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1、2024届高考英语二轮复习:各类题型答题技巧总结(单选完型阅读阅表作文)一单选知识点总结背诵1. 定语从句(含义/构成/关系词分类/关系词作用/定从技巧/判定成分/判定动词/表格)(1)定从技巧:1.确定先行词是人或者物 2.确定从句的成分 (2)如何判定成分:n s v o n s系表 n s v o n whose+n v o (3)如何判定动词为:及物或不及物: vt+宾语: spend/visit/set/achieve/steal/do/say/use/have/need/seevi+状语/介词+关系代词: live in house/stay at home/work(4)表格先行

2、词主语宾语定语人who/thatwhom/that或省略whose+n物which/thatwhich/that或省略whose+n先行词状语时间when地点where原因whywhich 限制性从句:先行词为物,从句中缺主语或宾语 非限制从句中:which 指代一件事/一个人/一个地方,; 逗号后不用thatthat先行词中有5种特殊情况 (先行词中有序数词/最高级/有不定代词all/something/有the only,the very/有人又有物修饰/)whose 技巧(2个) 1.whose+n 2.介词+whose+nwho 与whom区别1.those who. 2.whom做宾

3、语,先行词是人where :13个词语 (抽象地点,在句中做状语) atmosphere 氛围/大气activity 活动/area区域 condition情况/case 案例point 时刻/position 职位/位置situation情形/情景stage地步society社会 scene场景 stand 展台system 体系when:occasion 场合,时节(先行词表示时间,句中做状语) time/age/moment/seasonwhy: reason2. 名词性从句(分类/连接词)1.分类:主从、宾从、表从、同位语2.连接词分类:(1)有意义有成分连代:who/whoever/

4、whom/whomever/which/whichever/what/whatever连副:when/where/why/how(2)无意义无成分that(3)有意义无成分if/whether3.技巧 先判定为哪种从句,再确定从句所缺成分。主从1.what 型 (翻译:什么/.的事或物) 技巧:need/have/say/do /want+what2.it型 (that从句做主语,常用it做形式主语)It + be+ adj /名词词组/过去分词 It is obvious that很明显的是. It is natural that很自然的是.It is no wonder that 难怪.

5、It is a pity that 真遗憾.It is said that据说 It is reported that据报道宾从 1.v+o 2.介+o 表从 1.主系表 This is where our problem lies. 2.because 引导的句型 whether技巧:whether.or not 是.不是.总结:名从和定从中特殊点:1)定从无what,名从有what2) which 在定从名从翻译有区别3) 定从名从that 特殊用法有不同定语从句名词性从句what 无 主/宾 翻译:什么, 事物,东西which 主/宾 代指物 翻译:哪一个that 主/宾 代指人或物 只

6、起连接作用3. 状语从句(连词+翻译)时间状语从句 when/while/before/after/as soon as(主将从现) /immediately/ directly/ the moment/ the minute/the instant/once 一就when:1.be about to dowhen即将准备做sth这时.2. be doing.when正准备做.突然while:1.放句首,尽管 2. be doing while be doing 一边,一边 3.sb did while sth be doing/while sb be doing,sth did immedi

7、ately=at once=right awayinstant noodles/coffee 方便面/速溶咖啡It will be +时间段+before从句 多久之后才地点状语从句where/whereverWhere there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成原因状语从句because/because of/since/as/now that既然,由于/considering that考虑到.目的状语从句so that /in order that+句子为了/in order to+do 为了 (后加好事,can/could/will/would)for

8、fear that以防万一/ in case万一/ lest唯恐,以免,万一(后加坏事)结果状语从句 sothat such.that 条件状语从句 if/ unless=if .not 如果不,除非,否则. so long as 只要 in case如果/假如 on condition that 条件是方式状语从句 as/ as if /as though 方式状语从句放在主句之后让步状语从句 although/though(尽管,虽然)even though/even if(即使,尽管)whether. or (无论是.,还是.)比较状语从句as(not).as/than4. 非谓语动词

9、(含义/成分/技巧)在句中做状语规律总结:1.逗号后加doing ,_2.having done +一段时间(having learned for 5years,.)did+过去的时间(founded in 1931,.)3. be动词做状语,省略be (be)absorbed in 专心于. =be buried in (be)devoted to 奉献于.(be)faced with 面对. (be)known for 因.而出名 (be) caught in 陷入 (be) translated into 被翻译成.(be)exposed to 暴露于.4.only to do 表示出乎

