高考英语作文:各类高级句式汇总 讲义-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

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1、高考英语作文 各类高级句式汇总高分作文必备句式/表达1. 定从1)这个网站有丰富的学习资源,比如.,通过它们你会对中国文化加深了解。This websiteboasts abundantlearning resources, such as., through which you willhave a deeper insight intoChinese culture2)大家热烈鼓掌,这似乎证明了是一个人的决心决定了能否在特殊状况下做一个常人。The crowdburst intowaves ofwild applausewhich seemed to provethatit iswhaty

2、our determination is thatdetermines whether you can be someone regular while being special.2.名从1)尤其建议你多参加各种活动,来丰富生活。What I especially suggestis that you actively participate invariousactivities to enrich/diversifyyour life.2)大家欣赏你的决心,对你以及你的所为印象深刻。Everyone, in fact, appreciates your determination and

3、 is amazed/ impressed/ inspiredby whatyou are and what you did.3)那不是他终止行程的地方,因为他毫不犹豫地站起来,摇摇晃晃地向终点线跑去,尤其地坚定,尽管腿非常痛。Thats notwhere he ended his journey, as he braced his hands on knees, rose to his feet without hesitation and staggered towards the final line,exceedingly determined, despitetorturing pa

4、inin legs.3.强调句1)是你启发了我 身陷困境要保持乐观积极。It is you that enlightenmeto stay positive whenIam trapped in adversity.2) 是在这个时刻,他做出了一个重要决定。It is at thismoment thatasignificantdecisionemerged inhis mind.3)他们是独立准备了这顿爱心早餐。“It is on their own thatthey prepared a love breakfast for you on this special day.”4)是因为我的

5、积极变化他才对我友好了一点,并逐渐与我有了更多的眼神交流。It was because of my positive change thathe showed more friendliness and gradually had more eye contact with me.4.非谓结构1)为了使学生接触真实地道的英语,创建了Talk and Talk并广受欢迎。在这里通过与外教的访谈以及讲座可以让学生自然有效地获得英语以及西方文化相关的知识。Intended to expose students to authentic English, Talk and Talk was set u

6、p and has beengaining tremendous popularity,where knowledge concerning English and western culture can be naturally and efficiently acquired by students through interviews with foreign teachers, lectures and so on.2)非常担心,又有点生气,他不自觉地加快了脚步并开始冲起来。Overwhelmed bythe fear that Charles might go out with th

7、e fishermans boat andgrasped by slight ragebecause of Charless failure to follow his instruction, Mr Rose unconsciously sped up his pace and gradually started to dash.3)妈妈擦着我的眼泪,温和地安慰我,提出帮我寻找丢失的东西。Wiping tears on my face, my mom gently comforted me and offered to assist me with searching for what I

8、lost.5. 独立主格结构1)他低着头皱着眉,我轻而易举就能判断出他内心的痛苦挣扎和绝望。His head drooping and forehead frowning,it took me no effort to tell his internal miserable struggling and and depression.2)开始的枪声打破沉寂,每个参赛者如离弦之箭飞跑出去,只有David,他小小的身躯如往常左右摇晃。The starter gun breaking silence,every competitor shot like an arrow into the fores

9、t except David whose small figure rocked from side to side as usual.3)父亲及时地提供帮助,使他们不再沮丧,信心重燃,Jenna拿出一片新面包,Jeff打开炉子。Their discouragement wiped away and confidence rekindled bytheir fathers timely offer, Jenna took out a new slice of bread and Jeff turned on the stove to boil a new pot of porridge6.无灵

10、主语1)多亏你经常的引导,这三年我成长了很多。Thanks to yourconstant guidance,these three yearshave witnessed my tremendous growth.2)上周末有一场精彩的采摘活动,就在附近的农场,那里种了新鲜绿色的水果蔬菜,农民们精心专业地照顾。Last weekend witnessed an impressive picking activityin the nearby farm where various(a large variety of) fresh fruits and vegetables were plan

11、ted under farmers patient and professional care.3)我会永远记得你的善良和帮助。Your kindness and assistance wouldtake root inmy heart.4)我对你的感激难以言表。祝你前程似锦。Words fail to express/deliver/convey my appreciation/gratitude to you. Wish you apromising future.7.被动1) 若你考虑我的建议,不胜感激。Your kindconsideration ofmy suggestionswou

