2024新牛津译林版七年级上册《英语》Unit 7单元检测.docx

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1、2024-2025学年七年级英语上册牛津译林版(2024年)Unit 7一、单词拼写1Its w_ of that boy to solve the difficult maths problem.2In the UK, people use p_, not RMB or dollars.3Moscow is a very important R_ city.4_ (棒球) is very popular among American teenagers.5The mooncakes are very delicious because there is meat and yolk (蛋黄)

2、_ (在里面).二、适当形式填空6There are many _ (/plez/) in our school football team.7At the Spring Festival, when you eat the dumpling with a coin, youll be _ (luck) all the year.8The weather report says tomorrow will be _ (rain).9In the _ (begin), Alice only wanted to dance in the garden.10In spring, there are

3、some _ (colour) flowers in the city garden.三、单项选择11There _ only one earth but billions of (数十亿) people in the world, so we should protect the earth.AhaveBisCAreD.has12The price of the radio is not _, but the computer is very _.Ahigh; expensiveBexpensive; expensiveCexpensive; highDhigh; high13It _ me

4、 2 hours to buy a birthday present for Amy and the present _ 19 yuan.Atakes, spendsBcosts, takesCspends, costsDtakes, costs14You _ to the party this evening if you have something important to do.Aneednt to comeBdont need comeCdont need comingDneednt come15David managed _ the difficult job all by him

5、self in time. He was so excellent!AfinishBto finishCfinishedDfinishes16As long as you are doing the right thing, what others think or say doesnt _.AaffordBdecideCmindDmatter17Would you like _ milk in your coffee?Yes, just _.A any, a fewBsome, a littleCany, a littleDsome, any18There _ some bread and

6、apples on the table. You can have them.AhaveBhasCbeDis19Please put on your sunglasses. They can protect you _ the bright sunlight.AawayBofCoffDfrom20What do we know from the card?THE BOAT RESTAURANTMAIN COURSESGerman sausage and chips $6. 50Italian cheese and pizza $4. 80Thai chicken and rice $5. 90

7、Roast chicken and potatoes $6. 00SERVED TIMELunch11: 00-14: 30Dinner17: 30-21: 30AGerman sausage and chips are $5. 60.BChinese chicken and rice is $5. 90.CYou can have roast chicken and potatoes for five dollars.DDinner time is four hours.四、 完型填空Its fun to receive presents. It also feels good to giv

8、e to others. So whats the best way to budget (预算) your money and shop21?Susan Beacham of Money Savvy Generation, a US company that teaches money management skills to kids,22some advice.“My first tip is to make a list,” says Beacham. She suggests that kids talk with their families about to23they shou

9、ld give gifts and how much they should spend.Take the24with you to the store. “Make sure that you do the maths,” says Beacham. “If youve just spent $30 (184 yuan)25someone you were going to spend $25 on, youre going to have to spend $5 less on somebody else.” The26to budgeting is staying within the

10、boundaries (范围) youve set for yourself.What to do if you just cant27buying things once youre in a mall? The answer is pretty easy bring only a small amount of money with you.28you see an expensive item that you really want to buy, wait a few days and see if youre still29it. Chances are, you wont eve

11、n remember it. Do you have enough money? If not, make30. And dont forget not everyone needs a store-bought gift. Some of the best presents are free.21AbadlyBeasilyChardlyDwisely22AtakesBfollowsClearnsDhas23AwhomBwhenCwhatDwhich24AbookBmapClistDwallet25AtoBonCwithDat26AkeyBwayCanswerDsolution27AstopB

12、waitCrememberDstand28AAsBIfCSoDBut29Athinking overBthinking aboutCthinking upDthinking for30AmistakesBdecisionsCchangesDSuggestions五、阅读理解Are you good with money? Do you get pocket money from your parents or do you work to make money? Read on to find out about British teenagers and how they save and

13、spend their money.Pocket moneyMost teenagers in Britain receive pocket money from their parents. They might have to do housework to get their pocket money, such as cleaning, cooking, doing the dishes, and washing cars. Teenagers who dont have pocket money or who want to make a little more money usua