10、意料的结果5.to do(目的)/ doing(主动/进行)/done(被动完成),sb/sth.分清楚与后面主语的关系做定语 前置falling leaves /fallen leaves 后置book published做宾语doing:look forward to期望做./ admit承认/ put off推迟/ appreciate欣赏,感激/ be used to/ be accustomed to习惯于./devote to奉献于/object to反对/ give up放弃/ get down to着手做/ feel like想要做. /insist on坚持to do /do

11、ing: mean to do打算做- mean doing意味着 cant help to do不能帮助做- cant help doing 情不自禁做go on to 继续做另一件事 -go on doing 继续做同一件事做宾补 have +宾语do sth 使.做sth doing sth 使一直做sth done使被做 动名词做主语 句型: It is/was + no use/good doing sth 做.是没用的5. 时态:(含义/结构/标志词/特殊题/技巧)技巧:1.由标志词选时态 2.由主语选主被动_(时间) 过去 过去将来 现在 将来一般 did would do am

12、/is/are will do was/were was/were to do do/does am/is/are going to do 进行 was doing am/is/are doing will be doing完成 had done has/have done will have done完成进行 has/have been doing(状态)时态/语态主动被动一般现在时am/is/aredo/doesam/is/are done一般过去时was/weredid was/were done一般将来时will /shall+ doam/is/are going to dobe ab

13、out to do (正要干.).whenbe to dowill be doneam/is/are going to be done现在进行时am/is/are doingam/is/are being done现在完成进行时has/have been doing 无过去进行时was/were doingwas/were being done将来进行时will be doingwill be being done现在完成时has/have donehas/have been done过去完成时had donehad been done将来完成时will have donewill have

14、been done一般现在时:(1)客观事实和客观存在 (时态 主被动 单复数)(2)火车、汽车、飞机、会议等时刻表,用一般现在时表将来技巧:with/as well as /along with/together with就前原则,与单复数,时态主被动混合考现在完成时:the number of /a number of 与时态 单复数混合考,the number of 后谓语动词用单数a number of 后谓语动词用复数结构;has/have done 标志词since+时间点 recently/currently/lately/in/over the last/past(few)ye

15、ars年/月/日so far/up to/till/by now/this +年/月特殊句式:It/This is the first time that sb have done sth (这是/sb 第一次做sth)It/This was the first time that sb had done sth现在完成进行时:(后加句子告诉动作何时结束掉)结构:has/have been doing 标志词:since+时间点/从句 for+一段时间 in/over the last/ past(few)年/月/日recently/lately, 并且强调动作在这段时间内的持续性。一般过去时

16、注意大语境为过去时,不管句中表达过去的几年几个月几天,都用一般过去式过去完成时by +过去时间 by the time+从句(从句为过去时),主句用过去完成时by the time+从句(从句为现在时),主句用将来完成时一般将来时祈使句+and/or+陈述句(一般将来时)6. 情态动词(含义/用法/技巧)情态动词+do 表示对现在的推测 情态动词+do 表示对过去的推测 肯定 否定must1.肯定必须(主观)2. 特殊义:偏要,非要3. must引导的一般疑问句,肯定用must,否定用neednt或dont have tomustnt 禁止must have done 表示对过去的肯定推测:过

17、去一定做过sthhave to 必须(客观)dont have to 不必can 1. 能=be able to表能力 2.表推测:可能cant 不能can /could have done1用于肯定句,表示:本能做却没做2.用于否定句和疑问句,表示不可能做.may 1. 表示可能 2.表请求 3.may/might as well 不妨4.may+主语+动原,表祝愿 may not 可能不may /might have done 过去或许做过sth(后常有be not sure)need 1.需要do2.sb need to do sth3.sth need.doing/to be done

18、neednt 不必 dont/doesntneed have done 需要做sthneednt have done 没有必要做sthshould1.应该 2.表可能性:按道理应该会 3.竟然shouldnt 不应该should /ought to have done 本应该做sth 而未做shouldnt have done 本不应该做sth而做了shall 用于一 三人称的疑问句,表请求shall 用于二三人称的肯定句,表示命令,义务,责任,警告,承诺,威胁,规定等shall not 不应该,不得,不可以will1. 表意愿,可用于各种人称 2.请求,建议3.表示习惯:总是,习惯于wont

19、 不会,将不had better do最好做.had better not do最好不要做.dare敢于do/to dodarent 不敢 dont/doesntused to 过去常常used not to 过去不.7. 情景交际(积累+理解句意)Its my pleasure这是我的荣幸With pleasure 我很愿意Im stuck.我被困住了Why bother 何必呢/为什么那么麻烦呢Go for it. 努力争取,加油Come on 1.加油 2.得了吧 3.快点Good for you.真了不起,你真行No wonder 难怪,不足为奇You bet 当然=Of course