12、ld be highly appreciated.2) 若你能接受邀请,我们非常感激。Your kind acceptance of my invitation would be highly appreciated.3) 非常感谢你提供的任何建议。Any suggestions provided by you are highly appreciated.4)建议你好好学习并掌握英语,以获得更多的机会跟人交流互动。You are highly suggested todevote more effortstolearning English and grasp/master it to ga

13、in/obtain more opportunities to interact with others.5) 他们会定期组织各种活动,比如传统文化专业的优秀教授做的演讲、参观相关展览、参观博物馆、与著名传统艺术家互动等。Various activities are regularly organized, such as lectures delivered bydistinguishedprofessorspecializing intraditional culture, visits to related exhibitions or local museums, interactio

14、n withrenowned traditional artists and so on.8 倒装部分倒装部分谓语即系动词/助动词/情态动词放到主语前1 语境:“从未绝不几乎不难以” 倒装:否定词提前到句首,系动词/助动词/情态动词放到主语前1)我迫不及待地想向你表达感谢,感谢你为我做的一切。Hardly can I waitto express my gratitude to you for what you have done for me.2)我从未想到她居然是如此平易近人的女孩,并且有出色的领导才能,这逐渐扫除了我先前的气愤。Never had I imaginedthat she w

15、as such an approachable girl withsuperiorleadership talent, which gradually swept away my previous resent.2 语境:“只有.才能.” 倒装:Only+状语位于句首,系动词/助动词/情态动词放到主语前1)只有继续我们才有可能吃上冰淇淋。Only by going oncan weembrace the possibility to enjoy the cool ice-cream.3 语境:“如此.所以.” 倒装:so.that.,倒在主句so.这部分,系动词/助动词/情态动词放到主语前1)

16、 你对西方文化的独特见解以及幽默的沟通方式让大家如此印象深刻,所以期望你能出席明天的采访。So impressive are yourinsight intowestern culture and humorous communication style thatyou are highly expectedto attend the interview tomorrow.2)它是如此有用,你千万不要错过。So beneficial is itthat you shall never miss it.4 语境:“不仅.而且.” 倒装:“not only., but also.”倒在notonl

17、y这部分,系动词/助动词/情态动词放到主语前1)这个活动非常成功,不仅丰富了校园生活,而且使我们加深了对.的认知。It turned out to be a complete success asnot only did itdiversifyour campus life but alsoitdeepened our insight into.形式倒装主谓不发生位置交换(让步的名词 形副词 动词置于句首)5 语境:尽管. 倒装:用as表让步的倒装,主谓不发生位置交换1)尽管我尝试了,但还是很困惑。Try as I did, I still feel confused.2)尽管练习很苦,尽管每

18、次耗时更长,但没有什么使你放弃坚持努力参与。Tough as the practice was, nothing prevented you from persisting and endeavoring in every participation.3)尽管他很虚弱,但他还是对我的问题详细解释。Weak as he was,he still elaborated on answers toall my questions.4)尽管她是女性,但却战胜了所有男性选手。Female as she was, she defeated all male candidates.完全倒装整个谓语与主语交换

19、位置,主语是代词时,主谓位置不换6 语境:有地点方位信息 倒装:地点方位置于句首,整个谓语与主语交换位置,主语是代词时,主谓位置不换1) 屋外站着Joe.Outside the room stood Joe.2)同时,父亲进来了,补充道:是他们自己独立做了这顿爱心早餐。Meanwhile,in stepped their dad, adding, “it is on their own that they prepared a love breakfast for you on this special day.”7 语境:有时间信息 倒装:时间置于句首,整个谓语与主语交换位置,主语是代词时,

20、主谓位置不换1)然后是第二部分(环节),我们详细介绍了.Then came the second partwhere weintroduced.in detail.2)接下来过来的是一个看似粗暴冷漠的男人,用冰冷的眼神盯着我。Next camea seemingly rough man with torn and dirty cloth staring/gazing at me with icy eyes.8 表语提前,表语置于句首,系动词与主语交换位置1)在我手中的是装满了我工资的信封。In my hand wasan envelop stuffed with my earning.2)尤其有用的是组织.活动,通过这些活动能进一步激发学生的阅读兴趣。Especially beneficial isto organize activities such as., through which studentspassion for reading would be further stimulated/ fostered.


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