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1、2024年陕西省西安市高新一中中考七模英语试题一、完形填空There was once a young man who liked puppets (木偶) so much. He became 1 student of a puppet-making master. Sadly, the young man was not so clever. His teacher and other classmates told him that he 2 no ability to make puppets and that he would never succeed.Even so, he en

2、joyed it so much that he worked day after day to improve 3 . But his teacher and other classmates 4 find something wrong with the puppets he made, so they kicked him out of the workshop.The young man wasnt going to give up 5 . Instead, he decided to spend all his time making just one kind of puppet.

3、 His puppet became a little bit better 6 his hard work. It was much better than anything that his old classmates made. However, he kept making improvements.He finished working on his excellent puppet 7 so many years of work. By the time he was an old man, his puppet had been 8 wonderful. He always r

4、eminded himself “I cant find anything wrong with it. This time it is perfect. ”And for the first time in all those years, instead of throwing his puppet away, he put it on the shelf. 9 !What made him succeed was not his talent but his 10 hard work. If you want to make a difference in your life, you

5、should keep it in your mind that success lies in never giving up.1AtheBaCanD/2AhaveBwas havingChasDhad3AhimBhimselfChisDhe4Awould neverBnever wouldCwould alwaysDalways would5Awhat he had doneBwhat had he doneCwhy he had doneDwhy had he done6AinBwithCatDof7AafterBifCwhenDbefore8AseriousBseriouslyCtru

6、eDtruly9AWhat satisfied the man wasBWhat satisfied man he wasCHow satisfied the man wasDHow satisfied man he was10A20 yearsB20 yearC20-yearsD20-yearIt was a sunny afternoon. Sam and his sister Lily were helping Mom 11 the room.“Hey, Sam,” said Mom. “Would you please put these paper-towel tubes (纸巾内管

7、) in the bin? “Sam looked at the tubes and something came to him.” He asked “Could I use them to make a 12 ? “Great idea!” said Mom. Do we have any other good recycling materials?” asked Sam. Come on. “Lets go and see what else we can find in 13 house”, said Mom.Then, they walked around in the house

8、 and kept 14 . “This box would be good”, Sam pointed out. But its full of books. “I was going to 15 those books on the shelves. Could you please give me a 16 ? Then you can have the box,” said Mom. Sam said excitedly “ 17 . “Now I only need several more things.” Sam continued. He happily collected a

9、ll his materials. He sat on the floor, cutting and gluing all afternoon.“I like your robot,” said Lily. “Thanks. But his head is broken, and I cant 18 it,” said Sam. “Hmm,” said Lily. She came up with an idea. She ran away and ran right back with an old hat. “Do you still remember this hat?” asked L

10、ily. “I wore it when I was a baby. Now its too 19 for me.” “Thanks, its perfect!” said Sam. “What do you think, Mr. Robot?”“I love it,” said Mr. Robot, in a funny voice. “You are really good 20 making things out of recycling materials.”11Afill upBclean outCbuild upDfind out12AboxBbookCrobotDplane13A

11、ourByourCtheirDits14ArunningBlisteningCcuttingDsearching15AtakeBputCbringDuse16ApenBhatClegDhand17AThats rightBNot at allCYou are welcomeDNo problem18AseeBgetCfixDhit19AbigBsmallCperfectDnew20AatBtoCforDwith二、阅读理解A Summer Study Tour in Zhijin Cave (洞)Do you know how the amazing karst caves were form

12、ed? How old are they? Please join us for an unforgettable summer study right now!Date: 10: 00 a. m. -4:00 p. m. July 25th.Location: Bijie City, Southwest Chinas Guizhou Province.Cost:(including transportation, meals and tickets)1 student signs up: 300/1 student.2 students sign up together: 20% disco

13、unt (折扣) together!You can have an adventure (冒险) journey, do some scientific findings and ecological (生态学的) exploration hereYou willLearn about geography and ecology in an interesting way that cant be found in class.Increase your courage and confidence and challenge yourself.Please call us at 781201

14、8 to learn more information and let you get knowledge and happiness during this summer tour!21Who is this passage written for?AStudents.BTeachers.CParents.DArtists.22They should pay _ if Li Ming signs up with two classmates.A240 yuanB300 yuanC720 yuanD900 yuan23What is the main purpose of the text?A

