高中英语人教版选择性必修一Unit5 Working the Land课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇).doc

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高中英语人教版选择性必修一Unit5 Working the Land课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇).doc_第1页
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高中英语人教版选择性必修一Unit5 Working the Land课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇).doc_第2页
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高中英语人教版选择性必修一Unit5 Working the Land课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇).doc_第3页
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高中英语人教版选择性必修一Unit5 Working the Land课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇).doc_第4页
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高中英语人教版选择性必修一Unit5 Working the Land课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇).doc_第5页
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1、高中英语选必一Unit 5课本知识【重点单词拓展】1.convince vt.使相信;使确信;说服convinced adj.确信的convincing adj.令人信服的2.devote vt.把献(给);把专用于;专心于devoted adj.挚爱的;忠诚的devotion n.热爱;献身;专心;忠诚3.consumption n.消耗;消耗量;消费consume v.消耗;耗费consumer n.消费者4.reality n.现实;实际情况;事实real adj.真的;现实的really adv.真正地;事实上5.salty adj.含盐的;咸的salt n.食盐6.assumptio

2、n n.假定;设定;(责任的)承担;(权利的)获得assume v.假定;假设7.expand vt.&vi.扩大;增加vt.扩展;发展(业务)expansion n.扩大;膨胀8.shortage n.不足;缺少;短缺short adj.短的;缺乏的;不足的shorten v.(使)变短;缩短9.entirely adv.全部地;完整地;完全地entire adj.10.extension n.扩建部分;扩大;电话分机extend v.使延长;扩大11.depth n.向下(或向里)的距离;深(度)deep adj.深的;纵深的deeply adv.非常;深刻地12.poverty n.贫穷

3、;贫困poor adj.贫穷的poorly adv.糟糕地;不适13.chemical adj.与化学有关的;化学的n.化学制品;化学品chemistry n.化学chemist n.化学家;药剂师14.nutrition n.营养;滋养nutritional adj.营养(物)的nutritious adj.有营养的;营养丰富的15.conventional adj.传统的;习惯的convention n.惯例;习俗16.intense adj.热切的;十分强烈的;激烈的intensity n.增强;加剧;紧张17.digest vt.&vi.消化vt.领会;领悟digestion n.消化

4、;消化能力【词块和短语】P49keep .away from使远离P50conduct/do/carry out research 进行研究fulfil/achieve/realize ones dream实现某人的梦想care little for fame /celebrity or wealth/money 不在乎名利work the land 耕种土地devote .to.把.用于;献身;致力;专心pursue a career in science or medicine从事科学或医学工作tackle a crisis 解决危机boost yields 提高产量a variety/r

5、ange of 各种各样的attain a higher yield 获得较高产量intense effort 艰苦努力overcome difficulties 克服困难use sth for (doing) sth 用某物(做)某事enable sb/ sth to do sth使某人能够做某事;使某事成为可能expand /increase output 增加产量It is estimated that .据估算P51be comprised of 包括;包含;由组成(或构成)given that .考虑到; 鉴于retire to a life of leisure 退休享受悠闲的生活

6、far from the case/far from being the case远非如此deep down在内心深处;本质上;实际上make donations to 向.捐赠succeed in doing sth 成功做某事at home and abroad 在国内外open up 开辟;打开;直抒胸怀be full of vision 满怀憧憬dream/think up 想出(尤指不同寻常的计划、主意)for instance 例如end with 以.结束cut down 砍倒;减少;缩减apart/aside from 除外(尚有);除外(别无)other than 除以外P5

7、2replace .with/by 用替换commit oneself to 全心全意投入take on 呈现;雇用;接受(工作);承担(责任);reduce the intense stress from studying减轻学习的巨大压力a financial crisis 金融危机generate jobs 创造就业岗位protect .from/against 保护不受.(危害)make use of/take advantage of 利用meet/satisfy increasing consumption demands 满足日益增长的消费需求be lit with / by 由

8、.照亮tackle/overcome/solve/ settle/resolve/work out a problem解决问题adapt/adjust to 适应P53remain unanswered 仍然没有解答a solution to 的解决方法complain about 抱怨retire from 从退休be devoted to 献身于;专注于make up ones mind to do sth 下定决心/拿定主意做某事P54relate to 与相关;涉及;谈到;理解alleviate/ease world hunger 缓解世界饥饿match.with 把和相匹配cant

