2024新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册 初衔接开学第一课(ppt课件).pptx

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1、The First LessonCongratulations to You!Welcome to My English Class!目录contentsSelf-introductionWhy do we learn EnglishWhat to learn How to learnPart 1Part 1Part 2Part 2Part 3Part 3Part 4Part 4Rules&RequirementsPart 4Part 4WHO AM I?Self-introduction1 Hello,boys and girls.Im your English teacher this t

2、erm.I want to give a word to everybody,“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today!(对明天最好的准备就是今天做到最好!)”1605454218 Find who love English Find who love pets Find whose hobby is playing basketball Find who can sing a song Find who has the same age with you Find who graduated from Middle

3、 school with youFind your classmates who have the following characters.Sign his/her name.Self-introduction1PART ONESelf-introduction1Your IntroductionCan you introduce yourself to us?NameI am./My name isAgeIm a 17-year-old girl/boy.HobbiesI like/love/enjoy(doing sth).Qualities/PersonalityI am a pers

4、on who.Spoken in 172 countries or districts in total,English is the most widely-used official language in the world.Why do we learn English2English is the most important foreign language in China.Why do we learn English2你们没有资格在中国的面前说你们没有资格在中国的面前说你们从实力的地位出发同中国谈话你们从实力的地位出发同中国谈话English is a tool,a wind

5、ow and a weapon for us to communicate with the world and to earn respect.Why do we learn English2Daily use of English Read English novels and news Watch English movies Talk with foreigners Listen to English speeches and lectures Take exams Why do we learn English21.The natural scenery in Mount Tai i

6、s beautiful.gorgeous,splendid,magnificentwhatwhat to learnChallenge 1:Challenge 1:replace the wordsreplace the words32.Water resource is very important for human beings.Challenge 1:Challenge 1:replace the wordsreplace the wordsessential,crucial,indispensable English vocabulary in senior high is larg

7、er about 3000 to 3500 words whatwhat to learn3Challenge 2Challenge 2:fill fill in the blanksin the blanks(语法填空)People _(object)to(反对)seat belt installation(安装)suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses _ follow the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administrations(NHTSA)safety

8、requirements set in 1977.English grammar in senior high is more complicated.whatwhat to learn3Challenge Challenge 3:guess3:guess how many words in the passagehow many words in the passage2021年高考英语全国乙卷D篇:344单词单词Challenge Challenge 3:guess3:guess how many words in the passagehow many words in the pass

9、age Reading passages in senior high is longer-about 280-350 words each passage2022年新高考英语I卷 B篇:346单词23-24分Challenge Challenge 4:4:score the writing score the writing whatwhat to learn33分 Writing in senior high is more strict.Challenge Challenge 4:4:score the writing score the writing whatwhat to lear

10、n3 丑陋的作文都没机会展示自己的灵魂!English in senior high is more difficult vocabulary is larger grammar is more complicatedreading passage is longer writing is more strict whatwhat to learn3初中初中高中高中词汇量单词:1600-1700词组:200-300语法死记硬背,浅显零星听力与课文有关,设题简单,无生词阅读文章简单,生词少写作用简单句型叙述事件,分值低高中英语语言知识词法词汇量词类构词法句法简单句并列句复合句定语从句名词性从句状

11、语从句虚拟语气主谓一致倒装强调省略语言运用听力口语阅读写作高中英语知识体系构架题型新高考卷全国卷 听听 力力20小题(每题1.5分)20小题(每题1.5分)阅读理解阅读理解 15小题(每题2.5分)20小题(每题2分)七选五阅读七选五阅读5小题(每题2.5分)5小题(每题2分)完形填空完形填空15小题(每题1分)20小题(每题1.5分)语法填空语法填空10小题(每题1.5分)10小题(每题1.5分)短文改错短文改错 无10小题(每题1分)书面表达书面表达第一节 应用文 15分第二节 读后续写或概要写 25分 应用文 25分What to learn?高一上期:必修一 必修二高一下期:必修二、必

12、修三时间紧,任务重How to learn41.To enlarge vocabulary notebooks reading exercises excerpt(摘抄摘抄)English movies/songs/prehending100万词的阅读量,万词的阅读量,Not kidding!新课程标准规定,高中学生要在高中阶段完成新课程标准规定,高中学生要在高中阶段完成100万词的英语阅读量,万词的英语阅读量,而高中而高中3年的英语教材阅读总量大约是年的英语教材阅读总量大约是40万,也就是说剩余的万,也就是说剩余的60万词阅读要万词阅读要来自课外。来自课外。问题:问题:1)没能达到规定的阅读

13、量,难形成英语的语感。)没能达到规定的阅读量,难形成英语的语感。2)错误地认为英语是最容易学的学科,可以突击速成,忽视英语。)错误地认为英语是最容易学的学科,可以突击速成,忽视英语。建议建议:选择一本好的教材选择一本好的教材,从高一开始进行大量阅读从高一开始进行大量阅读 人大附中每月要完成人大附中每月要完成300-400页的英文原版材料阅读,清华附中、北大页的英文原版材料阅读,清华附中、北大附中高一学生每月读一本英文缩略版小说;首师大附中课外使用新概念附中高一学生每月读一本英文缩略版小说;首师大附中课外使用新概念3作作为课外教材。为课外教材。给大家推荐给大家推荐英语时文英语时文,新概念英语新概

14、念英语阅读,大家可以根据自己的英语水阅读,大家可以根据自己的英语水平选择读哪些。平选择读哪些。4.To improve oral English Vocabulary Imitation(模仿)(模仿)Open your mouth Never be afraid of making mistakesHow to learn4How to learn4How to learn4How to learn4Make a plan制定计划Preview 课前预习Listen to teachers carefully 专心上课Take notes 勤做笔记Review及时复习Practice 反复练

15、习DiscussDiscussHow to learn4 六“双商双量”:1.“双商”,即智商,情商 情商低的人,只会做自己喜欢的事;情商高的人,会喜欢上自己做的事。2.“双量”,即词汇量、阅读量。没有大量的阅读保证,肯定事学不好英语的。高一的主要任务是迅速扩充大量词汇。补充:背单词,一定在语境、语篇中进行。1.一个默写本、一个笔记本、一本字帖、一本字典(高考英语必备)2.新课前将对应单词标在课本上3.英语课堂前大声阅读新单词或课文4.一颗愿意学好英语的心学英语,你们需要准备:Life can be good.Life can be bad.But life is what you make it!So try to make it beautiful!Be the master of your fortune.Wish you every success in your life!Thank you for watching!Enjoy your senior high!


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