14、lly choose to do a part-time (兼职的) job. About 15% of teenagers have a job. Only children over the age of 13 can work. Babysitting, deliveringz (递送) newspapers, shop work and restaurant work are some popular part-time jobs for teenagers.Teenagers in Britain can work at most two hours a day on a schoo

15、l day but not during school hours. During weekends and school holidays, they can work longer hours.Bank accounts (账户)Some teenagers have a bank account. Parents can put pocket money into their childrens bank accounts. Most banks have a prepaid (预付的) bank card for young people.So many teenagers are g

16、etting experience (经验) by working part-time, dealing with banks and deciding whether (是否) to save or spend their money. These are all important for teenagers to make better decisions when it comes to managing their own money.31Some British teenagers might get their pocket money by _.Adoing housework

17、Bworking in a bankCdoing well in schoolDasking their grandparents32Which beading (标题) can be put in .APopular jobs.BWorking hours.CSchool holidays.DPart-time jobs.33How long are teenagers in Britain allowed to work on Sunday?ATwo hours.BAt most two hours.CLess than (少于) two hours.DMore than two hour

18、s.34Which is the best title for the passage?AGetting pocket moneyBMaking extra moneyCSaving and spending moneyDOpening a bank account35What can you learn from the passage?AOnly British children over the age of 15 can work.BBritish Teenagers can work at least two hours a day.CHaving a bank account is

19、 a must for parents and their children.DMaking better decisions on looking after money is important for teenagers.BParents and children often face the challenges of money. Common topics include setting pocket money, learning to save, and deciding to buy expensive things. The goal of most parents is

20、to teach their kids how to deal with money wisely. The goal of most kids is getting money to spend. How can families achieve these goals?The Tidier family in Denver found the best way to teach about money was to let their kids make some money. Their son, Ryan, 17, has been watering in the garden sin

21、ce he was 8. He owned his own tools with the help of his parents. Now he has saved $7,800. Besides, he bought a bike and a wonderful sound system. And he is going to buy a car next year.Money skills are an important part of becoming a successful adult. David Brady manages a company toward children a

22、nd young adults. “They shouldnt be always thinking of spending money.” Brady warns. Instead, they should understand basic rules for making money, saving money, and managing money.That knowledge is greatly needed. Over the past ten years, most Americans aged 18 to 24 borrowed nearly $3,000 on credit

23、card(信用卡). Among high school seniors, four out of five have never taken a class about money.Giselle Lopez, of New York City, learned the hard way. So far, she has owed(欠)$2,000 on her first credit card. Her parents refused to pay, so Giselle got a job. Then she paid the money off slowly by herself.

24、“Now every time I use money, I know that it comes from my own pocket,” Giselle says. “That gives me a sense of responsibility for my actions.” Different kids will have different styles when it comes to money. Teaching them how to use money doesnt have to mean setting strict rules. When children like

25、 Ryan and Giselle have their own money to consider, they can learn to set those rules themselves.36What is the goal of most parents about money?ATo set kids pocket money.BTo get money to spend.CTo save some money.DTo teach kids how to use money wisely.37What did Ryan buy with his own money?AA car.BA

26、 bike.CWatering tools.DA company.38How much money did Giselle borrow on her first credit card?A$2,000.B$3,000.C$7,800.DWe dont know.39Which of the following is TRUE according to the writer?AMost American high school students have some knowledge about money.BYoung people shouldnt be always thinking o

27、f spending money.CChildren will set rules for themselves about money.DChildren shouldnt have rules for themselves about money.五、31-35 ADDCD 36-39 DBAC六、书面表达40为倡导理性消费,增强学生理财意识,学校Life Skill Club 开展“零用钱管理能手”评选活动。请结合以下图表,写一篇英语短文参与评选,谈谈你每月零用钱的使用情况及理由。Pocket Money Management Manage your money. Manage your life.注意:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息;2. 词数:100词左右,首句已给出,不计入总词数。Id like to share how I manage my pocket money every month. _【答案】一、1.wise 2.pound 3.Russian 4.Baseball 5.inside二、6.players 7.lucky 8.rainy 9.beginning 10.colourful三、1120 BADDB CBDDB四、21-25 DDACB AABBC五、略


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