9、afford to do sth 没有足够的钱做某事;承担不起后果raise awareness 提高意识P55have / get the feeling (that) .感到.from sbs point of view 从某人的角度、观点出发fight crop disease and increase production抵御作物病害、增加产量over time 随着时间流逝;久而久之in turn 相应地;转而;依次;轮流as for 至于; 就而言switch to 转换;转向;转变focus on/upon 集中(注意力、精力等)于free of/from不受影响的;不含的P56

10、put down roots 生根;扎下根serve the high demand for 满足对的高需求nowhere near 完全没有;远不及meet/satisfy a need 满足需要P57express/ give /offer/voice ones opinion 表达某人的观点P58attain good harvests 获得好收成sound advice 合理的建议turn over 使翻转remain to be seen 有待证实P59separate .from 把与隔开/分离 for sale 待售;供出售P60sustainable farming metho

11、d可持续的耕作方式 have an impact/effect/influence on 对.有影响【教材金句】1.My lifelong pursuit is to keep all the people away from hunger.一Yuan Longping (P49) 我毕生的梦想是让所有人远离饥饿。 一袁隆平2.Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life.(P50)确实,他瘦削但结实的身躯看起来

12、和他为之奉献了一生的千千万万的中国农民一样。3.However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even has a serious shortage of food to eat.(P50) 然而,他最关心的是农民经常面临的粮食歉收,有时甚至会出现严重的食物短缺。4.Deep down, Yuan is still very much a farmer at heart.As a man of the soil, he cares little for celebr

13、ity or money.Instead, he makes large donations to support agricultural research.(P51) 实际上,袁隆平在内心深处仍然是一位农民。身为土地之子,他不在乎名利,反而捐赠巨资支持农业研究。5.What impresses people most about Yuan Longping is his ongoing ability to fulfil his dreams.(P51)袁隆平给人们印象最深的是他不断实现梦想的能力。6.He succeeded in producing a kind of rice tha

14、t could feed more people at home and abroad.(P51) 他成功培育出能够养活国内外更多人口的水稻品种。7.Despite his advanced years, Yuan Longping is still young at heart and full of vision, and everyone is waiting to see what he will dream up next.(P51)虽年事已高,但袁隆平仍然保持年轻的心态,而且满怀憧憬,大家都在期待他创造的下一个奇迹。8.Many experts share a vision tha

15、t this kind of urban farming could help not only in tackling the problem of population growth, but also in adapting to climate change.(P52) 许多专家都认为,这种城市农业不仅有助于解决人口增长问题,还有助于适应气候变化。9.Therefore, there is still a long way to find a suitable solution that puts sufficient food on the dinner table while ke

16、eping people and the environment as healthy as possible.(P56) 因此,想要找到一个合适的解决方案,使人类和环境尽可能保持健康,又让人们有足够的食物可吃,这还有很长的路要走。10.Every single grain on your plate is the result of hard work.(P59) 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。11Given that Yuans hybrids have made him quite wealthy,one might think he would retire to a life of lei

17、sure.鉴于袁隆平的杂交水稻品种已经让他变得相当富有,有的人可能认为,他会退休过一种休闲的生活。12Today,it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuans hybrid strains,and his strains have allowed Chinas farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year.据估算,现在中国国内消费的

18、稻米有大约60%来自袁隆平的杂交水稻品种形成的作物,这些品种(形成的作物)让中国农民每年能够生产出大约两亿吨稻米。【写作素材】人物描写-读后续写高分微技能1)外貌描写优美的身段:a graceful figure 匀称的形体:a shapely figure 痩削的身材:a skinny figure 细长的身体:a slim figure 发育良好的身体:a well-developed figure 仪表堂堂:an imposing/ a dashing/ a handsome/ a striking figure (人)形体很好:have a good figure 改善形体:impro

19、ve ones figure 看到月光下有一个模糊的人影:see a dark figure in the moonlight 显露出她优美的身段:show off her lovely figure 中等身材:an average build 身材魅梧的人:a well-built man1.be optimistic and ambitious 乐观并且有抱负2.a strong minded person 一个意志坚定的人3.lovely and good-natured personality 温和可爱的个性4.a well-built man一个身材魁梧的人5.have a good

