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2、因颤抖感到(这个可以有多种表达方式,如可用非谓语动词或介词短语,并且可以结合在每一个环节中)a flush/wave/feeling/sense of.(表情绪的名词)flooded over sb./swept over sb.一阵席卷了某人表情绪的名词有anger/rage/panic/ terror/sorrow/sadness/grief/ embarrassment/disappointment/guilt/shame/joy/excitement/pride等因颤抖tremble/shiver/ shake with fear/panic/ excitement /rage.情绪描

3、写也可参考读后续写情绪描写常用句子2.进一步细节描写典型表达:流泪;心里想流泪Tears blurred ones eyes.泪水模糊了某人的双眼。Ones eyes got misty.某人的双眼模糊了。Ones eyes misted/dimmed with tears.泪水模糊了某人的双眼。be close to tears惶惶欲泪Tears rolled down ones eyes/cheeks/face.泪水顺着某人的眼睛/脸颊/脸流下来。心里想An inner voice told sb. that.内心的声音告诉某人thought/said to oneself自己盘算;自思自

4、忖3.转折(个人努力或借助外界)典型表达:鼓起勇气(或通过另外一方的鼓励);毫不犹豫鼓起勇气pluck up/ take/ gather ones courage(to do.)毫不犹豫sb .could hardly wait to do sth.without a second thoughtwithout even thinkingwithout delaywithout hesitation4 .事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到宽慰典型表达:似乎;希望;宽慰似乎It was like doing sth.It seemed that . / as if . .希望Hoping tha

5、t .see / feel a glimmer of hope. trying hard to do sth .宽慰.breathed a sigh of relief松了一口气.sighed with relief如释重负A wave of relief flooded / washed over sb.一阵如释重负的感觉淹没了某人。to ones relief.令某人宽慰的是5 .但是问题还是没有解决或出现了新问题典型表达:不幸的是;不知道(接下来)做什么不幸的是But bad luck for sb .,.但是某人真不走运,. but in vain . but without succ

6、ess . but no use .Unfortunately,不知道(接下来)做什么Sb . did sth . , wondering what to do next .Sb . did sth . , not knowing what to do next .Sb . did sth . , unsure of what to do next.Sb. was at a loss what to do.Sb. was in a dilemma about whether to do or not.6 .突然有了一个想法(一句话说明这个想法)典型表达:某人突然想到/明白;某人突然想到/明白I

7、t suddenly occurred to sb . that .= It hit sb . that .= It struck sb . that .= It dawned on sb . that .某人突然有了主意( idea , thought . ) occurred / came to sb . =. came / flashed into one s mind.=.crowded in one s mind .One s mind began to race .某人的脑子开始飞快地运转起来7 .过了一段时间,事情有了最后的转折典型表达:过了一段时间;有了结果;皆大欢喜过了一段时

8、间Not long after that , .= Shortly afterwards, .= Before long , .= It didn t take long before .= It took some time before .有了结果To one s surprise ( delight )Strangely enough, it turned out that .But on second thoughts,但是转而一想,But what happened next was pure magic .但是接下来发生的非常奇妙。皆大欢喜:格式参考“情绪”8.点题,呼应前文典型表

9、达:直到某人才意识到;还记得某人的话,还在某人的脑海中;经验与教训直到某人才意识到倒装句:Not until +时间状语+ did sb .realize / notice that .强调句:It was only +时间状语+ that sb .realized that .还记得某人的话,还在某人的脑海中One s words echoed / rang out in one s ears .One s words ( voice / song ) lingered / whispered in one s mind / head .One s head was still full o

10、f .经验与教训What a / an . lesson sb . taught me !What a / an . lesson sb. learned from sb. !( valuable / useful / great / painful )What a/ an . experience sb. had ! (enjoyable/pleasant / wonderful / unforgettable/memorable/interesting/ valuable )Down deep in one s heart,.在某人的内心深处,读后续写 | 十大万能通用句型一无灵主语句:(