15、To study the history of Zhijin Cave.BTo find the amazing karst caves in Bijie City.CTo tell the importance of courage and confidence.DTo draw students attention to visit Zhijin Cave.Liang SichengProfession (职业): architectLived:1901-1972Hometown: Xinhui, GuangdongEducation: University of Pennsylvania

16、, USHe was the son of Liang Qichao, a famous Chinese thinker in the early 20th century. But he made a place for himself in architecture. Liang Sicheng is called the“father of modern Chinese architecture”. This year is the 120th anniversary of his birth. Liang studied architecture in the US. In 1928,

17、he returned to China with a strong interest in Chinese architecture. He was a pioneer in the historical research and exploration of Chinese architecture and city planning. In the 1930s and 1940s, Liang and his wife Lin Huiyin checked more than 2, 700 traditional buildings across the country. They me

18、asured (测量) and drew paintings of these buildings to help people better learn about them. His book, History of Chinese Architecture, was the first of its kind.Liang also worked hard to keep old architecture. After the Peoples Republic of China was set up in 1949, he worked as one of Beijings city pl

19、anners. He advised keeping the citys old walls and gates. Sadly, his advice was not accepted.Liang hoped that more young Chinese architects could help to build the country. He founded the architecture departments at Northeast University and Tsinghua University. Besides, Liang and his wife designed t

20、he Chinas national emblem (国徽) and Monument to the Peoples Heroes.24What did Liang Sicheng do after he came back to China?AHe measured Western buildings in China.BHe used traditional ways to study architecture.CHe wrote a book about the history of Chinese architecture.DHe checked more than 2, 700 ne

21、w buildings.25What do we know about Liangs advice for Beijings city plan?AHe wanted to pull down walls and gates.BHe tried to protect old architecture.CHe planned to draw a picture about Beijing.DHe hoped to build many new buildings.26The last paragraph is about _.Awho Liang met in collegeBwhere Lia

22、ng studied architectureChow young people helped build ChinaDwhat Liang did to develop architecture in ChinaAre you in a bad mood when you see your room filled with things? Are you feeling impatient when you cant find anything for a long time? Many people feel overwhelmed (喘不过气的) by too many things t

23、hey have. But it doesnt have to be that way. With a little bit of organization and planning, you can do some cleaning, create a more organized and stress-free space.Give away unwanted things. Cleaning is an important process to go through once in a while, especially when you have a lot of things you

24、 dont need or use. Not only does it make your home look and feel tidier, but it also helps deal with any negative (消极的) energy that may remain. You can give away unwanted things that you no longer need.Clean one room at a time. When you clean your home, its important to clean one room at a time. Thi

25、s will help you stay organized. Start with the room that you use the most or the room that needs the most attention. If you have a lot of things that you dont need, start with smaller areas like your desk. Break down the task into smaller goals, and take your time to make sure each area is cleaned a

26、nd organized.Label (贴标签). The key to cleaning is to keep the same things together and to label your boxes well. Write on the box which room it needs to go. Also, include what kinds of things are packed in the box. Yes, it takes a little time to do this, but youll be so thankful that you once did you

27、r things. This helps you find what you need.27According to the passage, you can build an organized and stress-free space by doing some _.AcleaningBshoppingCreadingDcooking28What are the advantages of giving away things you dont need?make you keep your room cleanmake you find things quicklymake you s

28、tay organizedmake you deal with negative feelingsABCD29What should we pay attention to when cleaning one room?AWe should clean the most used room first.BWe should clean all rooms at once.CWe have to start by cleaning the desk.DWe have to make sure each room is cleaned and organized.30Whats the best

29、title for this passage?AReasons to do cleaning at a timeBWays to create a more organized spaceCSuggestions on dealing with unwanted thingsDExamples on how to label boxes根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Zhen Xin, from Beijing, just finished the “Five Great Mountains Challenge” in August, 2023

30、in only five days. She is only 16 years old, 31 . The “Five Great Mountains Challenge” is about climbing Chinas five greatest mountains -Mount Tai in Shandong, Mount Hua in Shaanxi, Mount Song in Henan, Mount Heng in Shanxi, andMount Heng in Hunan-in 100 days. Because of the hot weather, Zhen did mo

31、st of her hiking at night. “When you cant see whats coming next, many of your fears and worries go away. 32 .” Zhen explained. Zhen said the key to hiking is ones mentality (心态). Whenever she came across a vendor booth (货摊) along the hiking road, 33 . And whenever she felt she was about to give up,