20、 figure 体型好6.a dark figure in the moonlight月光下有个模糊的人影7.wear shoulder-length hair 留着齐肩发8.a girl in her early twenties 一个20岁出头的姑娘9.tie in a pony tail 扎了个马尾辫10.a weather-worn face 一张饱经风霜的脸11.a quiet gracious lady 一位娴静有礼的淑女12.an accomplished young lady 一位年轻的才女13.be equipped with a keen insight 具有敏锐的洞察力1

21、4.But he was kind and considerate.但是他善良体贴。15.Her lovely face looked pale.她可爱的面庞看上去苍白。16.He is with high cheek-bones and a sunken nose.他颧骨高耸,鼻梁塌陷。17.Once I set a goal,I will make great efforts to realize it.一旦设定了目标,我就会竭尽全力去实现它。18.He sat in front of them,his dusty face masking his age.他坐在他们前面,满面尘埃掩盖了他

22、的年龄。19.He is a man with great determination,of whom the perseverance is occasionally unimaginable.他是一个意志坚强的人,有些时候他的毅力是你没法想象的。20.Her husband was such a kind-hearted and considerate man that he hid the truth for his whole life.她丈夫是一个这么善良且体贴的人,以至于把真相隐瞒了一生。2) 各种身体出产物的描写1.各种微笑的常见英语表达法1) 快活的微笑a bright smi

23、le2) 开朗的微笑a broad smile3) 迷人的微笑a charming smile4) 奸笑 a cunning smile5) 幸福的微笑a happy smile6) 令人神往的微笑 an engaging smile7)一丝的微笑a faint smile8)愉快的微笑a pleasant smile9)满意的微笑a pleased smile10)不自然的微笑a strained smile11)甜蜜的微笑 a sweet smile12) 苦笑a wry smile13) 狞笑a grim smile14) 天真的微笑 an innocent smile15) 和蔼的微笑

24、 a kindly smile16) 轻蔑的微笑 a contemptuous smile2.各种嗓音的常见英语表达法1)清晰的嗓音a clear (ringing) voice2)低沉的嗓音a deep voice3)响亮的嗓音a loud voice4)低嗓音 a low voice5) 悦耳动听的嗓音a pleasant voice6) 尖利刺耳的嗓音a shrill voice7)温柔的嗓音a soft voice8) 甜美的嗓音a sweet voice9) 尖细的嗓音a thin voice10) 喑哑的嗓音 a toneless voice11) 微弱的嗓音 a weak wee

25、k(feeble) voice12)高嗓音 a high voice13) 假嗓音 a falsetto voice14) 美妙的嗓音 a fine voice3.各种步态的常见英语表达法1)轻盈的步伐a light gait2)沉重的步伐a heavy gait3)昂首阔步的步伐a swaggering gait.4)驼背弯腰的步态a stooping gait5)摇摇摆摆的步态a swaying gait6)一瘸一拐的步态a limping gait7)缓慢的步态a shuffling gait8) 微跛的步态a halting gait9) 文雅的步态a mincing gait.4.各

26、种身材的常见英语表达法1) 优美的身材graceful figure2) 瘦削的身材lean figure3)匀称的身材neat figure4) 丰满的身材plump figure5) 大腹便便的身材paunchy figure6)细长的身材slender figure7)苗条的身材slim figure8)瘦小的身材slight figure9) 矮壮的身材stocky figure10) 高大的身材 stout figure11) 优美健壮的身材superb figure12)又胖又圆的身材full figure13)笨拙的身材 ungainly figure5.各种脸型的常见英语表达法

27、1) 圆圆的脸 round face2) 椭圆的脸 oval face3) 方脸square face4) 长脸 long face5) 瘦削的脸 thin (lean) face6) 胖脸fleshy face7) 浮肿的脸puffy face8) 憔悴的面容 haggard face9) 布满皱纹的脸 wrinkled (lined) face10) 长满粉刺的脸pimpled face11) 泪珠布满的脸tear-stained face12) 长满雀斑的脸freckled face13) 麻脸 pock-marked face14) 眉清目秀的脸蛋finely-cut face15)

28、面目端正的脸regular face16) 丑脸 disfigured face17) 媚人的脸 charming face18) 刮得精光的脸clean-shaved face19) 黝黑的面孔 swarthy face20) 晒黑的脸 sunburned face21) 秀丽的脸sweet face22) 铁板的面孔 a stern face6.各种眼睛的常见英语表达法1) 乌黑的眼睛 dark eyes2) 灰色的眼睛 gray eyes3) 绿色的眼睛 green eyes4) 蔚蓝色的眼睛blue eyes5) 深蓝色的眼睛 violet eyes6) 深棕色的眼睛brown eye

