪发光。五、感动1. With tears streaming down her face, she thanked him again and again.

26、她泪流满面,再三感谢她。2. I was deeply moved by what he had done, tears rolling down without control.我被他的所作所为深深打动了,泪水情不自禁地夺眶而出。3.Tears dropping from his eyes, he ran to Mums warm hug, and said gently Mum, thank you.他热泪盈眶,跑到妈妈温暖的拥抱前,温柔地说:妈妈,谢谢你。第三步:成长后的升华(感悟+感激+升华)一、感激1. His face is glowing with excitement. 他的脸

27、因激动而容光焕发。2. A shiver of excitement passed through her stomach when she heard the news.听到这个消息,她激动得胃里直打颤。3.I looked at her, tears of love and gratitude welling up in my eyes.我看着她,爱与感激的泪水夺眶而出。4.”Thank you.” I replied, with a mixture of gratitude and excitement.“谢谢你。”我带着感激和兴奋的心情回答道。二、感悟1. I knew for sur

28、e that every time I lost patience in the future I would remember my grandfathers words. 我确信,将来每当我失去耐心时,我都会记住祖父的话。2. It was the first time that I had truly realized the meaning of the gift-patience.这是我第一次真正体会到这份礼物的意义耐心。3.It dawned on Adam that one should stick to his dream no matter what happens.亚当突然

29、想到无论发生什么事,都要坚持自己的梦想。4.Adam said, “Thanks, Mrs Rossi, for teaching me how to make a cake to realize my dream.”亚当说:“谢谢罗茜夫人,她教我如何做蛋糕来实现我的梦想。”【主题升华】模式一、追逐梦想促“改变”As long as we dare to dream and dont let difficulties get in our way, anything is possible.只要我们敢于梦想,不被困难所阻挡,一切皆有可能。Its never too late to go for

30、 your dream. As long as you grasp every opportunity and take full advantage of it, you will stand a chance to fullfil your dreams.追梦永远不晚。只要你抓住机会,充分利用机会,你就有机会实现梦想。模式二、克服困难促“改变”The journey to success is not smooth. It is full of challenges and difficulties. We should be brave to face them.通往成功的路不会平坦,充

31、满挑战和艰辛。我们要勇敢面对。As long as we dont give up hope and make every effort to overcome all the difficulties, we will surely achieve our goal finally. 只要不放弃希望并竭尽全力克服所有困难,我们最终会实现我们的目标。模式三、战胜恐惧/紧张促“改变”Determination and optimism are what it takes to conquer your fear and accomplish your goal.战胜恐惧和实现目标,需要决心和乐观

32、。Todays experience was like an everlasting flower, blooming in the river of my memories. 今天的经历将会像是一朵永不凋谢的花朵,永远绽放在我的记忆里。(比喻)模式四、战胜消极促“改变”Follow your dream and the universe will open doors where there are only walls. 追随你的梦想吧,宇宙会在原本只有墙的地方为你敞开大门。(拟人)Attitude is more important than facts for us. We canno

33、t change our past; we cannot change the fact. However, the only thing we can do is hold a positive attitude.对我们来说,态度比事实更重要。我们不能改变我们的过去;我们不能改变事实。然而,我们唯一能做的事就是保持积极的态度。模式五、发挥天赋促“改变”Actually, every individual possesses talent. Be brave when you find it and also make efforts. You can create miracles in t

34、he end.事实上,每个人都有天赋,发现它的时候要勇敢,也要付出努力,最终你会创造奇迹。模式六、学习知识促“改变”Its never too late to learn. Each individual has the right to accept more challenges and make more attempts.学习永远为时不晚。每个人都应该并且有权利去接受更多的挑战,做更多的尝试。模式七、战胜自卑促“改变”The cloud removed instantly, sunshine landed on the happy teardrops in my eyes. 刹那间,乌