11、情绪描写万能通用)A wave/sense of +常见的情绪名词(happiness, joy, delight开心快乐;surprise, astonishment惊奇惊讶;shame羞耻羞愧;anger愤怒;despair绝望;regret遗憾后悔;sorrow悲伤;horror惊恐;anxiety焦虑;disappointment失望沮丧;satisfaction满意满足;puzzlement困惑不解)+有灵动词(seized/overwhelmed/took hold of/washed over/flooded over/swept over)+ sb.1)When the hos

12、t announced that she won the prize, a wide excitement took hold of her.2)A wave of excitement and delight swept over me.3)A great sense of relief and pride flooded over my father.4) A mixed feeling of hope and delight surrounded us when we headed for the river.二. With的复合结构:(情绪动作描写万能通用)with +n.+ adj/

13、adv/to do/doing/done/prep-phrase1) His mother listened attentively to the children, with her eyes full of excitement and gratitude.2) With her daughter away from home, she was worried.3) He leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms folded across his chest.4) With tears welling upin my eyes, I

14、 rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.三So that(情绪动作描写万能通用)1)He felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door.2)He felt so tired that he threw himself into the sofa and fell asleep immediately.3)He felt so frightened that he did not dare to move an inch.4)He felt so emba

15、rrassed that he dropped his head, daring not to look at his father.四动作链句型:主语. + V, V and V.(动作描写万能通用)1)She woke up, slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the door.2)The coach stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and reminded him softly.3)She dashed forward, knelt down and gathered her son into h

16、er arms.4)I approached Dad, proudly took out of my own money and handed it to him.五 主语V+非谓语动词/非谓语动词+主语+V(动作描写万能通用)1)Looking around cautiously,my seven-year-old son slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window.2)Seeing his figure, she rushed to him with excitement and fell into his arms.3)Mrs. Cook s

17、tood there and didnt dare to move an inch, shivering /trembling /shaking with fear.4)Using its head, it touched our hands, seemingly saying that we were to be thanked.六正在做某事,就在这时(突然)be doingwhen(讲故事最帅句型)1) I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice behind me.2) We were enjoy

18、ing the wonderful sight when a loud noise caught our attention.3) I was walking along the river when I heard someone calling for help.4) I was thinking about a question my mother entered my room.七.“,”sb said in a voice/tone.某人以的声音、 语气说到(语言描写万能通用)1)“All that we have suffered will eventually make us b

19、etter. Dont give up until the blessing happens,” he said in a firm voice.2)“I was attacked by a wolf and I thought I would never see you again.” He said in an excited voice.3) .The farmer picked up the dog, knelt down and said in a soft voice,“Its yours now.”4)“I would love to.”said Emily in a pleas

20、ant tone.八From the story/experience,(主题升华万能通用)1)From the unforgettable experience,I have really realized the meaning of friendship.2)From the unforgettable experience,I have realized that family matters the most in the world.3)From the unforgettable experience, I realize that helping others is the s

21、ource of happiness.4)From the experience, I was fully aware of the responsibility and value as a volunteer, which inspired me to continue to pursue my dream.九Only then did sb. realize that“直到那时某人才意识到”(主题升华万能通用)1)Only then did I realize that it was kindness and love that made our world so warm and be

22、autiful.2)Only then did I realized that we should never take love for granted.3)Only then did I realize forgiveness is a kind of virtue.4)Only then did I realize Joe actually understood how to take care of me despite his trouble with the housework.十 寓情于景,画面定格(留白式结尾,此时无声胜有声)1)Bathed in the warm sunsh

23、ine, we made our way home happily.2)Laughter lingered around the yard and happiness floated in the air.3) Despite the chilly autumn wind, their home was filled with the warmth of love and reunion.4) The wolf ran away alongthe road and disappeared in the distance .高考英语听力:蒙题技巧往期重点资料:1.听的每一个题都在之前的练习中听过