20、I mean it. 我是认真的I get it. 我理解了I make it 我成功了A piece of cake小菜一碟Anything but that除那以外的任何事It couldnt be better. 再好不过了Thats right 没错Its all right 还好,没关系Not a bit 一点也不,丝毫不二完型解题技巧:(1到2遍写完型)1. 注意联系上下文,理解语境2. 注意原词复现(原词,近义词,反义词, 单词不同的词性等)3.固定搭配 (多积累)4.注意转折词 but/however/yet/while5.文末升华 (积极正能量,表达中心思想)完型考查名词和动

21、词比较多:名词:n+n/ a+adj+n/ v+n动词:v+adv v+n三阅读理解技巧汇总(考察词汇+语法+语感+文化背景+知识面)一题材:4类A 信息匹配题 B 故事类 C 科技类 D 哲理/文化/艺术二 题型:5种细节题/猜词题/态度题/推断题/主旨题三 做题思路:3步1. 理解文章问题,具体看问什么 4w+1h原则:when/where/why/what/how2.学会定位 (定段落和定句子)3.逐一排除选项(同义替换/找关键词)四5种题型的方法阅读理解技巧翻译题目+定位文章+逐个排除细节题找准出处,学会定位文章,逐一排除1.看主谓宾 (谓语肯否混淆)2.看修饰关系 (数量 程度)3.

22、同义词/同义句转换(近义词/正话反说)4.避免夸大夸小 /张冠李戴 /无中生有 不能过于绝对,出现绝对词 only/never/all/none/ any 为错误选项(太过绝对不要选,除非文中有具体说明)para 1 2 3true/or not5w+1h原则what/which/when/where/whyhow猜词题1.单词本身含义 延伸意义 词根词缀 (多积累)2. 生词意义 一词多意3.代词 it/this/that/these 指代什么,找上下文/上下句 spring春天 弹簧 泉涌deliver发送,接生态度题找关键词语出现频率较高的词语positive 积极的negative 消

23、极的optimistic 乐观的pessimistic悲观的推断题不选文中出现的答案(原句),要经过推理分析得答案infer 推断suggest建议indicate 表明主旨题由文中高频词来判断总结概括作者的中心思想全面 首尾 频率main ideakey point易于出题或者为答案处:1.专家说的话 sb/ expert says. sth shows.2.转折处 but/however 3.因果关系处:because因为 therefore 因此 4.特殊符号:!?- 问号后为重点5.汉字解释处 细节题:1. 看主谓宾 (主语出错,宾语出错)2. 看修饰 (数量关系,程度关系)3. 看特

24、殊点 (过于夸大夸小,无中生有,张冠李戴,过于绝对)4.看同义替换 (正话反说,同义替换,肯否对等)四阅读表达技巧:考查细节题 2-3道 提取信息+整合信息 1. 找出处 2.删介宾,留主谓举例:What is sb?He is a teacher. (身份)He teaches English.(干什么)He works in a school.(工作地点)考查猜词题 1道1.单词的积累,词本身含义2.结合上下文的理解猜测以及文章意思去猜主观发挥题 1道 符合题意即可,从一个角度去说, 言之有理即可。万能词:hard-working adj hard work v努力工作thankful/u

25、seful/helpful/meaning 有意义的书写:注意人称/时态/宾语/字数/要点五作文汇总(1)作文模板必背 第一段:(表达目的+主题)邮件类Im writing to tell you.主题投诉信Im sorry to hear that.主题邀请信Im glad /happy / delighted to invite you to .主题祝贺信 Im writing to express my congratulations on your.主题感谢信Im writing this letter to thank you for/express our thanks to 主题

26、申请信I am writing to tell you that Im suitable/fit for the job you are advertising.建议信 Im very glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to fit in适应,适合.求助信I am writing this letter to ask you to do me a favor/give me a hand.主题演讲稿 Its my great honor to stand here to deliver my speech.发表演讲

27、(可加或不加).,which plays an important/indispensable不可缺少的/passive被动的/bad role. (非限制定从) As for., we are supposed to应该 pay much attention to关注,注重 it. 第二段:(原因/理由/措施/建议/优势/求助内容/活动时间-地点)There are three reasons/every reason 充分的理由 to account for1.对.负责 2.做出.解释 3.说明.的原因 4.占据.比例 the fact谓语). It is generally acknow

28、ledged that众所周知. /when it comes to当提到,时候.First of all, , which (定从)Whats more/besides/further, it is obvious that .明显的是 Last but not the least, there is no doubt that毫无疑问. 第三段:(表达祝福/谢意/期盼回信)邮件/建议/邀请/申请I would be appreciate it if you take my suggestion/application/invitation into consideration. I loo