32、she would treat herself to a drink or some snacks. Of all the mountains she climbed, Mount Hua stood out as her favorite because of its steeper trails. “Theyre more dangerous than those of the other four mountains,” she said. But instead of making her afraid, the challenge improved her concentration

33、 (专注力). 34 . It was caused by the largest tourist rush she had ever seen. “We could only move up one step every five minutes or so,” she said.Zhen decided to climb the five great mountains when she finished her junior high school. “ 35 . As I grow older, I want to share them with others,” she said.A

34、she will feel scared easilyBYoure less likely to give upCshe would stop and rest for a whileDI want to have some special experiencesEso she became the youngest person to do thatFshe would remind herself to carry on until the next oneGHowever, Zhen said the most difficult hike was climbing Mount Tai三

35、、完成句子36那些外国人对中国的快速发展感到惊讶。Those foreigners are Chinas rapid development.37这件短袖是用丝绸做的,摸起来很光滑。This T-shirt is silk and it feels very smooth.38我们应该珍惜我们的友谊让生活变得更加美好。We should and make our life better.39初心如磐,使命在肩。The original heart is like a rock, and the mission is on the .40疫情之后,人们可以自由旅行。After the pande

36、mic, people can .四、选词填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)muchcarefulseempersonenjoymusicianfindthistwodevelopIs there a connection between music and language? According to recent studies, the answer is yes. Music plays an important role in 41 certain language abilities in the brain. Resear

37、ch shows playing a musical instrument can improve a 42 hearing ability. In the study, two groups listen to a person speaking in a noisy room. The people in the first group were musicians while those in the 43 group had no musical training. The first group was 44 to be able to hear the talking person

38、 more easily. Nina, the study leader says people hear better because of paying 45 attention to certain sounds. For example, the violinists must listen 46 to what they are playing and ignore(忽略)the other sounds when they play in an orchestra. In this way, 47 can hear certain sounds better, even in a

39、room with lots of noise.Gottfried, a doctor at Harvard Medical School, work with stroke (中风) patients. Because of their illness, 48 people cannot say their names, addresses, phone numbers or other information normally. But they can still sing. Finally, Dr. Schlaug found singing words helped his pati

40、ents speak. Music 49 to be able to make different parts of the brain more active, including the bad parts.So music is not only 50 , but also good for us in many other ways. Playing an instrument or singing, says Nina Kraus, can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp as we get older.五、任

41、务型阅读阅读下面材料,根据材料内容,完成下面各题。Sleep is very important to people of all ages. Sleep deprivation (睡眠缺失) can affect our ability to work and study. Here are five pieces of _1_ about sleep.How many hours of sleep do we need each day?New borns: 14-17Teenagers: 8-10Adults: 7-9Elderly adults:7-8Tiredness usually

42、 peaks (达到高峰) twice a day, at 2 a. m. and 2 p. m.If you fall asleep within 5 minutes, you are short of sleep. The ideal (理想的) time is between 10 and 15 minutes.People can make terrible mistakes if they dont get enough sleep. A lack (缺乏) of sleep plays a role in accidents such as:the Exxon Valdez oil

43、 spillthe Challenger space shuttle disasterthe Cher no by I nuclear accidentAdult humans sleep about 3 hours less than other primates (灵长类动物).Monkeys sleep around 10 hours a day.51What time do people feel the sleepiest during a day?People feel the sleepiest 52About sleeping time, how many kinds of p

44、eople are listed in the passage?There are .53How does the writer prove (证明) a lack of sleep plays a role in accidents?The writer proves it by 54Which word can be put in _1_ above?Five pieces of about sleep.55What book is this passage probably taken from?Its probably taken from a book about .六、补全对话根据

45、下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Hi, Mike. Long time no see. What are you doing these days?B: I am preparing for the marathon (马拉松赛跑) in our city. 56 .A: Wow! A volunteer? You are so great. When will it be held?B: Next month.A: 57 ?B: A lot of things. I will pick up rubbish, offer water to the ru

46、nners and take photos of them.A: Sounds cool. I want to be a volunteer, too. 58 ?B: You should fill in the form on the Internet by Friday. Then you will get a call.A: 59 ?B: You will also have an interview. I am sure you can make it.A: 60 .B: You are welcome.七、书面表达61紧张的初中生活就要结束了,你即将迎来一个轻松的暑假。请根据下图中的提示,以“My Summer Vac


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