24、,尤其注意十大场景,不可能出现一个全新的话题。2.听之前:预读题干和选项(70%的重要性)。勾画出关键词,预测听力内容(信号词),听的时候注意录音中关键词的出处。!备战听力考试的最佳时刻,就是当你拿到卷子的那个时刻!什么时间读?发试卷后的争分夺秒尽量能读完试卷2/3的题,当你听到“衬衫的价格是9磅15便士”,就要返回来重读第一大题短对话,准备做题。3.正确选项往往使用同义替换。即一部分单词原词复现+其余单词同义替换,比如see=visit, hand in the report= submit the report, worried=nervous=anxious, see a film= g

25、o to the cinema等4.正确答案除了使用同义替换,也会转换词性, 比如:entertain=entertaining,disappointed=disappointing等5.数字题,常常要经过简单的加减乘除两种考法:(1)匹配;每个选项的数字对应不同的事实(即有多个干扰项),需要你听出来哪个选项的数字对应题干中的事实;(2)计算:听到的数字往往不是正确答案,90%的都是计算出来的才是正确答案看到数字题:请算出数字之间的差额,找出他们的内在联系,脑子里想一遍他们的读法和表达方法(一般有不同的表达方式,需要做同义替换),提前预设对话或者文章可能会出现哪些词汇。6.推理判断题:三种题无

26、法听到原词(说话场景、人物关系、情绪态度),需要我们运用以下技巧判断:(1)和场景相关联的词汇, 比如 fitting room/try on-clothes shop, food-restaurant, school hall/ student- teacher等;(2)关注描述情绪类的形容词,关注对话双方的语气(陌生人-客气;朋友-随意;家人-亲密;上司与员工-严肃);(3)关注连词(表因果so, hence, therefore;表转折but, however, while表递进moreover,furthermore, besides.)、否定词等 ! !对话中如果出现了but,则解题

27、的关键是集中注意听懂but后面的内容,因为but后面常常是考点 !7.听力中表转折、表原因、表建议的地方往往都是考点;8.大约90%的问题都取决于第二个人的说话内容,所以两个人对话中,应重点听第二个人;短对话信息匹配之男男女女原则(90%):问男的,听男的 问女的,听女的 对话中第一个人抛出的问题往往就是话题主题。9.独白题目注意事项:(1)一定要提前画出题干和选项中的名词,听到题干中的名词,及时转换题目,一般离题干名词最近的词是答案;(2)独白类的3-4个题目出题顺序性很强,都是按照录音顺序来第一题通常是针对录音的前几句话出题,最后一题针对最后一两句话出题;(3)主旨题(mainly tal

28、k about、main idea):独白中的主题句往往在前几句话中或者最后几句话再重复主题。主旨题的答案中往往带有文中重复率最多的名词(高频词)!10.采访类试题:多出现在长对话靠后的位置+独白部分。采访对象多为艺术家、画家、作家、摄影师等,套路一般是为:主持人恭维对方-对方成就介绍-创作经历/挫折/某人影响/-目前比较出名的作品或未来期待作品。题目中多会提问到身份,注意通常录音前几句话会提及。11.大段对话读二遍,学会手头速记、大脑速记重点内容,听完后再综合判断选择。12.如果实在没听出来答案,善用排除法。听不出来没关系,别墨迹别再纠结这个题,放平心态!去听下一个题!不要干“捡芝麻没捡到又丢西瓜”的事。13.答案分布:多分为776, 677,767分布。(先说明一下哈没有证明这个技巧准确性是不是很高,但是现在临近考试了,能有什么方法就用,但不确定哪个选项只有6个)!这个规律就可以帮助你在有一个题不确定的情况下推断出正确答案。! ! ! ! 最后,送给大家六字箴言:不手欠,别改题!最最后!听不懂,蒙也要蒙出个高分tips:1选项中两个意思完全相反,大多有一个是正确答案;2选项中两个意思相近,大多都不是答案;3选项意思非常绝对,大多不是正确答案;4意见不一致,事物不完美,弘扬真善美。


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