29、s7)淡褐色的眼睛hazel eyes8) 睁得圆圆的眼睛wide-open eyes9) 鼓起来的眼睛bulging eyes10) 深陷的眼睛deep-set eyes11) 凹陷的眼睛sunken eyes12) 斜眼 cross-eyes13) 分开性斜视眼slant eyes14) 独眼的 one-eyed15) 充满血丝的眼睛bloodshot eyes7.各种睫毛的常见英语表达法1) 细细的睫毛 thin eyelashes2) 浓密的睫毛 thick eyelashes3) 笔直的睫毛strait eyelashes4) 短睫毛 short eyelashes5) 弯睫毛cur

30、ving eyelashes8.各种眉毛的常见英语表达法1) 浓眉bushy eyebrows2) 粗眉shaggy eyebrows3) 弓形眉毛arched eyebrows4) 描画过的眉毛penciled eyebrows9.各种鼻子的常见英语表达法1) 鹰钩鼻子 an aquiline (hooked) nose2) 扁鼻子 flat nose3) 翘鼻子 snub nose4) 笔直的鼻子 straight nose10.各种额头的常见英语表达法1) 宽大的额头 a broad forehead2) 突起的额头 a domed forehead3) 高高的额头 a high for

31、ehead4) 宽阔的额头 an open forehead5) 窄小的额头 a narrow forehead6) 后塌的额头 a retreating forehead11.各种面颊的常见英语表达法1) 红润的双颊 rosy cheeks2) 丰满的双颊chubby cheeks3) 苍白的双颊 pale cheeks4) 粉红的双颊 pink cheeks5) 红光满面的双颊ruddy cheeks6) 深陷的双颊hollow (sunken) cheeks7) 刮得精光的脸颊clean-shaven cheeks8) 涂脂抹粉的脸颊rouged cheeks9) 胡须满面的双颊stub

32、by cheeks10) 布满皱纹的双颊wrinkled cheeks12.各种下巴的常见英语表达法1) (胖人的)重下巴a double chin2) 尖尖的下巴 a pointed chin3) 圆圆的下巴 a round chin4) 翘起的下巴 a protruding chin2) 身体部位描写1).有关head的表情描写drop/lower/bend/bow ones head 低下头nod ones head 低头shake ones head 摇头scratch ones head 挠头 scratch skrt 抓;挠rest ones head on 把头靠在.上面bury

33、 ones head 把头埋起来clear ones head 清醒一下头脑feel ones head spinning 觉得天旋地转 spin spin 旋转;眩晕Head for/towards 朝.走去翻译小练习:1.他羞愧地低下了头。2.他们点头同意。3.她怀疑地摇摇头。4.他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。5.她用枕头捂住脑袋。6.她将头靠在他的肩膀上。7.我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。8.他只喝了一杯就觉得天旋地转。9.他转身朝门口走去参考答案:1.He dropped/lowered/bent/bowed his head in shame.2.They nodded their he

34、ads in agreement.3.She shook her head in disbelief.4.He scratched his head, not understanding a word.5.She buried her head in the pillow.6.She rested her head on his shoulder.7.I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.8.He could feel his head spinning after only one drink.9.He turned and headed f

35、or the door.2.有关face的表情描写1)a bright smile 灿烂的笑容2)ones face brightened 某人的脸上焕发出了光彩3)ones face grow serious表情变得严肃4)ones face looked a little confused 某人看起来有点因惑5)ones face flushed/burned with embarrassment. 某人的脸窘得满脸通红6)ones face paled with fright 某人的脸吓得都白了7)had a slight frown on ones face 某人愁眉不展的样子翻译小练

36、习:1.他的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。2.我给她礼物时,他的脸上焕发出了光彩。3.他的表情突然严肃起来。4.他看起来有点因惑。5.杰克窘得满脸通红。flush fl 脸红6.她吓得脸都白了。7.他的脸上现出有点儿愁眉不展的样子。参考答案:1.A bright smile appeared on his face.2.Her face lit up/brightened/glowed when I gave her the present.3.His face suddenly grew serious.4.His face looked a little confused.5.Jacks face