29、k forward to receiving your letter at your earliest convenience.感谢信:Thank you for your kindness again and we are looking forward to.祝贺信:Please accept my warmest /heartiest congratulations 求助信:I wonder if you can help me with these difficulties. I really appreciate it if you could help me.演讲稿:Thank y

30、ou for your listening.词语如何替换:1.动词 替换 -动词短语2.名词找近义词3. 副词找近义词4.介词变介词短语(2)作文句式汇总(11个句式+句子)1. there be 句型There are numerous obstacles that we need to overcome.2. It is adj for sb to do sthIt is wise for us to have some money put away for old age.存钱养老是明智之举3. Doing.is 动名词做主语,谓语动词用三单Taking regular exercise

31、 is beneficial to our health.4. What we should do is to do sthWhat we should do is to show our respect and love to parents. 5. 定语从句Ive participated in several similar activities, which equipped me with relevant experience./which helps to broaden our horizons6. 名词性从句I think what impresses me about hi

32、s learning is the way he uses. 7. 状语从句In order to enrich our school life, we should take part in a variety of activities.Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。8. 非谓语动词I can express myself fluently and clearly in English, helping me communicate with foreigners smoothly.9. 倒装 Not only.but als

33、o./Only .By getting the actively involved in this activity, not only did we promote our friendship, but also enriched our school life.Only through this activity did I realize that small things can make a real difference.10.The more. the better.The more friends we have, the more pleasure we can get.1

34、1. nothing is more important than . 是最重要的;没有比更重要Nothing is more important than to gain knowledge.When we are faced with difficulties, nothing is more important than confidence.1. There is no doubt that .毫无疑问.There is no doubt that it is an ideal opportunity for me to acquire work skills and improve

35、my ability.2. it is obvious (that) 显而易见It is obvious that knowledge plays an important role in our life.3. It is generally/ universally acknowledged that .It is generally acknowledged that Chinese people are hospitable.It_is_universally_acknowledged_that_reading_increases_our_knowledge_and_broadens

36、our mind.(3)作文素材积累:一环保类1. 提升环保意识 raise the awareness of environment2. 保持健康 keep health3. 小事情发挥大作用 Small thing makes a big difference4. 世界越和谐 the more.the more. By getting involved in the activity,it helps to raises the awareness of environmentWe should develop an awareness of trash sorting垃圾分类, whic

37、h should be deeply rooted in 根植于everyones mind.If we protect environment better, it is beneficial to help us keep health.Small thing makes a big difference in our daily life,we should pay more attention to it.The more we protect earth,the more harmonious the world is.二英语类1.自信 I am confident that2.流利

38、而清楚地表达自己 I can express myself fluently and clearly 3.有相关经历 I have relevant experience like this.I am confident that I am fit for the job that you are advertising.I can express myself fluently and clearly,which makes me communicate with foreigners smoothly.As for me, I have I have relevant experience

39、 like this.三节日类 (春节 母亲节 重阳节 端午节)1. 有意义的节日 a meaningful festival2. 社会重要组成的一部分,有很大影响3. 列举活动 such as/for instance/for exampleIt is universally acknowledged that Spring Festival is a meaningful festival.It makes great impact on us,which is the important part of our society.Spring Festival has numerous a

40、ctivities,such as paper cutting, making dumplings,setting off firecrackers and so on.What left me a deep impression was that you celebrated the Spring Festival by making Dumplings,because it is the Chinese traditional food which定从 represents the reunion团圆 of the family and the beginning of a new yea

41、r.四文化类1.中国传统文化博大精深2.加深对文化的理解3.我们要发扬传统文化Traditional Chinese culture is extensive and profound,which affects us deeply.Learning history is able to help us to enhance/deepen the understanding of Chinese culture.It is our duty to固定句式 carry forward发扬 Chinese traditional culture. What we should/ought to d

42、o is to transmit 传播from generation to generation.代代相传Learning Chinese will not only help you understand China better, but also broaden your horizon 开阔你的眼界and open your mind. 开拓你的思维I have a wide range of knowledge on Chinese culture.五活动类1. 开阔眼界 broaden ones horizons2. 交朋友 make more friends3. 丰富校园生活 e

43、nrich school lifeNot only can the activity broaden our horizons, but also make more friends who share common interests with us.By participating in the activity,which enriches my school life.What we should do is to participate in more activity when we are free.六申请信1. 有丰富的经验 have abundant experience2. 英语好 I have a good command of English3. 奉献精神 commit oneself to.I have abundant experience when I take up the job.I have a good command of English, which make me superior to others.I commit myself to providing e


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