35、云散去,阳光洒在了我充满喜悦的泪水上。(拟人)I smiled as I eventually realized the real source of confidence. 我笑了,因为我最终意识到了自信的真正来源。Now, I am proud of what I look like and much happier, because I have realized it is your personality that decides who you truly are.现在,我为我的样子感到骄傲,而且更快乐,因为我已经意识到,决定你真正是谁的是你的个性。(2023新高考I卷II卷) 阅

36、读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。When I was in middle school, my social studies teacher asked me to enter a writing contest. I said no without thinking. I did not love writing. My family came from Brazil, so English was only my second language. Writing was so difficult and painful for me that m

37、y teacher had allowed me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic by acting out a play, where I played all the parts. No one laughed harder than he did. So, why did he suddenly force me to do something at which I was sure to fail? His reply: “Because I love your stories. If youre willing to

38、 apply yourself, I think you have a good shot at this.” Encouraged by his words, I agreed to give it a try. I chose Paul Reveres horse as my subject. Paul Revere was a silversmith (银匠) in Boston who rode a horse at night on April 18, 1775 to Lexington to warn people that British soldiers were coming

39、. My story would come straight from the horses mouth. Not a brilliant idea, but funny; and unlikely to be anyone elses choice. What did the horse think, as he sped through the night? Did he get tired? Have doubts? Did he want to quit? I sympathized immediately. I got tired. I had doubts. I wanted to

40、 quit. But, like Reveres horse, I kept going. I worked hard. I checked my spelling. I asked my older sister to correct my grammar. I checked out a half dozen books on Paul Revere from the library. I even read a few of them. When I handed in the essay to my teacher, he read it, laughed out loud, and

41、said, “Great. Now, write it again.” I wrote it again, and again and again. When I finally finished it, the thought of winning had given way to the enjoyment of writing. If I didnt win, I wouldnt care. 注意: 1. 续写词数应为150个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。【参考范文】 A few weeks later, when I almost forgot the contest

42、, there came the news. I was informed that I won the first prize in the writing contest and that there would be an award presentation in two days. I was so happy to hear the news that I immediately shared it with my teacher. “I knew youd win! I am proud of you. You made it!” he said excitedly. Then

43、came the big day. When I was invited to the stage to receive the award, I expressed my thanks to my teacher. I said, “Its you who make me fall in love with writing, my social studies teacher. Without your recognition and guidance, I couldnt have written this article. Again thank you very much!” I we

44、nt to my teachers office after the award presentation. My teacher was waiting for me. Holding my hands, he said “Congratulations! You are a good writer, so keep writing.” “You know I didnt like writing before, but now I am crazy about it! I will try my best to create good works.” I said seriously. S

45、ince then, I have written many good works and now I am a famous writer. I owe my success to my social teacher who is a beacon in my life on the road to writing.【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者上中学的时候,社会学老师邀请作者参加一个写作比赛。作者不喜欢写作,于是想都没想就拒绝了。但是在老师的鼓励下,作者同意试一试。作者在写作过程中虽然很累,但是没有放弃,坚持下来了。在作者最终完成写作时,作者感到写作让他很快乐,他已经不在乎输赢了

46、。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“几个星期后,当我几乎忘记比赛的时候,传来了消息。”和第二段首句“颁奖后我去了老师的办公室。”可知,第一段可描写作者获得比赛一等奖,在颁奖典礼上作者表达了对社会老师的感激。由第二段首句内容“颁奖后我去了老师的办公室。”可知,第二段可描写老师鼓励作者继续写作,自此作者坚持写作取得了成功,作者将这一切归功于自己的老师。2.续写线索:比赛消息传来作者获奖高兴颁奖典礼感谢老师颁奖后来到老师办公室老师告诉作者坚持写作作者表达了对写作的喜爱作者写作取得了成功感激老师3.词汇激活行为类 告知:inform/tell 成功做到:make it/succeed 表达:express/convey情绪类高兴的:happy/glad 激动地:excitedly/with excitement【点睛】高分句型1 I was informed that I won the first prize in the writing contest and that there would be an award presentation in two days. (运用了由连接词that引导的宾语从句)高分句型2 Its you who make me fall in love with writing, my social studies teacher.


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