37、 flushed/burned with embarrassment.6.Her face paled with fright.7.He had a slight frown on his face.3.有关cheek的表情描写1)ones cheeks burning with shame 某人因为羞愧而感到脸颊发烧2)ones cheeks are wet with tears 某人泪流满面3)color rushed/flooded to ones cheeks 某人涨红了脸4)a tear slid down ones cheek 一滴泪顺着某人的脸颊滑落下来5)kissed sb o

38、n both cheeks 亲了某人的脸颊翻译小练习:1.他因为羞愧而感到脸颊发烧。2.她泪流满面。3.意识到有人在看她,她顿时涨红了脸。4.一滴泪顺着她的脸颊滑落下来。5.他亲了亲她的脸颊,然后上了火车。参考答案:1.He felt his cheeks burning with shame.2.Her cheeks were wet with tears.3.Color rushed/flooded to her cheeks when she realized she was being watched.4.A tear slid down her cheek.5.He kissed h

39、er on both cheeks and got on the train.4.有关eye的表情描写1)ones eyes are wide with horror 某人惊恐地瞪大了眼睛2)ones eyes shine with excitement 某人眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒3)ones eyes filled with tears 某人的眼里充满泪水4)ones eyes fall on someplace 某人的目光落在.5)look at sb straight in the eye 直视某人的眼睛6)ones eyes fix on . 某人的目光紧盯着.7)ones eyes s

40、can .某人的眼睛扫视.8)ones eyes dropped to . 某人垂下眼睛看着.翻译小练习:1.他惊恐地瞪大了眼睛。2.她笑了,眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。3.她的眼里充满泪水。4.那条狗饥饿的目光落在我的三明治。fall on/land on.(目光) 落在.5.她直视父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题。6.他似乎不愿意与我的目光接触。7.她试图坐起来,目光紧盯着琼的脸。8.他一刻不停地盯着我。9.他进屋时眼睛扫视了整个房间。10.他回答时垂下眼睛看着膝盖。参考答案:1.His eyes were wide with horror.2.She laughed, her eyes shi

41、ning with excitement.3.Her eyes filled with tears.4.The dogs hungry eyes fell on my sandwich.5.She looked at her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully.6.He seemed unwilling to meet my eyes.7.She tried to sit up, her eyes fixed on Jeans face.8.His eyes never left mine.9.His

42、eyes scanned the room as he entered.10.His eyes dropped to her lap as she answered.5.有关mouth的表情描写关于嘴的动作有:1)open ones mouth 张开嘴2)hide ones yawn 打哈欠3)cup ones mouth 扣住某人的嘴4)stuff ones mouth with something 用.填满嘴巴形容嘴的状态:5)drop open in surprise惊奇地张大了嘴6)start watering 开始流口水7)heart be in ones mouth紧张得心都到了喉

43、咙眼翻译小练习:1.她张开嘴要说什么,最后什么也没说。2.他捂住嘴偷偷打了个哈欠。3.我们惊奇地张大了嘴。4.闻到食物的香味,我开始流口水了。5.突然一只手扣住了她的嘴。6.他的嘴上挂着一丝笑意。7.他开始往嘴里塞意大利面。stuff stf 塞满;填塞8.他直起身,目瞪口呆地看着我。9.我走进她的办公室时,紧张得心都到了喉咙眼。参考答案:1.She opened her mouth to say something,but nothing.2.He covered his mouth to hide his yawn.3.Our mouths dropped open in surprise

44、.4.My mouth started watering when I smelled the food.5.Suddenly a hand cupped her mouth.6.A smile played around his mouth.7.He began to stuff his mouth with pasta.8.He straightened up and looked at me, open-mouthed.9.My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office.6.hand1.She took the childs

45、hand and helped him climb the steps.她拉住孩子的手牵着他爬上台阶。2.He reached for her hand and held it tightly.他伸手抓住她的手并紧紧握住。3.They walked along, holding hands.他们手拉手并肩走着。4.He held the key in his hand.他手里拿着钥匙。5.He grasped the rope with both hands.他双手抓着绳子。6.He shook my hands as if we were long lost friends.他握住我的手好像

46、我们是失散多年的朋友。7.She smiled and hold out/reach out a hand in welcome.她笑着伸出一只手表示欢迎。8.She put her hands to her cheeks in embarrassment.窘迫之中她用双手捂住了脸。9.Several students raised their hands to answer the question.几个学生举手回答问题。10.He slid his hands into his pockets.他悄悄地将手插进口袋里。11.She shrugged and spread her hands.Thats all I can tell you.她耸耸肩


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